path: root/snap
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-12-28[bug] snap post install: add support to python2Ruben Pollan
2018-12-28[doc] snap: add the right path to the generated post install scriptRuben Pollan
2018-12-19[pkg] do not fail in snap package when no tagsKali Kaneko (leap communications)
2018-10-15[bug] use the proper binary name for bitmask-systrayRuben Pollan
2018-10-11[pkg] standalone is now the default buildRuben Pollan
2018-10-11[bug] fix path for the version fileKali Kaneko (leap communications)
2018-10-11[feat] get version from file in snapkali
2018-10-09[docs] improve readmeKali Kaneko (leap communications)
2018-10-09[pkg] unlink system-wide desktop entryKali Kaneko (leap communications)
2018-10-05[pkg] add build_snap targetKali Kaneko (leap communications)
2018-10-05[pkg] add desktop entry in debianKali Kaneko (leap communications)
2018-09-29[pkg] add README to the snap folderKali Kaneko (leap communications)
2018-09-06[pkg] wget needs to be installed for bitmask-rootRuben Pollan
2018-09-05[pkg] create snaps with the standalone versionRuben Pollan