path: root/spec/unit/puppet/provider/vcsrepo/git_spec.rb
diff options
authorvarac <>2016-02-23 14:48:19 +0100
committervarac <>2016-02-23 14:48:19 +0100
commit4e23209eaccf1ab504d35158f4141b3053327c2f (patch)
treee9c325ad24a732b6bdb13801ef2997f10f99e02e /spec/unit/puppet/provider/vcsrepo/git_spec.rb
parentf92d09226cfddb0c7e5e342dd199d8ea05b497cb (diff)
parent6262d046c6993a6ae7112746210b91d46f94165e (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/unit/puppet/provider/vcsrepo/git_spec.rb')
1 files changed, 310 insertions, 178 deletions
diff --git a/spec/unit/puppet/provider/vcsrepo/git_spec.rb b/spec/unit/puppet/provider/vcsrepo/git_spec.rb
index 68b6c0a..6a8f58f 100644
--- a/spec/unit/puppet/provider/vcsrepo/git_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/unit/puppet/provider/vcsrepo/git_spec.rb
@@ -1,190 +1,309 @@
require 'spec_helper'
-describe_provider :vcsrepo, :git, :resource => {:path => '/tmp/vcsrepo'} do
+describe Puppet::Type.type(:vcsrepo).provider(:git_provider) do
+ def branch_a_list(include_branch = nil?)
+ <<branches
+#{"* master" unless include_branch.nil?}
+#{"* " + include_branch unless !include_branch}
+ remote/origin/master
+ remote/origin/foo
+ end
+ let(:resource) { Puppet::Type.type(:vcsrepo).new({
+ :name => 'test',
+ :ensure => :present,
+ :provider => :git,
+ :revision => '2634',
+ :source => 'git@repo',
+ :path => '/tmp/test',
+ :force => false
+ })}
+ let(:provider) { resource.provider }
+ before :each do
+ Puppet::Util.stubs(:which).with('git').returns('/usr/bin/git')
+ end
context 'creating' do
- resource_with :source do
- resource_with :ensure => :present do
- context "with a revision that is a remote branch", :resource => {:revision => 'only/remote'} do
- it "should execute 'git clone' and 'git checkout -b'" do
- provider.expects(:git).with('clone', resource.value(:source), resource.value(:path))
- expects_chdir('/')
- expects_chdir
- provider.expects(:update_submodules)
- provider.expects(:git).with('branch', '-a').returns(resource.value(:revision))
- provider.expects(:git).with('checkout', '--force', resource.value(:revision))
- provider.create
- end
- end
- context "with a revision that is not a remote branch", :resource => {:revision => 'a-commit-or-tag'} do
- it "should execute 'git clone' and 'git reset --hard'" do
- provider.expects(:git).with('clone', resource.value(:source), resource.value(:path))
- expects_chdir('/')
- expects_chdir
- provider.expects(:update_submodules)
- provider.expects(:git).with('branch', '-a').returns(resource.value(:revision))
- provider.expects(:git).with('checkout', '--force', resource.value(:revision))
- provider.create
- end
+ context "with a revision that is a remote branch" do
+ it "should execute 'git clone' and 'git checkout -b'" do
+ resource[:revision] = 'only/remote'
+ Dir.expects(:chdir).with('/').at_least_once.yields
+ Dir.expects(:chdir).with('/tmp/test').at_least_once.yields
+ provider.expects(:git).with('clone', resource.value(:source), resource.value(:path))
+ provider.expects(:update_submodules)
+ provider.expects(:update_remote_url).with("origin", resource.value(:source)).returns false
+ provider.expects(:git).with('branch', '-a').returns(branch_a_list(resource.value(:revision)))
+ provider.expects(:git).with('checkout', '--force', resource.value(:revision))
+ provider.create
+ end
+ end
+ context "with a remote not named 'origin'" do
+ it "should execute 'git clone --origin not_origin" do
+ resource[:remote] = 'not_origin'
+ Dir.expects(:chdir).with('/').at_least_once.yields
+ Dir.expects(:chdir).with('/tmp/test').at_least_once.yields
+ provider.expects(:git).with('clone', '--origin', 'not_origin', resource.value(:source), resource.value(:path))
+ provider.expects(:update_submodules)
+ provider.expects(:update_remote_url).with("not_origin", resource.value(:source)).returns false
+ provider.expects(:git).with('branch', '-a').returns(branch_a_list(resource.value(:revision)))
+ provider.expects(:git).with('checkout', '--force', resource.value(:revision))
+ provider.create
+ end
+ end
+ context "with shallow clone enable" do
+ it "should execute 'git clone --depth 1'" do
+ resource[:revision] = 'only/remote'
+ resource[:depth] = 1
+ Dir.expects(:chdir).with('/').at_least_once.yields
+ Dir.expects(:chdir).with('/tmp/test').at_least_once.yields
+ provider.expects(:git).with('clone', '--depth', '1', '--branch', resource.value(:revision),resource.value(:source), resource.value(:path))
+ provider.expects(:update_submodules)
+ provider.expects(:update_remote_url).with("origin", resource.value(:source)).returns false
+ provider.expects(:git).with('branch', '-a').returns(branch_a_list(resource.value(:revision)))
+ provider.expects(:git).with('checkout', '--force', resource.value(:revision))
+ provider.create
+ end
+ end
+ context "with a revision that is not a remote branch" do
+ it "should execute 'git clone' and 'git reset --hard'" do
+ resource[:revision] = 'a-commit-or-tag'
+ Dir.expects(:chdir).with('/').at_least_once.yields
+ Dir.expects(:chdir).with('/tmp/test').at_least_once.yields
+ provider.expects(:git).with('clone', resource.value(:source), resource.value(:path))
+ provider.expects(:update_submodules)
+ provider.expects(:update_remote_url).with("origin", resource.value(:source)).returns false
+ provider.expects(:git).with('branch', '-a').returns(branch_a_list(resource.value(:revision)))
+ provider.expects(:git).with('checkout', '--force', resource.value(:revision))
+ provider.create
+ end
+ it "should execute 'git clone' and submodule commands" do
+ resource.delete(:revision)
+ provider.expects(:git).with('clone', resource.value(:source), resource.value(:path))
+ provider.expects(:update_submodules)
+ provider.expects(:update_remotes)
+ provider.create
+ end
+ end
+ context "with an ensure of bare" do
+ context "with revision" do
+ it "should raise an error" do
+ resource[:ensure] = :bare
+ expect { provider.create }.to raise_error Puppet::Error, /cannot set a revision.+bare/i
- resource_without :revision do
- it "should execute 'git clone' and submodule commands" do
- provider.expects(:git).with('clone', resource.value(:source), resource.value(:path))
- provider.expects(:update_submodules)
- provider.create
- end
+ end
+ context "without revision" do
+ it "should just execute 'git clone --bare'" do
+ resource[:ensure] = :bare
+ resource.delete(:revision)
+ provider.expects(:git).with('clone', '--bare', resource.value(:source), resource.value(:path))
+ provider.expects(:update_remotes)
+ provider.create
+ end
- resource_with :ensure => :bare do
- resource_with :revision do
- it "should just execute 'git clone --bare'" do
- provider.expects(:git).with('clone', '--bare', resource.value(:source), resource.value(:path))
- provider.create
- end
+ context "with an ensure of mirror" do
+ context "with revision" do
+ it "should raise an error" do
+ resource[:ensure] = :mirror
+ expect { provider.create }.to raise_error Puppet::Error, /cannot set a revision.+bare/i
- resource_without :revision do
- it "should just execute 'git clone --bare'" do
- provider.expects(:git).with('clone', '--bare', resource.value(:source), resource.value(:path))
- provider.create
- end
+ end
+ context "without revision" do
+ it "should just execute 'git clone --mirror'" do
+ resource[:ensure] = :mirror
+ resource.delete(:revision)
+ provider.expects(:git).with('clone', '--mirror', resource.value(:source), resource.value(:path))
+ provider.expects(:update_remotes)
+ provider.create
context "when a source is not given" do
- resource_with :ensure => :present do
- context "when the path does not exist" do
- it "should execute 'git init'" do
- expects_mkdir
- expects_chdir
- expects_directory?(false)
- provider.expects(:bare_exists?).returns(false)
- provider.expects(:git).with('init')
- provider.create
- end
- end
+ context "when the path does not exist" do
+ it "should execute 'git init'" do
+ resource[:ensure] = :present
+ resource.delete(:source)
+ expects_mkdir
+ expects_chdir
+ expects_directory?(false)
- context "when the path is a bare repository" do
- it "should convert it to a working copy" do
- provider.expects(:bare_exists?).returns(true)
- provider.expects(:convert_bare_to_working_copy)
- provider.create
- end
+ provider.expects(:bare_exists?).returns(false)
+ provider.expects(:git).with('init')
+ provider.create
+ end
- context "when the path is not a repository" do
- it "should raise an exception" do
- provider.expects(:path_exists?).returns(true)
- proc { provider.create }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error)
- end
+ context "when the path is a bare repository" do
+ it "should convert it to a working copy" do
+ resource[:ensure] = :present
+ resource.delete(:source)
+ provider.expects(:bare_exists?).returns(true)
+ provider.expects(:convert_bare_to_working_copy)
+ provider.create
- resource_with :ensure => :bare do
- context "when the path does not exist" do
- it "should execute 'git init --bare'" do
- expects_chdir
- expects_mkdir
- expects_directory?(false)
- provider.expects(:working_copy_exists?).returns(false)
- provider.expects(:git).with('init', '--bare')
- provider.create
- end
+ context "when the path is not empty and not a repository" do
+ it "should raise an exception" do
+ provider.expects(:path_exists?).returns(true)
+ provider.expects(:path_empty?).returns(false)
+ expect { provider.create }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error)
+ end
+ end
- context "when the path is a working copy repository" do
- it "should convert it to a bare repository" do
- provider.expects(:working_copy_exists?).returns(true)
- provider.expects(:convert_working_copy_to_bare)
- provider.create
- end
- end
+ context "when the path does not exist" do
+ it "should execute 'git init --bare'" do
+ resource[:ensure] = :bare
+ resource.delete(:source)
+ resource.delete(:revision)
+ expects_chdir
+ expects_mkdir
+ expects_directory?(false)
+ provider.expects(:working_copy_exists?).returns(false)
+ provider.expects(:git).with('init', '--bare')
+ provider.create
+ end
- context "when the path is not a repository" do
- it "should raise an exception" do
- expects_directory?(true)
- proc { provider.create }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error)
- end
- end
+ it "should raise an exeption" do
+ resource[:ensure] = :mirror
+ resource.delete(:source)
+ resource.delete(:revision)
+ expect { provider.create }.to raise_error Puppet::Error, /cannot init repository with mirror.+try bare/i
+ context "when the path is a working copy repository" do
+ it "should convert it to a bare repository" do
+ resource[:ensure] = :bare
+ resource.delete(:source)
+ resource.delete(:revision)
+ provider.expects(:working_copy_exists?).returns(true)
+ provider.expects(:convert_working_copy_to_bare)
+ provider.create
+ end
+ it "should clone overtop it using force" do
+ resource[:force] = true
+ Dir.expects(:chdir).with('/').at_least_once.yields
+ Dir.expects(:chdir).with('/tmp/test').at_least_once.yields
+ provider.expects(:path_exists?).returns(true)
+ provider.expects(:path_empty?).returns(false)
+ provider.destroy
+ provider.expects(:git).with('clone',resource.value(:source), resource.value(:path))
+ provider.expects(:update_submodules)
+ provider.expects(:update_remote_url).with("origin", resource.value(:source)).returns false
+ provider.expects(:git).with('branch', '-a').returns(branch_a_list(resource.value(:revision)))
+ provider.expects(:git).with('checkout', '--force', resource.value(:revision))
+ provider.create
+ end
+ end
+ context "when the path is not empty and not a repository" do
+ it "should raise an exception" do
+ provider.expects(:path_exists?).returns(true)
+ provider.expects(:path_empty?).returns(false)
+ provider.expects(:working_copy_exists?).returns(false)
+ expect { provider.create }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error)
+ end
+ end
context 'destroying' do
it "it should remove the directory" do
- expects_rm_rf
+ #expects_rm_rf
context "checking the revision property" do
- resource_with :revision do
- before do
- expects_chdir
- provider.expects(:git).with('rev-parse', 'HEAD').returns('currentsha')
+ before do
+ expects_chdir('/tmp/test')
+ resource[:revision] = 'currentsha'
+ resource[:source] = ''
+ provider.stubs(:git).with('config', 'remote.origin.url').returns('')
+ provider.stubs(:git).with('fetch', 'origin') # FIXME
+ provider.stubs(:git).with('fetch', '--tags', 'origin')
+ provider.stubs(:git).with('rev-parse', 'HEAD').returns('currentsha')
+ provider.stubs(:git).with('branch', '-a').returns(branch_a_list(resource.value(:revision)))
+ provider.stubs(:git).with('tag', '-l').returns("Hello")
+ end
+ context "when its SHA is not different than the current SHA" do
+ it "should return the ref" do
+ provider.expects(:git).with('rev-parse', resource.value(:revision)).returns('currentsha')
+ provider.expects(:update_remotes)
+ expect(provider.revision).to eq(resource.value(:revision))
+ end
- context "when its SHA is not different than the current SHA" do
- it "should return the ref" do
- provider.expects(:git).with('config', 'remote.origin.url').returns('')
- provider.expects(:git).with('fetch', 'origin') # FIXME
- provider.expects(:git).with('fetch', '--tags', 'origin')
- provider.expects(:git).with('rev-parse', '--revs-only', resource.value(:revision)).returns('currentsha')
- provider.expects(:git).with('tag', '-l').returns("Hello")
- provider.revision.should == resource.value(:revision)
- end
+ context "when its SHA is different than the current SHA" do
+ it "should return the current SHA" do
+ provider.expects(:git).with('rev-parse', resource.value(:revision)).returns('othersha')
+ provider.expects(:update_remotes)
+ expect(provider.revision).to eq(resource.value(:revision))
+ end
- context "when its SHA is different than the current SHA" do
- it "should return the current SHA" do
- provider.expects(:git).with('config', 'remote.origin.url').returns('')
- provider.expects(:git).with('fetch', 'origin') # FIXME
- provider.expects(:git).with('fetch', '--tags', 'origin')
- provider.expects(:git).with('rev-parse', '--revs-only', resource.value(:revision)).returns('othersha')
- provider.expects(:git).with('tag', '-l').returns("Hello")
- provider.revision.should == 'currentsha'
- end
+ context "when its a ref to a remote head" do
+ it "should return the revision" do
+ provider.stubs(:git).with('branch', '-a').returns(" remotes/origin/#{resource.value(:revision)}")
+ provider.expects(:git).with('rev-parse', "origin/#{resource.value(:revision)}").returns("newsha")
+ provider.expects(:update_remotes)
+ expect(provider.revision).to eq(resource.value(:revision))
+ end
- context "when its a ref to a remote head" do
- it "should return the revision" do
- provider.expects(:git).with('config', 'remote.origin.url').returns('')
- provider.expects(:git).with('fetch', 'origin') # FIXME
- provider.expects(:git).with('fetch', '--tags', 'origin')
- provider.expects(:git).with('tag', '-l').returns("Hello")
- provider.expects(:git).with('rev-parse', '--revs-only', resource.value(:revision)).returns('')
- provider.expects(:git).with('ls-remote', '--heads', '--tags', 'origin', resource.value(:revision)).returns("newsha refs/heads/#{resource.value(:revision)}")
- provider.revision.should == 'currentsha'
- end
+ context "when its a ref to non existant remote head" do
+ it "should fail" do
+ provider.expects(:git).with('branch', '-a').returns(branch_a_list)
+ provider.expects(:git).with('rev-parse', '--revs-only', resource.value(:revision)).returns('')
+ provider.expects(:update_remotes)
+ expect { provider.revision }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /not a local or remote ref$/)
+ end
- context "when its a ref to non existant remote head" do
- it "should fail" do
- provider.expects(:git).with('config', 'remote.origin.url').returns('')
- provider.expects(:git).with('fetch', 'origin') # FIXME
- provider.expects(:git).with('fetch', '--tags', 'origin')
- provider.expects(:git).with('tag', '-l').returns("Hello")
- provider.expects(:git).with('rev-parse', '--revs-only', resource.value(:revision)).returns('')
- provider.expects(:git).with('ls-remote', '--heads', '--tags', 'origin', resource.value(:revision)).returns('')
- expect { provider.revision }.should raise_error(Puppet::Error, /not a local or remote ref$/)
- end
+ context "when the source is modified" do
+ it "should update the origin url" do
+ resource[:source] = 'git://'
+ provider.expects(:git).with('config', '-l').returns("remote.origin.url=git://\n")
+ provider.expects(:git).with('remote', 'set-url', 'origin', 'git://')
+ provider.expects(:git).with('remote','update')
+ provider.expects(:git).with('rev-parse', resource.value(:revision)).returns('currentsha')
+ expect(provider.revision).to eq(resource.value(:revision))
+ end
- context "when the source is modified" do
- resource_with :source => 'git://' do
- it "should update the origin url" do
- provider.expects(:git).with('config', 'remote.origin.url').returns('old')
- provider.expects(:git).with('config', 'remote.origin.url', 'git://')
- provider.expects(:git).with('fetch', 'origin') # FIXME
- provider.expects(:git).with('fetch', '--tags', 'origin')
- provider.expects(:git).with('rev-parse', '--revs-only', resource.value(:revision)).returns('currentsha')
- provider.expects(:git).with('tag', '-l').returns("Hello")
- provider.revision.should == resource.value(:revision)
- end
- end
+ context "when multiple sources are modified" do
+ it "should update the urls" do
+ resource[:source] = {"origin" => "git://", "new_remote" => "git://"}
+ provider.expects(:git).at_least_once.with('config', '-l').returns("remote.origin.url=git://\n", "remote.origin.url=git://\n")
+ provider.expects(:git).with('remote', 'set-url', 'origin', 'git://')
+ provider.expects(:git).with('remote', 'add', 'new_remote', 'git://')
+ provider.expects(:git).with('remote','update')
+ provider.expects(:git).with('rev-parse', resource.value(:revision)).returns('currentsha')
+ expect(provider.revision).to eq(resource.value(:revision))
+ end
+ end
+ context "when there's no source" do
+ it 'should return the revision' do
+ resource.delete(:source)
+ provider.expects(:git).with('status')
+ provider.expects(:git).with('rev-parse', resource.value(:revision)).returns('currentsha')
+ expect(provider.revision).to eq(resource.value(:revision))
@@ -193,29 +312,30 @@ describe_provider :vcsrepo, :git, :resource => {:path => '/tmp/vcsrepo'} do
before do
- context "when it's an existing local branch", :resource => {:revision => 'feature/foo'} do
+ context "when it's an existing local branch" do
it "should use 'git fetch' and 'git reset'" do
+ resource[:revision] = 'feature/foo'
- provider.expects(:git).with('branch', '-a').returns(resource.value(:revision))
+ provider.expects(:git).with('branch', '-a').at_least_once.returns(branch_a_list(resource.value(:revision)))
provider.expects(:git).with('checkout', '--force', resource.value(:revision))
- provider.expects(:git).with('branch', '-a').returns(resource.value(:revision))
- provider.expects(:git).with('reset', '--hard', "origin/#{resource.value(:revision)}")
+ provider.expects(:git).with('reset', '--hard', "origin/#{resource.value(:revision)}")
provider.revision = resource.value(:revision)
- context "when it's a remote branch", :resource => {:revision => 'only/remote'} do
+ context "when it's a remote branch" do
it "should use 'git fetch' and 'git reset'" do
+ resource[:revision] = 'only/remote'
- provider.expects(:git).with('branch', '-a').returns(resource.value(:revision))
+ provider.expects(:git).with('branch', '-a').at_least_once.returns(resource.value(:revision))
provider.expects(:git).with('checkout', '--force', resource.value(:revision))
- provider.expects(:git).with('branch', '-a').returns(resource.value(:revision))
- provider.expects(:git).with('reset', '--hard', "origin/#{resource.value(:revision)}")
+ provider.expects(:git).with('reset', '--hard', "origin/#{resource.value(:revision)}")
provider.revision = resource.value(:revision)
- context "when it's a commit or tag", :resource => {:revision => 'a-commit-or-tag'} do
+ context "when it's a commit or tag" do
it "should use 'git fetch' and 'git reset'" do
- provider.expects(:git).with('branch', '-a').returns(fixture(:git_branch_a))
+ resource[:revision] = 'a-commit-or-tag'
+ provider.expects(:git).with('branch', '-a').at_least_once.returns(fixture(:git_branch_a))
provider.expects(:git).with('checkout', '--force', resource.value(:revision))
provider.expects(:git).with('branch', '-a').returns(fixture(:git_branch_a))
provider.expects(:git).with('branch', '-a').returns(fixture(:git_branch_a))
@@ -227,43 +347,55 @@ describe_provider :vcsrepo, :git, :resource => {:path => '/tmp/vcsrepo'} do
context "updating references" do
it "should use 'git fetch --tags'" do
+ resource.delete(:source)
- provider.expects(:git).with('config', 'remote.origin.url').returns('')
+ provider.expects(:git).with('config', '-l').returns("remote.origin.url=git://\n")
provider.expects(:git).with('fetch', 'origin')
provider.expects(:git).with('fetch', '--tags', 'origin')
- context "checking if revision" do
- before do
- expects_chdir
- provider.expects(:git).with('branch', '-a').returns(fixture(:git_branch_a))
- end
- context "is a local branch" do
- context "when it's listed in 'git branch -a'", :resource => {:revision => 'feature/foo'} do
- it "should return true" do
- provider.should be_local_branch_revision
- end
- end
- context "when it's not listed in 'git branch -a'" , :resource => {:revision => 'feature/notexist'}do
- it "should return false" do
- provider.should_not be_local_branch_revision
- end
+ describe 'latest?' do
+ context 'when true' do
+ it do
+ provider.expects(:revision).returns('testrev')
+ provider.expects(:latest_revision).returns('testrev')
+ expect(provider.latest?).to be_truthy
- context "is a remote branch" do
- context "when it's listed in 'git branch -a' with an 'origin/' prefix", :resource => {:revision => 'only/remote'} do
- it "should return true" do
- provider.should be_remote_branch_revision
- end
- end
- context "when it's not listed in 'git branch -a' with an 'origin/' prefix" , :resource => {:revision => 'only/local'}do
- it "should return false" do
- provider.should_not be_remote_branch_revision
- end
+ context 'when false' do
+ it do
+ provider.expects(:revision).returns('master')
+ provider.expects(:latest_revision).returns('testrev')
+ expect(provider.latest?).to be_falsey
+ describe 'convert_working_copy_to_bare' do
+ it do
+ FileUtils.expects(:mv).returns(true)
+ FileUtils.expects(:rm_rf).returns(true)
+ FileUtils.expects(:mv).returns(true)
+ provider.instance_eval { convert_working_copy_to_bare }
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'convert_bare_to_working_copy' do
+ it do
+ FileUtils.expects(:mv).returns(true)
+ FileUtils.expects(:mkdir).returns(true)
+ FileUtils.expects(:mv).returns(true)
+ provider.expects(:commits_in?).returns(true)
+ # If you forget to stub these out you lose 3 hours of rspec work.
+ provider.expects(:reset).with('HEAD').returns(true)
+ provider.expects(:git_with_identity).returns(true)
+ provider.expects(:update_owner_and_excludes).returns(true)
+ provider.instance_eval { convert_bare_to_working_copy }
+ end
+ end