path: root/gnutls-1.1.9/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.6/gnutls/
diff options
authork clair <>2012-10-09 12:24:40 -0700
committerk clair <>2012-10-09 12:24:40 -0700
commit7868a869fda3e28230c19abc492057cc91b84902 (patch)
treea2dd1bac94e81bfdbd8898c34d0a65c24ba78600 /gnutls-1.1.9/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.6/gnutls/
parent780031761fca27881272e6c986a265bea7ef9aae (diff)
remove debian packaging files from master branch. master should only have the source files and the README
Diffstat (limited to 'gnutls-1.1.9/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.6/gnutls/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 500 deletions
diff --git a/gnutls-1.1.9/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.6/gnutls/ b/gnutls-1.1.9/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.6/gnutls/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5990bd4..0000000
--- a/gnutls-1.1.9/build/lib.linux-x86_64-2.6/gnutls/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,500 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2007-2008 AG Projects. See LICENSE for details.
-"""GNUTLS connection support"""
-__all__ = ['X509Credentials', 'ClientSession', 'ServerSession', 'ServerSessionFactory']
-from time import time
-from socket import SHUT_RDWR as SOCKET_SHUT_RDWR
-from _ctypes import PyObj_FromPtr
-from ctypes import *
-from gnutls.validators import *
-from gnutls.constants import *
-from gnutls.crypto import *
-from gnutls.errors import *
-from gnutls.library.constants import GNUTLS_SERVER, GNUTLS_CLIENT, GNUTLS_CRT_X509
-from gnutls.library.constants import GNUTLS_CERT_SIGNER_NOT_FOUND, GNUTLS_CERT_SIGNER_NOT_CA
-from gnutls.library.constants import GNUTLS_AL_FATAL, GNUTLS_A_BAD_CERTIFICATE
-from gnutls.library.constants import GNUTLS_A_UNKNOWN_CA, GNUTLS_A_INSUFFICIENT_SECURITY
-from gnutls.library.constants import GNUTLS_NAME_DNS
-from gnutls.library.types import gnutls_certificate_credentials_t, gnutls_session_t, gnutls_x509_crt_t
-from gnutls.library.types import gnutls_certificate_server_retrieve_function
-from gnutls.library.functions import *
-def _retrieve_server_certificate(c_session, retr_st):
- session = PyObj_FromPtr(gnutls_session_get_ptr(c_session))
- identity = session.credentials.select_server_identity(session)
- retr_st.contents.type = GNUTLS_CRT_X509
- retr_st.contents.deinit_all = 0
- if identity is None:
- retr_st.contents.ncerts = 0
- else:
- retr_st.contents.ncerts = 1
- retr_st.contents.cert.x509.contents = identity.cert._c_object
- retr_st.contents.key.x509 = identity.key._c_object
- return 0
-class _ServerNameIdentities(dict):
- """Used internally by X509Credentials to map server names to X509 identities for the server name extension"""
- def __init__(self, identities):
- dict.__init__(self)
- for identity in identities:
- self.add(identity)
- def add(self, identity):
- for name in identity.cert.alternative_names.dns:
- self[name.lower()] = identity
- for ip in identity.cert.alternative_names.ip:
- self[ip] = identity
- subject = identity.cert.subject
- if subject.CN is not None:
- self[subject.CN.lower()] = identity
- def get(self, server_name, default=None):
- server_name = server_name.lower()
- if server_name in self:
- return self[server_name]
- for name in (n for n in self if n.startswith('*.')):
- suffix = name[1:]
- if server_name.endswith(suffix) and '.' not in server_name[:-len(suffix)]:
- return self[name]
- return default
-class X509Credentials(object):
- DH_BITS = 1024
- RSA_BITS = 1024
- dh_params = None
- rsa_params = None
- def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
- c_object = gnutls_certificate_credentials_t()
- gnutls_certificate_allocate_credentials(byref(c_object))
- instance = object.__new__(cls)
- instance.__deinit = gnutls_certificate_free_credentials
- instance._c_object = c_object
- return instance
- @method_args((X509Certificate, none), (X509PrivateKey, none), list_of(X509Certificate), list_of(X509CRL), list_of(X509Identity))
- def __init__(self, cert=None, key=None, trusted=[], crl_list=[], identities=[]):
- """Credentials contain a X509 certificate, a private key, a list of trusted CAs and a list of CRLs (all optional).
- An optional list of additional X509 identities can be specified for applications that need more that one identity"""
- if cert and key:
- gnutls_certificate_set_x509_key(self._c_object, byref(cert._c_object), 1, key._c_object)
- elif (cert, key) != (None, None):
- raise ValueError("Specify neither or both the certificate and private key")
- gnutls_certificate_server_set_retrieve_function(self._c_object, _retrieve_server_certificate)
- self._max_depth = 5
- self._max_bits = 8200
- self._type = CRED_CERTIFICATE
- self._cert = cert
- self._key = key
- self._identities = tuple(identities)
- self._trusted = ()
- self.add_trusted(trusted)
- self.crl_list = crl_list
- self.server_name_identities = _ServerNameIdentities(identities)
- if cert and key:
- self.server_name_identities.add(X509Identity(cert, key))
- self.session_params = SessionParams(self._type)
- def __del__(self):
- self.__deinit(self._c_object)
- # Methods to alter the credentials at runtime
- @method_args(list_of(X509Certificate))
- def add_trusted(self, trusted):
- size = len(trusted)
- if size > 0:
- ca_list = (gnutls_x509_crt_t * size)(*[cert._c_object for cert in trusted])
- gnutls_certificate_set_x509_trust(self._c_object, cast(byref(ca_list), POINTER(gnutls_x509_crt_t)), size)
- self._trusted = self._trusted + tuple(trusted)
- def generate_dh_params(self, bits=DH_BITS):
- reference = self.dh_params ## keep a reference to preserve it until replaced
- X509Credentials.dh_params = DHParams(bits)
- del reference
- def generate_rsa_params(self, bits=RSA_BITS):
- reference = self.rsa_params ## keep a reference to preserve it until replaced
- X509Credentials.rsa_params = RSAParams(bits)
- del reference
- # Properties
- @property
- def cert(self):
- return self._cert
- @property
- def key(self):
- return self._key
- @property
- def identities(self):
- return self._identities
- @property
- def trusted(self):
- return self._trusted
- def _get_crl_list(self):
- return self._crl_list
- @method_args(list_of(X509CRL))
- def _set_crl_list(self, crl_list):
- self._crl_list = tuple(crl_list)
- crl_list = property(_get_crl_list, _set_crl_list)
- del _get_crl_list, _set_crl_list
- def _get_max_verify_length(self):
- return self._max_depth
- @method_args(int)
- def _set_max_verify_length(self, max_depth):
- gnutls_certificate_set_verify_limits(self._c_object, self._max_bits, max_depth)
- self._max_depth = max_depth
- max_verify_length = property(_get_max_verify_length, _set_max_verify_length)
- del _get_max_verify_length, _set_max_verify_length
- def _get_max_verify_bits(self):
- return self._max_bits
- @method_args(int)
- def _set_max_verify_bits(self, max_bits):
- gnutls_certificate_set_verify_limits(self._c_object, max_bits, self._max_depth)
- self._max_bits = max_bits
- max_verify_bits = property(_get_max_verify_bits, _set_max_verify_bits)
- del _get_max_verify_bits, _set_max_verify_bits
- # Methods to select and validate certificates
- def check_certificate(self, cert, cert_name='certificate'):
- """Verify activation, expiration and revocation for the given certificate"""
- now = time()
- if cert.activation_time > now:
- raise CertificateExpiredError("%s is not yet activated" % cert_name)
- if cert.expiration_time < now:
- raise CertificateExpiredError("%s has expired" % cert_name)
- for crl in self.crl_list:
- crl.check_revocation(cert, cert_name=cert_name)
- def select_server_identity(self, session):
- """Select which identity the server will use for a given session. The default selection algorithm uses
- the server name extension. A subclass can overwrite it if a different selection algorithm is desired."""
- server_name = session.server_name
- if server_name is not None:
- return self.server_name_identities.get(server_name)
- elif self.cert and self.key:
- return self ## since we have the cert and key attributes we can behave like a X509Identity
- else:
- return None
-class SessionParams(object):
- _default_kx_algorithms = {
- _all_kx_algorithms = {
- CRED_ANON: set((KX_ANON_DH,))}
- def __new__(cls, credentials_type):
- if credentials_type not in cls._default_kx_algorithms:
- raise TypeError("Unknown credentials type: %r" % credentials_type)
- return object.__new__(cls)
- def __init__(self, credentials_type):
- self._credentials_type = credentials_type
- self._protocols = (PROTO_TLS1_1, PROTO_TLS1_0, PROTO_SSL3)
- self._kx_algorithms = self._default_kx_algorithms[credentials_type]
- self._ciphers = (CIPHER_AES_128_CBC, CIPHER_3DES_CBC, CIPHER_ARCFOUR_128)
- self._mac_algorithms = (MAC_SHA1, MAC_MD5, MAC_RMD160)
- self._compressions = (COMP_NULL,)
- def _get_protocols(self):
- return self._protocols
- def _set_protocols(self, protocols):
- self._protocols = ProtocolListValidator(protocols)
- protocols = property(_get_protocols, _set_protocols)
- del _get_protocols, _set_protocols
- def _get_kx_algorithms(self):
- return self._kx_algorithms
- def _set_kx_algorithms(self, algorithms):
- cred_type = self._credentials_type
- algorithms = KeyExchangeListValidator(algorithms)
- invalid = set(algorithms) - self._all_kx_algorithms[cred_type]
- if invalid:
- raise ValueError("Cannot specify %r with %r credentials" % (list(invalid), cred_type))
- self._kx_algorithms = algorithms
- kx_algorithms = property(_get_kx_algorithms, _set_kx_algorithms)
- del _get_kx_algorithms, _set_kx_algorithms
- def _get_ciphers(self):
- return self._ciphers
- def _set_ciphers(self, ciphers):
- self._ciphers = CipherListValidator(ciphers)
- ciphers = property(_get_ciphers, _set_ciphers)
- del _get_ciphers, _set_ciphers
- def _get_mac_algorithms(self):
- return self._mac_algorithms
- def _set_mac_algorithms(self, algorithms):
- self._mac_algorithms = MACListValidator(algorithms)
- mac_algorithms = property(_get_mac_algorithms, _set_mac_algorithms)
- del _get_mac_algorithms, _set_mac_algorithms
- def _get_compressions(self):
- return self._compressions
- def _set_compressions(self, compressions):
- self._compressions = CompressionListValidator(compressions)
- compressions = property(_get_compressions, _set_compressions)
- del _get_compressions, _set_compressions
-class Session(object):
- """Abstract class representing a TLS session created from a TCP socket
- and a Credentials object."""
- session_type = None ## placeholder for GNUTLS_SERVER or GNUTLS_CLIENT as defined by subclass
- def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
- if cls is Session:
- raise RuntimeError("Session cannot be instantiated directly")
- instance = object.__new__(cls)
- instance.__deinit = gnutls_deinit
- instance._c_object = gnutls_session_t()
- return instance
- def __init__(self, socket, credentials):
- gnutls_init(byref(self._c_object), self.session_type)
- ## Store a pointer to self on the C session
- gnutls_session_set_ptr(self._c_object, id(self))
- # gnutls_dh_set_prime_bits(session, DH_BITS)?
- gnutls_transport_set_ptr(self._c_object, socket.fileno())
- gnutls_handshake_set_private_extensions(self._c_object, 1)
- self.socket = socket
- self.credentials = credentials
- self._update_params()
- def __del__(self):
- self.__deinit(self._c_object)
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- ## Generic wrapper for the underlying socket methods and attributes.
- return getattr(self.socket, name)
- # Session properties
- def _get_credentials(self):
- return self._credentials
- @method_args(X509Credentials)
- def _set_credentials(self, credentials):
- ## Release all credentials, otherwise gnutls will only release an existing credential of
- ## the same type as the one being set and we can end up with multiple credentials in C.
- gnutls_credentials_clear(self._c_object)
- gnutls_credentials_set(self._c_object, credentials._type, cast(credentials._c_object, c_void_p))
- self._credentials = credentials
- credentials = property(_get_credentials, _set_credentials)
- del _get_credentials, _set_credentials
- @property
- def protocol(self):
- return gnutls_protocol_get_name(gnutls_protocol_get_version(self._c_object))
- @property
- def kx_algorithm(self):
- return gnutls_kx_get_name(gnutls_kx_get(self._c_object))
- @property
- def cipher(self):
- return gnutls_cipher_get_name(gnutls_cipher_get(self._c_object))
- @property
- def mac_algorithm(self):
- return gnutls_mac_get_name(gnutls_mac_get(self._c_object))
- @property
- def compression(self):
- return gnutls_compression_get_name(gnutls_compression_get(self._c_object))
- @property
- def peer_certificate(self):
- if gnutls_certificate_type_get(self._c_object) != GNUTLS_CRT_X509:
- return None
- list_size = c_uint()
- cert_list = gnutls_certificate_get_peers(self._c_object, byref(list_size))
- if list_size.value == 0:
- return None
- cert = cert_list[0]
- return X509Certificate(string_at(, cert.size), X509_FMT_DER)
- # Status checking after an operation was interrupted (these properties are
- # only useful to check after an operation was interrupted, otherwise their
- # value is meaningless).
- @property
- def interrupted_while_writing(self):
- """True if an operation was interrupted while writing"""
- return gnutls_record_get_direction(self._c_object)==1
- @property
- def interrupted_while_reading(self):
- """True if an operation was interrupted while reading"""
- return gnutls_record_get_direction(self._c_object)==0
- # Session methods
- def _update_params(self):
- """Update the priorities of the session params using the credentials."""
- def c_priority_list(priorities):
- size = len(priorities) + 1
- return (c_int * size)(*priorities)
- session_params = self.credentials.session_params
- # protocol order in the priority list is irrelevant (it always uses newer protocols first)
- # the protocol list only specifies what protocols are to be enabled.
- gnutls_protocol_set_priority(self._c_object, c_priority_list(session_params.protocols))
- gnutls_kx_set_priority(self._c_object, c_priority_list(session_params.kx_algorithms))
- gnutls_cipher_set_priority(self._c_object, c_priority_list(session_params.ciphers))
- gnutls_mac_set_priority(self._c_object, c_priority_list(session_params.mac_algorithms))
- gnutls_compression_set_priority(self._c_object, c_priority_list(session_params.compressions))
- def handshake(self):
- gnutls_handshake(self._c_object)
- #@method_args((basestring, buffer))
- def send(self, data):
- data = str(data)
- return gnutls_record_send(self._c_object, data, len(data))
- def sendall(self, data):
- size = len(data)
- while size > 0:
- sent = self.send(data[-size:])
- size -= sent
- def recv(self, limit):
- data = create_string_buffer(limit)
- size = gnutls_record_recv(self._c_object, data, limit)
- return data[:size]
- def send_alert(self, exception):
- alertdict = {
- CertificateAuthorityError: GNUTLS_A_UNKNOWN_CA,
- CertificateExpiredError: GNUTLS_A_CERTIFICATE_EXPIRED,
- CertificateRevokedError: GNUTLS_A_CERTIFICATE_REVOKED}
- alert = alertdict.get(exception.__class__)
- if alert:
- gnutls_alert_send(self._c_object, GNUTLS_AL_FATAL, alert)
- @method_args(one_of(SHUT_RDWR, SHUT_WR))
- def bye(self, how=SHUT_RDWR):
- gnutls_bye(self._c_object, how)
- def shutdown(self, how=SOCKET_SHUT_RDWR):
- self.socket.shutdown(how)
- def close(self):
- self.socket.close()
- def verify_peer(self):
- status = c_uint()
- gnutls_certificate_verify_peers2(self._c_object, byref(status))
- status = status.value
- if status & GNUTLS_CERT_INVALID:
- raise CertificateError("peer certificate is invalid")
- raise CertificateAuthorityError("peer certificate signer not found")
- elif status & GNUTLS_CERT_SIGNER_NOT_CA:
- raise CertificateAuthorityError("peer certificate signer is not a CA")
- raise CertificateSecurityError("peer certificate uses an insecure algorithm")
- elif status & GNUTLS_CERT_REVOKED:
- raise CertificateRevokedError("peer certificate was revoked")
-class ClientSession(Session):
- session_type = GNUTLS_CLIENT
- def __init__(self, socket, credentials, server_name=None):
- Session.__init__(self, socket, credentials)
- self._server_name = None
- if server_name is not None:
- self.server_name = server_name
- def _get_server_name(self):
- return self._server_name
- @method_args(str)
- def _set_server_name(self, server_name):
- gnutls_server_name_set(self._c_object, GNUTLS_NAME_DNS, c_char_p(server_name), len(server_name))
- self._server_name = server_name
- server_name = property(_get_server_name, _set_server_name)
- del _get_server_name, _set_server_name
-class ServerSession(Session):
- session_type = GNUTLS_SERVER
- def __init__(self, socket, credentials):
- Session.__init__(self, socket, credentials)
- gnutls_certificate_server_set_request(self._c_object, CERT_REQUEST)
- @property
- def server_name(self):
- data_length = c_size_t(256)
- data = create_string_buffer(data_length.value)
- hostname_type = c_uint()
- for i in xrange(2**16):
- try:
- gnutls_server_name_get(self._c_object, data, byref(data_length), byref(hostname_type), i)
- except RequestedDataNotAvailable:
- break
- except MemoryError:
- data_length.value += 1 ## one extra byte for the terminating 0
- data = create_string_buffer(data_length.value)
- gnutls_server_name_get(self._c_object, data, byref(data_length), byref(hostname_type), i)
- if hostname_type.value != GNUTLS_NAME_DNS:
- continue
- return data.value
- return None
-class ServerSessionFactory(object):
- def __init__(self, socket, credentials, session_class=ServerSession):
- if not issubclass(session_class, ServerSession):
- raise TypeError, "session_class must be a subclass of ServerSession"
- self.socket = socket
- self.credentials = credentials
- self.session_class = session_class
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- ## Generic wrapper for the underlying socket methods and attributes
- return getattr(self.socket, name)
- def bind(self, address):
- self.socket.bind(address)
- def listen(self, backlog):
- self.socket.listen(backlog)
- def accept(self):
- new_sock, address = self.socket.accept()
- session = self.session_class(new_sock, self.credentials)
- return (session, address)
- def shutdown(self, how=SOCKET_SHUT_RDWR):
- self.socket.shutdown(how)
- def close(self):
- self.socket.close()