diff options
authorJeff McCune <>2013-04-10 14:35:42 -0700
committerJeff McCune <>2013-04-10 14:35:42 -0700
commite81a45ee0085597dad5067cada94b05cf11c6c0c (patch)
parent435226abfdf001bf2475be56d77027c638e93b70 (diff)
(maint) Make stdlib usable as a Ruby GEM
Without this patch it is inconvenient to use the functions included in stdlib in a development setting. The Puppet modulepath must be explicitly set for the functions to be automatically loaded. This patch addresses the problem by adding a gem specification and dependency Gemfile. This makes it possible to directly use stdlib and all of the components it depends upon, like so: $ bundle install --path .bundle/gems/ $ bundle exec puppet apply -e 'notice count([1, 2, 3])' The first command will install all of the dependencies, including Puppet and Facter, into the local project directory. The second command will make stdlib avaialable as a Gem, which will be picked up by Puppet since (#7788) was merged into Puppet in the 3.0 release.
2 files changed, 32 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.gemspec b/.gemspec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..805e170
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gemspec
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+ do |s|
+ = "puppetmodule-stdlib"
+ s.version = "3.2.0"
+ s.required_rubygems_version =">= 0") if s.respond_to? :required_rubygems_version=
+ s.authors = ["Puppet Labs"]
+ = "2013-04-10"
+ s.description = "Puppet Labs Standard Library module"
+ = ""
+ s.executables = []
+ s.files = []
+ s.homepage = ""
+ s.rdoc_options = ["--title", "Puppet Standard Library Module", "--main", "README.markdown", "--line-numbers"]
+ s.require_paths = ["lib"]
+ s.rubyforge_project = "puppetmodule_stdlib"
+ s.rubygems_version = "1.8.24"
+ s.summary = "This module provides a standard library of resources for developing Puppet Modules."
+ if s.respond_to? :specification_version then
+ s.specification_version = 3
+ if >='1.2.0') then
+ else
+ end
+ else
+ end
diff --git a/Gemfile b/Gemfile
index 1026074..442dd9d 100644
--- a/Gemfile
+++ b/Gemfile
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ end
group :development, :test do
gem 'rake'
+ gem 'puppetmodule-stdlib', ">= 1.0.0", :path => File.expand_path("..", __FILE__)
gem 'rspec', "~> 2.11.0", :require => false
gem 'mocha', "~> 0.10.5", :require => false
gem 'puppetlabs_spec_helper', :require => false