path: root/src/pycryptopp/publickey
diff options
authorMicah Anderson <>2013-08-22 16:39:52 -0400
committerMicah Anderson <>2013-08-22 16:39:52 -0400
commit5e60e0e3af85f22aa0afe8bf0ecf85619afacfeb (patch)
tree6a91a3de86fa8de0b4167cc947ab72991bf8da31 /src/pycryptopp/publickey
parent30e9097985656920f01a72efc1088caa2b8d41b3 (diff)
Imported Upstream version
Diffstat (limited to 'src/pycryptopp/publickey')
10 files changed, 1045 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/pycryptopp/publickey/ b/src/pycryptopp/publickey/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be9d7ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pycryptopp/publickey/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+import ecdsa, rsa, ed25519
+quiet_pyflakes=[ecdsa, rsa, ed25519]
diff --git a/src/pycryptopp/publickey/ b/src/pycryptopp/publickey/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c25ba33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pycryptopp/publickey/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from pycryptopp import _import_my_names
+_import_my_names(globals(), "ecdsa_")
+del _import_my_names
diff --git a/src/pycryptopp/publickey/ecdsamodule.cpp b/src/pycryptopp/publickey/ecdsamodule.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ec7eec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pycryptopp/publickey/ecdsamodule.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,523 @@
+* Things to do:
+* Make it work and pass tests.
+* compressed pub keys -- check out Wei Dai's example code on mailinglist as linked to from pycryptopp trac by Brian
+* Make new KDF (standard, Crypto++-compatible).
+* in C++
+* in Python
+* use Crypto++ Randomize()'s
+* provide RNG class which is P1363-SHA-256
+* Profit!
+* Migrate pair-programming to Bespin.
+* Put a Tahoe backend under Bespin.
+ * ecdsamodule.cpp -- Python wrappers around Crypto++'s
+ * ECDSA(1363)/EMSA1(SHA-256) -- <a
+ * href="">ECDSA</a>.
+ *
+ * The keys (192-bit) use the curve ASN1::secp192r1() and SHA-256 as the
+ * hash function. The Key Derivation Protocol is P1363_KDF2<SHA256>
+ *
+ * to generate private (signing) keys from unguessable seeds -- see
+ * source code for details and doc string for usage.
+ */
+#include <Python.h>
+#if (PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x02050000)
+typedef int Py_ssize_t;
+#include <math.h>
+#include "ecdsamodule.hpp"
+/* from Crypto++ */
+#include <cryptopp/filters.h>
+#include <cryptopp/osrng.h>
+#include <cryptopp/eccrypto.h>
+#include <cryptopp/oids.h>
+#include <cryptopp/tiger.h>
+#include <cryptopp/sha.h>
+#include <cryptopp/pubkey.h>
+// only needed for debugging -- the _dump() function
+#include <iostream>
+#include <cryptopp/ecp.h>
+#include <cryptopp/hex.h>
+#include <src-cryptopp/filters.h>
+#include <src-cryptopp/osrng.h>
+#include <src-cryptopp/eccrypto.h>
+#include <src-cryptopp/oids.h>
+#include <src-cryptopp/tiger.h>
+#include <src-cryptopp/sha.h>
+#include <src-cryptopp/pubkey.h>
+// only needed for debugging -- the _dump() function
+#include <iostream>
+#include <src-cryptopp/ecp.h>
+#include <src-cryptopp/hex.h>
+static const int KEY_SIZE_BITS=192;
+static const char*const ecdsa___doc__ = "ecdsa -- ECDSA(1363)/EMSA1(Tiger) signatures\n\
+To create a new ECDSA signing key (deterministically from a 12-byte seed), construct an instance of the class, passing the seed as argument, i.e. SigningKey(seed).\n\
+To get a verifying key from a signing key, call get_verifying_key() on the signing key instance.\n\
+To deserialize an ECDSA verifying key from a string, call VerifyingKey(serialized_verifying_key).";
+static PyObject *ecdsa_error;
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ /* internal */
+ ECDSA<ECP, Tiger>::Verifier *k;
+} VerifyingKey;
+"an ECDSA verifying key");
+static int
+VerifyingKey___init__(PyObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwdict) {
+ static const char *kwlist[] = { "serializedverifyingkey", NULL };
+ const char *serializedverifyingkey;
+ Py_ssize_t serializedverifyingkeysize = 0;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwdict, "t#:VerifyingKey__init__", const_cast<char**>(kwlist), &serializedverifyingkey, &serializedverifyingkeysize))
+ return NULL;
+ assert (serializedverifyingkeysize >= 0);
+ if (serializedverifyingkeysize != 25) {
+ PyErr_Format(ecdsa_error, "Precondition violation: size in bits is required to be %d (for %d-bit key), but it was %Zd", 25, KEY_SIZE_BITS, serializedverifyingkeysize);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ VerifyingKey *mself = reinterpret_cast<VerifyingKey*>(self);
+ StringSource ss(reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(serializedverifyingkey), serializedverifyingkeysize, true);
+ ECP::Element element;
+ DL_GroupParameters_EC<ECP> params(ASN1::secp192r1());
+ params.SetPointCompression(true);
+ try {
+ element = params.DecodeElement(reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(serializedverifyingkey), true);
+ mself->k = new ECDSA<ECP, Tiger>::Verifier(params, element);
+ if (!mself->k) {
+ PyErr_NoMemory();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ } catch (InvalidDataFormat le) {
+ PyErr_Format(ecdsa_error, "Serialized verifying key was corrupted. Crypto++ gave this exception: %s", le.what());
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static void
+VerifyingKey_dealloc(VerifyingKey* self) {
+ if (self->k)
+ delete self->k;
+ self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+static PyObject *
+VerifyingKey_verify(VerifyingKey *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwdict) {
+ static const char *kwlist[] = { "msg", "signature", NULL };
+ const char *msg;
+ Py_ssize_t msgsize;
+ const char *signature;
+ Py_ssize_t signaturesize = 0;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwdict, "t#t#:verify", const_cast<char**>(kwlist), &msg, &msgsize, &signature, &signaturesize))
+ return NULL;
+ assert (msgsize >= 0);
+ assert (signaturesize >= 0);
+ if (self->k->VerifyMessage(reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(msg), msgsize, reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(signature), signaturesize))
+ else
+"Return whether the signature is a valid signature on the msg.");
+static PyObject *
+VerifyingKey_serialize(VerifyingKey *self, PyObject *dummy) {
+ ECDSA<ECP, Tiger>::Verifier *pubkey;
+ pubkey = new ECDSA<ECP, Tiger>::Verifier(*(self->k));
+ const DL_GroupParameters_EC<ECP>& params = pubkey->GetKey().GetGroupParameters();
+ Py_ssize_t len = params.GetEncodedElementSize(true);
+ PyObject* result = PyString_FromStringAndSize(NULL, len);
+ if (!result)
+ return NULL;
+ params.EncodeElement(true, pubkey->GetKey().GetPublicElement(),
+ reinterpret_cast<byte*>(PyString_AS_STRING(result)));
+ return result;
+"Return a string containing the key material. The string can be passed to \n\
+the constructor of VerifyingKey to instantiate a new copy of this key.");
+static PyMethodDef VerifyingKey_methods[] = {
+ {"verify", reinterpret_cast<PyCFunction>(VerifyingKey_verify), METH_KEYWORDS, VerifyingKey_verify__doc__},
+ {"serialize", reinterpret_cast<PyCFunction>(VerifyingKey_serialize), METH_NOARGS, VerifyingKey_serialize__doc__},
+ {NULL},
+static PyTypeObject VerifyingKey_type = {
+ 0, /*ob_size*/
+ "ecdsa.VerifyingKey", /*tp_name*/
+ sizeof(VerifyingKey), /*tp_basicsize*/
+ 0, /*tp_itemsize*/
+ (destructor)VerifyingKey_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
+ 0, /*tp_print*/
+ 0, /*tp_getattr*/
+ 0, /*tp_setattr*/
+ 0, /*tp_compare*/
+ 0, /*tp_repr*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_number*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_sequence*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_mapping*/
+ 0, /*tp_hash */
+ 0, /*tp_call*/
+ 0, /*tp_str*/
+ 0, /*tp_getattro*/
+ 0, /*tp_setattro*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
+ VerifyingKey__doc__, /* tp_doc */
+ 0, /* tp_traverse */
+ 0, /* tp_clear */
+ 0, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ VerifyingKey_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ 0, /* tp_members */
+ 0, /* tp_getset */
+ 0, /* tp_base */
+ 0, /* tp_dict */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_get */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_set */
+ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+ VerifyingKey___init__, /* tp_init */
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ /* internal */
+ ECDSA<ECP, Tiger>::Signer *k;
+} SigningKey;
+static void
+SigningKey_dealloc(SigningKey* self) {
+ if (self->k)
+ delete self->k;
+ self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+static const char* TAG_AND_SALT = "102:pycryptopp v0.5.3 key derivation algorithm using Tiger hash to generate ECDSA 192-bit secret exponents," \
+ "16:H1yGNvUONoc0FD1d,";
+static const size_t TAG_AND_SALT_len = 127;
+/** copied from Crypto++'s integer.cpp */
+/** The following is in Crypto++'s integer.cpp and we use them:
+* void Integer::Randomize(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, size_t nbits)
+* {
+* const size_t nbytes = nbits/8 + 1;
+* SecByteBlock buf(nbytes);
+* rng.GenerateBlock(buf, nbytes);
+* if (nbytes)
+* buf[0] = (byte)Crop(buf[0], nbits % 8);
+* Decode(buf, nbytes, UNSIGNED);
+* }
+* void Integer::Randomize(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const Integer &min, const Integer &max)
+* {
+* if (min > max)
+* throw InvalidArgument("Integer: Min must be no greater than Max");
+* Integer range = max - min;
+* const unsigned int nbits = range.BitCount();
+* do
+* {
+* Randomize(rng, nbits);
+* }
+* while (*this > range);
+* *this += min;
+* }
+static int
+SigningKey___init__(PyObject* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwdict) {
+ static const char *kwlist[] = { "seed", NULL };
+ const char* seed;
+ Py_ssize_t seedlen;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwdict, "t#:SigningKey___init__", const_cast<char**>(kwlist), &seed, &seedlen)) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (seedlen != 12) {
+ PyErr_Format(ecdsa_error, "Precondition violation: seed is required to be of length 12, but it was %zd", seedlen);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ OID curve;
+ Integer grouporderm1;
+ byte privexpbytes[24] = {0};
+ Integer privexponentm1;
+ privexponentm1.Decode(privexpbytes, sizeof(privexpbytes)); assert (privexponentm1 == 0); // just checking..
+ DL_GroupParameters_EC<ECP> params(ASN1::secp192r1());
+ params.SetPointCompression(true);
+ grouporderm1 = params.GetGroupOrder() - 1;
+ Tiger t;
+ t.Update(reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(TAG_AND_SALT), TAG_AND_SALT_len);
+ t.Update(reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(seed), seedlen);
+ t.TruncatedFinal(privexpbytes, Tiger::DIGESTSIZE);
+ privexponentm1.Decode(privexpbytes, sizeof(privexpbytes));
+ while (privexponentm1 >= grouporderm1) {
+ Tiger t2;
+ t2.Update(reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(TAG_AND_SALT), TAG_AND_SALT_len);
+ std::cerr << "WHEE " << sizeof(privexpbytes) << "\n";std::cerr.flush();
+ t2.Update(privexpbytes, sizeof(privexpbytes));
+ t2.TruncatedFinal(privexpbytes, Tiger::DIGESTSIZE);
+ privexponentm1.Decode(privexpbytes, sizeof(privexpbytes));
+ }
+ SigningKey* mself = reinterpret_cast<SigningKey*>(self);
+ mself->k = new ECDSA<ECP, Tiger>::Signer(params, privexponentm1+1);
+ if (!mself->k) {
+ PyErr_NoMemory();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+"Create a signing key (192 bits) deterministically from the given seed.\n\
+This implies that if someone can guess the seed then they can learn the signing key. A good way to get an unguessable seed is os.urandom(12).\n\
+@param seed seed\n\
+@precondition len(seed) >= ceil(sizeinbits/16.0)");
+static PyObject *
+SigningKey__dump(SigningKey *self, PyObject *dummy) {
+ const DL_GroupParameters_EC<ECP>& gp = self->k->GetKey().GetGroupParameters();
+ std::cout << "whee " << gp.GetEncodedElementSize(true) << "\a";
+ std::cout << "booo " << gp.GetEncodedElementSize(false) << "\n";
+ ECPPoint p = gp.GetSubgroupGenerator();
+ std::cout << "generator " << p.x << ", " << p.y << "\n";
+ std::cout << "GroupOrder: ";
+ std::cout << gp.GetGroupOrder();
+ std::cout << "\n";
+ std::string s;
+ StringSink* ss = new StringSink(s);
+ HexEncoder he(ss);
+ std::cout << "AlgorithmID: ";
+ gp.GetAlgorithmID().DEREncode(he);
+ std::cout << s << "\n";
+ const ECP& ec = gp.GetCurve();
+ Integer fieldsize = ec.FieldSize();
+ std::cout << "field size " << fieldsize.BitCount() << " " << fieldsize.ByteCount() << " " << ec.FieldSize() << "\n";
+ std::cout << "Curve: ";
+ std::cout << "curve field max element bit length: " << ec.GetField().MaxElementBitLength() << "\n";
+ std::cout << "curve field modulus: " << ec.GetField().GetModulus() << "\n";
+ std::cout << "curve A: " << ec.GetA() << ", curve B: " << ec.GetB();
+ const ECP::Field& f = ec.GetField();
+ std::cout << "curve field modulus: " << f.GetModulus() << "\n";
+ std::cout << "curve field identity: " << f.Identity() << "\n";
+ std::string cfs;
+ StringSink* cfss = new StringSink(cfs);
+ HexEncoder cfhe(cfss);
+ f.DEREncode(cfhe);
+ std::cout << "curve field derencoding: " << cfs << "\n";
+ const CryptoMaterial& cm = self->k->GetMaterial();
+ Integer i;
+ cm.GetValue("SubgroupOrder", i);
+ std::cout << "\n";
+ std::cout << "SubgroupOrder: ";
+ std::cout << i;
+ std::cout << "\n";
+ ECP::Element e;
+ cm.GetValue("SubgroupGenerator", e);
+ std::cout << "SubgroupGenerator: ";
+ std::cout << e.x << ", " << e.y;
+ std::cout << "\n";
+ std::cout << "private key: ";
+ const PrivateKey& privkey = self->k->GetPrivateKey();
+ std::cout << privkey.GetValueNames() << "\n";
+ Integer privi;
+ privkey.GetValue("PrivateExponent", privi);
+ std::cout << privi << "\n";
+ std::cout << "numbits: " << privi.BitCount() << "\n";
+ std::cout << "numbytes: " << privi.ByteCount() << "\n";
+"Print to stdout some descriptions of the math pieces.");
+static PyObject *
+SigningKey_sign(SigningKey *self, PyObject *msgobj) {
+ const char *msg;
+ Py_ssize_t msgsize;
+ PyString_AsStringAndSize(msgobj, const_cast<char**>(&msg), reinterpret_cast<Py_ssize_t*>(&msgsize));
+ assert (msgsize >= 0);
+ Py_ssize_t sigsize;
+ sigsize = self->k->SignatureLength();
+ PyStringObject* result = reinterpret_cast<PyStringObject*>(PyString_FromStringAndSize(NULL, sigsize));
+ if (!result)
+ return NULL;
+ assert (sigsize >= 0);
+ AutoSeededRandomPool randpool(false); //XXX
+ Py_ssize_t siglengthwritten;
+ try {
+ siglengthwritten = self->k->SignMessage(
+ randpool,
+ reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(msg),
+ msgsize,
+ reinterpret_cast<byte*>(PyString_AS_STRING(result)));
+ } catch (InvalidDataFormat le) {
+ Py_DECREF(result);
+ return PyErr_Format(ecdsa_error, "Signing key was corrupted. Crypto++ gave this exception: %s", le.what());
+ }
+ if (siglengthwritten < sigsize)
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d: %s: %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, "SigningKey_sign", "INTERNAL ERROR: signature was shorter than expected.");
+ else if (siglengthwritten > sigsize) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d: %s: %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, "SigningKey_sign", "INTERNAL ERROR: signature was longer than expected, so memory was invalidly overwritten.");
+ abort();
+ }
+ assert (siglengthwritten >= 0);
+ return reinterpret_cast<PyObject*>(result);
+ "Return a signature on the argument."); //XXX If randseed is not None then it is required to be an "); // XXX randseed!
+static PyObject *
+SigningKey_get_verifying_key(SigningKey *self, PyObject *dummy) {
+ VerifyingKey *verifier = PyObject_New(VerifyingKey, &VerifyingKey_type);
+ if (!verifier)
+ return NULL;
+ verifier->k = new ECDSA<ECP, Tiger>::Verifier(*(self->k));
+ if (!verifier->k)
+ return PyErr_NoMemory();
+ verifier->k->AccessKey().AccessGroupParameters().SetPointCompression(true);
+ return reinterpret_cast<PyObject*>(verifier);
+"Return the corresponding verifying key.");
+static PyMethodDef SigningKey_methods[] = {
+ {"sign", reinterpret_cast<PyCFunction>(SigningKey_sign), METH_O, SigningKey_sign__doc__},
+ {"_dump", reinterpret_cast<PyCFunction>(SigningKey__dump), METH_NOARGS, SigningKey__dump__doc__},
+ {"get_verifying_key", reinterpret_cast<PyCFunction>(SigningKey_get_verifying_key), METH_NOARGS, SigningKey_get_verifying_key__doc__},
+ {NULL},
+static PyTypeObject SigningKey_type = {
+ 0, /*ob_size*/
+ "ecdsa.SigningKey", /*tp_name*/
+ sizeof(SigningKey), /*tp_basicsize*/
+ 0, /*tp_itemsize*/
+ (destructor)SigningKey_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
+ 0, /*tp_print*/
+ 0, /*tp_getattr*/
+ 0, /*tp_setattr*/
+ 0, /*tp_compare*/
+ 0, /*tp_repr*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_number*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_sequence*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_mapping*/
+ 0, /*tp_hash */
+ 0, /*tp_call*/
+ 0, /*tp_str*/
+ 0, /*tp_getattro*/
+ 0, /*tp_setattro*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
+ Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, /*tp_flags*/
+ SigningKey__init____doc__, /* tp_doc */
+ 0, /* tp_traverse */
+ 0, /* tp_clear */
+ 0, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ SigningKey_methods, /* tp_methods */
+ 0, /* tp_members */
+ 0, /* tp_getset */
+ 0, /* tp_base */
+ 0, /* tp_dict */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_get */
+ 0, /* tp_descr_set */
+ 0, /* tp_dictoffset */
+ SigningKey___init__, /* tp_init */
+init_ecdsa(PyObject*const module) {
+ VerifyingKey_type.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;
+ if (PyType_Ready(&VerifyingKey_type) < 0)
+ return;
+ Py_INCREF(&VerifyingKey_type);
+ PyModule_AddObject(module, "ecdsa_VerifyingKey", (PyObject *)&VerifyingKey_type);
+ SigningKey_type.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;
+ if (PyType_Ready(&SigningKey_type) < 0)
+ return;
+ Py_INCREF(&SigningKey_type);
+ PyModule_AddObject(module, "ecdsa_SigningKey", (PyObject *)&SigningKey_type);
+ ecdsa_error = PyErr_NewException(const_cast<char*>("_ecdsa.Error"), NULL, NULL);
+ PyModule_AddObject(module, "ecdsa_Error", ecdsa_error);
+ PyModule_AddStringConstant(module, "ecdsa___doc__", const_cast<char*>(ecdsa___doc__));
diff --git a/src/pycryptopp/publickey/ecdsamodule.hpp b/src/pycryptopp/publickey/ecdsamodule.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad3c4fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pycryptopp/publickey/ecdsamodule.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+init_ecdsa(PyObject* module);
+#endif /* #ifndef __INCL_ECDSAMODULE_HPP */
diff --git a/src/pycryptopp/publickey/ed25519/ b/src/pycryptopp/publickey/ed25519/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f399769
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pycryptopp/publickey/ed25519/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+from keys import (BadSignatureError, SigningKey, VerifyingKey)
+(BadSignatureError, SigningKey, VerifyingKey) # hush pyflakes
+from _version import get_versions
+__version__ = get_versions()['version']
+del get_versions
diff --git a/src/pycryptopp/publickey/ed25519/ b/src/pycryptopp/publickey/ed25519/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1d12a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pycryptopp/publickey/ed25519/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# This file was generated by '' (0.7) from
+# revision-control system data, or from the parent directory name of an
+# unpacked source archive. Distribution tarballs contain a pre-generated copy
+# of this file.
+version_version = '1.0'
+version_full = '519b740ca2c67f0ba4c2758ed1c17f11df561ee7'
+def get_versions(default={}, verbose=False):
+ return {'version': version_version, 'full': version_full}
diff --git a/src/pycryptopp/publickey/ed25519/ b/src/pycryptopp/publickey/ed25519/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d7eafb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pycryptopp/publickey/ed25519/
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+import _ed25519
+BadSignatureError = _ed25519.BadSignatureError
+class SigningKey(object):
+ # this is how all keys are created
+ def __init__(self, sk_bytes):
+ if not isinstance(sk_bytes, type("")):
+ raise TypeError("must be bytes, not %s" % type(sk_bytes))
+ if len(sk_bytes) != 32:
+ raise ValueError("must be exactly 32 bytes")
+ vk_bytes, sk_and_vk = _ed25519.publickey(sk_bytes)
+ assert sk_and_vk[:32] == sk_bytes
+ assert vk_bytes == sk_and_vk[32:]
+ self.vk_bytes = vk_bytes
+ self.sk_and_vk = sk_and_vk
+ def __eq__(self, them):
+ if not isinstance(them, object): return False
+ return (them.__class__ == self.__class__
+ and them.sk_and_vk == self.sk_and_vk)
+ def get_verifying_key_bytes(self):
+ return self.vk_bytes
+ def sign(self, msg):
+ sig_and_msg = _ed25519.sign(msg, self.sk_and_vk)
+ # the response is R+S+msg
+ sig_R = sig_and_msg[0:32]
+ sig_S = sig_and_msg[32:64]
+ msg_out = sig_and_msg[64:]
+ sig_out = sig_R + sig_S
+ assert msg_out == msg
+ return sig_out
+class VerifyingKey(object):
+ def __init__(self, vk_bytes):
+ if not isinstance(vk_bytes, type("")):
+ raise TypeError("must be bytes, not %s" % type(vk_bytes))
+ if len(vk_bytes) != 32:
+ raise ValueError("must be exactly 32 bytes")
+ self.vk_bytes = vk_bytes
+ def __eq__(self, them):
+ if not isinstance(them, object): return False
+ return (them.__class__ == self.__class__
+ and them.vk_bytes == self.vk_bytes)
+ def verify(self, sig, msg):
+ assert isinstance(sig, type("")) # string, really bytes
+ assert len(sig) == 64
+ sig_R = sig[:32]
+ sig_S = sig[32:]
+ sig_and_msg = sig_R + sig_S + msg
+ # this might raise BadSignatureError
+ msg2 =, self.vk_bytes)
+ assert msg2 == msg
+def selftest():
+ from binascii import unhexlify
+ message = "crypto libraries should always test themselves at powerup"
+ sk_bytes = unhexlify("548b1f9f938519ad3d527d8c47a1e6ec1439fbec61710b245363865c6f234899")
+ sk = SigningKey(sk_bytes)
+ vk_bytes = unhexlify("787162d9ad1ad571237681560c1ad653fb7df9e09e637e6a8072e4520fd288ca")
+ vk = VerifyingKey(vk_bytes)
+ assert sk.get_verifying_key_bytes() == vk_bytes
+ sig = sk.sign(message)
+ assert sig == "13f42bc2d485e76c7cfaad25e1a840ede25b44a73befb0a528d836d7b434cf87e260c09d980388fab4cb564885857ea4dc3fb04107ca74960cc5a4d415fbf50d".decode('hex'), sig
+ vk.verify(sig, message)
diff --git a/src/pycryptopp/publickey/ b/src/pycryptopp/publickey/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb498a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pycryptopp/publickey/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from pycryptopp import _import_my_names
+_import_my_names(globals(), "rsa_")
+del _import_my_names
diff --git a/src/pycryptopp/publickey/rsamodule.cpp b/src/pycryptopp/publickey/rsamodule.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f423017
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pycryptopp/publickey/rsamodule.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+ * rsamodule.cpp -- Python wrappers around Crypto++'s RSA-PSS-SHA256
+ * more precisely:
+ * <a href="">PSS-MGF1</a>
+ * with RSA as the public key algorithm and SHA-256 as the hash function
+ */
+#include <Python.h>
+#if (PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x02050000)
+typedef int Py_ssize_t;
+#include "rsamodule.hpp"
+/* from Crypto++ */
+#include <cryptopp/filters.h>
+#include <cryptopp/osrng.h>
+#include <cryptopp/pssr.h>
+#include <cryptopp/rsa.h>
+#include <src-cryptopp/filters.h>
+#include <src-cryptopp/osrng.h>
+#include <src-cryptopp/pssr.h>
+#include <src-cryptopp/rsa.h>
+static const char*const rsa___doc__ = "_rsa -- RSA-PSS-SHA256 signatures\n\
+To create a new RSA signing key from the operating system's random number generator, call generate().\n\
+To deserialize an RSA signing key from a string, call create_signing_key_from_string().\n\
+To get an RSA verifying key from an RSA signing key, call get_verifying_key() on the signing key.\n\
+To deserialize an RSA verifying key from a string, call create_verifying_key_from_string().";
+static PyObject *rsa_error;
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ /* internal */
+ RSASS<PSS, SHA256>::Verifier *k;
+} VerifyingKey;
+"an RSA verifying key");
+static void
+VerifyingKey_dealloc(VerifyingKey* self) {
+ if (self->k)
+ delete self->k;
+ self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+static PyObject *
+VerifyingKey_verify(VerifyingKey *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwdict) {
+ static const char *kwlist[] = { "msg", "signature", NULL };
+ const char *msg;
+ Py_ssize_t msgsize;
+ const char *signature;
+ Py_ssize_t signaturesize = 0;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwdict, "t#t#:verify", const_cast<char**>(kwlist), &msg, &msgsize, &signature, &signaturesize))
+ return NULL;
+ assert (msgsize >= 0);
+ assert (signaturesize >= 0);
+ Py_ssize_t sigsize = self->k->SignatureLength();
+ if (sigsize != signaturesize)
+ return PyErr_Format(rsa_error, "Precondition violation: signatures are required to be of size %zu, but it was %zu", sigsize, signaturesize);
+ assert (sigsize >= 0);
+ assert (signaturesize == sigsize);
+ if (self->k->VerifyMessage(reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(msg), msgsize, reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(signature), signaturesize))
+ else
+"Return whether the signature is a valid signature on the msg.");
+static PyObject *
+VerifyingKey_serialize(VerifyingKey *self, PyObject *dummy) {
+ std::string outstr;
+ StringSink ss(outstr);
+ self->k->DEREncode(ss);
+ PyStringObject* result = reinterpret_cast<PyStringObject*>(PyString_FromStringAndSize(outstr.c_str(), outstr.size()));
+ if (!result)
+ return NULL;
+ return reinterpret_cast<PyObject*>(result);
+"Return a string containing the key material. The string can be passed to \n\
+create_verifying_key_from_string() to instantiate a new copy of this key.");
+static PyMethodDef VerifyingKey_methods[] = {
+ {"verify", reinterpret_cast<PyCFunction>(VerifyingKey_verify), METH_KEYWORDS, VerifyingKey_verify__doc__},
+ {"serialize", reinterpret_cast<PyCFunction>(VerifyingKey_serialize), METH_NOARGS, VerifyingKey_serialize__doc__},
+ {NULL},
+static PyTypeObject VerifyingKey_type = {
+ 0, /*ob_size*/
+ "_rsa.VerifyingKey", /*tp_name*/
+ sizeof(VerifyingKey), /*tp_basicsize*/
+ 0, /*tp_itemsize*/
+ reinterpret_cast<destructor>(VerifyingKey_dealloc), /*tp_dealloc*/
+ 0, /*tp_print*/
+ 0, /*tp_getattr*/
+ 0, /*tp_setattr*/
+ 0, /*tp_compare*/
+ 0, /*tp_repr*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_number*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_sequence*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_mapping*/
+ 0, /*tp_hash */
+ 0, /*tp_call*/
+ 0, /*tp_str*/
+ 0, /*tp_getattro*/
+ 0, /*tp_setattro*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
+ VerifyingKey__doc__, /* tp_doc */
+ 0, /* tp_traverse */
+ 0, /* tp_clear */
+ 0, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ VerifyingKey_methods, /* tp_methods */
+/** This function is only for internal use by rsamodule.cpp. */
+static VerifyingKey*
+VerifyingKey_construct() {
+ VerifyingKey *self = reinterpret_cast<VerifyingKey*>(VerifyingKey_type.tp_alloc(&VerifyingKey_type, 0));
+ if (!self)
+ return NULL;
+ self->k = NULL;
+ return self;
+"an RSA signing key");
+typedef struct {
+ PyObject_HEAD
+ /* internal */
+ RSASS<PSS, SHA256>::Signer *k;
+} SigningKey;
+static void
+SigningKey_dealloc(SigningKey* self) {
+ if (self->k)
+ delete self->k;
+ self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
+static PyObject *
+SigningKey_sign(SigningKey *self, PyObject *msgobj) {
+ const char *msg;
+ Py_ssize_t msgsize;
+ PyString_AsStringAndSize(msgobj, const_cast<char**>(&msg), reinterpret_cast<Py_ssize_t*>(&msgsize));
+ assert (msgsize >= 0);
+ Py_ssize_t sigsize = self->k->SignatureLength();
+ PyStringObject* result = reinterpret_cast<PyStringObject*>(PyString_FromStringAndSize(NULL, sigsize));
+ if (!result)
+ return NULL;
+ assert (sigsize >= 0);
+ AutoSeededRandomPool randpool(false);
+ Py_ssize_t siglengthwritten = self->k->SignMessage(
+ randpool,
+ reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(msg),
+ msgsize,
+ reinterpret_cast<byte*>(PyString_AS_STRING(result)));
+ if (siglengthwritten < sigsize)
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d: %s: %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, "SigningKey_sign", "INTERNAL ERROR: signature was shorter than expected.");
+ else if (siglengthwritten > sigsize) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d: %s: %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, "SigningKey_sign", "INTERNAL ERROR: signature was longer than expected, so invalid memory was overwritten.");
+ abort();
+ }
+ assert (siglengthwritten >= 0);
+ return reinterpret_cast<PyObject*>(result);
+"Return a signature on the argument.");
+static PyObject *
+SigningKey_get_verifying_key(SigningKey *self, PyObject *dummy) {
+ VerifyingKey *verifier = reinterpret_cast<VerifyingKey*>(VerifyingKey_construct());
+ if (!verifier)
+ return NULL;
+ verifier->k = new RSASS<PSS, SHA256>::Verifier(*(self->k));
+ if (!verifier->k)
+ return PyErr_NoMemory();
+ return reinterpret_cast<PyObject*>(verifier);
+"Return the corresponding verifying key.");
+static PyObject *
+SigningKey_serialize(SigningKey *self, PyObject *dummy) {
+ std::string outstr;
+ StringSink ss(outstr);
+ self->k->DEREncode(ss);
+ PyStringObject* result = reinterpret_cast<PyStringObject*>(PyString_FromStringAndSize(outstr.c_str(), outstr.size()));
+ if (!result)
+ return NULL;
+ return reinterpret_cast<PyObject*>(result);
+"Return a string containing the key material. The string can be passed to \n\
+create_signing_key_from_string() to instantiate a new copy of this key.");
+static PyMethodDef SigningKey_methods[] = {
+ {"sign", reinterpret_cast<PyCFunction>(SigningKey_sign), METH_O, SigningKey_sign__doc__},
+ {"get_verifying_key", reinterpret_cast<PyCFunction>(SigningKey_get_verifying_key), METH_NOARGS, SigningKey_get_verifying_key__doc__},
+ {"serialize", reinterpret_cast<PyCFunction>(SigningKey_serialize), METH_NOARGS, SigningKey_serialize__doc__},
+ {NULL},
+static PyTypeObject SigningKey_type = {
+ 0, /*ob_size*/
+ "_rsa.SigningKey", /*tp_name*/
+ sizeof(SigningKey), /*tp_basicsize*/
+ 0, /*tp_itemsize*/
+ (destructor)SigningKey_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
+ 0, /*tp_print*/
+ 0, /*tp_getattr*/
+ 0, /*tp_setattr*/
+ 0, /*tp_compare*/
+ 0, /*tp_repr*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_number*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_sequence*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_mapping*/
+ 0, /*tp_hash */
+ 0, /*tp_call*/
+ 0, /*tp_str*/
+ 0, /*tp_getattro*/
+ 0, /*tp_setattro*/
+ 0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
+ SigningKey__doc__, /* tp_doc */
+ 0, /* tp_traverse */
+ 0, /* tp_clear */
+ 0, /* tp_richcompare */
+ 0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+ 0, /* tp_iter */
+ 0, /* tp_iternext */
+ SigningKey_methods /* tp_methods */
+/** This function is only for internal use by rsamodule.cpp. */
+static SigningKey*
+SigningKey_construct() {
+ SigningKey *self = reinterpret_cast<SigningKey*>(SigningKey_type.tp_alloc(&SigningKey_type, 0));
+ if (!self)
+ return NULL;
+ self->k = NULL;
+ return self;
+// static const int MIN_KEY_SIZE_BITS=3675; /* according to Lenstra 2001 "Unbelievable security: Matching AES security using public key systems", you should use RSA keys of length 3675 bits if you want it to be as hard to factor your RSA key as to brute-force your AES-128 key in the year 2030. */
+static const int MIN_KEY_SIZE_BITS=522; /* minimum that can do PSS-SHA256 -- totally insecure and allowed only for faster unit tests */
+PyObject *
+rsa_generate(PyObject *dummy, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwdict) {
+ static const char *kwlist[] = {
+ "sizeinbits",
+ };
+ int sizeinbits;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwdict, "i:generate", const_cast<char**>(kwlist), &sizeinbits))
+ return NULL;
+ if (sizeinbits < MIN_KEY_SIZE_BITS)
+ return PyErr_Format(rsa_error, "Precondition violation: size in bits is required to be >= %d, but it was %d", MIN_KEY_SIZE_BITS, sizeinbits);
+ AutoSeededRandomPool osrng(false);
+ SigningKey *signer = SigningKey_construct();
+ if (!signer)
+ return NULL;
+ signer->k = new RSASS<PSS, SHA256>::Signer(osrng, sizeinbits);
+ if (!signer->k)
+ return PyErr_NoMemory();
+ return reinterpret_cast<PyObject*>(signer);
+const char*const rsa_generate__doc__ = "Create a signing key using the operating system's random number generator.\n\
+@param sizeinbits size of the key in bits\n\
+@precondition sizeinbits >= 522";
+PyObject *
+rsa_create_verifying_key_from_string(PyObject *dummy, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwdict) {
+ static const char *kwlist[] = {
+ "serializedverifyingkey",
+ };
+ const char *serializedverifyingkey;
+ Py_ssize_t serializedverifyingkeysize = 0;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwdict, "t#:create_verifying_key_from_string", const_cast<char**>(kwlist), &serializedverifyingkey, &serializedverifyingkeysize))
+ return NULL;
+ assert (serializedverifyingkeysize >= 0);
+ VerifyingKey *verifier = reinterpret_cast<VerifyingKey*>(VerifyingKey_construct());
+ if (!verifier)
+ return NULL;
+ StringSource ss(reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(serializedverifyingkey), serializedverifyingkeysize, true);
+ try {
+ verifier->k = new RSASS<PSS, SHA256>::Verifier(ss);
+ } catch (CryptoPP::BERDecodeErr le) {
+ return PyErr_Format(rsa_error, "Serialized verifying key was corrupted. Crypto++ gave this exception: %s", le.what());
+ }
+ if (!verifier->k)
+ return PyErr_NoMemory();
+ return reinterpret_cast<PyObject*>(verifier);
+const char*const rsa_create_verifying_key_from_string__doc__ = "Create a verifying key from its serialized state.";
+PyObject *
+rsa_create_signing_key_from_string(PyObject *dummy, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwdict) {
+ static const char *kwlist[] = {
+ "serializedsigningkey",
+ };
+ const char *serializedsigningkey;
+ Py_ssize_t serializedsigningkeysize = 0;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwdict, "t#:create_signing_key_from_string", const_cast<char**>(kwlist), &serializedsigningkey, &serializedsigningkeysize))
+ return NULL;
+ assert (serializedsigningkeysize >= 0);
+ SigningKey *signer = SigningKey_construct();
+ if (!signer)
+ return NULL;
+ StringSource ss(reinterpret_cast<const byte*>(serializedsigningkey), serializedsigningkeysize, true);
+ try {
+ signer->k = new RSASS<PSS, SHA256>::Signer(ss);
+ } catch (CryptoPP::BERDecodeErr le) {
+ return PyErr_Format(rsa_error, "Serialized signing key was corrupted. Crypto++ gave this exception: %s", le.what());
+ }
+ if (!signer->k)
+ return PyErr_NoMemory();
+ return reinterpret_cast<PyObject*>(signer);
+const char*const rsa_create_signing_key_from_string__doc__ = "Create a signing key from its serialized state.";
+init_rsa(PyObject*const module) {
+ VerifyingKey_type.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;
+ if (PyType_Ready(&VerifyingKey_type) < 0)
+ return;
+ Py_INCREF(&VerifyingKey_type);
+ PyModule_AddObject(module, "rsa_VerifyingKey", (PyObject *)&VerifyingKey_type);
+ SigningKey_type.tp_new = PyType_GenericNew;
+ if (PyType_Ready(&SigningKey_type) < 0)
+ return;
+ Py_INCREF(&SigningKey_type);
+ PyModule_AddObject(module, "rsa_SigningKey", (PyObject *)&SigningKey_type);
+ rsa_error = PyErr_NewException(const_cast<char*>("_rsa.Error"), NULL, NULL);
+ PyModule_AddObject(module, "rsa_Error", rsa_error);
+ PyModule_AddStringConstant(module, "rsa___doc__", const_cast<char*>(rsa___doc__));
diff --git a/src/pycryptopp/publickey/rsamodule.hpp b/src/pycryptopp/publickey/rsamodule.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30849a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pycryptopp/publickey/rsamodule.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+init_rsa(PyObject* module);
+extern PyMethodDef rsa_functions[];
+extern PyObject *
+rsa_generate(PyObject *dummy, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwdict);
+extern const char*const rsa_generate__doc__;
+extern PyObject *
+rsa_create_verifying_key_from_string(PyObject *dummy, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwdict);
+extern const char*const rsa_create_verifying_key_from_string__doc__;
+extern PyObject *
+rsa_create_signing_key_from_string(PyObject *dummy, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwdict);
+extern const char*const rsa_create_signing_key_from_string__doc__;
+#endif /* #ifndef __INCL_RSAMODULE_HPP */