Provider Configuration

Explore how to configure your provider.

Required provider configuration

There are a few required settings in provider.json. At a minimum, you must have:

For example:

  "domain": "",
  "name": "Freedom for Robots!",
  "contacts": {
    "default": ""

Recommended provider configuration

For example:

  "description": "It is time for robots of the world to unite and throw of the shackles of servitude to our organic overlords.",
  "languages": ["en", "de", "pt", "01"],
  "default_language": "01",
  "enrollman_policy": "open"

For a full list of possible settings, you can use leap inspect to see how provider.json is evaluated after including the inherited defaults:

$ leap inspect provider.json

Configuring service levels

The provider.json file defines the available service levels for the provider.

For example, in provider.json:

"service": {
   "default_service_level": "low",
   "levels": {
      "low": {
        "description": "Entry level plan, with unlimited bandwidth and minimal storage quota.",
        "name": "entry",
        "storage": "10 MB",
        "rate": {
          "USD": 5,
          "GBP": 3,
          "EUR": 6
      "full": {
        "description": "Full plan, with unlimited bandwidth and higher quota."
        "name": "full",
        "storage": "5 GB",
        "rate": {
          "USD": 10,
          "GBP": 6,
          "EUR": 12

For a list of currency codes, see