path: root/srp-1.0/srp/
diff options
authork clair <>2012-10-09 11:22:02 -0700
committerk clair <>2012-10-09 11:22:02 -0700
commit9db8b1a8c13009741606236bc00d1de827caf790 (patch)
tree187fd9a0c3f743cd76338ca89cc05007e8d02534 /srp-1.0/srp/
source tarball downloaded from
Diffstat (limited to 'srp-1.0/srp/')
1 files changed, 260 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/srp-1.0/srp/ b/srp-1.0/srp/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37cf4c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/srp-1.0/srp/
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import unittest
+import os.path
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+import thread
+this_dir = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(__file__) )
+build_dir = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(this_dir), 'build' )
+if not os.path.exists( build_dir ):
+ print 'Please run "python build" prior to running tests'
+ sys.exit(1)
+plat_dirs = [ d for d in os.listdir('build') if d.startswith('lib') ]
+if not len(plat_dirs) == 1:
+ print 'Unexpected build result... aborting'
+plat_dir = os.path.join( build_dir, plat_dirs[0] )
+sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join('build', plat_dir) )
+import srp
+import srp._pysrp as _pysrp
+import srp._ctsrp as _ctsrp
+ import srp._srp as _srp
+except ImportError:
+ print 'Failed to import srp._srp. Aborting tests'
+ sys.exit(1)
+test_g_hex = "2"
+test_n_hex = '''\
+class SRPTests( unittest.TestCase ):
+ def doit(self, u_mod, v_mod, g_mod, hash_alg=srp.SHA1, ng_type=srp.NG_2048, n_hex='', g_hex=''):
+ User = u_mod.User
+ Verifier = v_mod.Verifier
+ create_salted_verification_key = g_mod.create_salted_verification_key
+ username = 'testuser'
+ password = 'testpassword'
+ _s, _v = create_salted_verification_key( username, password, hash_alg, ng_type, n_hex, g_hex )
+ usr = User( username, password, hash_alg, ng_type, n_hex, g_hex )
+ uname, A = usr.start_authentication()
+ # username, A => server
+ svr = Verifier( uname, _s, _v, A, hash_alg, ng_type, n_hex, g_hex )
+ s,B = svr.get_challenge()
+ # s,B => client
+ M = usr.process_challenge( s, B )
+ # M => server
+ HAMK = svr.verify_session( M )
+ # HAMK => client
+ usr.verify_session( HAMK )
+ self.assertTrue( svr.authenticated() and usr.authenticated() )
+ def test_pure_python_defaults(self):
+ self.doit( _pysrp, _pysrp, _pysrp )
+ def test_ctypes_defaults(self):
+ self.doit( _ctsrp, _ctsrp, _ctsrp )
+ def test_c_defaults(self):
+ self.doit( _srp, _srp, _srp )
+ def test_mix1(self):
+ self.doit( _pysrp, _ctsrp, _srp )
+ def test_mix2(self):
+ self.doit( _pysrp, _srp, _ctsrp )
+ def test_mix3(self):
+ self.doit( _ctsrp, _pysrp, _srp )
+ def test_mix4(self):
+ self.doit( _ctsrp, _srp, _pysrp )
+ def test_mix5(self):
+ self.doit( _srp, _pysrp, _ctsrp )
+ def test_mix6(self):
+ self.doit( _srp, _ctsrp, _pysrp )
+ def test_hash_SHA512(self):
+ self.doit( _srp, _srp, _srp, hash_alg=srp.SHA512 )
+ def test_NG_8192(self):
+ self.doit( _srp, _srp, _srp, ng_type=srp.NG_8192 )
+ def test_NG_CUSTOM(self):
+ self.doit( _srp, _srp, _srp, ng_type=srp.NG_CUSTOM, n_hex=test_n_hex, g_hex=test_g_hex )
+ def test_all1(self):
+ self.doit( _srp, _pysrp, _ctsrp, hash_alg=srp.SHA256, ng_type=srp.NG_CUSTOM, n_hex=test_n_hex, g_hex=test_g_hex )
+ def test_all2(self):
+ self.doit( _ctsrp, _pysrp, _srp, hash_alg=srp.SHA224, ng_type=srp.NG_4096 )
+# Performance Testing
+hash_map = { 0 : 'SHA1 ', 1 : 'SHA224', 2 : 'SHA256', 3 : 'SHA384', 4 : 'SHA512' }
+prime_map = { 0 : 1024, 1 : 2048, 2 : 4096, 3 : 8192 }
+username = 'testuser'
+password = 'testpassword'
+NLEFT = 0
+def do_auth( mod, hash_alg, ng_type, _s, _v ):
+ usr = mod.User( username, password, hash_alg, ng_type)
+ uname, A = usr.start_authentication()
+ # username, A => server
+ svr = mod.Verifier( uname, _s, _v, A, hash_alg, ng_type)
+ s,B = svr.get_challenge()
+ # s,B => client
+ M = usr.process_challenge( s, B )
+ # M => server
+ HAMK = svr.verify_session( M )
+ # HAMK => client
+ usr.verify_session( HAMK )
+ if not svr.authenticated() or not usr.authenticated():
+ raise Exception('Authentication failed!')
+def performance_test( mod, hash_alg, ng_type, niter=10, nthreads=1 ):
+ global NLEFT
+ _s, _v = srp.create_salted_verification_key( username, password, hash_alg, ng_type )
+ NLEFT = niter
+ def test_thread():
+ global NLEFT
+ while NLEFT > 0:
+ do_auth( mod, hash_alg, ng_type, _s, _v )
+ NLEFT -= 1
+ start = time.time()
+ while nthreads > 1:
+ thread.start_new_thread( test_thread, () )
+ nthreads -= 1
+ test_thread()
+ duration = time.time() - start
+ return duration
+def get_param_str( mod, hash_alg, ng_type ):
+ m = { 'srp._pysrp' : 'Python',
+ 'srp._ctsrp' : 'ctypes',
+ 'srp._srp' : 'C ' }
+ cfg = '%s, %s, %d:' % (m[mod.__name__], hash_map[hash_alg], prime_map[ng_type])
+ return cfg
+def param_test( mod, hash_alg, ng_type, niter=10 ):
+ duration = performance_test( mod, hash_alg, ng_type, niter )
+ cfg = get_param_str( mod, hash_alg, ng_type )
+ print ' ', cfg.ljust(20), '%.6f' % (duration/niter)
+ return duration/niter
+def print_default_timings():
+ print '*'*60
+ print 'Default Parameter Timings:'
+ py_time = param_test( _pysrp, srp.SHA1, srp.NG_2048 )
+ ct_time = param_test( _ctsrp, srp.SHA1, srp.NG_2048 )
+ c_time = param_test( _srp, srp.SHA1, srp.NG_2048 )
+ print ''
+ print 'Performance increases: '
+ print ' ctypes-module : ', py_time/ct_time
+ print ' C-module : ', py_time/c_time
+def print_performance_table():
+ ng_types = [ srp.NG_1024, srp.NG_2048, srp.NG_4096, srp.NG_8192 ]
+ hash_types = [ srp.SHA1, srp.SHA224, srp.SHA256, srp.SHA384, srp.SHA512 ]
+ print '*'*60
+ print 'Hash Algorithm vs Prime Number performance table'
+ print ''
+ print ' |',
+ for ng in ng_types:
+ print ('NG_%d' % prime_map[ng]).rjust(12),
+ print ''
+ print '-'*60
+ for hash_alg in hash_types:
+ print '%s |' % hash_map[hash_alg],
+ for ng in ng_types:
+ print '{0:>12f}'.format(performance_test(_srp, hash_alg, ng) / 10),
+ print ''
+def print_thread_performance():
+ print '*'*60
+ print 'Thread Performance Test:'
+ niter = 100
+ for nthreads in range(1,11):
+ print ' Thread Count {0:>2}: {1:8f}'.format(nthreads, performance_test(_srp, srp.SHA1, srp.NG_2048, niter, nthreads)/niter)
+print '*'*60
+print '*'
+print '* Testing Implementation'
+print '*'
+suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(SRPTests)
+print '*'*60
+print '*'
+print '* Performance Testing'
+print '*'
+# Pause briefly to ensure no background threads are still executing