path: root/client/src/leap/soledad/client/
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Diffstat (limited to 'client/src/leap/soledad/client/')
1 files changed, 386 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/client/src/leap/soledad/client/ b/client/src/leap/soledad/client/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4bbdd044
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/leap/soledad/client/
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2016 LEAP Encryption Access Project
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+Cryptographic operations for the soledad client
+import binascii
+import base64
+import hashlib
+import hmac
+import os
+import re
+import struct
+import time
+from io import BytesIO
+from itertools import imap
+from collections import namedtuple
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from twisted.internet import interfaces
+from twisted.web.client import FileBodyProducer
+from cryptography.exceptions import InvalidTag
+from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes
+from cryptography.hazmat.backends.multibackend import MultiBackend
+from cryptography.hazmat.backends.openssl.backend \
+ import Backend as OpenSSLBackend
+from zope.interface import implements
+CRYPTO_BACKEND = MultiBackend([OpenSSLBackend()])
+PACMAN = struct.Struct('2sbbQ16s255p255p')
+ENC_SCHEME = namedtuple('SCHEME', 'symkey')(1)
+ENC_METHOD = namedtuple('METHOD', 'aes_256_ctr aes_256_gcm')(1, 2)
+DocInfo = namedtuple('DocInfo', 'doc_id rev')
+class EncryptionDecryptionError(Exception):
+ pass
+class InvalidBlob(Exception):
+ pass
+class SoledadCrypto(object):
+ """
+ This class provides convenient methods for document encryption and
+ decryption using BlobEncryptor and BlobDecryptor classes.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, secret):
+ """
+ Initialize the crypto object.
+ :param secret: The Soledad remote storage secret.
+ :type secret: str
+ """
+ self.secret = secret
+ def encrypt_doc(self, doc):
+ """
+ Creates and configures a BlobEncryptor, asking it to start encryption
+ and wrapping the result as a simple JSON string with a "raw" key.
+ :param doc: the document to be encrypted.
+ :type doc: SoledadDocument
+ :return: A deferred whose callback will be invoked with a JSON string
+ containing the ciphertext as the value of "raw" key.
+ :rtype: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred
+ """
+ def put_raw(blob):
+ raw = blob.getvalue()
+ return '{"raw": "' + raw + '"}'
+ content = BytesIO(str(doc.get_json()))
+ info = DocInfo(doc.doc_id, doc.rev)
+ del doc
+ encryptor = BlobEncryptor(info, content, secret=self.secret)
+ d = encryptor.encrypt()
+ d.addCallback(put_raw)
+ return d
+ def decrypt_doc(self, doc):
+ """
+ Creates and configures a BlobDecryptor, asking it decrypt and returning
+ the decrypted cleartext content from the encrypted document.
+ :param doc: the document to be decrypted.
+ :type doc: SoledadDocument
+ :return: The decrypted cleartext content of the document.
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ info = DocInfo(doc.doc_id, doc.rev)
+ ciphertext = BytesIO()
+ payload = doc.content['raw']
+ del doc
+ ciphertext.write(str(payload))
+ decryptor = BlobDecryptor(info, ciphertext, secret=self.secret)
+ return decryptor.decrypt()
+def encrypt_sym(data, key, method=ENC_METHOD.aes_256_gcm):
+ """
+ Encrypt data using AES-256 cipher in selected mode.
+ :param data: The data to be encrypted.
+ :type data: str
+ :param key: The key used to encrypt data (must be 256 bits long).
+ :type key: str
+ :return: A tuple with the initialization vector and the ciphertext, both
+ encoded as base64.
+ :rtype: (str, str)
+ """
+ mode = _mode_by_method(method)
+ encryptor = AESWriter(key, mode=mode)
+ encryptor.write(data)
+ _, ciphertext = encryptor.end()
+ iv = base64.b64encode(encryptor.iv)
+ tag = encryptor.tag or ''
+ return iv, ciphertext + tag
+def decrypt_sym(data, key, iv, method=ENC_METHOD.aes_256_gcm):
+ """
+ Decrypt data using AES-256 cipher in selected mode.
+ :param data: The data to be decrypted.
+ :type data: str
+ :param key: The symmetric key used to decrypt data (must be 256 bits
+ long).
+ :type key: str
+ :param iv: The base64 encoded initialization vector.
+ :type iv: str
+ :return: The decrypted data.
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ _iv = base64.b64decode(str(iv))
+ mode = _mode_by_method(method)
+ tag = None
+ if mode == modes.GCM:
+ data, tag = data[:-16], data[-16:]
+ decryptor = AESWriter(key, _iv, tag=tag, mode=mode)
+ decryptor.write(data)
+ _, plaintext = decryptor.end()
+ return plaintext
+class BlobEncryptor(object):
+ """
+ Produces encrypted data from the cleartext data associated with a given
+ SoledadDocument using AES-256 cipher in GCM mode.
+ The production happens using a Twisted's FileBodyProducer, which uses a
+ Cooperator to schedule calls and can be paused/resumed. Each call takes at
+ most 65536 bytes from the input.
+ Both the production input and output are file descriptors, so they can be
+ applied to a stream of data.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, doc_info, content_fd, secret=None):
+ if not secret:
+ raise EncryptionDecryptionError('no secret given')
+ self.doc_id = doc_info.doc_id
+ self.rev = doc_info.rev
+ self._content_fd = content_fd
+ self._producer = FileBodyProducer(content_fd, readSize=2**16)
+ sym_key = _get_sym_key_for_doc(doc_info.doc_id, secret)
+ self._aes = AESWriter(sym_key)
+ self._aes.authenticate(self._make_preamble())
+ @property
+ def iv(self):
+ return self._aes.iv
+ @property
+ def tag(self):
+ return self._aes.tag
+ def encrypt(self):
+ """
+ Starts producing encrypted data from the cleartext data.
+ :return: A deferred which will be fired when encryption ends and whose
+ callback will be invoked with the resulting ciphertext.
+ :rtype: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred
+ """
+ d = self._producer.startProducing(self._aes)
+ d.addCallback(lambda _: self._end_crypto_stream())
+ return d
+ def _make_preamble(self):
+ current_time = int(time.time())
+ return PACMAN.pack(
+ ENC_SCHEME.symkey,
+ ENC_METHOD.aes_256_gcm,
+ current_time,
+ self.iv,
+ str(self.doc_id),
+ str(self.rev))
+ def _end_crypto_stream(self):
+ preamble, encrypted = self._aes.end()
+ result = BytesIO()
+ result.write(
+ base64.urlsafe_b64encode(preamble))
+ result.write(' ')
+ result.write(
+ base64.urlsafe_b64encode(encrypted + self.tag))
+ return defer.succeed(result)
+class BlobDecryptor(object):
+ """
+ Decrypts an encrypted blob associated with a given Document.
+ Will raise an exception if the blob doesn't have the expected structure, or
+ if the GCM tag doesn't verify.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, doc_info, ciphertext_fd, result=None,
+ secret=None):
+ if not secret:
+ raise EncryptionDecryptionError('no secret given')
+ self.doc_id = doc_info.doc_id
+ self.rev = doc_info.rev
+ ciphertext_fd, preamble, iv = self._consume_preamble(ciphertext_fd)
+ self.result = result or BytesIO()
+ sym_key = _get_sym_key_for_doc(doc_info.doc_id, secret)
+ self._aes = AESWriter(sym_key, iv, self.result, tag=self.tag)
+ self._aes.authenticate(preamble)
+ self._producer = FileBodyProducer(ciphertext_fd, readSize=2**16)
+ def _consume_preamble(self, ciphertext_fd):
+ try:
+ preamble, ciphertext = _split(ciphertext_fd.getvalue())
+ self.tag, ciphertext = ciphertext[-16:], ciphertext[:-16]
+ except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
+ raise InvalidBlob
+ ciphertext_fd.close()
+ if len(preamble) != PACMAN.size:
+ raise InvalidBlob
+ try:
+ unpacked_data = PACMAN.unpack(preamble)
+ magic, sch, meth, ts, iv, doc_id, rev = unpacked_data
+ except struct.error:
+ raise InvalidBlob
+ raise InvalidBlob
+ # TODO check timestamp
+ if sch != ENC_SCHEME.symkey:
+ raise InvalidBlob('invalid scheme')
+ if meth != ENC_METHOD.aes_256_gcm:
+ raise InvalidBlob('invalid encryption scheme')
+ if rev != self.rev:
+ raise InvalidBlob('invalid revision')
+ if doc_id != self.doc_id:
+ raise InvalidBlob('invalid revision')
+ return BytesIO(ciphertext), preamble, iv
+ def _end_stream(self):
+ try:
+ return self._aes.end()[1]
+ except InvalidTag:
+ raise InvalidBlob('Invalid Tag. Blob authentication failed.')
+ def decrypt(self):
+ """
+ Starts producing encrypted data from the cleartext data.
+ :return: A deferred which will be fired when encryption ends and whose
+ callback will be invoked with the resulting ciphertext.
+ :rtype: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred
+ """
+ d = self._producer.startProducing(self._aes)
+ d.addCallback(lambda _: self._end_stream())
+ return d
+class AESWriter(object):
+ """
+ A Twisted's Consumer implementation that takes an input file descriptor and
+ applies AES-256 cipher in GCM mode.
+ """
+ implements(interfaces.IConsumer)
+ def __init__(self, key, iv=None, _buffer=None, tag=None, mode=modes.GCM):
+ if len(key) != 32:
+ raise EncryptionDecryptionError('key is not 256 bits')
+ self.iv = iv or os.urandom(16)
+ self.buffer = _buffer or BytesIO()
+ cipher = _get_aes_cipher(key, self.iv, tag, mode)
+ cipher = cipher.decryptor() if tag else cipher.encryptor()
+ self.cipher, self.aead = cipher, ''
+ def authenticate(self, data):
+ self.aead += data
+ self.cipher.authenticate_additional_data(data)
+ @property
+ def tag(self):
+ return getattr(self.cipher, 'tag', None)
+ def write(self, data):
+ self.buffer.write(self.cipher.update(data))
+ def end(self):
+ self.buffer.write(self.cipher.finalize())
+ return self.aead, self.buffer.getvalue()
+def is_symmetrically_encrypted(content):
+ """
+ Returns True if the document was symmetrically encrypted.
+ 'EzcB' is the base64 encoding of \x13\x37 magic number and 1 (symmetrically
+ encrypted value for enc_scheme flag).
+ :param doc: The document content as string
+ :type doc: str
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ return content and content[:13] == '{"raw": "EzcB'
+# utils
+def _hmac_sha256(key, data):
+ return, data, hashlib.sha256).digest()
+def _get_sym_key_for_doc(doc_id, secret):
+ key = secret[SECRET_LENGTH:]
+ return _hmac_sha256(key, doc_id)
+def _get_aes_cipher(key, iv, tag, mode=modes.GCM):
+ mode = mode(iv, tag) if mode == modes.GCM else mode(iv)
+ return Cipher(algorithms.AES(key), mode, backend=CRYPTO_BACKEND)
+def _split(base64_raw_payload):
+ return imap(base64.urlsafe_b64decode, re.split(' ', base64_raw_payload))
+def _mode_by_method(method):
+ if method == ENC_METHOD.aes_256_gcm:
+ return modes.GCM
+ else:
+ return modes.CTR