Getting Started

An overview of the LEAP Platform

Sensitive files

Some files in your provider directory are very sensitive. Leaking these files will compromise your provider.

Super sensitive and irreplaceable:

Sensitive, but can be erased and regenerated automatically:

Also, each sysadmin has one or more public ssh keys in users/*/* Typically, you will want to keep these public keys secure as well.

See Keys and Certificates for more information.

Useful commands

Here are a few useful leap commands:

See the full Command Line Reference for more information.

Node filters

Many of the leap commands take a “node filter”. You can use a node filter to target a command at one or more nodes.

A node filter consists of one or more keywords, with an optional “+” before each keyword.


See the full Command Line Reference for more information.

Tracking the provider directory in git

You should commit your provider changes to your favorite VCS whenever things change. This way you can share your configurations with other admins, all they have to do is to pull the changes to stay up to date. Every time you make a change to your provider, such as adding nodes, services, generating certificates, etc. you should add those to your VCS, commit them and push them to where your repository is hosted.

Note that your provider directory contains secrets, such as private key material and passwords. You do not want to have those passwords readable by the world, so make sure that wherever you are hosting your repository, it is not public for the world to read.

If you have a post-commit hook that emails the changes to contributors, you may want to exclude diffs for files that might have sensitive secrets. For example, create a .gitattributes file with:

# No diff, no email for key files
*.key -diff
*.pem -diff

# Discard diff for secrets.json
secrets.json -diff

# No diff for hiera files, they contain passwords
hiera/* -diff

Editing JSON configuration files

All the settings that compose your provider are stored in JSON files.

At a minimum, you will need at least two configuration files:

There are a few required properties in provider.json:

  "domain": "",
  "name": "Example",
  "contacts": {
    "default": ""

See Provider Configuration for more details.

For node configuration files, there are two required properties:

  "ip_address": "",
  "services": ["openvpn"]

See Services for details on what servers are available, and see Configuration Files details on how configuration files work.

How does it work under the hood?

You don’t need to know any of the details of what happens “under the hood” in order to use the LEAP platform. However, if you are curious as to what is going on, here is a quick primer.

First, some background terminology:

When you run leap deploy, a bunch of things happen, in this order:

  1. Compile hiera files: The hiera configuration file for each node is compiled in YAML format and saved in the directory hiera. The source material for this hiera file consists of all the JSON configuration files imported or inherited by the node’s JSON config file.
  2. Copy required files to node: All the files needed for puppet to run are rsync'ed to each node. This includes the entire leap_platform directory, as well as the node’s hiera file and other files needed by puppet to set up the node (keys, binary files, etc).
  3. Puppet is run: Once the node is ready, leap connects to the node via ssh and runs puppet apply. Puppet is applied locally on the node, without a daemon or puppetmaster.

You can run leap -v2 deploy to see exactly what commands are being executed.

This mode of operation is fundamentally different from how puppet is normally used:

There are advantages and disadvantages to the model that LEAP uses. We have found it very useful for our goal of having a common LEAP platform that many different providers can all use while still allowing providers to configure their unique infrastructure.

We also find it very beneficial to be able to track the state of your infrastructure in git.

Traditional system configuration automation systems, like Puppet or Chef, deploy changes to servers using a pull method. Each server pulls a manifest from a central master server and uses this to alter the state of the server.

Instead, the leap tool uses a masterless push method: The sysadmin runs leap deploy from the provider instance directory on their desktop machine to push the changes out to every server (or a subset of servers). LEAP still uses Puppet, but there is no central master server that each node must pull from.

One other significant difference between LEAP and typical system automation is how interactions among servers are handled. Rather than store a central database of information about each server that can be queried when a recipe is applied, the leap command compiles static representation of all the information a particular server will need in order to apply the recipes. In compiling this static representation, leap can use arbitrary programming logic to query and manipulate information about other servers.

These two approaches, masterless push and pre-compiled static configuration, allow the sysadmin to manage a set of LEAP servers using traditional software development techniques of branching and merging, to more easily create local testing environments using virtual servers, and to deploy without the added complexity and failure potential of a master server.