path: root/docker
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-02-07Rename repo to testing-platformvarac
2017-02-01Add LEAP deb platform repo + signing keysvarac
2017-02-01Update how to query latest tagsvarac
2016-12-22Update build instructionsvarac
2016-12-22Do a dist-upgrade for the jessie imagevarac
2016-12-22Add uuid-runtime as bitmask-dev debsvarac
2016-12-22Dont default to unpriv. uservarac
2016-12-22Add e2e test deps to bitmask-dev/Dockerfilevarac
2016-12-22Update READMEvarac
2016-11-18add docker packaging workMicah Anderson
2016-11-02install build-essential to leapcode/ruby to install gems from sourcevarac
2016-10-15added some tools for CI, use unprivileged uservarac
2016-10-15Configure unprivileged cirunner, install sudovarac
2016-10-14base leapcode/ruby on leapcode/jessievarac
2016-10-14leapcode/jessie: Bare debian jessie baseimage with few customisationvarac
2016-10-13v3.0: Use debian:jessie instead of ruby:2.1varac
2016-10-12Add moreutils and expect for ci buildsvarac
2016-10-07add bitmask-dev imagevarac
2016-07-21Added Dockerfile for leapcode/rubyvarac