diff options
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index c2b72b5c..e4f3fc16 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -151,49 +151,3 @@ package:amd64_bionic:
# unless a manpage is included (see #8895)
LINTIAN_OPTS: "--fail-on-warnings -X filename-length,manpages --suppress-tags build-depends-on-obsolete-package"
<<: *package
-# "benchmarks" stage
-.job_template: &benchmark
- stage: benchmarks
- only:
- - schedules
- image:
- tags:
- - benchmark
- services:
- - couchdb
- before_script:
- - git checkout -B "$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME" "$CI_COMMIT_SHA"
- - '[ -n "${BENCHMARK_ALL_COMMITS}" ] && git checkout origin/master scripts/benchmark/'
- - '[ -n "${BENCHMARK_ALL_COMMITS}" ] && ./scripts/benchmark/'
- - curl -s couchdb:5984
- # You can provide a $NETRC variable containing the creds for your
- # elasticsearch instance so it's protected from being leaked in the
- # CI console
- # We can't get it working inside docker for unknown reasons.
- # - echo "$NETRC" > /root/.netrc && chmod 600 /root/.netrc
- #
- # Add $PYTEST_OPTS to pytest.ini to allow posting benchmark tests
- # to an elasticsearch instance
- - echo "addopts=$PYTEST_OPTS" >> pytest.ini && chmod 600 pytest.ini
- after_script:
- # Output locally saved benchmarks if they exist
- - 'if [ -d .benchmarks ]; then find .benchmarks -type f -exec cat {} \; ; fi'
- <<: *benchmark
- script:
- - scripts/benchmark/ benchmark-time-cpu
- <<: *benchmark
- script:
- - scripts/benchmark/ benchmark-memory
- <<: *benchmark
- script:
- - scripts/benchmark/ responsiveness