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authortphoney <>2016-07-05 09:56:42 +0100
committertphoney <>2016-07-18 11:58:00 +0100
commit72d23659513517389880ba13663a1d6380d538ca (patch)
parent9465eeaea74086fbfb7ef1b3c1a8dbf5b5f81ae6 (diff)
(MODULES-3529)add deprecation function
4 files changed, 151 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README.markdown b/README.markdown
index 373b08c..8252ab5 100644
--- a/README.markdown
+++ b/README.markdown
@@ -289,6 +289,10 @@ Deletes all instances of a given value from a hash. For example, `delete_values(
Deletes all instances of the undef value from an array or hash. For example, `$hash = delete_undef_values({a=>'A', b=>'', c=>undef, d => false})` returns {a => 'A', b => '', d => false}. *Type*: rvalue.
+#### `deprecation`
+Function to print deprecation warnings, Logs a warning once for a given key. The uniqueness key - can appear once. The msg is the message text including any positional information that is formatted by the user/caller of the method It is affected by the puppet setting 'strict', which can be set to :error (outputs as an error message), :off (no message / error is displayed) and :warning (default, outputs a warning) *Type*: String, String.
#### `difference`
Returns the difference between two arrays. The returned array is a copy of the original array, removing any items that also appear in the second array. For example, `difference(["a","b","c"],["b","c","d"])` returns ["a"]. *Type*: rvalue.
diff --git a/lib/puppet/functions/deprecation.rb b/lib/puppet/functions/deprecation.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b84ae5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/puppet/functions/deprecation.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Function to print deprecation warnings, Logs a warning once for a given key. The uniqueness key - can appear once. The msg is the message text including any positional information that is formatted by the user/caller of the method It is affected by the puppet setting 'strict', which can be set to :error (outputs as an error message), :off (no message / error is displayed) and :warning (default, outputs a warning) *Type*: String, String.
+Puppet::Functions.create_function(:deprecation) do
+ dispatch :deprecation do
+ param 'String', :key
+ param 'String', :message
+ end
+ def deprecation(key, message)
+ # depending on configuration setting of strict
+ case Puppet.settings[:strict]
+ when :off
+ # do nothing
+ when :error
+ fail("deprecation. #{key}. #{message}")
+ else
+ Puppet.warn_once('deprecation', key, message)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/acceptance/deprecation_spec.rb b/spec/acceptance/deprecation_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0d7fed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/acceptance/deprecation_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env ruby -S rspec
+require 'spec_helper_acceptance'
+require 'shellwords'
+describe 'deprecation function' do
+ before :each do
+ FileUtils.rm_rf '/tmp/deprecation'
+ end
+ context 'with --strict=error', if: get_puppet_version =~ /^4/ do
+ before :all do
+ pp = <<-EOS
+ deprecation('key', 'message')
+ file { '/tmp/deprecation': ensure => present }
+ @result = on(default, puppet('apply', '--strict=error', '-e', Shellwords.shellescape(pp)), acceptable_exit_codes: (0...256))
+ end
+ it "should return an error" do
+ expect(@result.exit_code).to eq(1)
+ end
+ it "should show the error message" do
+ expect(@result.stderr).to match(/deprecation. key. message/)
+ end
+ describe file('/tmp/deprecation') do
+ it { is_expected.not_to exist }
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with --strict=warning', if: get_puppet_version =~ /^4/ do
+ before :all do
+ pp = <<-EOS
+ deprecation('key', 'message')
+ file { '/tmp/deprecation': ensure => present }
+ @result = on(default, puppet('apply', '--strict=warning', '-e', Shellwords.shellescape(pp)), acceptable_exit_codes: (0...256))
+ end
+ it "should not return an error" do
+ expect(@result.exit_code).to eq(0)
+ end
+ it "should show the error message" do
+ expect(@result.stderr).to match(/Warning: message/)
+ end
+ describe file('/tmp/deprecation') do
+ it { exist }
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with --strict=off', if: get_puppet_version =~ /^4/ do
+ before :all do
+ pp = <<-EOS
+ deprecation('key', 'message')
+ file { '/tmp/deprecation': ensure => present }
+ @result = on(default, puppet('apply', '--strict=off', '-e', Shellwords.shellescape(pp)), acceptable_exit_codes: (0...256))
+ end
+ it "should not return an error" do
+ expect(@result.exit_code).to eq(0)
+ end
+ it "should not show the error message" do
+ expect(@result.stderr).not_to match(/Warning: message/)
+ end
+ describe file('/tmp/deprecation') do
+ it { exist }
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/functions/deprecation_spec.rb b/spec/functions/deprecation_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbabe48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/functions/deprecation_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+if ENV["FUTURE_PARSER"] == 'yes'
+ describe 'deprecation' do
+ pending 'teach rspec-puppet to load future-only functions under 3.7.5' do
+ it { is_expected.not_to eq(nil) }
+ end
+ end
+if Puppet.version.to_f >= 4.0
+ describe 'deprecation' do
+ before(:each) {
+ # this is to reset the strict variable to default
+ Puppet.settings[:strict] = :warning
+ }
+ it { is_expected.not_to eq(nil) }
+ it { run.with_params().and_raise_error(ArgumentError) }
+ it 'should display a single warning' do
+ Puppet.expects(:warning).with(includes('heelo'))
+ run.with_params('key', 'heelo')
+ end
+ it 'should display a single warning, despite multiple calls' do
+ Puppet.expects(:warning).with(includes('heelo')).once
+ run.with_params('key', 'heelo')
+ run.with_params('key', 'heelo')
+ end
+ it 'should fail twice with message, with multiple calls. when strict= :error' do
+ Puppet.settings[:strict] = :error
+ Puppet.expects(:warning).with(includes('heelo')).never
+ run.with_params('key', 'heelo').and_raise_error(RuntimeError, /deprecation. key. heelo/)
+ run.with_params('key', 'heelo').and_raise_error(RuntimeError, /deprecation. key. heelo/)
+ end
+ it 'should display nothing, despite multiple calls. strict= :off' do
+ Puppet.settings[:strict] = :off
+ Puppet.expects(:warning).with(includes('heelo')).never
+ run.with_params('key', 'heelo')
+ run.with_params('key', 'heelo')
+ end
+ after(:all) {
+ # this is to reset the strict variable to default
+ Puppet.settings[:strict] = :warning
+ }
+ end