BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
lintfix alignment of the nagios::service blockMicah Anderson11 years
masternotify the refresh_stunnel exec when the conf files changeMicah Anderson8 years
parameterized_classesformat the class variablesMicah Anderson11 years
reload_dependencyadd dependency on the stunnel service so refresh_stunnel is not run until the...Micah Anderson9 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2013-04-03format the class variablesparameterized_classesMicah Anderson
2013-04-03fix merge conflict error causing the $cluster parameter to go missingMicah Anderson
2013-04-03set an empty default for the $default_extra parameterMicah Anderson
2013-04-03remove variable defaults, they are handled by the paramterization of the classMicah Anderson
2013-04-03qualify variablesMicah Anderson
2013-04-03add READMEMicah Anderson
2013-04-03move the $use_nagios check into the stunnel::service define, where it is moreMicah Anderson
2013-04-03switch to parameterized classes, changing the variable names as appropriate t...Micah Anderson
2013-04-03minor additional lintingMicah Anderson
2013-04-03lintMicah Anderson