path: root/spec/classes/unattended_upgrades_spec.rb
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-11-03Include the release pocket on Ubuntu Xenial and Yakkety.Michael Gooden
2016-11-02Fix several rubocop issuesDennis Hoppe
2016-10-05rubocop: fix Style/ClosingParenthesisIndentationTim Meusel
2016-09-12Ubuntu: Issue EOL warning for unsupported release.Raoul Bhatia
2016-09-12lsbrelease: This legacy fact is hidden by default in Facter’s command-line ...Raoul Bhatia
2016-09-12Ubuntu: Add 16.04 Xenial Xerus and 16.10 Yakkety Yak.Raoul Bhatia
2016-07-11rubocop: disable Style/RegexpLiteralTim Meusel
2016-07-11rubocop: fix Style/MultilineBlockLayoutTim Meusel
2016-07-11rubocop: fix Style/TrailingCommaInArgumentsTim Meusel
2016-07-11rubocop: fix Style/TrailingCommaInLiteralTim Meusel
2016-07-11improve spec testsTim Meusel
2016-05-29LinuxMint: Add support for Linux MintRaoul Bhatia
2016-05-26mock lsbdistrelease on ubuntuTim Meusel
2016-03-31add options supportb4ldr
2016-03-21Add parameter to control reboot timeMatthias Pigulla
2016-03-20Update from voxpupuli modulesync_configJoseph Yaworski
2016-02-05unattended_upgrades: default `notify_update` to falseDaniele Sluijters
2016-02-05spec: use :parameter instead of 'option'Daniele Sluijters
2016-01-08Remediate rubocop offensesRob Nelson
2015-10-26Include variable 'RandomSleep'.Felix Barbeira
2015-09-09Enhance and bugfix tests for Ubuntu Vivid & WilyRaoul Bhatia
2015-09-09Enhance and bugfix tests for Debian & Ubuntu LTSRaoul Bhatia
2015-09-02Merge pull request #14 from cpick/fix-ubuntu-originsIgor Galić
2015-08-14Add tests for RaspbianLutz Bader
2015-06-03Add test demonstrating bad Allowed-Origins for UbuntuChris Pick
2015-06-03Fix Ubuntu trusty spec typoChris Pick
2015-04-23init: Do not include apt ourselves.Daniele Sluijters
2015-04-22init: Turn size into a single value.Daniele Sluijters
2015-04-22spec: Add a full set of tests.Daniele Sluijters
2015-04-15Fix to use the `mail` hash.Morgan Haskel
2015-04-14Test fixesMorgan Haskel
2015-04-14Initial commit (this is not finished).Daniele Sluijters