path: root/manifests
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-10-22Update versioncmp for modern puppetHEADmasterkwadronaut
2016-07-25from jessie on, use ruby-gpgme not libgpgme-ruby (closes #8270)kwadronaut
2016-04-28Rename net-ldap::v_0_0_4 to net_ldap::v_0_0_4varac
2016-01-26[bug] Use $operatingsystemrelease instead of $operatingsystemmajreleasevarac
2016-01-22Merge remote-tracking branch 'immerda/master'varac
2016-01-08clarify documentationmh
2016-01-08no need to install rubygems anymoremh
2015-09-10oops, fix ya2yaml filenameelijah
2015-09-10added rubygems::ya2yamlelijah
2015-06-26modernize the modulemh
2014-12-28make it el7 readymh
2014-07-09get rid off lsb factsmh
2014-03-05added modules path to file source in init.pp (
2014-01-30change gem source to use https instead of http (Feature #3827)varac
2013-08-27fix topscope variablemh
2013-03-03install gpgme on lenny+squeeze as gem, and from wheezy onwards as .debvarac
2012-11-23add new gemsmh
2012-11-21add ip rubygemmh
2012-10-26forgot closing curly bracevarac
2012-10-26highline: debian/ubuntu package named ruby-highlinevarac
2012-09-07add xmlsimple gemmh
2012-08-24from centos 6 on this can be installed that waymh
2011-09-25fix postgreso
2011-09-25Merge branch 'master' of
2011-09-25add activesupport gemo
2011-09-17add chronic duration gemmh
2011-08-05Merge remote-tracking branch 'puzzle/master'mh
2011-08-03correct namingMarcel Haerry
2011-08-01Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'mh
2011-07-29add pbkdf2 gemmh
2011-07-27add moneta gemMarcel Haerry
2011-07-27merge with immerdaMarcel Haerry
2011-07-22add hiera gemsmh
2011-05-06add systemu gemmh
2011-04-06add dependencymh
2011-04-06add xmpp4r gemmh
2011-02-10require gcc for mysql gemMarcel Haerry
2010-09-29added some classes for gemsJuerg Gerber
2010-09-28also require gcc when we have buildflagsMarcel Haerry
2010-09-28adjust missing classesMarcel Haerry
2010-09-28merge brokengem and package define to one togetherMarcel Haerry
2010-09-28improve brokengem define to accept also buildflags or being able to install m...Marcel Haerry
2010-09-21added requiresgcc parameterJuerg Gerber
2010-04-27add some rubygems, add dep to tlsmail for mail for ruby 1.8.6mh
2010-04-26add some gemsmh
2010-04-22fix typoSimon Josi
2010-04-22add pg-ruby gemSimon Josi
2010-04-19add package defineSimon Josi
2010-03-29source code styleSimon Josi