Working with environments

How to partition the nodes into separate environments.

With environments, you can divide your nodes into different and entirely separate sets. For example, you might have sets of nodes for ‘testing’, ‘staging’ and ‘production’.

Typically, the nodes in one environment are totally isolated from the nodes in a different environment. Each environment will have its own separate database, for example.

There are a few exceptions to this rule: backup nodes, for example, will by default attempt to back up data from all the environments (excluding local).

Assign an environment

To assign an environment to a node, you just set the environment node property. This is typically done with tags, although it is not necessary. For example:


  "environment": "production"


  "tags": ["production"]

There are several built-in tags that will apply a value for the environment:

You don’t need to use these and you can add your own.

Environment commands

The environment pin is only active for your local machine: it is not recorded in the provider directory and not shared with other users.

Environment specific JSON files

You can add JSON configuration files that are only applied when a specific environment is active. For example, if you create a file provider.production.json, these values will only get applied to the provider.json file for the production environment.

This will also work for services and tags. For example:


In this example, local, development, and production are the names of environments.

Bind an environment to a Platform version

If you want to ensure that a particular environment is bound to a particular version of the LEAP Platform, you can add a platform section to the provider.ENV.json file (where ENV is the name of the environment in question).

The available options are platform.version, platform.branch, or platform.commit. For example:

  "platform": {
    "version": "1.6.1",
    "branch": "develop",
    "commit": "5df867fbd3a78ca4160eb54d708d55a7d047bdb2"

You can use any combination of version, branch, and commit to specify the binding. The values for branch and commit only work if the leap_platform directory is a git repository.

The value for commit is passed directly through to git log to query for a list of acceptable commits. See man gitrevisions to see how to specify ranges. For example: