path: root/test/releasetest.tcl
diff options
authorHans-Christoph Steiner <>2012-03-30 20:42:12 -0400
committerHans-Christoph Steiner <>2012-03-30 20:42:12 -0400
commit7bb481fda9ecb134804b49c2ce77ca28f7eea583 (patch)
tree31b520b9914d3e2453968abe375f2c102772c3dc /test/releasetest.tcl
Imported Upstream version 2.0.3
Diffstat (limited to 'test/releasetest.tcl')
1 files changed, 339 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/releasetest.tcl b/test/releasetest.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7725630
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/releasetest.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+set rcsid {$Id: $}
+# Documentation for this script. This may be output to stderr
+# if the script is invoked incorrectly. See the [process_options]
+# proc below.
+This Tcl script is used to test the various configurations required
+before releasing a new version. Supported command line options (all
+optional) are:
+ -makefile PATH-TO-MAKEFILE (default "")
+ -platform PLATFORM (see below)
+ -quick BOOLEAN (default "0")
+The default value for -makefile is "./".
+The script determines the default value for -platform using the
+$tcl_platform(os) and $tcl_platform(machine) variables. Supported
+platforms are "Linux-x86", "Linux-x86_64" and "Darwin-i386".
+If the -quick option is set to true, then the "veryquick.test" script
+is run for all compilation configurations. Otherwise, sometimes "all.test"
+is run, sometimes "veryquick.test".
+Almost any SQLite makefile (except those generated by configure - see below)
+should work. The following properties are required:
+ * The makefile should support the "fulltest" target.
+ * The makefile should support the variable "OPTS" as a way to pass
+ options from the make command line to lemon and the C compiler.
+More precisely, the following invocation must be supported:
+Makefiles generated by the sqlite configure program cannot be used as
+they do not respect the OPTS variable.
+Example Makefile contents:
+ ########################################################
+ TOP=/home/dan/work/sqlite/sqlite
+ TCL_FLAGS=-I/home/dan/tcl/include
+ LIBTCL=-L/home/dan/tcl/lib -ltcl
+ BCC = gcc
+ TCC = gcc -ansi -g $(CFLAGS)
+ NAWK = awk
+ AR = ar cr
+ RANLIB = ranlib
+ THREADLIB = -lpthread -ldl
+ include $(TOP)/
+ ########################################################
+array set ::Configs {
+ "Default" {
+ -O2
+ }
+ "Ftrapv" {
+ -O2 -ftrapv
+ }
+ "Unlock-Notify" {
+ -O2
+ }
+ "Secure-Delete" {
+ -O2
+ }
+ "Update-Delete-Limit" {
+ -O2
+ }
+ "Debug-One" {
+ -O2
+ }
+ "Device-One" {
+ -O2
+ }
+ "Device-Two" {
+ }
+ "Locking-Style" {
+ -O2
+ }
+ "OS-X" {
+ -DSQLITE_MAX_LENGTH=2147483645
+ }
+ "Extra-Robustness" {
+ }
+array set ::Platforms {
+ Linux-x86_64 {
+ "Debug-One" "checksymbols test"
+ "Secure-Delete" test
+ "Unlock-Notify" "QUICKTEST_INCLUDE=notify2.test test"
+ "Update-Delete-Limit" test
+ "Extra-Robustness" test
+ "Device-Two" test
+ "Ftrapv" test
+ "Default" "threadtest test"
+ "Device-One" fulltest
+ }
+ Linux-i686 {
+ "Unlock-Notify" "QUICKTEST_INCLUDE=notify2.test test"
+ "Device-One" test
+ "Device-Two" test
+ "Default" "threadtest fulltest"
+ }
+ Darwin-i386 {
+ "Locking-Style" test
+ "OS-X" "threadtest fulltest"
+ }
+# End of configuration section.
+foreach {key value} [array get ::Platforms] {
+ foreach {v t} $value {
+ if {0==[info exists ::Configs($v)]} {
+ puts stderr "No such configuration: \"$v\""
+ exit -1
+ }
+ }
+proc run_test_suite {name testtarget config} {
+ # Tcl variable $opts is used to build up the value used to set the
+ # OPTS Makefile variable. Variable $cflags holds the value for
+ # CFLAGS. The makefile will pass OPTS to both gcc and lemon, but
+ # CFLAGS is only passed to gcc.
+ #
+ set cflags ""
+ set opts ""
+ foreach arg $config {
+ if {[string match -D* $arg]} {
+ lappend opts $arg
+ } else {
+ lappend cflags $arg
+ }
+ }
+ set cflags [join $cflags " "]
+ set opts [join $opts " "]
+ append opts " -DSQLITE_NO_SYNC=1 -DHAVE_USLEEP"
+ # Set the sub-directory to use.
+ #
+ set dir [string tolower [string map {- _ " " _} $name]]
+ if {$::tcl_platform(platform)=="windows"} {
+ append opts " -DSQLITE_OS_WIN=1"
+ } elseif {$::tcl_platform(platform)=="os2"} {
+ append opts " -DSQLITE_OS_OS2=1"
+ } else {
+ append opts " -DSQLITE_OS_UNIX=1"
+ }
+ # Run the test.
+ #
+ set makefile [file normalize $::MAKEFILE]
+ file mkdir $dir
+ puts -nonewline "Testing configuration \"$name\" (logfile=$dir/test.log)..."
+ flush stdout
+ set makecmd [concat \
+ [list exec make -C $dir -f $makefile clean] \
+ $testtarget \
+ [list CFLAGS=$cflags OPTS=$opts >& $dir/test.log] \
+ ]
+ set tm1 [clock seconds]
+ set rc [catch $makecmd]
+ set tm2 [clock seconds]
+ set minutes [expr {($tm2-$tm1)/60}]
+ set seconds [expr {($tm2-$tm1)%60}]
+ puts -nonewline [format " (%d:%.2d) " $minutes $seconds]
+ if {$rc} {
+ puts "FAILED."
+ } else {
+ puts "Ok."
+ }
+# This proc processes the command line options passed to this script.
+# Currently the only option supported is "-makefile", default
+# "". Set the ::MAKEFILE variable to the value of this
+# option.
+proc process_options {argv} {
+ set ::MAKEFILE ;# Default value
+ set ::QUICK 0 ;# Default value
+ set platform $::tcl_platform(os)-$::tcl_platform(machine)
+ for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $argv]} {incr i} {
+ switch -- [lindex $argv $i] {
+ -makefile {
+ incr i
+ set ::MAKEFILE [lindex $argv $i]
+ }
+ -platform {
+ incr i
+ set platform [lindex $argv $i]
+ }
+ -quick {
+ incr i
+ set ::QUICK [lindex $argv $i]
+ }
+ default {
+ puts stderr ""
+ puts stderr [string trim $::USAGE_MESSAGE]
+ exit -1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set ::MAKEFILE [file normalize $::MAKEFILE]
+ if {0==[info exists ::Platforms($platform)]} {
+ puts "Unknown platform: $platform"
+ puts -nonewline "Set the -platform option to "
+ set print [list]
+ foreach p [array names ::Platforms] {
+ lappend print "\"$p\""
+ }
+ lset print end "or [lindex $print end]"
+ puts "[join $print {, }]."
+ exit
+ }
+ set ::CONFIGLIST $::Platforms($platform)
+ puts "Running the following configurations for $platform:"
+ puts " [string trim $::CONFIGLIST]"
+# Main routine.
+proc main {argv} {
+ # Process any command line options.
+ process_options $argv
+ foreach {zConfig target} $::CONFIGLIST {
+ if {$::QUICK} {set target test}
+ set config_options $::Configs($zConfig)
+ run_test_suite $zConfig $target $config_options
+ # If the configuration included the SQLITE_DEBUG option, then remove
+ # it and run veryquick.test. If it did not include the SQLITE_DEBUG option
+ # add it and run veryquick.test.
+ set debug_idx [lsearch -glob $config_options -DSQLITE_DEBUG*]
+ if {$debug_idx < 0} {
+ run_test_suite "${zConfig}_debug" test [
+ concat $config_options -DSQLITE_DEBUG=1
+ ]
+ } else {
+ run_test_suite "${zConfig}_ndebug" test [
+ lreplace $config_options $debug_idx $debug_idx
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+main $argv