path: root/javascript/jsPacker/
diff options
authorausiv4 <ausiv4@eb105b4a-77de-11de-a249-6bf219df57d5>2009-07-28 17:59:43 +0000
committerausiv4 <ausiv4@eb105b4a-77de-11de-a249-6bf219df57d5>2009-07-28 17:59:43 +0000
commit4396bb0cd1bd2d3ac6943224524b1f5a4b477d30 (patch)
treebcfb42ae033748de8af1b1e11f3c5271040917a5 /javascript/jsPacker/
parent422e476f496d944f0713484cbe0ee11b180cb12d (diff)
In this update we use to combine and compress javascript
files. Instead of sending 6 javascript files totaling about 50KB, we now send 1 file totaling 21.1KB. After modifying any javascript files, run to update srp.min.js. The login.html and register.html templates have been changed to send the one packed file. The file srp.js was modified so that it would pack properly. Necessary files from the perl version of packer are included, but they shouldn't be included on production web servers. The packer files are released under the LGPL.
Diffstat (limited to 'javascript/jsPacker/')
1 files changed, 163 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/javascript/jsPacker/ b/javascript/jsPacker/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80f7236
--- /dev/null
+++ b/javascript/jsPacker/
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+#jsPacker (July 2005)
+use strict;
+use Pack;
+use vars qw($PROGNAME $VERSION
+ $opt_h $opt_q $opt_v $opt_i $opt_o $opt_e $opt_f $opt_s);
+use Getopt::Std;
+$PROGNAME = $0;
+$VERSION = '1.00b';
+my $Description = 'A JavaScript Compressor/Obfuscator';
+my $Version = "v$VERSION\[p$Pack::VERSION-pm$Pack::PM_VERSION\]";
+# "English" versions of settings
+my %ENCODINGS = (0=>'None', 10=>'Decimal', 36=>'Normal', 62=>'Normal', 95=>'High-ascii');
+my %SETTINGS = (0=>'No', 1=>'Yes');
+exit(0) if &main();
+# Sub-routines #
+# Main program
+sub main {
+ # Get command line options
+ &getopts('hqvfsi:o:e:');
+ $opt_h ||= 0; # $opt_h shows usage and exits
+ $opt_q ||= 0; # $opt_q sets quiet mode (no stdout output)
+ $opt_v ||= 0; # $opt_v shows version and exits
+ $opt_i ||= ''; # $opt_i is input file. Required!
+ $opt_o ||= ''; # $opt_o is output file. If not set, use standard output
+ $opt_e ||= 0; # $opt_e encoding level (0,10,36,62,95)
+ $opt_f ||= 0; # $opt_f use fast decoding
+ $opt_s ||= 0; # $opt_x use special characters
+ # Display help or version if requested
+ if ($opt_h) {&usage("help")}
+ if ($opt_v) {&usage("version")}
+ # Constrain encoding level, fastdecoding and specialcharacters to allowed limits
+ $opt_e = ($opt_e > 0) ? ($opt_e > 10) ? ($opt_e > 36) ? ($opt_e > 62) ? 95 : 62 : 36 : 10 : 0;
+ $opt_f = ($opt_f) ? 1 : 0;
+ $opt_s = ($opt_s) ? 1 : 0;
+ # Do the job if an input file is specified
+ if ($opt_i) {
+ # Read the source script
+ my $script = &readInputFile($opt_i);
+ # Pack the source script
+ my $packedscript = &Pack::pack($script,$opt_e, $opt_f, $opt_s);
+ # Show what happened (if not in quiet mode)
+ if (!$opt_q) {showJobDetails($opt_i, $opt_o, $opt_e, $opt_f,$opt_s,\$script,\$packedscript)}
+ # Output the packed script
+ if ($opt_o) {&writeOutputFile($opt_o,\$packedscript)} # to output file if specifed
+ else {print "$packedscript"} # otherwise to STDOUT
+ }
+ else { # If no input file is specified, display help
+ &usage();
+ }
+ return(1);
+sub showJobDetails { #
+# Show details of input/output files, settings and compression ratio
+ my ($inputfile, $outputfile,
+ $encoding, $fastdecode, $specialchars,
+ $instringref, $outstringref) = @_;
+ print "$PROGNAME $Version\n";
+ print "\tSource file : ";
+ print "\"$inputfile\"\n";
+ print (($outputfile) ? ("\tOutput file : \"$outputfile\"\n") : ''); # Print only if output is going to a file
+ print "\tSettings : encoding=$ENCODINGS{$encoding} fastdecode=$SETTINGS{$fastdecode} specialchars=$SETTINGS{$specialchars}\n";
+ print "\tCompression : " . &compressionRatio($instringref, $outstringref). "\n\n";
+sub readInputFile { #
+# Read content (source script) from input file
+ my $filename = shift;
+ open(FH, $filename) || die "Error!!! Problem opening input file \"$filename\"!\n";
+ my @content = <FH>;
+ close(FH);
+ return join('',@content);
+sub writeOutputFile { #
+# Write content (packed script) to output file
+ my ($filename,$refcontent) = @_;
+ open(FH, ">$filename") || die "Error!!! Problem opening output file \"$filename\"\n";
+ print(FH $$refcontent);
+ close(FH);
+sub compressionRatio { #
+# Calculate the ratio of output string to input string
+ my ($sref1,$sref2) = @_;
+ my $ratio = (length($$sref2) / (length($$sref1)||1));
+ $ratio = sprintf "%.2f", $ratio;
+ return $ratio;
+sub usage { #
+# Inform user about usage, version and exit
+ my $showusage = 0;
+ my $showversion = 0;
+ my $params = shift;
+ if (defined $params) {
+ if ($params eq "help") {$showusage = 1;}
+ elsif ($params eq "version") {$showversion = 1;}
+ else {$showusage = 1;}
+ }
+ else {$showversion = 1;}
+ if ($showversion) {
+ print<<EOT;
+$PROGNAME $Version
+ $Description
+\tBased on "Packer.js" by Dean Edwards <>
+\tPorted to Perl by Rob Seiler, ELR Software Pty Ltd <>
+\tCopyright 2005. License <>
+ Use "$PROGNAME -h" for options
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if ($showusage) {
+ print<<EOT;
+$PROGNAME $Version
+ $Description
+ Usage:
+\t$PROGNAME -i inputfile [-o outputfile] [-eX] [-f] [-s] [-qvh]\n
+\t-i <inputfile> (eg -i myscript.js)
+\t-o <outputfile> (eg -o myscript-p.js)
+\t-eN <encoding> [0=None 10=Numeric 62=Normal(alphanumeric) 95=High-ascii]
+\t-f <fast decode>
+\t-s <special characters>
+\t-q quiet mode
+\t-v version
+\t-h help
+ Examples:
+\t$PROGNAME -i myscript.js
+\t$PROGNAME -i myscript.js -o packed.js
+\t$PROGNAME -i myscript.js -o packed.js -e10 -f -s
+\t$PROGNAME -i myscript.js -e95 -fsq > packed.js
+ exit(1);
+ }