path: root/srp-1.0/srp
diff options
authorben c <>2013-02-11 07:30:38 +0900
committerben c <>2013-02-11 07:30:38 +0900
commit1d075c151dbf94a4e81d35c5865e63b45153bc2f (patch)
tree4b825dc642cb6eb9a060e54bf8d69288fbee4904 /srp-1.0/srp
parentad4606d5a0230c657e25a6b4c0d6f98255b59b34 (diff)
remove old files from repo
Diffstat (limited to 'srp-1.0/srp')
8 files changed, 0 insertions, 3434 deletions
diff --git a/srp-1.0/srp/ b/srp-1.0/srp/
deleted file mode 100644
index 808b210..0000000
--- a/srp-1.0/srp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-_mod = None
- import srp._srp
- _mod = srp._srp
-except ImportError:
- pass
-if not _mod:
- try:
- import srp._ctsrp
- _mod = srp._ctsrp
- except ImportError:
- pass
-if not _mod:
- import srp._pysrp
- _mod = srp._pysrp
-User = _mod.User
-Verifier = _mod.Verifier
-create_salted_verification_key = _mod.create_salted_verification_key
-SHA1 = _mod.SHA1
-SHA224 = _mod.SHA224
-SHA256 = _mod.SHA256
-SHA384 = _mod.SHA384
-SHA512 = _mod.SHA512
-NG_1024 = _mod.NG_1024
-NG_2048 = _mod.NG_2048
-NG_4096 = _mod.NG_4096
-NG_8192 = _mod.NG_8192
diff --git a/srp-1.0/srp/ b/srp-1.0/srp/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6754e83..0000000
--- a/srp-1.0/srp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,585 +0,0 @@
- # N A large safe prime (N = 2q+1, where q is prime)
- # All arithmetic is done modulo N.
- # g A generator modulo N
- # k Multiplier parameter (k = H(N, g) in SRP-6a, k = 3 for legacy SRP-6)
- # s User's salt
- # I Username
- # p Cleartext Password
- # H() One-way hash function
- # ^ (Modular) Exponentiation
- # u Random scrambling parameter
- # a,b Secret ephemeral values
- # A,B Public ephemeral values
- # x Private key (derived from p and s)
- # v Password verifier
-import os
-import sys
-import hashlib
-import random
-import ctypes
-import time
-SHA1 = 0
-SHA224 = 1
-SHA256 = 2
-SHA384 = 3
-SHA512 = 4
-NG_1024 = 0
-NG_2048 = 1
-NG_4096 = 2
-NG_8192 = 3
-_hash_map = { SHA1 : hashlib.sha1,
- SHA224 : hashlib.sha224,
- SHA256 : hashlib.sha256,
- SHA384 : hashlib.sha384,
- SHA512 : hashlib.sha512 }
-_ng_const = (
-# 1024-bit
-# 2048
-# 4096
-# 8192
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
-#G_HEX = "2"
-#HNxorg = None
-dlls = list()
-if 'win' in sys.platform:
- for d in ('libeay32.dll', 'libssl32.dll', 'ssleay32.dll'):
- try:
- dlls.append( ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(d) )
- except:
- pass
- dlls.append( ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary('') )
-class BIGNUM_Struct (ctypes.Structure):
- _fields_ = [ ("d", ctypes.c_void_p),
- ("top", ctypes.c_int),
- ("dmax", ctypes.c_int),
- ("neg", ctypes.c_int),
- ("flags", ctypes.c_int) ]
-class BN_CTX_Struct (ctypes.Structure):
- _fields_ = [ ("_", ctypes.c_byte) ]
-BIGNUM = ctypes.POINTER( BIGNUM_Struct )
-BN_CTX = ctypes.POINTER( BN_CTX_Struct )
-def load_func( name, args, returns = ctypes.c_int):
- d = sys.modules[ __name__ ].__dict__
- f = None
- for dll in dlls:
- try:
- f = getattr(dll, name)
- f.argtypes = args
- f.restype = returns
- d[ name ] = f
- return
- except:
- pass
- raise ImportError('Unable to load required functions from SSL dlls')
-load_func( 'BN_new', [], BIGNUM )
-load_func( 'BN_free', [ BIGNUM ], None )
-load_func( 'BN_init', [ BIGNUM ], None )
-load_func( 'BN_clear', [ BIGNUM ], None )
-load_func( 'BN_CTX_new', [] , BN_CTX )
-load_func( 'BN_CTX_init', [ BN_CTX ], None )
-load_func( 'BN_CTX_free', [ BN_CTX ], None )
-load_func( 'BN_cmp', [ BIGNUM, BIGNUM ], ctypes.c_int )
-load_func( 'BN_num_bits', [ BIGNUM ], ctypes.c_int )
-load_func( 'BN_add', [ BIGNUM, BIGNUM, BIGNUM ] )
-load_func( 'BN_sub', [ BIGNUM, BIGNUM, BIGNUM ] )
-load_func( 'BN_mul', [ BIGNUM, BIGNUM, BIGNUM, BN_CTX ] )
-load_func( 'BN_div', [ BIGNUM, BIGNUM, BIGNUM, BIGNUM, BN_CTX ] )
-load_func( 'BN_mod_exp', [ BIGNUM, BIGNUM, BIGNUM, BIGNUM, BN_CTX ] )
-load_func( 'BN_rand', [ BIGNUM, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int ] )
-load_func( 'BN_bn2bin', [ BIGNUM, ctypes.c_char_p ] )
-load_func( 'BN_bin2bn', [ ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_int, BIGNUM ], BIGNUM )
-load_func( 'BN_hex2bn', [ ctypes.POINTER(BIGNUM), ctypes.c_char_p ] )
-load_func( 'BN_bn2hex', [ BIGNUM ], ctypes.c_char_p )
-load_func( 'CRYPTO_free', [ ctypes.c_char_p ] )
-load_func( 'RAND_seed', [ ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_int ] )
-def BN_num_bytes(a):
- return ((BN_num_bits(a)+7)/8)
-def BN_mod(rem,m,d,ctx):
- return BN_div(None, rem, m, d, ctx)
-def BN_is_zero( n ):
- return n[0].top == 0
-def bn_to_bytes( n ):
- b = ctypes.create_string_buffer( BN_num_bytes(n) )
- BN_bn2bin(n, b)
- return b.raw
-def bytes_to_bn( dest_bn, bytes ):
- BN_bin2bn(bytes, len(bytes), dest_bn)
-def H_str( hash_class, dest_bn, s ):
- d = hash_class(s).digest()
- buff = ctypes.create_string_buffer( s )
- BN_bin2bn(d, len(d), dest)
-def H_bn( hash_class, dest, n ):
- bin = ctypes.create_string_buffer( BN_num_bytes(n) )
- BN_bn2bin(n, bin)
- d = hash_class( bin.raw ).digest()
- BN_bin2bn(d, len(d), dest)
-def H_bn_bn( hash_class, dest, n1, n2 ):
- h = hash_class()
- bin1 = ctypes.create_string_buffer( BN_num_bytes(n1) )
- bin2 = ctypes.create_string_buffer( BN_num_bytes(n2) )
- BN_bn2bin(n1, bin1)
- BN_bn2bin(n2, bin2)
- h.update( bin1.raw )
- h.update( bin2.raw )
- d = h.digest()
- BN_bin2bn(d, len(d), dest)
-def H_bn_str( hash_class, dest, n, s ):
- h = hash_class()
- bin = ctypes.create_string_buffer( BN_num_bytes(n) )
- BN_bn2bin(n, bin)
- h.update( bin.raw )
- h.update( s )
- d = h.digest()
- BN_bin2bn(d, len(d), dest)
-def calculate_x( hash_class, dest, salt, username, password ):
- up = hash_class('%s:%s' % (username, password )).digest()
- H_bn_str( hash_class, dest, salt, up )
-def update_hash( ctx, n ):
- buff = ctypes.create_string_buffer( BN_num_bytes(n) )
- BN_bn2bin(n, buff)
- ctx.update( buff.raw )
-def calculate_M( hash_class, N, g, I, s, A, B, K ):
- h = hash_class()
- h.update( HNxorg( hash_class, N, g ) )
- h.update( hash_class(I).digest() )
- update_hash( h, s )
- update_hash( h, A )
- update_hash( h, B )
- h.update( K )
- return h.digest()
-def calculate_H_AMK( hash_class, A, M, K ):
- h = hash_class()
- update_hash( h, A )
- h.update( M )
- h.update( K )
- return h.digest()
-def HNxorg( hash_class, N, g ):
- bN = ctypes.create_string_buffer( BN_num_bytes(N) )
- bg = ctypes.create_string_buffer( BN_num_bytes(g) )
- BN_bn2bin(N, bN)
- BN_bn2bin(g, bg)
- hN = hash_class( bN.raw ).digest()
- hg = hash_class( bg.raw ).digest()
- return ''.join( chr( ord(hN[i]) ^ ord(hg[i]) ) for i in range(0,len(hN)) )
-def get_ngk( hash_class, ng_type, n_hex, g_hex ):
- if ng_type < NG_CUSTOM:
- n_hex, g_hex = _ng_const[ ng_type ]
- N = BN_new()
- g = BN_new()
- k = BN_new()
- BN_hex2bn( N, n_hex )
- BN_hex2bn( g, g_hex )
- H_bn_bn(hash_class, k, N, g)
- return N, g, k
-def create_salted_verification_key( username, password, hash_alg=SHA1, ng_type=NG_2048, n_hex=None, g_hex=None ):
- if ng_type == NG_CUSTOM and (n_hex is None or g_hex is None):
- raise ValueError("Both n_hex and g_hex are required when ng_type = NG_CUSTOM")
- s = BN_new()
- v = BN_new()
- x = BN_new()
- ctx = BN_CTX_new()
- hash_class = _hash_map[ hash_alg ]
- N,g,k = get_ngk( hash_class, ng_type, n_hex, g_hex )
- BN_rand(s, 32, -1, 0);
- calculate_x( hash_class, x, s, username, password )
- BN_mod_exp(v, g, x, N, ctx)
- salt = bn_to_bytes( s )
- verifier = bn_to_bytes( v )
- BN_free(s)
- BN_free(v)
- BN_free(x)
- BN_free(N)
- BN_free(g)
- BN_free(k)
- BN_CTX_free(ctx)
- return salt, verifier
-class Verifier (object):
- def __init__(self, username, bytes_s, bytes_v, bytes_A, hash_alg=SHA1, ng_type=NG_2048, n_hex=None, g_hex=None):
- if ng_type == NG_CUSTOM and (n_hex is None or g_hex is None):
- raise ValueError("Both n_hex and g_hex are required when ng_type = NG_CUSTOM")
- self.A = BN_new()
- self.B = BN_new()
- self.K = None
- self.S = BN_new()
- self.u = BN_new()
- self.b = BN_new()
- self.s = BN_new()
- self.v = BN_new()
- self.tmp1 = BN_new()
- self.tmp2 = BN_new()
- self.ctx = BN_CTX_new()
- self.I = username
- self.M = None
- self.H_AMK = None
- self._authenticated = False
- self.safety_failed = False
- hash_class = _hash_map[ hash_alg ]
- N,g,k = get_ngk( hash_class, ng_type, n_hex, g_hex )
- self.hash_class = hash_class
- self.N = N
- self.g = g
- self.k = k
- bytes_to_bn( self.s, bytes_s )
- bytes_to_bn( self.v, bytes_v )
- bytes_to_bn( self.A, bytes_A )
- # SRP-6a safety check
- BN_mod(self.tmp1, self.A, N, self.ctx)
- if BN_is_zero(self.tmp1):
- self.safety_failed = True
- else:
- BN_rand(self.b, 256, -1, 0)
- # B = kv + g^b
- BN_mul(self.tmp1, k, self.v, self.ctx)
- BN_mod_exp(self.tmp2, g, self.b, N, self.ctx)
- BN_add(self.B, self.tmp1, self.tmp2)
- H_bn_bn(hash_class, self.u, self.A, self.B)
- # S = (A *(v^u)) ^ b
- BN_mod_exp(self.tmp1, self.v, self.u, N, self.ctx)
- BN_mul(self.tmp2, self.A, self.tmp1, self.ctx)
- BN_mod_exp(self.S, self.tmp2, self.b, N, self.ctx)
- self.K = hash_class( bn_to_bytes(self.S) ).digest()
- self.M = calculate_M( hash_class, N, g, self.I, self.s, self.A, self.B, self.K )
- self.H_AMK = calculate_H_AMK( hash_class, self.A, self.M, self.K )
- def __del__(self):
- if not hasattr(self, 'A'):
- return # __init__ threw exception. no clean up required
- BN_free(self.A)
- BN_free(self.B)
- BN_free(self.S)
- BN_free(self.u)
- BN_free(self.b)
- BN_free(self.s)
- BN_free(self.v)
- BN_free(self.N)
- BN_free(self.g)
- BN_free(self.k)
- BN_free(self.tmp1)
- BN_free(self.tmp2)
- BN_CTX_free(self.ctx)
- def authenticated(self):
- return self._authenticated
- def get_username(self):
- return self.I
- def get_session_key(self):
- return self.K if self._authenticated else None
- # returns (bytes_s, bytes_B) on success, (None,None) if SRP-6a safety check fails
- def get_challenge(self):
- if self.safety_failed:
- return None, None
- else:
- return (bn_to_bytes(self.s), bn_to_bytes(self.B))
- def verify_session(self, user_M):
- if user_M == self.M:
- self._authenticated = True
- return self.H_AMK
-class User (object):
- def __init__(self, username, password, hash_alg=SHA1, ng_type=NG_2048, n_hex=None, g_hex=None):
- if ng_type == NG_CUSTOM and (n_hex is None or g_hex is None):
- raise ValueError("Both n_hex and g_hex are required when ng_type = NG_CUSTOM")
- self.username = username
- self.password = password
- self.a = BN_new()
- self.A = BN_new()
- self.B = BN_new()
- self.s = BN_new()
- self.S = BN_new()
- self.u = BN_new()
- self.x = BN_new()
- self.v = BN_new()
- self.tmp1 = BN_new()
- self.tmp2 = BN_new()
- self.tmp3 = BN_new()
- self.ctx = BN_CTX_new()
- self.M = None
- self.K = None
- self.H_AMK = None
- self._authenticated = False
- hash_class = _hash_map[ hash_alg ]
- N,g,k = get_ngk( hash_class, ng_type, n_hex, g_hex )
- self.hash_class = hash_class
- self.N = N
- self.g = g
- self.k = k
- BN_rand(self.a, 256, -1, 0)
- BN_mod_exp(self.A, g, self.a, N, self.ctx)
- def __del__(self):
- if not hasattr(self, 'a'):
- return # __init__ threw exception. no clean up required
- BN_free(self.a)
- BN_free(self.A)
- BN_free(self.B)
- BN_free(self.s)
- BN_free(self.S)
- BN_free(self.u)
- BN_free(self.x)
- BN_free(self.v)
- BN_free(self.N)
- BN_free(self.g)
- BN_free(self.k)
- BN_free(self.tmp1)
- BN_free(self.tmp2)
- BN_free(self.tmp3)
- BN_CTX_free(self.ctx)
- def authenticated(self):
- return self._authenticated
- def get_username(self):
- return self.username
- def get_session_key(self):
- return self.K if self._authenticated else None
- def start_authentication(self):
- return (self.username, bn_to_bytes(self.A))
- # Returns M or None if SRP-6a safety check is violated
- def process_challenge(self, bytes_s, bytes_B):
- hash_class = self.hash_class
- N = self.N
- g = self.g
- k = self.k
- bytes_to_bn( self.s, bytes_s )
- bytes_to_bn( self.B, bytes_B )
- # SRP-6a safety check
- if BN_is_zero(self.B):
- return None
- H_bn_bn(hash_class, self.u, self.A, self.B)
- # SRP-6a safety check
- if BN_is_zero(self.u):
- return None
- calculate_x( hash_class, self.x, self.s, self.username, self.password )
- BN_mod_exp(self.v, g, self.x, N, self.ctx)
- # S = (B - k*(g^x)) ^ (a + ux)
- BN_mul(self.tmp1, self.u, self.x, self.ctx)
- BN_add(self.tmp2, self.a, self.tmp1) # tmp2 = (a + ux)
- BN_mod_exp(self.tmp1, g, self.x, N, self.ctx)
- BN_mul(self.tmp3, k, self.tmp1, self.ctx) # tmp3 = k*(g^x)
- BN_sub(self.tmp1, self.B, self.tmp3) # tmp1 = (B - K*(g^x))
- BN_mod_exp(self.S, self.tmp1, self.tmp2, N, self.ctx)
- self.K = hash_class( bn_to_bytes(self.S) ).digest()
- self.M = calculate_M( hash_class, N, g, self.username, self.s, self.A, self.B, self.K )
- self.H_AMK = calculate_H_AMK( hash_class, self.A, self.M, self.K )
- return self.M
- def verify_session(self, host_HAMK):
- if self.H_AMK == host_HAMK:
- self._authenticated = True
-# Init
-RAND_seed( os.urandom(32), 32 )
diff --git a/srp-1.0/srp/ b/srp-1.0/srp/
deleted file mode 100644
index ff907ea..0000000
--- a/srp-1.0/srp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,364 +0,0 @@
- # N A large safe prime (N = 2q+1, where q is prime)
- # All arithmetic is done modulo N.
- # g A generator modulo N
- # k Multiplier parameter (k = H(N, g) in SRP-6a, k = 3 for legacy SRP-6)
- # s User's salt
- # I Username
- # p Cleartext Password
- # H() One-way hash function
- # ^ (Modular) Exponentiation
- # u Random scrambling parameter
- # a,b Secret ephemeral values
- # A,B Public ephemeral values
- # x Private key (derived from p and s)
- # v Password verifier
-import hashlib
-import os
-import binascii
-SHA1 = 0
-SHA224 = 1
-SHA256 = 2
-SHA384 = 3
-SHA512 = 4
-NG_1024 = 0
-NG_2048 = 1
-NG_4096 = 2
-NG_8192 = 3
-_hash_map = { SHA1 : hashlib.sha1,
- SHA224 : hashlib.sha224,
- SHA256 : hashlib.sha256,
- SHA384 : hashlib.sha384,
- SHA512 : hashlib.sha512 }
-_ng_const = (
-# 1024-bit
-# 2048
-# 4096
-# 8192
-def get_ng( ng_type, n_hex, g_hex ):
- if ng_type < NG_CUSTOM:
- n_hex, g_hex = _ng_const[ ng_type ]
- return int(n_hex,16), int(g_hex,16)
-def bytes_to_long(s):
- n = ord(s[0])
- for b in ( ord(x) for x in s[1:] ):
- n = (n << 8) | b
- return n
-def long_to_bytes(n):
- l = list()
- x = 0
- off = 0
- while x != n:
- b = (n >> off) & 0xFF
- l.append( chr(b) )
- x = x | (b << off)
- off += 8
- l.reverse()
- return ''.join(l)
-def get_random( nbytes ):
- return bytes_to_long( os.urandom( nbytes ) )
-def old_H( hash_class, s1, s2 = '', s3=''):
- if isinstance(s1, (long, int)):
- s1 = long_to_bytes(s1)
- if s2 and isinstance(s2, (long, int)):
- s2 = long_to_bytes(s2)
- if s3 and isinstance(s3, (long, int)):
- s3 = long_to_bytes(s3)
- s = s1 + s2 + s3
- return long(hash_class(s).hexdigest(), 16)
-def H( hash_class, *args, **kwargs ):
- h = hash_class()
- for s in args:
- if s is not None:
- h.update( long_to_bytes(s) if isinstance(s, (long, int)) else s )
- return long( h.hexdigest(), 16 )
-#N = 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
-#g = 2;
-#k = H(N,g)
-def HNxorg( hash_class, N, g ):
- hN = hash_class( long_to_bytes(N) ).digest()
- hg = hash_class( long_to_bytes(g) ).digest()
- return ''.join( chr( ord(hN[i]) ^ ord(hg[i]) ) for i in range(0,len(hN)) )
-def gen_x( hash_class, salt, username, password ):
- return H( hash_class, salt, H( hash_class, username + ':' + password ) )
-def create_salted_verification_key( username, password, hash_alg=SHA1, ng_type=NG_2048, n_hex=None, g_hex=None ):
- if ng_type == NG_CUSTOM and (n_hex is None or g_hex is None):
- raise ValueError("Both n_hex and g_hex are required when ng_type = NG_CUSTOM")
- hash_class = _hash_map[ hash_alg ]
- N,g = get_ng( ng_type, n_hex, g_hex )
- _s = long_to_bytes( get_random( 4 ) )
- _v = long_to_bytes( pow(g, gen_x( hash_class, _s, username, password ), N) )
- return _s, _v
-def calculate_M( hash_class, N, g, I, s, A, B, K ):
- h = hash_class()
- h.update( HNxorg( hash_class, N, g ) )
- h.update( hash_class(I).digest() )
- h.update( long_to_bytes(s) )
- h.update( long_to_bytes(A) )
- h.update( long_to_bytes(B) )
- h.update( K )
- return h.digest()
-def calculate_H_AMK( hash_class, A, M, K ):
- h = hash_class()
- h.update( long_to_bytes(A) )
- h.update( M )
- h.update( K )
- return h.digest()
-class Verifier (object):
- def __init__(self, username, bytes_s, bytes_v, bytes_A, hash_alg=SHA1, ng_type=NG_2048, n_hex=None, g_hex=None):
- if ng_type == NG_CUSTOM and (n_hex is None or g_hex is None):
- raise ValueError("Both n_hex and g_hex are required when ng_type = NG_CUSTOM")
- self.s = bytes_to_long(bytes_s)
- self.v = bytes_to_long(bytes_v)
- self.I = username
- self.K = None
- self._authenticated = False
- N,g = get_ng( ng_type, n_hex, g_hex )
- hash_class = _hash_map[ hash_alg ]
- k = H( hash_class, N, g )
- self.hash_class = hash_class
- self.N = N
- self.g = g
- self.k = k
- self.A = bytes_to_long(bytes_A)
- # SRP-6a safety check
- self.safety_failed = self.A % N == 0
- if not self.safety_failed:
- self.b = get_random( 32 )
- self.B = (k*self.v + pow(g, self.b, N)) % N
- self.u = H(hash_class, self.A, self.B)
- self.S = pow(self.A*pow(self.v, self.u, N ), self.b, N)
- self.K = hash_class( long_to_bytes(self.S) ).digest()
- self.M = calculate_M( hash_class, N, g, self.I, self.s, self.A, self.B, self.K )
- self.H_AMK = calculate_H_AMK( hash_class, self.A, self.M, self.K )
- def authenticated(self):
- return self._authenticated
- def get_username(self):
- return self.I
- def get_session_key(self):
- return self.K if self._authenticated else None
- # returns (bytes_s, bytes_B) on success, (None,None) if SRP-6a safety check fails
- def get_challenge(self):
- if self.safety_failed:
- return None,None
- else:
- return (long_to_bytes(self.s), long_to_bytes(self.B))
- # returns H_AMK on success, None on failure
- def verify_session(self, user_M):
- if not self.safety_failed and user_M == self.M:
- self._authenticated = True
- return self.H_AMK
-class User (object):
- def __init__(self, username, password, hash_alg=SHA1, ng_type=NG_2048, n_hex=None, g_hex=None):
- if ng_type == NG_CUSTOM and (n_hex is None or g_hex is None):
- raise ValueError("Both n_hex and g_hex are required when ng_type = NG_CUSTOM")
- N,g = get_ng( ng_type, n_hex, g_hex )
- hash_class = _hash_map[ hash_alg ]
- k = H( hash_class, N, g )
- self.I = username
- self.p = password
- self.a = get_random( 32 )
- self.A = pow(g, self.a, N)
- self.v = None
- self.M = None
- self.K = None
- self.H_AMK = None
- self._authenticated = False
- self.hash_class = hash_class
- self.N = N
- self.g = g
- self.k = k
- def authenticated(self):
- return self._authenticated
- def get_username(self):
- return self.username
- def get_session_key(self):
- return self.K if self._authenticated else None
- def start_authentication(self):
- return (self.I, long_to_bytes(self.A))
- # Returns M or None if SRP-6a safety check is violated
- def process_challenge(self, bytes_s, bytes_B):
- self.s = bytes_to_long( bytes_s )
- self.B = bytes_to_long( bytes_B )
- N = self.N
- g = self.g
- k = self.k
- hash_class = self.hash_class
- # SRP-6a safety check
- if (self.B % N) == 0:
- return None
- self.u = H( hash_class, self.A, self.B )
- # SRP-6a safety check
- if self.u == 0:
- return None
- self.x = gen_x( hash_class, self.s, self.I, self.p )
- self.v = pow(g, self.x, N)
- self.S = pow((self.B - k*self.v), (self.a + self.u*self.x), N)
- self.K = hash_class( long_to_bytes(self.S) ).digest()
- self.M = calculate_M( hash_class, N, g, self.I, self.s, self.A, self.B, self.K )
- self.H_AMK = calculate_H_AMK(hash_class, self.A, self.M, self.K)
- return self.M
- def verify_session(self, host_HAMK):
- if self.H_AMK == host_HAMK:
- self._authenticated = True
diff --git a/srp-1.0/srp/_srp.c b/srp-1.0/srp/_srp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 45df613..0000000
--- a/srp-1.0/srp/_srp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1566 +0,0 @@
-#include <Python.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <openssl/bn.h>
-#include <openssl/sha.h>
-#include <openssl/crypto.h>
-#include <openssl/rand.h>
-/* Begin SRP Header */
-struct SRPVerifier;
-struct SRPUser;
-typedef enum
- SRP_NG_1024,
- SRP_NG_2048,
- SRP_NG_4096,
- SRP_NG_8192,
-} SRP_NGType;
-typedef enum
- SRP_SHA224,
- SRP_SHA256,
- SRP_SHA384,
- SRP_SHA512
-} SRP_HashAlgorithm;
-/* This library will automatically seed the OpenSSL random number generator
- * using cryptographically sound random data on Windows & Linux. If this is
- * undesirable behavior or the host OS does not provide a /dev/urandom file,
- * this function may be called to seed the random number generator with
- * alternate data.
- *
- * Passing a null pointer to this function will cause this library to skip
- * seeding the random number generator.
- *
- * Notes:
- * * This function is optional on Windows & Linux.
- *
- * * This function is mandatory on all other platforms. Although it
- * will appear to work on other platforms, this library uses the current
- * time of day to seed the random number generator. This is well known to
- * be insecure.
- *
- * * When using this function, ensure the provided random data is
- * cryptographically strong.
- */
-void srp_random_seed( const unsigned char * random_data, int data_length );
-/* Out: bytes_s, len_s, bytes_v, len_v
- *
- * The caller is responsible for freeing the memory allocated for bytes_s and bytes_v
- *
- * The n_hex and g_hex parameters should be 0 unless SRP_NG_CUSTOM is used for ng_type.
- * If provided, they must contain ASCII text of the hexidecimal notation.
- */
-void srp_create_salted_verification_key( SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, SRP_NGType ng_type, const char * username,
- const unsigned char * password, int len_password,
- const unsigned char ** bytes_s, int * len_s,
- const unsigned char ** bytes_v, int * len_v,
- const char * n_hex, const char * g_hex );
-/* Out: bytes_B, len_B.
- *
- * On failure, bytes_B will be set to NULL and len_B will be set to 0
- *
- * The n_hex and g_hex parameters should be 0 unless SRP_NG_CUSTOM is used for ng_type
- */
-struct SRPVerifier * srp_verifier_new( SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, SRP_NGType ng_type, const char * username,
- const unsigned char * bytes_s, int len_s,
- const unsigned char * bytes_v, int len_v,
- const unsigned char * bytes_A, int len_A,
- const unsigned char ** bytes_B, int * len_B,
- const char * n_hex, const char * g_hex );
-void srp_verifier_delete( struct SRPVerifier * ver );
-int srp_verifier_is_authenticated( struct SRPVerifier * ver );
-const char * srp_verifier_get_username( struct SRPVerifier * ver );
-/* key_length may be null */
-const unsigned char * srp_verifier_get_session_key( struct SRPVerifier * ver, int * key_length );
-int srp_verifier_get_session_key_length( struct SRPVerifier * ver );
-/* user_M must be exactly srp_verifier_get_session_key_length() bytes in size */
-void srp_verifier_verify_session( struct SRPVerifier * ver,
- const unsigned char * user_M,
- const unsigned char ** bytes_HAMK );
-/* The n_hex and g_hex parameters should be 0 unless SRP_NG_CUSTOM is used for ng_type */
-struct SRPUser * srp_user_new( SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, SRP_NGType ng_type, const char * username,
- const unsigned char * bytes_password, int len_password,
- const char * n_hex, const char * g_hex );
-void srp_user_delete( struct SRPUser * usr );
-int srp_user_is_authenticated( struct SRPUser * usr);
-const char * srp_user_get_username( struct SRPUser * usr );
-/* key_length may be null */
-const unsigned char * srp_user_get_session_key( struct SRPUser * usr, int * key_length );
-int srp_user_get_session_key_length( struct SRPUser * usr );
-/* Output: username, bytes_A, len_A */
-void srp_user_start_authentication( struct SRPUser * usr, const char ** username,
- const unsigned char ** bytes_A, int * len_A );
-/* Output: bytes_M, len_M (len_M may be null and will always be
- * srp_user_get_session_key_length() bytes in size) */
-void srp_user_process_challenge( struct SRPUser * usr,
- const unsigned char * bytes_s, int len_s,
- const unsigned char * bytes_B, int len_B,
- const unsigned char ** bytes_M, int * len_M );
-/* bytes_HAMK must be exactly srp_user_get_session_key_length() bytes in size */
-void srp_user_verify_session( struct SRPUser * usr, const unsigned char * bytes_HAMK );
-/* Begin SRP Library */
-static int g_initialized = 0;
-typedef struct
- BIGNUM * g;
-} NGConstant;
-struct NGHex
- const char * n_hex;
- const char * g_hex;
-/* All constants here were pulled from Appendix A of RFC 5054 */
-static struct NGHex global_Ng_constants[] = {
- { /* 1024 */
- "EEAF0AB9ADB38DD69C33F80AFA8FC5E86072618775FF3C0B9EA2314C9C256576D674DF7496"
- "EA81D3383B4813D692C6E0E0D5D8E250B98BE48E495C1D6089DAD15DC7D7B46154D6B6CE8E"
- "F4AD69B15D4982559B297BCF1885C529F566660E57EC68EDBC3C05726CC02FD4CBF4976EAA"
- "9AFD5138FE8376435B9FC61D2FC0EB06E3",
- "2"
- },
- { /* 2048 */
- "AC6BDB41324A9A9BF166DE5E1389582FAF72B6651987EE07FC3192943DB56050A37329CBB4"
- "A099ED8193E0757767A13DD52312AB4B03310DCD7F48A9DA04FD50E8083969EDB767B0CF60"
- "95179A163AB3661A05FBD5FAAAE82918A9962F0B93B855F97993EC975EEAA80D740ADBF4FF"
- "747359D041D5C33EA71D281E446B14773BCA97B43A23FB801676BD207A436C6481F1D2B907"
- "8717461A5B9D32E688F87748544523B524B0D57D5EA77A2775D2ECFA032CFBDBF52FB37861"
- "60279004E57AE6AF874E7303CE53299CCC041C7BC308D82A5698F3A8D0C38271AE35F8E9DB"
- "FBB694B5C803D89F7AE435DE236D525F54759B65E372FCD68EF20FA7111F9E4AFF73",
- "2"
- },
- { /* 4096 */
- "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC90FDAA22168C234C4C6628B80DC1CD129024E08"
- "8A67CC74020BBEA63B139B22514A08798E3404DDEF9519B3CD3A431B"
- "302B0A6DF25F14374FE1356D6D51C245E485B576625E7EC6F44C42E9"
- "A637ED6B0BFF5CB6F406B7EDEE386BFB5A899FA5AE9F24117C4B1FE6"
- "49286651ECE45B3DC2007CB8A163BF0598DA48361C55D39A69163FA8"
- "FD24CF5F83655D23DCA3AD961C62F356208552BB9ED529077096966D"
- "670C354E4ABC9804F1746C08CA18217C32905E462E36CE3BE39E772C"
- "180E86039B2783A2EC07A28FB5C55DF06F4C52C9DE2BCBF695581718"
- "3995497CEA956AE515D2261898FA051015728E5A8AAAC42DAD33170D"
- "04507A33A85521ABDF1CBA64ECFB850458DBEF0A8AEA71575D060C7D"
- "B3970F85A6E1E4C7ABF5AE8CDB0933D71E8C94E04A25619DCEE3D226"
- "1AD2EE6BF12FFA06D98A0864D87602733EC86A64521F2B18177B200C"
- "BBE117577A615D6C770988C0BAD946E208E24FA074E5AB3143DB5BFC"
- "E0FD108E4B82D120A92108011A723C12A787E6D788719A10BDBA5B26"
- "99C327186AF4E23C1A946834B6150BDA2583E9CA2AD44CE8DBBBC2DB"
- "04DE8EF92E8EFC141FBECAA6287C59474E6BC05D99B2964FA090C3A2"
- "233BA186515BE7ED1F612970CEE2D7AFB81BDD762170481CD0069127"
- "D5B05AA993B4EA988D8FDDC186FFB7DC90A6C08F4DF435C934063199"
- "5"
- },
- { /* 8192 */
- "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC90FDAA22168C234C4C6628B80DC1CD129024E08"
- "8A67CC74020BBEA63B139B22514A08798E3404DDEF9519B3CD3A431B"
- "302B0A6DF25F14374FE1356D6D51C245E485B576625E7EC6F44C42E9"
- "A637ED6B0BFF5CB6F406B7EDEE386BFB5A899FA5AE9F24117C4B1FE6"
- "49286651ECE45B3DC2007CB8A163BF0598DA48361C55D39A69163FA8"
- "FD24CF5F83655D23DCA3AD961C62F356208552BB9ED529077096966D"
- "670C354E4ABC9804F1746C08CA18217C32905E462E36CE3BE39E772C"
- "180E86039B2783A2EC07A28FB5C55DF06F4C52C9DE2BCBF695581718"
- "3995497CEA956AE515D2261898FA051015728E5A8AAAC42DAD33170D"
- "04507A33A85521ABDF1CBA64ECFB850458DBEF0A8AEA71575D060C7D"
- "B3970F85A6E1E4C7ABF5AE8CDB0933D71E8C94E04A25619DCEE3D226"
- "1AD2EE6BF12FFA06D98A0864D87602733EC86A64521F2B18177B200C"
- "BBE117577A615D6C770988C0BAD946E208E24FA074E5AB3143DB5BFC"
- "E0FD108E4B82D120A92108011A723C12A787E6D788719A10BDBA5B26"
- "99C327186AF4E23C1A946834B6150BDA2583E9CA2AD44CE8DBBBC2DB"
- "04DE8EF92E8EFC141FBECAA6287C59474E6BC05D99B2964FA090C3A2"
- "233BA186515BE7ED1F612970CEE2D7AFB81BDD762170481CD0069127"
- "D5B05AA993B4EA988D8FDDC186FFB7DC90A6C08F4DF435C934028492"
- "36C3FAB4D27C7026C1D4DCB2602646DEC9751E763DBA37BDF8FF9406"
- "AD9E530EE5DB382F413001AEB06A53ED9027D831179727B0865A8918"
- "DA3EDBEBCF9B14ED44CE6CBACED4BB1BDB7F1447E6CC254B33205151"
- "2BD7AF426FB8F401378CD2BF5983CA01C64B92ECF032EA15D1721D03"
- "F482D7CE6E74FEF6D55E702F46980C82B5A84031900B1C9E59E7C97F"
- "BEC7E8F323A97A7E36CC88BE0F1D45B7FF585AC54BD407B22B4154AA"
- "CC8F6D7EBF48E1D814CC5ED20F8037E0A79715EEF29BE32806A1D58B"
- "B7C5DA76F550AA3D8A1FBFF0EB19CCB1A313D55CDA56C9EC2EF29632"
- "387FE8D76E3C0468043E8F663F4860EE12BF2D5B0B7474D6E694F91E"
- "6DBE115974A3926F12FEE5E438777CB6A932DF8CD8BEC4D073B931BA"
- "3BC832B68D9DD300741FA7BF8AFC47ED2576F6936BA424663AAB639C"
- "5AE4F5683423B4742BF1C978238F16CBE39D652DE3FDB8BEFC848AD9"
- "22222E04A4037C0713EB57A81A23F0C73473FC646CEA306B4BCBC886"
- "2F8385DDFA9D4B7FA2C087E879683303ED5BDD3A062B3CF5B3A278A6"
- "6D2A13F83F44F82DDF310EE074AB6A364597E899A0255DC164F31CC5"
- "0846851DF9AB48195DED7EA1B1D510BD7EE74D73FAF36BC31ECFA268"
- "359046F4EB879F924009438B481C6CD7889A002ED5EE382BC9190DA6"
- "FC026E479558E4475677E9AA9E3050E2765694DFC81F56E880B96E71"
- "13"
- },
- {0,0} /* null sentinel */
-static NGConstant * new_ng( SRP_NGType ng_type, const char * n_hex, const char * g_hex )
- NGConstant * ng = (NGConstant *) malloc( sizeof(NGConstant) );
- ng->N = BN_new();
- ng->g = BN_new();
- if ( ng_type != SRP_NG_CUSTOM )
- {
- n_hex = global_Ng_constants[ ng_type ].n_hex;
- g_hex = global_Ng_constants[ ng_type ].g_hex;
- }
- BN_hex2bn( &ng->N, n_hex );
- BN_hex2bn( &ng->g, g_hex );
- return ng;
-static void delete_ng( NGConstant * ng )
- BN_free( ng->N );
- BN_free( ng->g );
- ng->N = 0;
- ng->g = 0;
- free(ng);
-typedef union
- SHA_CTX sha;
- SHA256_CTX sha256;
- SHA512_CTX sha512;
-} HashCTX;
-struct SRPVerifier
- SRP_HashAlgorithm hash_alg;
- NGConstant *ng;
- const char * username;
- const unsigned char * bytes_B;
- int authenticated;
- unsigned char M [SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH];
- unsigned char H_AMK [SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH];
- unsigned char session_key [SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH];
-struct SRPUser
- SRP_HashAlgorithm hash_alg;
- NGConstant *ng;
- BIGNUM *a;
- const unsigned char * bytes_A;
- int authenticated;
- const char * username;
- const unsigned char * password;
- int password_len;
- unsigned char M [SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH];
- unsigned char H_AMK [SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH];
- unsigned char session_key [SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH];
-static int hash_init( SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, HashCTX *c )
- switch (alg)
- {
- case SRP_SHA1 : return SHA1_Init( &c->sha );
- case SRP_SHA224: return SHA224_Init( &c->sha256 );
- case SRP_SHA256: return SHA256_Init( &c->sha256 );
- case SRP_SHA384: return SHA384_Init( &c->sha512 );
- case SRP_SHA512: return SHA512_Init( &c->sha512 );
- default:
- return -1;
- };
-static int hash_update( SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, HashCTX *c, const void *data, size_t len )
- switch (alg)
- {
- case SRP_SHA1 : return SHA1_Update( &c->sha, data, len );
- case SRP_SHA224: return SHA224_Update( &c->sha256, data, len );
- case SRP_SHA256: return SHA256_Update( &c->sha256, data, len );
- case SRP_SHA384: return SHA384_Update( &c->sha512, data, len );
- case SRP_SHA512: return SHA512_Update( &c->sha512, data, len );
- default:
- return -1;
- };
-static int hash_final( SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, HashCTX *c, unsigned char *md )
- switch (alg)
- {
- case SRP_SHA1 : return SHA1_Final( md, &c->sha );
- case SRP_SHA224: return SHA224_Final( md, &c->sha256 );
- case SRP_SHA256: return SHA256_Final( md, &c->sha256 );
- case SRP_SHA384: return SHA384_Final( md, &c->sha512 );
- case SRP_SHA512: return SHA512_Final( md, &c->sha512 );
- default:
- return -1;
- };
-static unsigned char * hash( SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, const unsigned char *d, size_t n, unsigned char *md )
- switch (alg)
- {
- case SRP_SHA1 : return SHA1( d, n, md );
- case SRP_SHA224: return SHA224( d, n, md );
- case SRP_SHA256: return SHA256( d, n, md );
- case SRP_SHA384: return SHA384( d, n, md );
- case SRP_SHA512: return SHA512( d, n, md );
- default:
- return 0;
- };
-static int hash_length( SRP_HashAlgorithm alg )
- switch (alg)
- {
- case SRP_SHA1 : return SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH;
- case SRP_SHA224: return SHA224_DIGEST_LENGTH;
- case SRP_SHA256: return SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH;
- case SRP_SHA384: return SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH;
- case SRP_SHA512: return SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH;
- default:
- return -1;
- };
-static BIGNUM * H_nn( SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, const BIGNUM * n1, const BIGNUM * n2 )
- unsigned char buff[ SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH ];
- int len_n1 = BN_num_bytes(n1);
- int len_n2 = BN_num_bytes(n2);
- int nbytes = len_n1 + len_n2;
- unsigned char * bin = (unsigned char *) malloc( nbytes );
- BN_bn2bin(n1, bin);
- BN_bn2bin(n2, bin + len_n1);
- hash( alg, bin, nbytes, buff );
- free(bin);
- return BN_bin2bn(buff, hash_length(alg), NULL);
-static BIGNUM * H_ns( SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, const BIGNUM * n, const unsigned char * bytes, int len_bytes )
- unsigned char buff[ SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH ];
- int len_n = BN_num_bytes(n);
- int nbytes = len_n + len_bytes;
- unsigned char * bin = (unsigned char *) malloc( nbytes );
- BN_bn2bin(n, bin);
- memcpy( bin + len_n, bytes, len_bytes );
- hash( alg, bin, nbytes, buff );
- free(bin);
- return BN_bin2bn(buff, hash_length(alg), NULL);
-static BIGNUM * calculate_x( SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, const BIGNUM * salt, const char * username, const unsigned char * password, int password_len )
- unsigned char ucp_hash[SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH];
- HashCTX ctx;
- hash_init( alg, &ctx );
- hash_update( alg, &ctx, username, strlen(username) );
- hash_update( alg, &ctx, ":", 1 );
- hash_update( alg, &ctx, password, password_len );
- hash_final( alg, &ctx, ucp_hash );
- return H_ns( alg, salt, ucp_hash, hash_length(alg) );
-static void update_hash_n( SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, HashCTX *ctx, const BIGNUM * n )
- unsigned long len = BN_num_bytes(n);
- unsigned char * n_bytes = (unsigned char *) malloc( len );
- BN_bn2bin(n, n_bytes);
- hash_update(alg, ctx, n_bytes, len);
- free(n_bytes);
-static void hash_num( SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, const BIGNUM * n, unsigned char * dest )
- int nbytes = BN_num_bytes(n);
- unsigned char * bin = (unsigned char *) malloc( nbytes );
- BN_bn2bin(n, bin);
- hash( alg, bin, nbytes, dest );
- free(bin);
-static void calculate_M( SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, NGConstant *ng, unsigned char * dest, const char * I, const BIGNUM * s,
- const BIGNUM * A, const BIGNUM * B, const unsigned char * K )
- unsigned char H_N[ SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH ];
- unsigned char H_g[ SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH ];
- unsigned char H_I[ SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH ];
- unsigned char H_xor[ SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH ];
- HashCTX ctx;
- int i = 0;
- int hash_len = hash_length(alg);
- hash_num( alg, ng->N, H_N );
- hash_num( alg, ng->g, H_g );
- hash(alg, (const unsigned char *)I, strlen(I), H_I);
- for (i=0; i < hash_len; i++ )
- H_xor[i] = H_N[i] ^ H_g[i];
- hash_init( alg, &ctx );
- hash_update( alg, &ctx, H_xor, hash_len );
- hash_update( alg, &ctx, H_I, hash_len );
- update_hash_n( alg, &ctx, s );
- update_hash_n( alg, &ctx, A );
- update_hash_n( alg, &ctx, B );
- hash_update( alg, &ctx, K, hash_len );
- hash_final( alg, &ctx, dest );
-static void calculate_H_AMK( SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, unsigned char *dest, const BIGNUM * A, const unsigned char * M, const unsigned char * K )
- HashCTX ctx;
- hash_init( alg, &ctx );
- update_hash_n( alg, &ctx, A );
- hash_update( alg, &ctx, M, hash_length(alg) );
- hash_update( alg, &ctx, K, hash_length(alg) );
- hash_final( alg, &ctx, dest );
-/* Python module calls random_seed during module initialization */
-#define init_random()
- *
- * Exported Functions
- *
- ***********************************************************************************************************/
-void srp_random_seed( const unsigned char * random_data, int data_length )
- g_initialized = 1;
- if (random_data)
- RAND_seed( random_data, data_length );
-void srp_create_salted_verification_key( SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, SRP_NGType ng_type, const char * username,
- const unsigned char * password, int len_password,
- const unsigned char ** bytes_s, int * len_s,
- const unsigned char ** bytes_v, int * len_v,
- const char * n_hex, const char * g_hex )
- BIGNUM * s = BN_new();
- BIGNUM * v = BN_new();
- BIGNUM * x = 0;
- BN_CTX * ctx = BN_CTX_new();
- NGConstant * ng = new_ng( ng_type, n_hex, g_hex );
- init_random(); /* Only happens once */
- BN_rand(s, 32, -1, 0);
- x = calculate_x( alg, s, username, password, len_password );
- BN_mod_exp(v, ng->g, x, ng->N, ctx);
- *len_s = BN_num_bytes(s);
- *len_v = BN_num_bytes(v);
- *bytes_s = (const unsigned char *) malloc( *len_s );
- *bytes_v = (const unsigned char *) malloc( *len_v );
- BN_bn2bin(s, (unsigned char *) *bytes_s);
- BN_bn2bin(v, (unsigned char *) *bytes_v);
- delete_ng( ng );
- BN_free(s);
- BN_free(v);
- BN_free(x);
- BN_CTX_free(ctx);
-/* Out: bytes_B, len_B.
- *
- * On failure, bytes_B will be set to NULL and len_B will be set to 0
- */
-struct SRPVerifier * srp_verifier_new( SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, SRP_NGType ng_type, const char * username,
- const unsigned char * bytes_s, int len_s,
- const unsigned char * bytes_v, int len_v,
- const unsigned char * bytes_A, int len_A,
- const unsigned char ** bytes_B, int * len_B,
- const char * n_hex, const char * g_hex )
- BIGNUM *s = BN_bin2bn(bytes_s, len_s, NULL);
- BIGNUM *v = BN_bin2bn(bytes_v, len_v, NULL);
- BIGNUM *A = BN_bin2bn(bytes_A, len_A, NULL);
- BIGNUM *u = 0;
- BIGNUM *B = BN_new();
- BIGNUM *S = BN_new();
- BIGNUM *b = BN_new();
- BIGNUM *k = 0;
- BIGNUM *tmp1 = BN_new();
- BIGNUM *tmp2 = BN_new();
- BN_CTX *ctx = BN_CTX_new();
- int ulen = strlen(username) + 1;
- NGConstant *ng = new_ng( ng_type, n_hex, g_hex );
- struct SRPVerifier * ver = (struct SRPVerifier *) malloc( sizeof(struct SRPVerifier) );
- init_random(); /* Only happens once */
- ver->username = (char *) malloc( ulen );
- ver->hash_alg = alg;
- ver->ng = ng;
- memcpy( (char*)ver->username, username, ulen );
- ver->authenticated = 0;
- /* SRP-6a safety check */
- BN_mod(tmp1, A, ng->N, ctx);
- if ( !BN_is_zero(tmp1) )
- {
- BN_rand(b, 256, -1, 0);
- k = H_nn(alg, ng->N, ng->g);
- /* B = kv + g^b */
- BN_mul(tmp1, k, v, ctx);
- BN_mod_exp(tmp2, ng->g, b, ng->N, ctx);
- BN_add(B, tmp1, tmp2);
- u = H_nn(alg, A, B);
- /* S = (A *(v^u)) ^ b */
- BN_mod_exp(tmp1, v, u, ng->N, ctx);
- BN_mul(tmp2, A, tmp1, ctx);
- BN_mod_exp(S, tmp2, b, ng->N, ctx);
- hash_num(alg, S, ver->session_key);
- calculate_M( alg, ng, ver->M, username, s, A, B, ver->session_key );
- calculate_H_AMK( alg, ver->H_AMK, A, ver->M, ver->session_key );
- *len_B = BN_num_bytes(B);
- *bytes_B = malloc( *len_B );
- BN_bn2bin( B, (unsigned char *) *bytes_B );
- ver->bytes_B = *bytes_B;
- }
- else
- {
- *len_B = 0;
- *bytes_B = NULL;
- }
- BN_free(s);
- BN_free(v);
- BN_free(A);
- if (u) BN_free(u);
- if (k) BN_free(k);
- BN_free(B);
- BN_free(S);
- BN_free(b);
- BN_free(tmp1);
- BN_free(tmp2);
- BN_CTX_free(ctx);
- return ver;
-void srp_verifier_delete( struct SRPVerifier * ver )
- delete_ng( ver->ng );
- free( (char *) ver->username );
- free( (unsigned char *) ver->bytes_B );
- free( ver );
-int srp_verifier_is_authenticated( struct SRPVerifier * ver )
- return ver->authenticated;
-const char * srp_verifier_get_username( struct SRPVerifier * ver )
- return ver->username;
-const unsigned char * srp_verifier_get_session_key( struct SRPVerifier * ver, int * key_length )
- if (key_length)
- *key_length = hash_length( ver->hash_alg );
- return ver->session_key;
-int srp_verifier_get_session_key_length( struct SRPVerifier * ver )
- return hash_length( ver->hash_alg );
-/* user_M must be exactly SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH bytes in size */
-void srp_verifier_verify_session( struct SRPVerifier * ver, const unsigned char * user_M, const unsigned char ** bytes_HAMK )
- if ( memcmp( ver->M, user_M, hash_length(ver->hash_alg) ) == 0 )
- {
- ver->authenticated = 1;
- *bytes_HAMK = ver->H_AMK;
- }
- else
- *bytes_HAMK = NULL;
-struct SRPUser * srp_user_new( SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, SRP_NGType ng_type, const char * username,
- const unsigned char * bytes_password, int len_password,
- const char * n_hex, const char * g_hex )
- struct SRPUser *usr = (struct SRPUser *) malloc( sizeof(struct SRPUser) );
- int ulen = strlen(username) + 1;
- init_random(); /* Only happens once */
- usr->hash_alg = alg;
- usr->ng = new_ng( ng_type, n_hex, g_hex );
- usr->a = BN_new();
- usr->A = BN_new();
- usr->S = BN_new();
- usr->username = (const char *) malloc(ulen);
- usr->password = (const unsigned char *) malloc(len_password);
- usr->password_len = len_password;
- memcpy((char *)usr->username, username, ulen);
- memcpy((char *)usr->password, bytes_password, len_password);
- usr->bytes_A = 0;
- return usr;
-void srp_user_delete( struct SRPUser * usr )
- BN_free( usr->a );
- BN_free( usr->A );
- BN_free( usr->S );
- delete_ng( usr->ng );
- free((char *)usr->username);
- free((char *)usr->password);
- if (usr->bytes_A)
- free( (char *)usr->bytes_A );
- free( usr );
-int srp_user_is_authenticated( struct SRPUser * usr)
- return usr->authenticated;
-const char * srp_user_get_username( struct SRPUser * usr )
- return usr->username;
-const unsigned char * srp_user_get_session_key( struct SRPUser * usr, int * key_length )
- if (key_length)
- *key_length = hash_length( usr->hash_alg );
- return usr->session_key;
-int srp_user_get_session_key_length( struct SRPUser * usr )
- return hash_length( usr->hash_alg );
-/* Output: username, bytes_A, len_A */
-void srp_user_start_authentication( struct SRPUser * usr, const char ** username,
- const unsigned char ** bytes_A, int * len_A )
- BN_CTX *ctx = BN_CTX_new();
- BN_rand(usr->a, 256, -1, 0);
- BN_mod_exp(usr->A, usr->ng->g, usr->a, usr->ng->N, ctx);
- BN_CTX_free(ctx);
- *len_A = BN_num_bytes(usr->A);
- *bytes_A = malloc( *len_A );
- BN_bn2bin( usr->A, (unsigned char *) *bytes_A );
- usr->bytes_A = *bytes_A;
- *username = usr->username;
-/* Output: bytes_M. Buffer length is SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH */
-void srp_user_process_challenge( struct SRPUser * usr,
- const unsigned char * bytes_s, int len_s,
- const unsigned char * bytes_B, int len_B,
- const unsigned char ** bytes_M, int * len_M )
- BIGNUM *s = BN_bin2bn(bytes_s, len_s, NULL);
- BIGNUM *B = BN_bin2bn(bytes_B, len_B, NULL);
- BIGNUM *u = 0;
- BIGNUM *x = 0;
- BIGNUM *k = 0;
- BIGNUM *v = BN_new();
- BIGNUM *tmp1 = BN_new();
- BIGNUM *tmp2 = BN_new();
- BIGNUM *tmp3 = BN_new();
- BN_CTX *ctx = BN_CTX_new();
- u = H_nn(usr->hash_alg, usr->A, B);
- x = calculate_x( usr->hash_alg, s, usr->username, usr->password, usr->password_len );
- k = H_nn(usr->hash_alg, usr->ng->N, usr->ng->g);
- /* SRP-6a safety check */
- if ( !BN_is_zero(B) && !BN_is_zero(u) )
- {
- BN_mod_exp(v, usr->ng->g, x, usr->ng->N, ctx);
- /* S = (B - k*(g^x)) ^ (a + ux) */
- BN_mul(tmp1, u, x, ctx);
- BN_add(tmp2, usr->a, tmp1); /* tmp2 = (a + ux) */
- BN_mod_exp(tmp1, usr->ng->g, x, usr->ng->N, ctx);
- BN_mul(tmp3, k, tmp1, ctx); /* tmp3 = k*(g^x) */
- BN_sub(tmp1, B, tmp3); /* tmp1 = (B - K*(g^x)) */
- BN_mod_exp(usr->S, tmp1, tmp2, usr->ng->N, ctx);
- hash_num(usr->hash_alg, usr->S, usr->session_key);
- calculate_M( usr->hash_alg, usr->ng, usr->M, usr->username, s, usr->A, B, usr->session_key );
- calculate_H_AMK( usr->hash_alg, usr->H_AMK, usr->A, usr->M, usr->session_key );
- *bytes_M = usr->M;
- if (len_M)
- *len_M = hash_length( usr->hash_alg );
- }
- else
- {
- *bytes_M = NULL;
- if (len_M)
- *len_M = 0;
- }
- BN_free(s);
- BN_free(B);
- BN_free(u);
- BN_free(x);
- BN_free(k);
- BN_free(v);
- BN_free(tmp1);
- BN_free(tmp2);
- BN_free(tmp3);
- BN_CTX_free(ctx);
-void srp_user_verify_session( struct SRPUser * usr, const unsigned char * bytes_HAMK )
- if ( memcmp( usr->H_AMK, bytes_HAMK, hash_length(usr->hash_alg) ) == 0 )
- usr->authenticated = 1;
- *
- * Python Module
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
-typedef struct
- PyObject_HEAD
- struct SRPVerifier * ver;
- const unsigned char * bytes_B;
- const unsigned char * bytes_s;
- int len_B;
- int len_s;
-typedef struct
- PyObject_HEAD
- struct SRPUser * usr;
-static void ver_dealloc( PyVerifier * self )
- if ( self->ver != NULL )
- srp_verifier_delete( self->ver );
- if ( self->bytes_s != NULL )
- free( (char *)self->bytes_s );
- self->ob_type->tp_free( (PyObject *) self );
-static void usr_dealloc( PyUser * self )
- if ( self->usr != NULL )
- srp_user_delete( self->usr );
- self->ob_type->tp_free( (PyObject *) self );
-static PyObject * ver_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
- PyVerifier *self = (PyVerifier *) type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
- if (!self)
- return NULL;
- self->ver = NULL;
- self->bytes_B = NULL;
- self->bytes_s = NULL;
- self->len_B = 0;
- self->len_s = 0;
- return (PyObject *) self;
-static PyObject * usr_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
- PyUser *self = (PyUser *) type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
- if (!self)
- return NULL;
- self->usr = NULL;
- return (PyObject *) self;
-static int ver_init( PyVerifier *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds )
- const char *username;
- const unsigned char *bytes_s, *bytes_v, *bytes_A;
- int len_s, len_v, len_A;
- int hash_alg = SRP_SHA1;
- int ng_type = SRP_NG_2048;
- const char *n_hex = 0;
- const char *g_hex = 0;
- static char * kwnames[] = { "username", "bytes_s", "bytes_v", "bytes_A",
- "hash_alg", "ng_type",
- "n_hex", "g_hex", NULL };
- if ( self->ver != NULL )
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Type cannot be re-initialized");
- return -1;
- }
- if ( ! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "st#t#t#|iiss", kwnames,
- &username,
- &bytes_s, &len_s,
- &bytes_v, &len_v,
- &bytes_A, &len_A,
- &hash_alg,
- &ng_type,
- &n_hex,
- &g_hex ) )
- {
- return -1;
- }
- if ( hash_alg < SRP_SHA1 || hash_alg > SRP_SHA512 )
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Invalid Hash Algorithm");
- return -1;
- }
- if ( ng_type < SRP_NG_1024 || ng_type > SRP_NG_CUSTOM )
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Invalid Prime Number Constant");
- return -1;
- }
- if ( ng_type == SRP_NG_CUSTOM && ( !n_hex || !g_hex ) )
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Both n_hex and g_hex are required when ng_type = NG_CUSTOM");
- return -1;
- }
- /* The srp_verifier_new command is computationally intensive. Allowing multiple,
- * simultaneous calls here will speed things up for multi-cpu machines
- */
- self->ver = srp_verifier_new( (SRP_HashAlgorithm) hash_alg,
- (SRP_NGType) ng_type,
- username,
- bytes_s, len_s,
- bytes_v, len_v,
- bytes_A, len_A,
- &self->bytes_B, &self->len_B,
- n_hex,
- g_hex );
- if ( self->bytes_B == NULL )
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, "SRP-6a safety check violated");
- return -1;
- }
- self->bytes_s = malloc( len_s );
- self->len_s = len_s;
- memcpy( (char *)self->bytes_s, bytes_s, len_s );
- return 0;
-static int usr_init( PyUser *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds )
- const char *username = 0;
- const unsigned char *bytes_password = 0;
- int len_password = 0;
- int hash_alg = SRP_SHA1;
- int ng_type = SRP_NG_2048;
- const char *n_hex = 0;
- const char *g_hex = 0;
- static char * kwnames[] = { "username", "password", "hash_alg",
- "ng_type", "n_hex", "g_hex", NULL };
- if ( self->usr != NULL )
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Type cannot be re-initialized");
- return -1;
- }
- if ( ! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "st#|iiss", kwnames,
- &username,
- &bytes_password,
- &len_password,
- &hash_alg,
- &ng_type,
- &n_hex,
- &g_hex) )
- {
- return -1;
- }
- if ( hash_alg < SRP_SHA1 || hash_alg > SRP_SHA512 )
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Invalid Hash Algorithm");
- return -1;
- }
- if ( ng_type < SRP_NG_1024 || ng_type > SRP_NG_CUSTOM )
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Invalid Prime Number Constant");
- return -1;
- }
- if ( ng_type == SRP_NG_CUSTOM && ( !n_hex || !g_hex ) )
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Both n_hex and g_hex are required when ng_type = NG_CUSTOM");
- return -1;
- }
- self->usr = srp_user_new( (SRP_HashAlgorithm) hash_alg,
- (SRP_NGType) ng_type,
- username,
- bytes_password,
- len_password,
- n_hex,
- g_hex );
- return 0;
-static PyObject * ver_is_authenticated( PyVerifier * self )
- if ( self->ver == NULL ) {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, "Type not initialized");
- return NULL;
- }
- if ( srp_verifier_is_authenticated(self->ver) )
- else
-static PyObject * usr_is_authenticated( PyUser * self )
- if ( self->usr == NULL ) {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, "Type not initialized");
- return NULL;
- }
- if ( srp_user_is_authenticated(self->usr) )
- else
-static PyObject * ver_get_username( PyVerifier * self )
- if ( self->ver == NULL ) {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, "Type not initialized");
- return NULL;
- }
- return PyString_FromString( srp_verifier_get_username(self->ver) );
-static PyObject * usr_get_username( PyUser * self )
- if ( self->usr == NULL ) {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, "Type not initialized");
- return NULL;
- }
- return PyString_FromString( srp_user_get_username(self->usr) );
-static PyObject * ver_get_session_key( PyVerifier * self )
- if ( self->ver == NULL ) {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, "Type not initialized");
- return NULL;
- }
- if ( srp_verifier_is_authenticated(self->ver) )
- {
- int key_len;
- const char * u = (const char *)srp_verifier_get_session_key(self->ver, &key_len);
- return PyString_FromStringAndSize(u, key_len);
- }
- else
-static PyObject * usr_get_session_key( PyUser * self )
- if ( self->usr == NULL ) {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, "Type not initialized");
- return NULL;
- }
- if ( srp_user_is_authenticated(self->usr) )
- {
- int key_len;
- const char * u = (const char *) srp_user_get_session_key(self->usr, &key_len);
- return PyString_FromStringAndSize(u, key_len);
- }
- else
-static PyObject * ver_get_challenge( PyVerifier * self )
- if ( self->ver == NULL ) {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, "Type not initialized");
- return NULL;
- }
- if ( self->bytes_B == NULL ) {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, "SRP-6a security check failed");
- return NULL;
- }
- return Py_BuildValue("s#s#", self->bytes_s,
- self->len_s,
- self->bytes_B,
- self->len_B);
-static PyObject * ver_verify_session( PyVerifier * self, PyObject * args )
- const unsigned char * bytes_M;
- const unsigned char * bytes_HAMK;
- int len_M;
- if ( self->ver == NULL ) {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, "Type not initialized");
- return NULL;
- }
- if ( ! PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "t#", &bytes_M, &len_M) )
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- if ( len_M != srp_verifier_get_session_key_length( self->ver ) )
- srp_verifier_verify_session( self->ver, bytes_M, &bytes_HAMK );
- if ( bytes_HAMK == NULL )
- else
- return PyString_FromStringAndSize((const char *) bytes_HAMK,
- srp_verifier_get_session_key_length( self->ver ));
-static PyObject * usr_start_authentication( PyUser * self )
- const char * username;
- const unsigned char * bytes_A;
- int len_A;
- if ( self->usr == NULL ) {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, "Type not initialized");
- return NULL;
- }
- srp_user_start_authentication( self->usr, &username, &bytes_A, &len_A );
- return Py_BuildValue("ss#", username, bytes_A, len_A);
-static PyObject * usr_process_challenge( PyUser * self, PyObject * args )
- const unsigned char * bytes_s, *bytes_B;
- int len_s, len_B, len_M;
- const unsigned char * bytes_M;
- if ( self->usr == NULL ) {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, "Type not initialized");
- return NULL;
- }
- if ( ! PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "t#t#", &bytes_s, &len_s, &bytes_B,
- &len_B) )
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- /* The srp_user_process_challenge command is computationally intensive.
- * Allowing multiple, simultaneous calls here will speed things up on
- * multi-cpu machines.
- */
- srp_user_process_challenge( self->usr, bytes_s, len_s, bytes_B, len_B,
- &bytes_M, &len_M );
- if (bytes_M == NULL)
- else
- return PyString_FromStringAndSize((const char *) bytes_M, len_M);
-static PyObject * usr_verify_session( PyUser * self, PyObject * args )
- const unsigned char * bytes_HAMK;
- int len_HAMK;
- if ( self->usr == NULL ) {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, "Type not initialized");
- return NULL;
- }
- if ( ! PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "t#", &bytes_HAMK, &len_HAMK) )
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- if ( len_HAMK == srp_user_get_session_key_length( self->usr ) )
- srp_user_verify_session( self->usr, bytes_HAMK );
-static PyObject * py_create_salted_verification_key( PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds )
- PyObject *ret;
- const char *username;
- const unsigned char *bytes_password, *bytes_s, *bytes_v;
- int len_password, len_s, len_v;
- int hash_alg = SRP_SHA1;
- int ng_type = SRP_NG_2048;
- const char *n_hex = 0;
- const char *g_hex = 0;
- static char * kwnames[] = { "username", "password", "hash_alg",
- "ng_type", "n_hex", "g_hex", NULL };
- if ( ! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "st#|iiss", kwnames,
- &username,
- &bytes_password,
- &len_password,
- &hash_alg,
- &ng_type,
- &n_hex,
- &g_hex) )
- return NULL;
- if ( hash_alg < SRP_SHA1 || hash_alg > SRP_SHA512 )
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Invalid Hash Algorithm");
- return NULL;
- }
- if ( ng_type < SRP_NG_1024 || ng_type > SRP_NG_CUSTOM )
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Invalid Prime Number Constant");
- return NULL;
- }
- if ( ng_type == SRP_NG_CUSTOM && ( !n_hex || !g_hex ) )
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Both n_hex and g_hex are required when ng_type = NG_CUSTOM");
- return NULL;
- }
- srp_create_salted_verification_key( (SRP_HashAlgorithm) hash_alg,
- (SRP_NGType) ng_type,
- username, bytes_password, len_password, &bytes_s, &len_s,
- &bytes_v, &len_v,
- n_hex,
- g_hex );
- ret = Py_BuildValue("s#s#", bytes_s, len_s, bytes_v, len_v);
- free((char*)bytes_s);
- free((char*)bytes_v);
- return ret;
-static PyMethodDef PyVerifier_methods[] = {
- {"authenticated", (PyCFunction) ver_is_authenticated, METH_NOARGS,
- PyDoc_STR("Returns boolean indicating whether the session is "
- "authenticated or not")
- },
- {"get_username", (PyCFunction) ver_get_username, METH_NOARGS,
- PyDoc_STR("Returns the username the Verifier instance is bound to.")
- },
- {"get_session_key", (PyCFunction) ver_get_session_key, METH_NOARGS,
- PyDoc_STR("Returns the session key for an authenticated session. "
- "Returns None if the session is not authenticated.")
- },
- {"get_challenge", (PyCFunction) ver_get_challenge, METH_NOARGS,
- PyDoc_STR("Returns: (s,B) or None. The salt & challenge that "
- "should be sent to the user or None if the SRP-6a "
- "safety check fails.")
- },
- {"verify_session", (PyCFunction) ver_verify_session, METH_VARARGS,
- PyDoc_STR("Verifies the user based on their reply to "
- "the challenge")
- },
- {NULL} /* Sentinel */
-static PyMethodDef PyUser_methods[] = {
- {"authenticated", (PyCFunction) usr_is_authenticated, METH_NOARGS,
- PyDoc_STR("Returns boolean indicating whether the session is "
- "authenticated or not")
- },
- {"get_username", (PyCFunction) usr_get_username, METH_NOARGS,
- PyDoc_STR("Returns the username the User instance is bound to.")
- },
- {"get_session_key", (PyCFunction) usr_get_session_key, METH_NOARGS,
- PyDoc_STR("Returns the session key for an authenticated session. "
- "Returns None if the session is not authenticated.")
- },
- {"start_authentication", (PyCFunction) usr_start_authentication,
- PyDoc_STR("Returns (username,A). The username and initial "
- "authentication challenge to send to the verifier")
- },
- {"process_challenge", (PyCFunction) usr_process_challenge, METH_VARARGS,
- PyDoc_STR("Returns the reply to send to the server or None if the "
- "SRP-6a safety check fails")
- },
- {"verify_session", (PyCFunction) usr_verify_session, METH_VARARGS,
- PyDoc_STR("Verifies the server based on its reply to the users "
- "challenge response")
- },
- {NULL} /* Sentinel */
-static PyMethodDef srp_module_methods[] = {
- {"create_salted_verification_key", (PyCFunction) py_create_salted_verification_key, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS,
- PyDoc_STR("Returns (s,v): Generates a salt & verifier for the "
- "given username and password")
- },
- {NULL} /* Sentinel */
-static PyTypeObject PyVerifier_Type = {
- PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
- "srp._srp.Verifier", /*tp_name*/
- sizeof(PyVerifier), /*tp_basicsize*/
- 0, /*tp_itemsize*/
- /* methods */
- (destructor)ver_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
- 0, /*tp_print*/
- 0, /*tp_getattr*/
- 0, /*tp_setattr*/
- 0, /*tp_compare*/
- 0, /*tp_repr*/
- 0, /*tp_as_number*/
- 0, /*tp_as_sequence*/
- 0, /*tp_as_mapping*/
- 0, /*tp_hash*/
- 0, /*tp_call*/
- 0, /*tp_str*/
- 0, /*tp_getattro*/
- 0, /*tp_setattro*/
- 0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
- Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, /*tp_flags*/
- "SRP-6a verfier", /*tp_doc*/
- 0, /*tp_traverse*/
- 0, /*tp_clear*/
- 0, /*tp_richcompare*/
- 0, /*tp_weaklistoffset*/
- 0, /*tp_iter*/
- 0, /*tp_iternext*/
- PyVerifier_methods, /*tp_methods*/
- 0, /*tp_members*/
- 0, /*tp_getset*/
- 0, /*tp_base*/
- 0, /*tp_dict*/
- 0, /*tp_descr_get*/
- 0, /*tp_descr_set*/
- 0, /*tp_dictoffset*/
- (initproc)ver_init, /*tp_init*/
- 0, /*tp_alloc*/
- ver_new, /*tp_new*/
- 0, /*tp_free*/
- 0, /*tp_is_gc*/
-static PyTypeObject PyUser_Type = {
- PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
- "srp._srp.User", /*tp_name*/
- sizeof(PyUser), /*tp_basicsize*/
- 0, /*tp_itemsize*/
- /* methods */
- (destructor)usr_dealloc, /*tp_dealloc*/
- 0, /*tp_print*/
- 0, /*tp_getattr*/
- 0, /*tp_setattr*/
- 0, /*tp_compare*/
- 0, /*tp_repr*/
- 0, /*tp_as_number*/
- 0, /*tp_as_sequence*/
- 0, /*tp_as_mapping*/
- 0, /*tp_hash*/
- 0, /*tp_call*/
- 0, /*tp_str*/
- 0, /*tp_getattro*/
- 0, /*tp_setattro*/
- 0, /*tp_as_buffer*/
- Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT, /*tp_flags*/
- "SRP-6a User", /*tp_doc*/
- 0, /*tp_traverse*/
- 0, /*tp_clear*/
- 0, /*tp_richcompare*/
- 0, /*tp_weaklistoffset*/
- 0, /*tp_iter*/
- 0, /*tp_iternext*/
- PyUser_methods, /*tp_methods*/
- 0, /*tp_members*/
- 0, /*tp_getset*/
- 0, /*tp_base*/
- 0, /*tp_dict*/
- 0, /*tp_descr_get*/
- 0, /*tp_descr_set*/
- 0, /*tp_dictoffset*/
- (initproc)usr_init, /*tp_init*/
- 0, /*tp_alloc*/
- usr_new, /*tp_new*/
- 0, /*tp_free*/
- 0, /*tp_is_gc*/
- int init_ok = 0;
- PyObject *m = NULL;
- PyObject *os = NULL;
- PyObject *py_urandom = NULL;
- os = PyImport_ImportModule("os");
- if (os == NULL)
- return;
- py_urandom = PyObject_GetAttrString(os, "urandom");
- if ( py_urandom && PyCallable_Check(py_urandom) )
- {
- PyObject *args = Py_BuildValue("(i)", 32);
- if ( args )
- {
- PyObject *randstr = PyObject_CallObject(py_urandom, args);
- if ( randstr && PyString_Check(randstr))
- {
- char *buff = NULL;
- Py_ssize_t slen = 0;
- if (!PyString_AsStringAndSize(randstr, &buff, &slen))
- {
- srp_random_seed( (const unsigned char *)buff, slen );
- init_ok = 1;
- }
- }
- Py_XDECREF(randstr);
- }
- Py_XDECREF(args);
- }
- Py_XDECREF(os);
- Py_XDECREF(py_urandom);
- if (!init_ok)
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ImportError, "Initialization failed");
- return;
- }
- if (PyType_Ready(&PyVerifier_Type) < 0 || PyType_Ready(&PyUser_Type) < 0)
- return;
- m = Py_InitModule3("srp._srp", srp_module_methods,"SRP-6a implementation");
- if (m == NULL)
- return;
- Py_INCREF(&PyVerifier_Type);
- Py_INCREF(&PyUser_Type);
- PyModule_AddObject(m, "Verifier", (PyObject*) &PyVerifier_Type );
- PyModule_AddObject(m, "User", (PyObject*) &PyUser_Type );
- PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "NG_1024", SRP_NG_1024);
- PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "NG_2048", SRP_NG_2048);
- PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "NG_4096", SRP_NG_4096);
- PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "NG_8192", SRP_NG_8192);
- PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "NG_CUSTOM", SRP_NG_CUSTOM);
- PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "SHA1", SRP_SHA1);
- PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "SHA224", SRP_SHA224);
- PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "SHA256", SRP_SHA256);
- PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "SHA384", SRP_SHA384);
- PyModule_AddIntConstant(m, "SHA512", SRP_SHA512);
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-project = u'Secure Remote Password'
-copyright = u'2011, Tom Cocagne'
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-man_pages = [
- ('index', 'secureremotepassword', u'Secure Remote Password Documentation',
- [u'Tom Cocagne'], 1)
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index 0c13606..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-.. Secure Remote Password documentation master file, created by
- sphinx-quickstart on Fri Mar 25 10:20:52 2011.
- You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
- contain the root `toctree` directive.
-Welcome to Secure Remote Password's documentation!
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 2
- srp.rst
-Indices and tables
-* :ref:`genindex`
-* :ref:`modindex`
-* :ref:`search`
diff --git a/srp-1.0/srp/doc/srp.rst b/srp-1.0/srp/doc/srp.rst
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index 9cdd967..0000000
--- a/srp-1.0/srp/doc/srp.rst
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@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-:mod:`srp` --- Secure Remote Password
-.. module:: srp
- :synopsis: Secure Remote Password
-.. moduleauthor:: Tom Cocagne <>
-.. sectionauthor:: Tom Cocagne <>
-The Secure Remote Password protocol (SRP) is a cryptographically
-strong authentication protocol for password-based, mutual
-authentication over an insecure network connection. Successful SRP
-authentication requires both sides of the connection to have knowledge
-of the user's password. In addition to password verification, the SRP
-protocol also performs a secure key exchange during the authentication
-process. This key may be used to protect network traffic via symmetric
-key encryption.
-SRP offers security and deployment advantages over other
-challenge-response protocols, such as Kerberos and SSL, in that it
-does not require trusted key servers or certificate infrastructures.
-Instead, small verification keys derived from each user's password are
-stored and used by each SRP server application. SRP provides a
-near-ideal solution for many applications requiring simple and secure
-password authentication that does not rely on an external
-Another favorable aspect of the SRP protocol is that compromized
-verification keys are of little value to an attacker. Possesion of a
-verification key does not allow a user to be impersonated
-and it cannot be used to obtain the users password except by way of a
-computationally infeasible dictionary attack. A compromized key would,
-however, allow an attacker to impersonate the server side of an SRP
-authenticated connection. Consequently, care should be taken to
-prevent unauthorized access to verification keys for applications in
-which the client side relies on the server being genuine.
-SRP usage begins with *create_salted_verification_key()*. This function
-creates a salted verification key from the user's password. The resulting salt
-and key are stored by the server application and will be used during the
-authentication process.
-The authentication process occurs as an exchange of messages between the clent
-and the server. The :ref:`example` below provides a simple demonstration of the
-protocol. A comprehensive description of the SRP protocol is contained in the
-:ref:`protocol-description` section.
-The *User* & *Verifier* constructors, as well as the
-*create_salted_verification_key()* function, accept optional arguments
-to specify which hashing algorithm and prime number arguments should
-be used during the authentication process. These options may be used
-to tune the security/performance tradeoff for an application.
-Generally speaking, specifying arguments with a higher number of bits
-will result in a greater level of security. However, it will come at
-the cost of increased computation time. The default values of SHA1
-hashes and 2048 bit prime numbers strike a good balance between
-performance and security. These values should be sufficient for most
-applications. Regardless of which values are used, the parameters
-passed to the *User* and *Verifier* constructors must exactly match
-those passed to *create_salted_verification_key()*
-.. _constants:
-.. table:: Hashing Algorithm Constants
- ============== ==============
- Hash Algorithm Number of Bits
- ============== ==============
- SHA1 160
- SHA224 224
- SHA256 256
- SHA384 384
- SHA512 512
- ============== ==============
-.. note::
- Larger hashing algorithms will result in larger session keys.
-.. table:: Prime Number Constants
- ================= ==============
- Prime Number Size Number of Bits
- ================= ==============
- NG_1024 1024
- NG_2048 2048
- NG_4096 4096
- NG_8192 8192
- NG_CUSTOM User Supplied
- ================= ==============
-.. note::
- If NG_CUSTOM is used, the 'n_hex' and 'g_hex' parameters are required.
- These parameters must be ASCII text containing hexidecimal notation of the
- prime number 'n_hex' and the corresponding generator number 'g_hex'. Appendix
- A of RFC 5054 contains several large prime number, generator pairs that may
- be used with NG_CUSTOM.
-.. function:: create_salted_verification_key ( username, password[, hash_alg=SHA1, ng_type=NG_2048, n_hex=None, g_hex=None] )
- *username* Name of the user
- *password* Plaintext user password
- *hash_alg*, *ng_type*, *n_hex*, *g_hex* Refer to the :ref:`constants` section.
- Generate a salted verification key for the given username and password and return the tuple:
- (salt_bytes, verification_key_bytes)
-:class:`Verifier` Objects
-A :class:`Verifier` object is used to verify the identity of a remote
-.. note::
- The standard SRP 6 protocol allows only one password attempt per
- connection.
-.. class:: Verifier( username, bytes_s, bytes_v, bytes_A[, hash_alg=SHA1, ng_type=NG_2048, n_hex=None, g_hex=None] )
- *username* Name of the remote user being authenticated.
- *bytes_s* Salt generated by :func:`create_salted_verification_key`.
- *bytes_v* Verification Key generated by :func:`create_salted_verification_key`.
- *bytes_A* Challenge from the remote user. Generated by
- :meth:`User.start_authentication`
- *hash_alg*, *ng_type*, *n_hex*, *g_hex* Refer to the :ref:`constants` section.
- .. method:: Verifier.authenticated()
- Return True if the authentication succeeded. False
- otherwise.
- .. method:: Verifier.get_username()
- Return the name of the user this :class:`Verifier` object is for.
- .. method:: Verifier.get_session_key()
- Return the session key for an authenticated user or None if the
- authentication failed or has not yet completed.
- .. method:: Verifier.get_challenge()
- Return (bytes_s, bytes_B) on success or (None, None) if
- authentication has failed.
- .. method:: Verifier.verify_session( user_M )
- Complete the :class:`Verifier` side of the authentication
- process. If the authentication succeded the return result,
- bytes_H_AMK should be returned to the remote user. On failure,
- this method returns None.
-:class:`User` Objects
-A :class:`User` object is used to prove a user's identity to a remote :class:`Verifier` and
-verifiy that the remote :class:`Verifier` knows the verification key associated with
-the user's password.
-.. class:: User( username, password[, hash_alg=SHA1, ng_type=NG_2048, n_hex=None, g_hex=None] )
- *username* Name of the user being authenticated.
- *password* Password for the user.
- *hash_alg*, *ng_type*, *n_hex*, *g_hex* Refer to the :ref:`constants` section.
- .. method:: User.authenticated()
- Return True if authentication succeeded. False
- otherwise.
- .. method:: User.get_username()
- Return the username passed to the constructor.
- .. method:: User.get_session_key()
- Return the session key if authentication succeeded or None if the
- authentication failed or has not yet completed.
- .. method:: User.start_authentication()
- Return (username, bytes_A). These should be passed to the
- constructor of the remote :class:`Verifer`
- .. method:: User.process_challenge( bytes_s, bytes_B )
- Processe the challenge returned
- by :meth:`Verifier.get_challenge` on success this method
- returns bytes_M that should be sent
- to :meth:`Verifier.verify_session` if authentication failed,
- it returns None.
- .. method:: User.verify_session( bytes_H_AMK )
- Complete the :class:`User` side of the authentication process. By
- verifying the *bytes_H_AMK* value returned by
- :meth:`Verifier.verify_session`. If the authentication succeded
- :meth:`authenticated` will return True
-.. _example:
-Simple Usage Example::
- import srp
- # The salt and verifier returned from srp.create_salted_verification_key() should be
- # stored on the server.
- salt, vkey = srp.create_salted_verification_key( 'testuser', 'testpassword' )
- class AuthenticationFailed (Exception):
- pass
- # ~~~ Begin Authentication ~~~
- usr = srp.User( 'testuser', 'testpassword' )
- uname, A = usr.start_authentication()
- # The authentication process can fail at each step from this
- # point on. To comply with the SRP protocol, the authentication
- # process should be aborted on the first failure.
- # Client => Server: username, A
- svr = srp.Verifier( uname, salt, vkey, A )
- s,B = svr.get_challenge()
- if s is None or B is None:
- raise AuthenticationFailed()
- # Server => Client: s, B
- M = usr.process_challenge( s, B )
- if M is None:
- raise AuthenticationFailed()
- # Client => Server: M
- HAMK = svr.verify_session( M )
- if HAMK is None:
- raise AuthenticationFailed()
- # Server => Client: HAMK
- usr.verify_session( HAMK )
- # At this point the authentication process is complete.
- assert usr.authenticated()
- assert svr.authenticated()
-Implementation Notes
-This implementation of SRP consists of both a pure-python module and a C-based
-implementation that is approximately 10x faster. By default, the
-C-implementation will be used if it is available. An additional benefit of the C
-implementation is that it can take advantage of of multiple CPUs. For cases in
-which the number of connections per second is an issue, using a small pool of
-threads to perform the authentication steps on multi-core systems will yield a
-substantial performance increase.
-.. _protocol-description:
-SRP 6a Protocol Description
-The original SRP protocol, known as SRP-3, is defined in
-RFC 2945. This implementation, however, uses SRP-6a which is a slight
-improvement over SRP-3. The authoritative definition for the SRP-6a
-protocol is available at An additional
-resource is RFC 5054 which covers the integration of SRP into
-TLS. This RFC is the source of hashing strategy and the predefined N
-and g constants used in this implementation.
-The following is a complete description of the SRP-6a protocol as implemented by
-this library. Note that the ^ symbol indicates exponentiaion and the | symbol
-indicates concatenation.
-.. rubric:: Primary Variables used in SRP 6a
-========= =================================================================
-Variables Description
-========= =================================================================
-N A large, safe prime (N = 2q+1, where q is a Sophie Germain prime)
- All arithmetic is performed in the field of integers modulo N
-g A generator modulo N
-s Small salt for the verification key
-I Username
-p Cleartext password
-H() One-way hash function
-a,b Secret, random values
-K Session key
-========= =================================================================
-.. rubric:: Derived Values used in SRP 6a
-====================================== ====================================
-Derived Values Description
-====================================== ====================================
-k = H(N,g) Multiplier Parameter
-A = g^a Public ephemeral value
-B = kv + g^b Public ephemeral value
-x = H(s, H( I | ':' | p )) Private key (as defined by RFC 5054)
-v = g^x Password verifier
-u = H(A,B) Random scrambling parameter
-M = H(H(N) xor H(g), H(I), s, A, B, K) Session key verifier
-====================================== ====================================
-.. rubric:: Protocol Description
-The server stores the password verifier *v*. Authentication begins with a
-message from the client::
- client -> server: I, A = g^a
-The server replies with the verifier salt and challenge::
- server -> client: s, B = kv + g^b
-At this point, both the client and server calculate the shared session key::
- client & server: u = H(A,B)
- server: K = H( (Av^u) ^ b )
- client: x = H( s, H( I + ':' + p ) )
- client: K = H( (B - kg^x) ^ (a + ux) )
-Now both parties have a shared, strong session key *K*. To complete
-authentication they need to prove to each other that their keys match::
- client -> server: M = H(H(N) xor H(g), H(I), s, A, B, K)
- server -> client: H(A, M, K)
-SRP 6a requires the two parties to use the following safeguards:
-1. The client will abort if it recieves B == 0 (mod N) or u == 0
-2. The server will abort if it detects A == 0 (mod N)
-3. The client must show its proof of K first. If the server detects that this
- proof is incorrect it must abort without showing its own proof of K
diff --git a/srp-1.0/srp/ b/srp-1.0/srp/
deleted file mode 100644
index 37cf4c3..0000000
--- a/srp-1.0/srp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import unittest
-import os.path
-import os
-import sys
-import time
-import thread
-this_dir = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(__file__) )
-build_dir = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(this_dir), 'build' )
-if not os.path.exists( build_dir ):
- print 'Please run "python build" prior to running tests'
- sys.exit(1)
-plat_dirs = [ d for d in os.listdir('build') if d.startswith('lib') ]
-if not len(plat_dirs) == 1:
- print 'Unexpected build result... aborting'
-plat_dir = os.path.join( build_dir, plat_dirs[0] )
-sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join('build', plat_dir) )
-import srp
-import srp._pysrp as _pysrp
-import srp._ctsrp as _ctsrp
- import srp._srp as _srp
-except ImportError:
- print 'Failed to import srp._srp. Aborting tests'
- sys.exit(1)
-test_g_hex = "2"
-test_n_hex = '''\
-class SRPTests( unittest.TestCase ):
- def doit(self, u_mod, v_mod, g_mod, hash_alg=srp.SHA1, ng_type=srp.NG_2048, n_hex='', g_hex=''):
- User = u_mod.User
- Verifier = v_mod.Verifier
- create_salted_verification_key = g_mod.create_salted_verification_key
- username = 'testuser'
- password = 'testpassword'
- _s, _v = create_salted_verification_key( username, password, hash_alg, ng_type, n_hex, g_hex )
- usr = User( username, password, hash_alg, ng_type, n_hex, g_hex )
- uname, A = usr.start_authentication()
- # username, A => server
- svr = Verifier( uname, _s, _v, A, hash_alg, ng_type, n_hex, g_hex )
- s,B = svr.get_challenge()
- # s,B => client
- M = usr.process_challenge( s, B )
- # M => server
- HAMK = svr.verify_session( M )
- # HAMK => client
- usr.verify_session( HAMK )
- self.assertTrue( svr.authenticated() and usr.authenticated() )
- def test_pure_python_defaults(self):
- self.doit( _pysrp, _pysrp, _pysrp )
- def test_ctypes_defaults(self):
- self.doit( _ctsrp, _ctsrp, _ctsrp )
- def test_c_defaults(self):
- self.doit( _srp, _srp, _srp )
- def test_mix1(self):
- self.doit( _pysrp, _ctsrp, _srp )
- def test_mix2(self):
- self.doit( _pysrp, _srp, _ctsrp )
- def test_mix3(self):
- self.doit( _ctsrp, _pysrp, _srp )
- def test_mix4(self):
- self.doit( _ctsrp, _srp, _pysrp )
- def test_mix5(self):
- self.doit( _srp, _pysrp, _ctsrp )
- def test_mix6(self):
- self.doit( _srp, _ctsrp, _pysrp )
- def test_hash_SHA512(self):
- self.doit( _srp, _srp, _srp, hash_alg=srp.SHA512 )
- def test_NG_8192(self):
- self.doit( _srp, _srp, _srp, ng_type=srp.NG_8192 )
- def test_NG_CUSTOM(self):
- self.doit( _srp, _srp, _srp, ng_type=srp.NG_CUSTOM, n_hex=test_n_hex, g_hex=test_g_hex )
- def test_all1(self):
- self.doit( _srp, _pysrp, _ctsrp, hash_alg=srp.SHA256, ng_type=srp.NG_CUSTOM, n_hex=test_n_hex, g_hex=test_g_hex )
- def test_all2(self):
- self.doit( _ctsrp, _pysrp, _srp, hash_alg=srp.SHA224, ng_type=srp.NG_4096 )
-# Performance Testing
-hash_map = { 0 : 'SHA1 ', 1 : 'SHA224', 2 : 'SHA256', 3 : 'SHA384', 4 : 'SHA512' }
-prime_map = { 0 : 1024, 1 : 2048, 2 : 4096, 3 : 8192 }
-username = 'testuser'
-password = 'testpassword'
-NLEFT = 0
-def do_auth( mod, hash_alg, ng_type, _s, _v ):
- usr = mod.User( username, password, hash_alg, ng_type)
- uname, A = usr.start_authentication()
- # username, A => server
- svr = mod.Verifier( uname, _s, _v, A, hash_alg, ng_type)
- s,B = svr.get_challenge()
- # s,B => client
- M = usr.process_challenge( s, B )
- # M => server
- HAMK = svr.verify_session( M )
- # HAMK => client
- usr.verify_session( HAMK )
- if not svr.authenticated() or not usr.authenticated():
- raise Exception('Authentication failed!')
-def performance_test( mod, hash_alg, ng_type, niter=10, nthreads=1 ):
- global NLEFT
- _s, _v = srp.create_salted_verification_key( username, password, hash_alg, ng_type )
- NLEFT = niter
- def test_thread():
- global NLEFT
- while NLEFT > 0:
- do_auth( mod, hash_alg, ng_type, _s, _v )
- NLEFT -= 1
- start = time.time()
- while nthreads > 1:
- thread.start_new_thread( test_thread, () )
- nthreads -= 1
- test_thread()
- duration = time.time() - start
- return duration
-def get_param_str( mod, hash_alg, ng_type ):
- m = { 'srp._pysrp' : 'Python',
- 'srp._ctsrp' : 'ctypes',
- 'srp._srp' : 'C ' }
- cfg = '%s, %s, %d:' % (m[mod.__name__], hash_map[hash_alg], prime_map[ng_type])
- return cfg
-def param_test( mod, hash_alg, ng_type, niter=10 ):
- duration = performance_test( mod, hash_alg, ng_type, niter )
- cfg = get_param_str( mod, hash_alg, ng_type )
- print ' ', cfg.ljust(20), '%.6f' % (duration/niter)
- return duration/niter
-def print_default_timings():
- print '*'*60
- print 'Default Parameter Timings:'
- py_time = param_test( _pysrp, srp.SHA1, srp.NG_2048 )
- ct_time = param_test( _ctsrp, srp.SHA1, srp.NG_2048 )
- c_time = param_test( _srp, srp.SHA1, srp.NG_2048 )
- print ''
- print 'Performance increases: '
- print ' ctypes-module : ', py_time/ct_time
- print ' C-module : ', py_time/c_time
-def print_performance_table():
- ng_types = [ srp.NG_1024, srp.NG_2048, srp.NG_4096, srp.NG_8192 ]
- hash_types = [ srp.SHA1, srp.SHA224, srp.SHA256, srp.SHA384, srp.SHA512 ]
- print '*'*60
- print 'Hash Algorithm vs Prime Number performance table'
- print ''
- print ' |',
- for ng in ng_types:
- print ('NG_%d' % prime_map[ng]).rjust(12),
- print ''
- print '-'*60
- for hash_alg in hash_types:
- print '%s |' % hash_map[hash_alg],
- for ng in ng_types:
- print '{0:>12f}'.format(performance_test(_srp, hash_alg, ng) / 10),
- print ''
-def print_thread_performance():
- print '*'*60
- print 'Thread Performance Test:'
- niter = 100
- for nthreads in range(1,11):
- print ' Thread Count {0:>2}: {1:8f}'.format(nthreads, performance_test(_srp, srp.SHA1, srp.NG_2048, niter, nthreads)/niter)
-print '*'*60
-print '*'
-print '* Testing Implementation'
-print '*'
-suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(SRPTests)
-print '*'*60
-print '*'
-print '* Performance Testing'
-print '*'
-# Pause briefly to ensure no background threads are still executing