path: root/src/leap/soledad/client
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/leap/soledad/client')
6 files changed, 1065 insertions, 953 deletions
diff --git a/src/leap/soledad/client/_db/ b/src/leap/soledad/client/_db/
deleted file mode 100644
index e01078e4..00000000
--- a/src/leap/soledad/client/_db/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,953 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2017 LEAP
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-Clientside BlobBackend Storage.
-from urlparse import urljoin
-import binascii
-import os
-import json
-import base64
-from io import BytesIO
-from functools import partial
-from twisted.logger import Logger
-from twisted.enterprise import adbapi
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from twisted.internet import reactor
-from twisted.internet import error
-import treq
-from leap.soledad.common.errors import SoledadError
-from leap.common.files import mkdir_p
-from .._document import BlobDoc
-from .._crypto import DocInfo
-from .._crypto import InvalidBlob
-from .._crypto import BlobEncryptor
-from .._crypto import BlobDecryptor
-from .._crypto import EncryptionSchemeNotImplementedException
-from .._http import HTTPClient
-from .._pipes import TruncatedTailPipe
-from .._pipes import PreamblePipe
-from . import pragmas
-from . import sqlcipher
-logger = Logger()
-FIXED_REV = 'ImmutableRevision' # Blob content is immutable
-class BlobAlreadyExistsError(SoledadError):
- pass
-class BlobNotFoundError(SoledadError):
- pass
-class InvalidFlagsError(SoledadError):
- pass
-class SyncStatus:
- SYNCED = 1
-class ConnectionPool(adbapi.ConnectionPool):
- def insertAndGetLastRowid(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Execute an SQL query and return the last rowid.
- See:
- """
- return self.runInteraction(
- self._insertAndGetLastRowid, *args, **kwargs)
- def _insertAndGetLastRowid(self, trans, *args, **kw):
- trans.execute(*args, **kw)
- return trans.lastrowid
- def blob(self, table, column, irow, flags):
- """
- Open a BLOB for incremental I/O.
- Return a handle to the BLOB that would be selected by:
- SELECT column FROM table WHERE rowid = irow;
- See:
- :param table: The table in which to lookup the blob.
- :type table: str
- :param column: The column where the BLOB is located.
- :type column: str
- :param rowid: The rowid of the BLOB.
- :type rowid: int
- :param flags: If zero, BLOB is opened for read-only. If non-zero,
- BLOB is opened for RW.
- :type flags: int
- :return: A BLOB handle.
- :rtype: pysqlcipher.dbapi.Blob
- """
- return self.runInteraction(self._blob, table, column, irow, flags)
- def write_blob(self, table, column, irow, blob_fd):
- return self.runInteraction(self._write_blob, table, column, irow,
- blob_fd)
- def _write_blob(self, trans, table, column, irow, blob_fd):
- with trans._connection.blob(table, column, irow, 1) as handle:
- data =**12)
- while data:
- handle.write(data)
- data =**12)
- def _blob(self, trans, table, column, irow, flags):
- # TODO: should not use transaction private variable here
- handle = trans._connection.blob(table, column, irow, flags)
- return handle
-def check_http_status(code, blob_id=None, flags=None):
- if code == 404:
- raise BlobNotFoundError(blob_id)
- if code == 409:
- raise BlobAlreadyExistsError(blob_id)
- elif code == 406:
- raise InvalidFlagsError((blob_id, flags))
- elif code != 200:
- raise SoledadError("Server Error: %s" % code)
-class RetriableTransferError(Exception):
- pass
-class MaximumRetriesError(Exception):
- pass
-def sleep(seconds):
- d = defer.Deferred()
- reactor.callLater(seconds, d.callback, None)
- return d
-MAX_WAIT = 60 # In seconds. Max time between retries
-def with_retry(func, *args, **kwargs):
- retry_wait = 1
- retriable_errors = (error.ConnectError, error.ConnectionClosed,
- RetriableTransferError,)
- while True:
- try:
- yield func(*args, **kwargs)
- break
- except retriable_errors:
- yield sleep(retry_wait)
- retry_wait = min(retry_wait + 10, MAX_WAIT)
-class DecrypterBuffer(object):
- def __init__(self, blob_id, secret, tag):
- self.doc_info = DocInfo(blob_id, FIXED_REV)
- self.secret = secret
- self.tag = tag
- self.preamble_pipe = PreamblePipe(self._make_decryptor)
- self.decrypter = None
- def _make_decryptor(self, preamble):
- try:
- self.decrypter = BlobDecryptor(
- self.doc_info, preamble,
- secret=self.secret,
- armor=False,
- start_stream=False,
- tag=self.tag)
- return TruncatedTailPipe(self.decrypter, tail_size=len(self.tag))
- except EncryptionSchemeNotImplementedException:
- # If we do not support the provided encryption scheme, than that's
- # something for the application using soledad to handle. This is
- # the case on asymmetrically encrypted documents on IncomingBox.
- self.raw_data = BytesIO()
- return self.raw_data
- def write(self, data):
- self.preamble_pipe.write(data)
- def close(self):
- if self.decrypter:
- real_size = self.decrypter.decrypted_content_size
- return self.decrypter.endStream(), real_size
- else:
- return self.raw_data, self.raw_data.tell()
-class BlobManager(object):
- """
- The BlobManager can list, put, get, set flags and synchronize blobs stored
- in local and remote storages.
- """
- max_retries = 3
- concurrent_transfers_limit = 3
- concurrent_writes_limit = 100
- def __init__(
- self, local_path, remote, key, secret, user, token=None,
- cert_file=None):
- """
- Initialize the blob manager.
- :param local_path: The path for the local blobs database.
- :type local_path: str
- :param remote: The URL of the remote storage.
- :type remote: str
- :param secret: The secret used to encrypt/decrypt blobs.
- :type secret: str
- :param user: The uuid of the user.
- :type user: str
- :param token: The access token for interacting with remote storage.
- :type token: str
- :param cert_file: The path to the CA certificate file.
- :type cert_file: str
- """
- if local_path:
- mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(local_path))
- self.local = SQLiteBlobBackend(local_path, key=key, user=user)
- self.remote = remote
- self.secret = secret
- self.user = user
- self._client = HTTPClient(user, token, cert_file)
- self.semaphore = defer.DeferredSemaphore(self.concurrent_writes_limit)
- def close(self):
- if hasattr(self, 'local') and self.local:
- return self.local.close()
- def count(self, namespace=''):
- """
- Count the number of blobs.
- :param namespace:
- Optional parameter to restrict operation to a given namespace.
- :type namespace: str
- :return: A deferred that fires with a dict parsed from the JSON
- response, which `count` key has the number of blobs as value.
- Eg.: {"count": 42}
- :rtype: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred
- """
- return self.remote_list(namespace=namespace, only_count=True)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def remote_list(self, namespace='', order_by=None,
- filter_flag=False, only_count=False):
- """
- List blobs from server, with filtering and ordering capabilities.
- :param namespace:
- Optional parameter to restrict operation to a given namespace.
- :type namespace: str
- :param order_by:
- Optional parameter to order results. Possible values are:
- date or +date - Ascending order (older first)
- -date - Descending order (newer first)
- :type order_by: str
- :param filter_flag:
- Optional parameter to filter listing to results containing the
- specified tag.
- :type filter_flag: leap.soledad.common.blobs.Flags
- :param only_count:
- Optional paramter to return only the number of blobs found.
- :type only_count: bool
- :return: A deferred that fires with a list parsed from the JSON
- response, holding the requested list of blobs.
- Eg.: ['blob_id1', 'blob_id2']
- :rtype: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred
- """
- uri = urljoin(self.remote, self.user + '/')
- params = {'namespace': namespace} if namespace else {}
- if order_by:
- params['order_by'] = order_by
- if filter_flag:
- params['filter_flag'] = filter_flag
- if only_count:
- params['only_count'] = only_count
- response = yield self._client.get(uri, params=params)
- check_http_status(response.code)
- defer.returnValue((yield response.json()))
- def local_list(self, namespace='', sync_status=None):
- return self.local.list(namespace, sync_status)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def refresh_sync_status_from_server(self, namespace=''):
- d1 = self.remote_list(namespace=namespace)
- d2 = self.local_list(namespace=namespace)
- remote_list, local_list = yield defer.gatherResults([d1, d2])
- pending_download_ids = tuple(set(remote_list) - set(local_list))
- yield self.local.update_batch_sync_status(
- pending_download_ids,
- namespace=namespace)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def send_missing(self, namespace=''):
- """
- Compare local and remote blobs and send what's missing in server.
- :param namespace:
- Optional parameter to restrict operation to a given namespace.
- :type namespace: str
- """
- d = self.local_list(namespace=namespace,
- sync_status=SyncStatus.PENDING_UPLOAD)
- missing = yield d
- total = len(missing)
-"Will send %d blobs to server." % total)
- deferreds = []
- semaphore = defer.DeferredSemaphore(self.concurrent_transfers_limit)
- def release(result):
- semaphore.release()
- return result
- for i in xrange(total):
- yield semaphore.acquire()
- blob_id = missing.pop()
- d = with_retry(self.__send_one, blob_id, namespace, i, total)
- d.addCallbacks(release, release)
- deferreds.append(d)
- yield defer.gatherResults(deferreds)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def __send_one(self, blob_id, namespace, i, total):
-"Sending blob to server (%d/%d): %s"
- % (i, total, blob_id))
- fd = yield self.local.get(blob_id, namespace=namespace)
- try:
- yield self._encrypt_and_upload(blob_id, fd)
- yield self.local.update_sync_status(blob_id, SyncStatus.SYNCED)
- except Exception as e:
- yield self.local.increment_retries(blob_id)
- res = yield self.local.get_sync_status(blob_id)
- _, retries = res
- if (retries + 1) > self.max_retries:
- failed_upload = SyncStatus.FAILED_UPLOAD
- yield self.local.update_sync_status(blob_id, failed_upload)
- raise MaximumRetriesError(e)
- raise e
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def fetch_missing(self, namespace=''):
- """
- Compare local and remote blobs and fetch what's missing in local
- storage.
- :param namespace:
- Optional parameter to restrict operation to a given namespace.
- :type namespace: str
- """
- # TODO: Use something to prioritize user requests over general new docs
- d = self.local_list(namespace=namespace,
- sync_status=SyncStatus.PENDING_DOWNLOAD)
- docs_we_want = yield d
- total = len(docs_we_want)
-"Will fetch %d blobs from server." % total)
- deferreds = []
- semaphore = defer.DeferredSemaphore(self.concurrent_transfers_limit)
- def release(result):
- semaphore.release()
- return result
- for i in xrange(len(docs_we_want)):
- yield semaphore.acquire()
- blob_id = docs_we_want.pop()
-"Fetching blob (%d/%d): %s" % (i, total, blob_id))
- d = with_retry(self.get, blob_id, namespace)
- d.addCallbacks(release, release)
- deferreds.append(d)
- yield defer.gatherResults(deferreds)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def sync(self, namespace=''):
- try:
- yield self.refresh_sync_status_from_server(namespace)
- yield self.fetch_missing(namespace)
- yield self.send_missing(namespace)
- except defer.FirstError as e:
- e.subFailure.raiseException()
- def put(self, doc, size, namespace=''):
- """
- Put a blob in local storage and upload it to server.
- :param doc: A BlobDoc representing the blob.
- :type doc: leap.soledad.client._document.BlobDoc
- :param size: The size of the blob.
- :type size: int
- :param namespace:
- Optional parameter to restrict operation to a given namespace.
- :type namespace: str
- """
- return, doc, size, namespace)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def _put(self, doc, size, namespace):
- if (yield self.local.exists(doc.blob_id, namespace=namespace)):
- error_message = "Blob already exists: %s" % doc.blob_id
- raise BlobAlreadyExistsError(error_message)
- fd = doc.blob_fd
- # TODO this is a tee really, but ok... could do db and upload
- # concurrently. not sure if we'd gain something.
- yield self.local.put(doc.blob_id, fd, size=size, namespace=namespace)
- # In fact, some kind of pipe is needed here, where each write on db
- # handle gets forwarded into a write on the connection handle
- fd = yield self.local.get(doc.blob_id, namespace=namespace)
- yield self._encrypt_and_upload(doc.blob_id, fd, namespace=namespace)
- yield self.local.update_sync_status(doc.blob_id, SyncStatus.SYNCED)
- def set_flags(self, blob_id, flags, namespace=''):
- """
- Set flags for a given blob_id.
- :param blob_id:
- Unique identifier of a blob.
- :type blob_id: str
- :param flags:
- List of flags to be set.
- :type flags: [leap.soledad.common.blobs.Flags]
- :param namespace:
- Optional parameter to restrict operation to a given namespace.
- :type namespace: str
- :return: A deferred that fires when the operation finishes.
- :rtype: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred
- """
- return, blob_id, flags, namespace)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def _set_flags(self, blob_id, flags, namespace):
- params = {'namespace': namespace} if namespace else None
- flagsfd = BytesIO(json.dumps(flags))
- uri = urljoin(self.remote, self.user + "/" + blob_id)
- response = yield, data=flagsfd, params=params)
- check_http_status(response.code, blob_id=blob_id, flags=flags)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def get_flags(self, blob_id, namespace=''):
- """
- Get flags from a given blob_id.
- :param blob_id:
- Unique identifier of a blob.
- :type blob_id: str
- :param namespace:
- Optional parameter to restrict operation to a given namespace.
- :type namespace: str
- :return: A deferred that fires with a list parsed from JSON response.
- Eg.: [Flags.PENDING]
- :rtype: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred
- """
- uri = urljoin(self.remote, self.user + "/" + blob_id)
- params = {'namespace': namespace} if namespace else {}
- params['only_flags'] = True
- response = yield self._client.get(uri, params=params)
- check_http_status(response.code, blob_id=blob_id)
- defer.returnValue((yield response.json()))
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def get(self, blob_id, namespace=''):
- """
- Get the blob from local storage or, if not available, from the server.
- :param blob_id:
- Unique identifier of a blob.
- :type blob_id: str
- :param namespace:
- Optional parameter to restrict operation to a given namespace.
- :type namespace: str
- """
- local_blob = yield self.local.get(blob_id, namespace=namespace)
- if local_blob:
-"Found blob in local database: %s" % blob_id)
- defer.returnValue(local_blob)
- yield self.local.update_sync_status(
- blob_id, SyncStatus.PENDING_DOWNLOAD, namespace=namespace)
- try:
- result = yield self._download_and_decrypt(blob_id, namespace)
- except Exception as e:
- _, retries = yield self.local.get_sync_status(blob_id)
- if isinstance(e, InvalidBlob):
- message = "Corrupted blob received from server! ID: %s\n"
- message += "Error: %r\n"
- message += "Retries: %s - Attempts left: %s\n"
- message += "This is either a bug or the contents of the "
- message += "blob have been tampered with. Please, report to "
- message += "your provider's sysadmin and submit a bug report."
- message %= (blob_id, e, retries, (self.max_retries - retries))
- logger.error(message)
- yield self.local.increment_retries(blob_id)
- if (retries + 1) >= self.max_retries:
- failed_download = SyncStatus.FAILED_DOWNLOAD
- yield self.local.update_sync_status(
- blob_id, failed_download, namespace=namespace)
- raise MaximumRetriesError(e)
- raise RetriableTransferError(e)
- if not result:
- defer.returnValue(None)
- blob, size = result
- if blob:
-"Got decrypted blob of type: %s" % type(blob))
- yield self.local.put(blob_id, blob, size=size, namespace=namespace)
- local_blob = yield self.local.get(blob_id, namespace=namespace)
- defer.returnValue(local_blob)
- else:
- # XXX we shouldn't get here, but we will...
- # lots of ugly error handling possible:
- # 1. retry, might be network error
- # 2. try later, maybe didn't finished streaming
- # 3.. resignation, might be error while verifying
- logger.error('sorry, dunno what happened')
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def _encrypt_and_upload(self, blob_id, fd, namespace=''):
- # TODO ------------------------------------------
- # this is wrong, is doing 2 stages.
- # the crypto producer can be passed to
- # the uploader and react as data is written.
- # try to rewrite as a tube: pass the fd to aes and let aes writer
- # produce data to the treq request fd.
- # ------------------------------------------------
-"Staring upload of blob: %s" % blob_id)
- doc_info = DocInfo(blob_id, FIXED_REV)
- uri = urljoin(self.remote, self.user + "/" + blob_id)
- crypter = BlobEncryptor(doc_info, fd, secret=self.secret,
- armor=False)
- fd = yield crypter.encrypt()
- params = {'namespace': namespace} if namespace else None
- response = yield self._client.put(uri, data=fd, params=params)
- check_http_status(response.code, blob_id)
-"Finished upload: %s" % (blob_id,))
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def _download_and_decrypt(self, blob_id, namespace=''):
-"Staring download of blob: %s" % blob_id)
- # TODO this needs to be connected in a tube
- uri = urljoin(self.remote, self.user + '/' + blob_id)
- params = {'namespace': namespace} if namespace else None
- response = yield self._client.get(uri, params=params)
- check_http_status(response.code, blob_id=blob_id)
- if not response.headers.hasHeader('Tag'):
- msg = "Server didn't send a tag header for: %s" % blob_id
- logger.error(msg)
- raise SoledadError(msg)
- tag = response.headers.getRawHeaders('Tag')[0]
- tag = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(tag)
- buf = DecrypterBuffer(blob_id, self.secret, tag)
- # incrementally collect the body of the response
- yield treq.collect(response, buf.write)
- fd, size = buf.close()
-"Finished download: (%s, %d)" % (blob_id, size))
- defer.returnValue((fd, size))
- def delete(self, blob_id, namespace=''):
- """
- Delete a blob from local and remote storages.
- :param blob_id:
- Unique identifier of a blob.
- :type blob_id: str
- :param namespace:
- Optional parameter to restrict operation to a given namespace.
- :type namespace: str
- :return: A deferred that fires when the operation finishes.
- :rtype: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred
- """
- return, blob_id, namespace)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def _delete(self, blob_id, namespace):
-"Staring deletion of blob: %s" % blob_id)
- yield self._delete_from_remote(blob_id, namespace=namespace)
- if (yield self.local.exists(blob_id, namespace=namespace)):
- yield self.local.delete(blob_id, namespace=namespace)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def _delete_from_remote(self, blob_id, namespace=''):
- # TODO this needs to be connected in a tube
- uri = urljoin(self.remote, self.user + '/' + blob_id)
- params = {'namespace': namespace} if namespace else None
- response = yield self._client.delete(uri, params=params)
- check_http_status(response.code, blob_id=blob_id)
- defer.returnValue(response)
-class SQLiteBlobBackend(object):
- concurrency_limit = 10
- def __init__(self, path, key=None, user=None):
- dbname = '%s_blobs.db' % (user or 'soledad')
- self.path = os.path.abspath(
- os.path.join(path, dbname))
- mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(self.path))
- if not key:
- raise ValueError('key cannot be None')
- backend = 'pysqlcipher.dbapi2'
- opts = sqlcipher.SQLCipherOptions(
- '/tmp/ignored', binascii.b2a_hex(key),
- is_raw_key=True, create=True)
- openfun = partial(pragmas.set_init_pragmas, opts=opts,
- schema_func=_init_blob_table)
- self.dbpool = ConnectionPool(
- backend, self.path, check_same_thread=False, timeout=5,
- cp_openfun=openfun, cp_min=2, cp_max=2, cp_name='blob_pool')
- def close(self):
- from twisted._threads import AlreadyQuit
- try:
- self.dbpool.close()
- except AlreadyQuit:
- pass
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def put(self, blob_id, blob_fd, size=None,
- namespace='', status=SyncStatus.PENDING_UPLOAD):
- previous_state = yield self.get_sync_status(blob_id)
- unavailable = SyncStatus.UNAVAILABLE_STATUSES
- if previous_state and previous_state[0] in unavailable:
- yield self.delete(blob_id, namespace=namespace)
- status = SyncStatus.SYNCED
-"Saving blob in local database...")
- insert = 'INSERT INTO blobs (blob_id, namespace, payload, sync_status)'
- insert += ' VALUES (?, ?, zeroblob(?), ?)'
- values = (blob_id, namespace, size, status)
- irow = yield self.dbpool.insertAndGetLastRowid(insert, values)
- yield self.dbpool.write_blob('blobs', 'payload', irow, blob_fd)
-"Finished saving blob in local database.")
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def get(self, blob_id, namespace=''):
- # TODO we can also stream the blob value using sqlite
- # incremental interface for blobs - and just return the raw fd instead
- select = 'SELECT payload FROM blobs WHERE blob_id = ? AND namespace= ?'
- values = (blob_id, namespace,)
- avoid_values = SyncStatus.UNAVAILABLE_STATUSES
- select += ' AND sync_status NOT IN (%s)'
- select %= ','.join(['?' for _ in avoid_values])
- values += avoid_values
- result = yield self.dbpool.runQuery(select, values)
- if result:
- defer.returnValue(BytesIO(str(result[0][0])))
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def get_sync_status(self, blob_id):
- select = 'SELECT sync_status, retries FROM blobs WHERE blob_id = ?'
- result = yield self.dbpool.runQuery(select, (blob_id,))
- if result:
- defer.returnValue((result[0][0], result[0][1]))
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def list(self, namespace='', sync_status=False):
- query = 'select blob_id from blobs where namespace = ?'
- values = (namespace,)
- if sync_status:
- query += ' and sync_status = ?'
- values += (sync_status,)
- else:
- avoid_values = SyncStatus.UNAVAILABLE_STATUSES
- query += ' AND sync_status NOT IN (%s)'
- query %= ','.join(['?' for _ in avoid_values])
- values += avoid_values
- result = yield self.dbpool.runQuery(query, values)
- if result:
- defer.returnValue([b_id[0] for b_id in result])
- else:
- defer.returnValue([])
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def update_sync_status(self, blob_id, sync_status, namespace=""):
- query = 'SELECT sync_status FROM blobs WHERE blob_id = ?'
- result = yield self.dbpool.runQuery(query, (blob_id,))
- if not result:
- insert = 'INSERT INTO blobs'
- insert += ' (blob_id, namespace, payload, sync_status)'
- insert += ' VALUES (?, ?, zeroblob(0), ?)'
- values = (blob_id, namespace, sync_status)
- yield self.dbpool.runOperation(insert, values)
- return
- update = 'UPDATE blobs SET sync_status = ? WHERE blob_id = ?'
- values = (sync_status, blob_id,)
- result = yield self.dbpool.runOperation(update, values)
- def update_batch_sync_status(self, blob_id_list, sync_status,
- namespace=''):
- insert = 'INSERT INTO blobs (blob_id, namespace, payload, sync_status)'
- first_blob_id, blob_id_list = blob_id_list[0], blob_id_list[1:]
- insert += ' VALUES (?, ?, zeroblob(0), ?)'
- values = (first_blob_id, namespace, sync_status)
- for blob_id in blob_id_list:
- insert += ', (?, ?, zeroblob(0), ?)'
- values += (blob_id, namespace, sync_status)
- return self.dbpool.runQuery(insert, values)
- def increment_retries(self, blob_id):
- query = 'update blobs set retries = retries + 1 where blob_id = ?'
- return self.dbpool.runQuery(query, (blob_id,))
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def list_namespaces(self):
- query = 'select namespace from blobs'
- result = yield self.dbpool.runQuery(query)
- if result:
- defer.returnValue([namespace[0] for namespace in result])
- else:
- defer.returnValue([])
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def exists(self, blob_id, namespace=''):
- query = 'SELECT blob_id from blobs WHERE blob_id = ? AND namespace= ?'
- result = yield self.dbpool.runQuery(query, (blob_id, namespace,))
- defer.returnValue(bool(len(result)))
- def delete(self, blob_id, namespace=''):
- query = 'DELETE FROM blobs WHERE blob_id = ? AND namespace = ?'
- return self.dbpool.runQuery(query, (blob_id, namespace,))
-def _init_blob_table(conn):
- maybe_create = (
- "blobs ("
- "blob_id PRIMARY KEY, "
- "payload BLOB)")
- conn.execute(maybe_create)
- columns = [row[1] for row in conn.execute("pragma"
- " table_info(blobs)").fetchall()]
- if 'namespace' not in columns:
- # namespace migration
- conn.execute('ALTER TABLE blobs ADD COLUMN namespace TEXT')
- if 'sync_status' not in columns:
- # sync status migration
- default_status = SyncStatus.PENDING_UPLOAD
- sync_column = 'ALTER TABLE blobs ADD COLUMN sync_status INT default %s'
- sync_column %= default_status
- conn.execute(sync_column)
- conn.execute('ALTER TABLE blobs ADD COLUMN retries INT default 0')
-# testing facilities
-def testit(reactor):
- # configure logging to stdout
- from twisted.python import log
- import sys
- log.startLogging(sys.stdout)
- # parse command line arguments
- import argparse
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument('--url', default='http://localhost:9000/')
- parser.add_argument('--path', default='/tmp/blobs')
- parser.add_argument('--secret', default='secret')
- parser.add_argument('--uuid', default='user')
- parser.add_argument('--token', default=None)
- parser.add_argument('--cert-file', default='')
- subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='sub-command help', dest='action')
- # parse upload command
- parser_upload = subparsers.add_parser(
- 'upload', help='upload blob and bypass local db')
- parser_upload.add_argument('payload')
- parser_upload.add_argument('blob_id')
- # parse download command
- parser_download = subparsers.add_parser(
- 'download', help='download blob and bypass local db')
- parser_download.add_argument('blob_id')
- parser_download.add_argument('--output-file', default='/tmp/incoming-file')
- # parse put command
- parser_put = subparsers.add_parser(
- 'put', help='put blob in local db and upload')
- parser_put.add_argument('payload')
- parser_put.add_argument('blob_id')
- # parse get command
- parser_get = subparsers.add_parser(
- 'get', help='get blob from local db, get if needed')
- parser_get.add_argument('blob_id')
- # parse delete command
- parser_get = subparsers.add_parser(
- 'delete', help='delete blob from local and remote db')
- parser_get.add_argument('blob_id')
- # parse list command
- parser_get = subparsers.add_parser(
- 'list', help='list local and remote blob ids')
- # parse send_missing command
- parser_get = subparsers.add_parser(
- 'send_missing', help='send all pending upload blobs')
- # parse send_missing command
- parser_get = subparsers.add_parser(
- 'fetch_missing', help='fetch all new server blobs')
- # parse arguments
- args = parser.parse_args()
- # TODO convert these into proper unittests
- def _manager():
- mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(args.path))
- manager = BlobManager(
- args.path, args.url,
- 'A' * 32, args.secret,
- args.uuid, args.token, args.cert_file)
- return manager
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def _upload(blob_id, payload):
-":: Starting upload only: %s" % str((blob_id, payload)))
- manager = _manager()
- with open(payload, 'r') as fd:
- yield manager._encrypt_and_upload(blob_id, fd)
-":: Finished upload only: %s" % str((blob_id, payload)))
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def _download(blob_id):
-":: Starting download only: %s" % blob_id)
- manager = _manager()
- result = yield manager._download_and_decrypt(blob_id)
-":: Result of download: %s" % str(result))
- if result:
- fd, _ = result
- with open(args.output_file, 'w') as f:
-":: Writing data to %s" % args.output_file)
- f.write(
-":: Finished download only: %s" % blob_id)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def _put(blob_id, payload):
-":: Starting full put: %s" % blob_id)
- manager = _manager()
- size = os.path.getsize(payload)
- with open(payload) as fd:
- doc = BlobDoc(fd, blob_id)
- result = yield manager.put(doc, size=size)
-":: Result of put: %s" % str(result))
-":: Finished full put: %s" % blob_id)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def _get(blob_id):
-":: Starting full get: %s" % blob_id)
- manager = _manager()
- fd = yield manager.get(blob_id)
- if fd:
-":: Result of get: " + fd.getvalue())
-":: Finished full get: %s" % blob_id)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def _delete(blob_id):
-":: Starting deletion of: %s" % blob_id)
- manager = _manager()
- yield manager.delete(blob_id)
-":: Finished deletion of: %s" % blob_id)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def _list():
-":: Listing local blobs")
- manager = _manager()
- local_list = yield manager.local_list()
-":: Local list: %s" % local_list)
-":: Listing remote blobs")
- remote_list = yield manager.remote_list()
-":: Remote list: %s" % remote_list)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def _send_missing():
-":: Sending local pending upload docs")
- manager = _manager()
- yield manager.send_missing()
-":: Finished sending missing docs")
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def _fetch_missing():
-":: Fetching remote new docs")
- manager = _manager()
- yield manager.fetch_missing()
-":: Finished fetching new docs")
- if args.action == 'upload':
- yield _upload(args.blob_id, args.payload)
- elif args.action == 'download':
- yield _download(args.blob_id)
- elif args.action == 'put':
- yield _put(args.blob_id, args.payload)
- elif args.action == 'get':
- yield _get(args.blob_id)
- elif args.action == 'delete':
- yield _delete(args.blob_id)
- elif args.action == 'list':
- yield _list()
- elif args.action == 'send_missing':
- yield _send_missing()
- elif args.action == 'fetch_missing':
- yield _fetch_missing()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- from twisted.internet.task import react
- react(testit)
diff --git a/src/leap/soledad/client/_db/blobs/ b/src/leap/soledad/client/_db/blobs/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0120b222
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/leap/soledad/client/_db/blobs/
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2017 LEAP
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+Clientside BlobBackend Storage.
+from urlparse import urljoin
+import os
+import json
+import base64
+from io import BytesIO
+from twisted.logger import Logger
+from twisted.internet import defer
+import treq
+from leap.soledad.common.errors import SoledadError
+from leap.common.files import mkdir_p
+from leap.soledad.client._crypto import DocInfo
+from leap.soledad.client._crypto import InvalidBlob
+from leap.soledad.client._crypto import BlobEncryptor
+from leap.soledad.client._crypto import BlobDecryptor
+from leap.soledad.client._crypto import EncryptionSchemeNotImplementedException
+from leap.soledad.client._http import HTTPClient
+from leap.soledad.client._pipes import TruncatedTailPipe
+from leap.soledad.client._pipes import PreamblePipe
+from .sql import SyncStatus
+from .sql import SQLiteBlobBackend
+from .sync import BlobsSynchronizer
+from .errors import (
+ BlobAlreadyExistsError, MaximumRetriesError,
+ RetriableTransferError, BlobNotFoundError, InvalidFlagsError)
+logger = Logger()
+FIXED_REV = 'ImmutableRevision' # Blob content is immutable
+def check_http_status(code, blob_id=None, flags=None):
+ if code == 404:
+ raise BlobNotFoundError(blob_id)
+ if code == 409:
+ raise BlobAlreadyExistsError(blob_id)
+ elif code == 406:
+ raise InvalidFlagsError((blob_id, flags))
+ elif code != 200:
+ raise SoledadError("Server Error: %s" % code)
+class DecrypterBuffer(object):
+ def __init__(self, blob_id, secret, tag):
+ self.doc_info = DocInfo(blob_id, FIXED_REV)
+ self.secret = secret
+ self.tag = tag
+ self.preamble_pipe = PreamblePipe(self._make_decryptor)
+ self.decrypter = None
+ def _make_decryptor(self, preamble):
+ try:
+ self.decrypter = BlobDecryptor(
+ self.doc_info, preamble,
+ secret=self.secret,
+ armor=False,
+ start_stream=False,
+ tag=self.tag)
+ return TruncatedTailPipe(self.decrypter, tail_size=len(self.tag))
+ except EncryptionSchemeNotImplementedException:
+ # If we do not support the provided encryption scheme, than that's
+ # something for the application using soledad to handle. This is
+ # the case on asymmetrically encrypted documents on IncomingBox.
+ self.raw_data = BytesIO()
+ return self.raw_data
+ def write(self, data):
+ self.preamble_pipe.write(data)
+ def close(self):
+ if self.decrypter:
+ real_size = self.decrypter.decrypted_content_size
+ return self.decrypter.endStream(), real_size
+ else:
+ return self.raw_data, self.raw_data.tell()
+class BlobManager(BlobsSynchronizer):
+ """
+ The BlobManager can list, put, get, set flags and synchronize blobs stored
+ in local and remote storages.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self, local_path, remote, key, secret, user, token=None,
+ cert_file=None):
+ """
+ Initialize the blob manager.
+ :param local_path: The path for the local blobs database.
+ :type local_path: str
+ :param remote: The URL of the remote storage.
+ :type remote: str
+ :param secret: The secret used to encrypt/decrypt blobs.
+ :type secret: str
+ :param user: The uuid of the user.
+ :type user: str
+ :param token: The access token for interacting with remote storage.
+ :type token: str
+ :param cert_file: The path to the CA certificate file.
+ :type cert_file: str
+ """
+ super(BlobsSynchronizer, self).__init__()
+ self.max_retries = 3
+ self.concurrent_transfers_limit = 3
+ self.concurrent_writes_limit = 100
+ if local_path:
+ mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(local_path))
+ self.local = SQLiteBlobBackend(local_path, key=key, user=user)
+ self.remote = remote
+ self.secret = secret
+ self.user = user
+ self._client = HTTPClient(user, token, cert_file)
+ self.semaphore = defer.DeferredSemaphore(self.concurrent_writes_limit)
+ def close(self):
+ if hasattr(self, 'local') and self.local:
+ return self.local.close()
+ def count(self, namespace=''):
+ """
+ Count the number of blobs.
+ :param namespace:
+ Optional parameter to restrict operation to a given namespace.
+ :type namespace: str
+ :return: A deferred that fires with a dict parsed from the JSON
+ response, which `count` key has the number of blobs as value.
+ Eg.: {"count": 42}
+ :rtype: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred
+ """
+ return self.remote_list(namespace=namespace, only_count=True)
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def remote_list(self, namespace='', order_by=None,
+ filter_flag=False, only_count=False):
+ """
+ List blobs from server, with filtering and ordering capabilities.
+ :param namespace:
+ Optional parameter to restrict operation to a given namespace.
+ :type namespace: str
+ :param order_by:
+ Optional parameter to order results. Possible values are:
+ date or +date - Ascending order (older first)
+ -date - Descending order (newer first)
+ :type order_by: str
+ :param filter_flag:
+ Optional parameter to filter listing to results containing the
+ specified tag.
+ :type filter_flag: leap.soledad.common.blobs.Flags
+ :param only_count:
+ Optional paramter to return only the number of blobs found.
+ :type only_count: bool
+ :return: A deferred that fires with a list parsed from the JSON
+ response, holding the requested list of blobs.
+ Eg.: ['blob_id1', 'blob_id2']
+ :rtype: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred
+ """
+ uri = urljoin(self.remote, self.user + '/')
+ params = {'namespace': namespace} if namespace else {}
+ if order_by:
+ params['order_by'] = order_by
+ if filter_flag:
+ params['filter_flag'] = filter_flag
+ if only_count:
+ params['only_count'] = only_count
+ response = yield self._client.get(uri, params=params)
+ check_http_status(response.code)
+ defer.returnValue((yield response.json()))
+ def local_list(self, namespace='', sync_status=None):
+ return self.local.list(namespace, sync_status)
+ def put(self, doc, size, namespace=''):
+ """
+ Put a blob in local storage and upload it to server.
+ :param doc: A BlobDoc representing the blob.
+ :type doc: leap.soledad.client._document.BlobDoc
+ :param size: The size of the blob.
+ :type size: int
+ :param namespace:
+ Optional parameter to restrict operation to a given namespace.
+ :type namespace: str
+ """
+ return, doc, size, namespace)
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def _put(self, doc, size, namespace):
+ if (yield self.local.exists(doc.blob_id, namespace=namespace)):
+ error_message = "Blob already exists: %s" % doc.blob_id
+ raise BlobAlreadyExistsError(error_message)
+ fd = doc.blob_fd
+ # TODO this is a tee really, but ok... could do db and upload
+ # concurrently. not sure if we'd gain something.
+ yield self.local.put(doc.blob_id, fd, size=size, namespace=namespace)
+ # In fact, some kind of pipe is needed here, where each write on db
+ # handle gets forwarded into a write on the connection handle
+ fd = yield self.local.get(doc.blob_id, namespace=namespace)
+ yield self._encrypt_and_upload(doc.blob_id, fd, namespace=namespace)
+ yield self.local.update_sync_status(doc.blob_id, SyncStatus.SYNCED)
+ def set_flags(self, blob_id, flags, namespace=''):
+ """
+ Set flags for a given blob_id.
+ :param blob_id:
+ Unique identifier of a blob.
+ :type blob_id: str
+ :param flags:
+ List of flags to be set.
+ :type flags: [leap.soledad.common.blobs.Flags]
+ :param namespace:
+ Optional parameter to restrict operation to a given namespace.
+ :type namespace: str
+ :return: A deferred that fires when the operation finishes.
+ :rtype: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred
+ """
+ return, blob_id, flags, namespace)
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def _set_flags(self, blob_id, flags, namespace):
+ params = {'namespace': namespace} if namespace else None
+ flagsfd = BytesIO(json.dumps(flags))
+ uri = urljoin(self.remote, self.user + "/" + blob_id)
+ response = yield, data=flagsfd, params=params)
+ check_http_status(response.code, blob_id=blob_id, flags=flags)
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def get_flags(self, blob_id, namespace=''):
+ """
+ Get flags from a given blob_id.
+ :param blob_id:
+ Unique identifier of a blob.
+ :type blob_id: str
+ :param namespace:
+ Optional parameter to restrict operation to a given namespace.
+ :type namespace: str
+ :return: A deferred that fires with a list parsed from JSON response.
+ Eg.: [Flags.PENDING]
+ :rtype: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred
+ """
+ uri = urljoin(self.remote, self.user + "/" + blob_id)
+ params = {'namespace': namespace} if namespace else {}
+ params['only_flags'] = True
+ response = yield self._client.get(uri, params=params)
+ check_http_status(response.code, blob_id=blob_id)
+ defer.returnValue((yield response.json()))
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def get(self, blob_id, namespace=''):
+ """
+ Get the blob from local storage or, if not available, from the server.
+ :param blob_id:
+ Unique identifier of a blob.
+ :type blob_id: str
+ :param namespace:
+ Optional parameter to restrict operation to a given namespace.
+ :type namespace: str
+ """
+ local_blob = yield self.local.get(blob_id, namespace=namespace)
+ if local_blob:
+"Found blob in local database: %s" % blob_id)
+ defer.returnValue(local_blob)
+ yield self.local.update_sync_status(
+ blob_id, SyncStatus.PENDING_DOWNLOAD, namespace=namespace)
+ try:
+ result = yield self._download_and_decrypt(blob_id, namespace)
+ except Exception as e:
+ _, retries = yield self.local.get_sync_status(blob_id)
+ if isinstance(e, InvalidBlob):
+ message = "Corrupted blob received from server! ID: %s\n"
+ message += "Error: %r\n"
+ message += "Retries: %s - Attempts left: %s\n"
+ message += "This is either a bug or the contents of the "
+ message += "blob have been tampered with. Please, report to "
+ message += "your provider's sysadmin and submit a bug report."
+ message %= (blob_id, e, retries, (self.max_retries - retries))
+ logger.error(message)
+ yield self.local.increment_retries(blob_id)
+ if (retries + 1) >= self.max_retries:
+ failed_download = SyncStatus.FAILED_DOWNLOAD
+ yield self.local.update_sync_status(
+ blob_id, failed_download, namespace=namespace)
+ raise MaximumRetriesError(e)
+ raise RetriableTransferError(e)
+ if not result:
+ defer.returnValue(None)
+ blob, size = result
+ if blob:
+"Got decrypted blob of type: %s" % type(blob))
+ yield self.local.put(blob_id, blob, size=size, namespace=namespace)
+ local_blob = yield self.local.get(blob_id, namespace=namespace)
+ defer.returnValue(local_blob)
+ else:
+ # XXX we shouldn't get here, but we will...
+ # lots of ugly error handling possible:
+ # 1. retry, might be network error
+ # 2. try later, maybe didn't finished streaming
+ # 3.. resignation, might be error while verifying
+ logger.error('sorry, dunno what happened')
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def _encrypt_and_upload(self, blob_id, fd, namespace=''):
+ # TODO ------------------------------------------
+ # this is wrong, is doing 2 stages.
+ # the crypto producer can be passed to
+ # the uploader and react as data is written.
+ # try to rewrite as a tube: pass the fd to aes and let aes writer
+ # produce data to the treq request fd.
+ # ------------------------------------------------
+"Staring upload of blob: %s" % blob_id)
+ doc_info = DocInfo(blob_id, FIXED_REV)
+ uri = urljoin(self.remote, self.user + "/" + blob_id)
+ crypter = BlobEncryptor(doc_info, fd, secret=self.secret,
+ armor=False)
+ fd = yield crypter.encrypt()
+ params = {'namespace': namespace} if namespace else None
+ response = yield self._client.put(uri, data=fd, params=params)
+ check_http_status(response.code, blob_id)
+"Finished upload: %s" % (blob_id,))
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def _download_and_decrypt(self, blob_id, namespace=''):
+"Staring download of blob: %s" % blob_id)
+ # TODO this needs to be connected in a tube
+ uri = urljoin(self.remote, self.user + '/' + blob_id)
+ params = {'namespace': namespace} if namespace else None
+ response = yield self._client.get(uri, params=params)
+ check_http_status(response.code, blob_id=blob_id)
+ if not response.headers.hasHeader('Tag'):
+ msg = "Server didn't send a tag header for: %s" % blob_id
+ logger.error(msg)
+ raise SoledadError(msg)
+ tag = response.headers.getRawHeaders('Tag')[0]
+ tag = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(tag)
+ buf = DecrypterBuffer(blob_id, self.secret, tag)
+ # incrementally collect the body of the response
+ yield treq.collect(response, buf.write)
+ fd, size = buf.close()
+"Finished download: (%s, %d)" % (blob_id, size))
+ defer.returnValue((fd, size))
+ def delete(self, blob_id, namespace=''):
+ """
+ Delete a blob from local and remote storages.
+ :param blob_id:
+ Unique identifier of a blob.
+ :type blob_id: str
+ :param namespace:
+ Optional parameter to restrict operation to a given namespace.
+ :type namespace: str
+ :return: A deferred that fires when the operation finishes.
+ :rtype: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred
+ """
+ return, blob_id, namespace)
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def _delete(self, blob_id, namespace):
+"Staring deletion of blob: %s" % blob_id)
+ yield self._delete_from_remote(blob_id, namespace=namespace)
+ if (yield self.local.exists(blob_id, namespace=namespace)):
+ yield self.local.delete(blob_id, namespace=namespace)
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def _delete_from_remote(self, blob_id, namespace=''):
+ # TODO this needs to be connected in a tube
+ uri = urljoin(self.remote, self.user + '/' + blob_id)
+ params = {'namespace': namespace} if namespace else None
+ response = yield self._client.delete(uri, params=params)
+ check_http_status(response.code, blob_id=blob_id)
+ defer.returnValue(response)
diff --git a/src/leap/soledad/client/_db/blobs/ b/src/leap/soledad/client/_db/blobs/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ddaa8351
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/leap/soledad/client/_db/blobs/
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2017 LEAP
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import os
+from leap.common.files import mkdir_p
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from . import BlobManager
+from leap.soledad.client._document import BlobDoc
+from twisted.logger import Logger
+logger = Logger()
+# testing facilities
+def testit(reactor):
+ # configure logging to stdout
+ from twisted.python import log
+ import sys
+ log.startLogging(sys.stdout)
+ # parse command line arguments
+ import argparse
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument('--url', default='http://localhost:9000/')
+ parser.add_argument('--path', default='/tmp/blobs')
+ parser.add_argument('--secret', default='secret')
+ parser.add_argument('--uuid', default='user')
+ parser.add_argument('--token', default=None)
+ parser.add_argument('--cert-file', default='')
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='sub-command help', dest='action')
+ # parse upload command
+ parser_upload = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'upload', help='upload blob and bypass local db')
+ parser_upload.add_argument('payload')
+ parser_upload.add_argument('blob_id')
+ # parse download command
+ parser_download = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'download', help='download blob and bypass local db')
+ parser_download.add_argument('blob_id')
+ parser_download.add_argument('--output-file', default='/tmp/incoming-file')
+ # parse put command
+ parser_put = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'put', help='put blob in local db and upload')
+ parser_put.add_argument('payload')
+ parser_put.add_argument('blob_id')
+ # parse get command
+ parser_get = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'get', help='get blob from local db, get if needed')
+ parser_get.add_argument('blob_id')
+ # parse delete command
+ parser_get = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'delete', help='delete blob from local and remote db')
+ parser_get.add_argument('blob_id')
+ # parse list command
+ parser_get = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'list', help='list local and remote blob ids')
+ # parse send_missing command
+ parser_get = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'send_missing', help='send all pending upload blobs')
+ # parse send_missing command
+ parser_get = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'fetch_missing', help='fetch all new server blobs')
+ # parse arguments
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ # TODO convert these into proper unittests
+ def _manager():
+ mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(args.path))
+ manager = BlobManager(
+ args.path, args.url,
+ 'A' * 32, args.secret,
+ args.uuid, args.token, args.cert_file)
+ return manager
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def _upload(blob_id, payload):
+":: Starting upload only: %s" % str((blob_id, payload)))
+ manager = _manager()
+ with open(payload, 'r') as fd:
+ yield manager._encrypt_and_upload(blob_id, fd)
+":: Finished upload only: %s" % str((blob_id, payload)))
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def _download(blob_id):
+":: Starting download only: %s" % blob_id)
+ manager = _manager()
+ result = yield manager._download_and_decrypt(blob_id)
+":: Result of download: %s" % str(result))
+ if result:
+ fd, _ = result
+ with open(args.output_file, 'w') as f:
+":: Writing data to %s" % args.output_file)
+ f.write(
+":: Finished download only: %s" % blob_id)
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def _put(blob_id, payload):
+":: Starting full put: %s" % blob_id)
+ manager = _manager()
+ size = os.path.getsize(payload)
+ with open(payload) as fd:
+ doc = BlobDoc(fd, blob_id)
+ result = yield manager.put(doc, size=size)
+":: Result of put: %s" % str(result))
+":: Finished full put: %s" % blob_id)
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def _get(blob_id):
+":: Starting full get: %s" % blob_id)
+ manager = _manager()
+ fd = yield manager.get(blob_id)
+ if fd:
+":: Result of get: " + fd.getvalue())
+":: Finished full get: %s" % blob_id)
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def _delete(blob_id):
+":: Starting deletion of: %s" % blob_id)
+ manager = _manager()
+ yield manager.delete(blob_id)
+":: Finished deletion of: %s" % blob_id)
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def _list():
+":: Listing local blobs")
+ manager = _manager()
+ local_list = yield manager.local_list()
+":: Local list: %s" % local_list)
+":: Listing remote blobs")
+ remote_list = yield manager.remote_list()
+":: Remote list: %s" % remote_list)
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def _send_missing():
+":: Sending local pending upload docs")
+ manager = _manager()
+ yield manager.send_missing()
+":: Finished sending missing docs")
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def _fetch_missing():
+":: Fetching remote new docs")
+ manager = _manager()
+ yield manager.fetch_missing()
+":: Finished fetching new docs")
+ if args.action == 'upload':
+ yield _upload(args.blob_id, args.payload)
+ elif args.action == 'download':
+ yield _download(args.blob_id)
+ elif args.action == 'put':
+ yield _put(args.blob_id, args.payload)
+ elif args.action == 'get':
+ yield _get(args.blob_id)
+ elif args.action == 'delete':
+ yield _delete(args.blob_id)
+ elif args.action == 'list':
+ yield _list()
+ elif args.action == 'send_missing':
+ yield _send_missing()
+ elif args.action == 'fetch_missing':
+ yield _fetch_missing()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ from twisted.internet.task import react
+ react(testit)
diff --git a/src/leap/soledad/client/_db/blobs/ b/src/leap/soledad/client/_db/blobs/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..90de9553
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/leap/soledad/client/_db/blobs/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2017 LEAP
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+Blobs exceptions
+from leap.soledad.common.errors import SoledadError
+class BlobAlreadyExistsError(SoledadError):
+ pass
+class BlobNotFoundError(SoledadError):
+ pass
+class InvalidFlagsError(SoledadError):
+ pass
+class RetriableTransferError(Exception):
+ pass
+class MaximumRetriesError(Exception):
+ pass
diff --git a/src/leap/soledad/client/_db/blobs/ b/src/leap/soledad/client/_db/blobs/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dcca1671
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/leap/soledad/client/_db/blobs/
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2017 LEAP
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+Local blobs backend on SQLCipher
+import os
+import binascii
+from functools import partial
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from twisted.logger import Logger
+from twisted.enterprise import adbapi
+from leap.common.files import mkdir_p
+from .. import sqlcipher
+from .. import pragmas
+from io import BytesIO
+logger = Logger()
+class SyncStatus:
+ SYNCED = 1
+class SQLiteBlobBackend(object):
+ concurrency_limit = 10
+ def __init__(self, path, key=None, user=None):
+ dbname = '%s_blobs.db' % (user or 'soledad')
+ self.path = os.path.abspath(
+ os.path.join(path, dbname))
+ mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(self.path))
+ if not key:
+ raise ValueError('key cannot be None')
+ backend = 'pysqlcipher.dbapi2'
+ opts = sqlcipher.SQLCipherOptions(
+ '/tmp/ignored', binascii.b2a_hex(key),
+ is_raw_key=True, create=True)
+ openfun = partial(pragmas.set_init_pragmas, opts=opts,
+ schema_func=_init_blob_table)
+ self.dbpool = ConnectionPool(
+ backend, self.path, check_same_thread=False, timeout=5,
+ cp_openfun=openfun, cp_min=2, cp_max=2, cp_name='blob_pool')
+ def close(self):
+ from twisted._threads import AlreadyQuit
+ try:
+ self.dbpool.close()
+ except AlreadyQuit:
+ pass
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def put(self, blob_id, blob_fd, size=None,
+ namespace='', status=SyncStatus.PENDING_UPLOAD):
+ previous_state = yield self.get_sync_status(blob_id)
+ unavailable = SyncStatus.UNAVAILABLE_STATUSES
+ if previous_state and previous_state[0] in unavailable:
+ yield self.delete(blob_id, namespace=namespace)
+ status = SyncStatus.SYNCED
+"Saving blob in local database...")
+ insert = 'INSERT INTO blobs (blob_id, namespace, payload, sync_status)'
+ insert += ' VALUES (?, ?, zeroblob(?), ?)'
+ values = (blob_id, namespace, size, status)
+ irow = yield self.dbpool.insertAndGetLastRowid(insert, values)
+ yield self.dbpool.write_blob('blobs', 'payload', irow, blob_fd)
+"Finished saving blob in local database.")
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def get(self, blob_id, namespace=''):
+ # TODO we can also stream the blob value using sqlite
+ # incremental interface for blobs - and just return the raw fd instead
+ select = 'SELECT payload FROM blobs WHERE blob_id = ? AND namespace= ?'
+ values = (blob_id, namespace,)
+ avoid_values = SyncStatus.UNAVAILABLE_STATUSES
+ select += ' AND sync_status NOT IN (%s)'
+ select %= ','.join(['?' for _ in avoid_values])
+ values += avoid_values
+ result = yield self.dbpool.runQuery(select, values)
+ if result:
+ defer.returnValue(BytesIO(str(result[0][0])))
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def get_sync_status(self, blob_id):
+ select = 'SELECT sync_status, retries FROM blobs WHERE blob_id = ?'
+ result = yield self.dbpool.runQuery(select, (blob_id,))
+ if result:
+ defer.returnValue((result[0][0], result[0][1]))
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def list(self, namespace='', sync_status=False):
+ query = 'select blob_id from blobs where namespace = ?'
+ values = (namespace,)
+ if sync_status:
+ query += ' and sync_status = ?'
+ values += (sync_status,)
+ else:
+ avoid_values = SyncStatus.UNAVAILABLE_STATUSES
+ query += ' AND sync_status NOT IN (%s)'
+ query %= ','.join(['?' for _ in avoid_values])
+ values += avoid_values
+ result = yield self.dbpool.runQuery(query, values)
+ if result:
+ defer.returnValue([b_id[0] for b_id in result])
+ else:
+ defer.returnValue([])
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def update_sync_status(self, blob_id, sync_status, namespace=""):
+ query = 'SELECT sync_status FROM blobs WHERE blob_id = ?'
+ result = yield self.dbpool.runQuery(query, (blob_id,))
+ if not result:
+ insert = 'INSERT INTO blobs'
+ insert += ' (blob_id, namespace, payload, sync_status)'
+ insert += ' VALUES (?, ?, zeroblob(0), ?)'
+ values = (blob_id, namespace, sync_status)
+ yield self.dbpool.runOperation(insert, values)
+ return
+ update = 'UPDATE blobs SET sync_status = ? WHERE blob_id = ?'
+ values = (sync_status, blob_id,)
+ result = yield self.dbpool.runOperation(update, values)
+ def update_batch_sync_status(self, blob_id_list, sync_status,
+ namespace=''):
+ insert = 'INSERT INTO blobs (blob_id, namespace, payload, sync_status)'
+ first_blob_id, blob_id_list = blob_id_list[0], blob_id_list[1:]
+ insert += ' VALUES (?, ?, zeroblob(0), ?)'
+ values = (first_blob_id, namespace, sync_status)
+ for blob_id in blob_id_list:
+ insert += ', (?, ?, zeroblob(0), ?)'
+ values += (blob_id, namespace, sync_status)
+ return self.dbpool.runQuery(insert, values)
+ def increment_retries(self, blob_id):
+ query = 'update blobs set retries = retries + 1 where blob_id = ?'
+ return self.dbpool.runQuery(query, (blob_id,))
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def list_namespaces(self):
+ query = 'select namespace from blobs'
+ result = yield self.dbpool.runQuery(query)
+ if result:
+ defer.returnValue([namespace[0] for namespace in result])
+ else:
+ defer.returnValue([])
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def exists(self, blob_id, namespace=''):
+ query = 'SELECT blob_id from blobs WHERE blob_id = ? AND namespace= ?'
+ result = yield self.dbpool.runQuery(query, (blob_id, namespace,))
+ defer.returnValue(bool(len(result)))
+ def delete(self, blob_id, namespace=''):
+ query = 'DELETE FROM blobs WHERE blob_id = ? AND namespace = ?'
+ return self.dbpool.runQuery(query, (blob_id, namespace,))
+def _init_sync_table(conn):
+ maybe_create = """
+ sync_state (
+ blob_id PRIMARY KEY,
+ sync_status INT default %s,
+ retries INT default 0)"""
+ default_status = SyncStatus.PENDING_UPLOAD
+ maybe_create %= default_status
+ conn.execute(maybe_create)
+def _init_blob_table(conn):
+ maybe_create = (
+ "blobs ("
+ "blob_id PRIMARY KEY, "
+ "payload BLOB)")
+ conn.execute(maybe_create)
+ columns = [row[1] for row in conn.execute("pragma"
+ " table_info(blobs)").fetchall()]
+ if 'namespace' not in columns:
+ # namespace migration
+ conn.execute('ALTER TABLE blobs ADD COLUMN namespace TEXT')
+ if 'sync_status' not in columns:
+ # sync status migration
+ default_status = SyncStatus.PENDING_UPLOAD
+ sync_column = 'ALTER TABLE blobs ADD COLUMN sync_status INT default %s'
+ sync_column %= default_status
+ conn.execute(sync_column)
+ conn.execute('ALTER TABLE blobs ADD COLUMN retries INT default 0')
+class ConnectionPool(adbapi.ConnectionPool):
+ def insertAndGetLastRowid(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Execute an SQL query and return the last rowid.
+ See:
+ """
+ return self.runInteraction(
+ self._insertAndGetLastRowid, *args, **kwargs)
+ def _insertAndGetLastRowid(self, trans, *args, **kw):
+ trans.execute(*args, **kw)
+ return trans.lastrowid
+ def blob(self, table, column, irow, flags):
+ """
+ Open a BLOB for incremental I/O.
+ Return a handle to the BLOB that would be selected by:
+ SELECT column FROM table WHERE rowid = irow;
+ See:
+ :param table: The table in which to lookup the blob.
+ :type table: str
+ :param column: The column where the BLOB is located.
+ :type column: str
+ :param rowid: The rowid of the BLOB.
+ :type rowid: int
+ :param flags: If zero, BLOB is opened for read-only. If non-zero,
+ BLOB is opened for RW.
+ :type flags: int
+ :return: A BLOB handle.
+ :rtype: pysqlcipher.dbapi.Blob
+ """
+ return self.runInteraction(self._blob, table, column, irow, flags)
+ def write_blob(self, table, column, irow, blob_fd):
+ return self.runInteraction(self._write_blob, table, column, irow,
+ blob_fd)
+ def _write_blob(self, trans, table, column, irow, blob_fd):
+ with trans._connection.blob(table, column, irow, 1) as handle:
+ data =**12)
+ while data:
+ handle.write(data)
+ data =**12)
+ def _blob(self, trans, table, column, irow, flags):
+ # TODO: should not use transaction private variable here
+ handle = trans._connection.blob(table, column, irow, flags)
+ return handle
diff --git a/src/leap/soledad/client/_db/blobs/ b/src/leap/soledad/client/_db/blobs/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..67df1d7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/leap/soledad/client/_db/blobs/
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2017 LEAP
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+Synchronization between blobs client/server
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from twisted.internet import reactor
+from twisted.logger import Logger
+from twisted.internet import error
+from .sql import SyncStatus
+from .errors import MaximumRetriesError, RetriableTransferError
+logger = Logger()
+def sleep(seconds):
+ d = defer.Deferred()
+ reactor.callLater(seconds, d.callback, None)
+ return d
+MAX_WAIT = 60 # In seconds. Max time between retries
+def with_retry(func, *args, **kwargs):
+ retry_wait = 1
+ retriable_errors = (error.ConnectError, error.ConnectionClosed,
+ RetriableTransferError,)
+ while True:
+ try:
+ yield func(*args, **kwargs)
+ break
+ except retriable_errors:
+ yield sleep(retry_wait)
+ retry_wait = min(retry_wait + 10, MAX_WAIT)
+class BlobsSynchronizer(object):
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def refresh_sync_status_from_server(self, namespace=''):
+ d1 = self.remote_list(namespace=namespace)
+ d2 = self.local_list(namespace=namespace)
+ remote_list, local_list = yield defer.gatherResults([d1, d2])
+ pending_download_ids = tuple(set(remote_list) - set(local_list))
+ yield self.local.update_batch_sync_status(
+ pending_download_ids,
+ namespace=namespace)
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def send_missing(self, namespace=''):
+ """
+ Compare local and remote blobs and send what's missing in server.
+ :param namespace:
+ Optional parameter to restrict operation to a given namespace.
+ :type namespace: str
+ """
+ missing = yield self.local.list(namespace, SyncStatus.PENDING_UPLOAD)
+ total = len(missing)
+"Will send %d blobs to server." % total)
+ deferreds = []
+ semaphore = defer.DeferredSemaphore(self.concurrent_transfers_limit)
+ def release(result):
+ print result
+ semaphore.release()
+ return result
+ for i in xrange(total):
+ yield semaphore.acquire()
+ blob_id = missing.pop()
+ d = with_retry(self.__send_one, blob_id, namespace, i, total)
+ d.addCallbacks(release, release)
+ deferreds.append(d)
+ yield defer.gatherResults(deferreds)
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def __send_one(self, blob_id, namespace, i, total):
+"Sending blob to server (%d/%d): %s"
+ % (i, total, blob_id))
+ fd = yield self.local.get(blob_id, namespace=namespace)
+ try:
+ yield self._encrypt_and_upload(blob_id, fd)
+ yield self.local.update_sync_status(blob_id, SyncStatus.SYNCED)
+ except Exception as e:
+ yield self.local.increment_retries(blob_id)
+ res = yield self.local.get_sync_status(blob_id)
+ _, retries = res
+ if (retries + 1) > self.max_retries:
+ failed_upload = SyncStatus.FAILED_UPLOAD
+ yield self.local.update_sync_status(blob_id, failed_upload)
+ raise MaximumRetriesError(e)
+ raise e
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def fetch_missing(self, namespace=''):
+ """
+ Compare local and remote blobs and fetch what's missing in local
+ storage.
+ :param namespace:
+ Optional parameter to restrict operation to a given namespace.
+ :type namespace: str
+ """
+ # TODO: Use something to prioritize user requests over general new docs
+ d = self.local_list(namespace=namespace,
+ sync_status=SyncStatus.PENDING_DOWNLOAD)
+ docs_we_want = yield d
+ total = len(docs_we_want)
+"Will fetch %d blobs from server." % total)
+ deferreds = []
+ semaphore = defer.DeferredSemaphore(self.concurrent_transfers_limit)
+ def release(result):
+ semaphore.release()
+ return result
+ for i in xrange(len(docs_we_want)):
+ yield semaphore.acquire()
+ blob_id = docs_we_want.pop()
+"Fetching blob (%d/%d): %s" % (i, total, blob_id))
+ d = with_retry(self.get, blob_id, namespace)
+ d.addCallbacks(release, release)
+ deferreds.append(d)
+ yield defer.gatherResults(deferreds)
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def sync(self, namespace=''):
+ try:
+ yield self.refresh_sync_status_from_server(namespace)
+ yield self.fetch_missing(namespace)
+ yield self.send_missing(namespace)
+ except defer.FirstError as e:
+ e.subFailure.raiseException()