path: root/debian/patches/series
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-07-31fix libname in pkgconfig (Closes: #741907)Hans-Christoph Steiner
2013-08-13fix patches for new upstream version, which includes some of our patchesHans-Christoph Steiner
2013-01-17grab all relevant patches from sqlite3 Steiner
2012-03-31add a sqlcipher.1 manpageHans-Christoph Steiner
2012-03-31rename libs and related products from 'sqlite3' to 'sqlcipher'Hans-Christoph Steiner
2012-03-31remove hurd patch until its shown that SQLCipher needs itHans-Christoph Steiner
2012-03-30remove man page patchHans-Christoph Steiner
2012-03-30remove 'lemon' packageHans-Christoph Steiner
2012-03-30checking in packaging from sqlite3_3.7.11-2.debian.tar.gzHans-Christoph Steiner