diff options
authorMicah Anderson <>2013-02-13 11:58:37 -0500
committerMicah Anderson <>2013-02-13 11:58:37 -0500
commite20017a22d135361980c4889f1827e5ecd3fd1af (patch)
parent4ea15148100fdf0f8b172901c41ba58b06ff0bec (diff)
parentcc12ced0f3f62c975f9f711da67770ffb33d7ba7 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into leap
this brings our master back to before we made some changes. I've split out those changes into topic branches, and rebased them on top of the current state of master. I will merge those in next Conflicts: manifests/init.pp templates/distributions.erb
8 files changed, 225 insertions, 226 deletions
diff --git a/README b/README
index 3e5d5d5..d4c5135 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -21,6 +21,12 @@ Instead of:
class { 'reprepro': origin => '' }
+Even more recent versions do not use parametrized classes anymore but
+defines, in order to support multiple repositories. So you should do
+ reprepro::repository { "default": origin => '' }
diff --git a/files/incoming b/files/incoming
index 57c6a5f..874fe1c 100644
--- a/files/incoming
+++ b/files/incoming
@@ -3,5 +3,5 @@
Name: incoming
IncomingDir: incoming
TempDir: tmp
-Allow: oldstable>lenny stable>squeeze testing>wheezy unstable>sid
+Allow: stable testing unstable
Cleanup: on_deny on_error
diff --git a/files/ b/files/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e0b278
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# This file is managed by Puppet. Do not edit, any changes will be overwritten!
+set -e
+KEY=$(gpg --homedir "$BASEDIR/.gnupg" --with-colon --list-secret-keys | cut -d : -f 5 | head -n 1)
+if [ -n "$KEY" ]; then
+ TEMPFILE=$(mktemp --tmpdir="$BASEDIR")
+ trap "rm -f '$TEMPFILE'" EXIT
+ gpg --homedir "$BASEDIR/.gnupg" --export --armor "$KEY" > "$TEMPFILE"
+ chown reprepro:reprepro "$DESTFILE"
+ chmod 0664 "$DESTFILE"
diff --git a/manifests/init.pp b/manifests/init.pp
index 00a6aad..8c5989b 100644
--- a/manifests/init.pp
+++ b/manifests/init.pp
@@ -1,195 +1,13 @@
-class reprepro (
- $uploaders,
- $basedir = '/srv/reprepro',
- $origin = $::domain,
- $architectures = [ 'amd64', 'i386', 'source' ],
- $basedir_mode = '0771',
- $incoming_mode = '1777',
- $manage_distributions_conf = true,
- $manage_incoming_conf = true,
- $handle_incoming_with_cron = false,
- $handle_incoming_with_inotify = false,
- $signwith = 'yes',
- $secring_source = undef,
- $index_template = 'reprepro/index.html.erb',
+class reprepro {
package {
'reprepro': ensure => 'installed';
- user { 'reprepro':
- ensure => present,
- home => $basedir,
- gid => 'reprepro',
- password => '*',
- comment => 'reprepro sandbox',
- require => Group['reprepro'],
- }
- if !defined(Group['reprepro']) {
- group { 'reprepro':
- ensure => present,
- }
- }
- File {
- owner => reprepro,
- group => reprepro,
- }
- file { $basedir:
- ensure => directory,
- mode => $basedir_mode,
- }
- file { "${basedir}/conf":
- ensure => directory,
- mode => '0770',
- }
- file { "${basedir}/db":
- ensure => directory,
- mode => '0770',
- }
- file { "${basedir}/dists":
- ensure => directory,
- mode => '0775',
- }
- file { "${basedir}/pool":
- ensure => directory,
- mode => '0775',
- }
- file { "${basedir}/incoming":
- ensure => directory,
- mode => $incoming_mode,
- }
- file { "${basedir}/logs":
- ensure => directory,
- mode => '0775',
- }
- file { "${basedir}/tmp":
- ensure => directory,
- mode => '0775',
- }
- file { "${basedir}/conf/uploaders":
- mode => '0660', owner => root,
- content => template('reprepro/uploaders.erb'),
- }
- file { "${basedir}/index.html":
- mode => '0664', owner => root,
- content => template($index_template),
- }
- file { "${basedir}/.gnupg":
- ensure => directory,
- mode => '0700',
- }
- file { "${basedir}/.gnupg/secring.gpg":
- source => $secring_source,
- ensure => present,
- mode => '0600',
- }
file { '/usr/local/bin/reprepro-export-key':
ensure => present,
- content => template('reprepro/'),
+ source => "puppet:///modules/reprepro/",
owner => root,
group => root,
mode => '0755',
- exec { '/usr/local/bin/reprepro-export-key':
- creates => "${basedir}/key.asc",
- user => reprepro,
- subscribe => File["${basedir}/.gnupg/secring.gpg"],
- require => File['/usr/local/bin/reprepro-export-key'],
- }
- file { "${basedir}/conf/distributions":
- ensure => present,
- }
- if $manage_distributions_conf {
- File["${basedir}/conf/distributions"] {
- owner => root,
- mode => '0664',
- content => template('reprepro/distributions.erb'),
- }
- exec { "reprepro -b ${basedir} createsymlinks":
- refreshonly => true,
- subscribe => File["${basedir}/conf/distributions"],
- user => reprepro,
- path => '/usr/bin:/bin',
- }
- exec { "reprepro -b ${basedir} export":
- refreshonly => true,
- user => reprepro,
- subscribe => File["${basedir}/conf/distributions"],
- path => '/usr/bin:/bin',
- }
- }
- file { "${basedir}/conf/incoming":
- ensure => present,
- }
- if $manage_incoming_conf {
- File["${basedir}/conf/incoming"] {
- mode => '0664',
- owner => root,
- source => 'puppet:///modules/reprepro/incoming'
- }
- }
- # Handling of incoming with cron
- $cron_presence = $handle_incoming_with_cron ? {
- true => present,
- default => absent,
- }
- cron { 'reprepro':
- ensure => $cron_presence,
- command => "/usr/bin/reprepro --silent -b ${basedir} processincoming incoming",
- user => reprepro,
- minute => '*/5',
- require => [ Package['reprepro'], File["${basedir}/conf/distributions"],
- File["${basedir}/incoming"], ],
- }
- # Handling of incoming with inoticoming
- $inoticoming_presence = $handle_incoming_with_inotify ? {
- true => present,
- default => absent,
- }
- $inoticoming_enabled = $handle_incoming_with_inotify ? {
- true => true,
- default => false,
- }
- package { 'inoticoming':
- ensure => $inoticoming_presence,
- }
- file { '/etc/init.d/reprepro':
- ensure => $inoticoming_presence,
- owner => root,
- group => root,
- mode => '0755',
- source => 'puppet:///modules/reprepro/inoticoming.init',
- }
- file { '/etc/default/reprepro':
- ensure => $inoticoming_presence,
- owner => root, group => root, mode => '0755',
- content => template('reprepro/inoticoming.default.erb'),
- }
- service { 'reprepro':
- ensure => $inoticoming_enabled,
- enable => $inoticoming_enabled,
- pattern => 'inoticoming.*reprepro.*processincoming',
- require => [ Package['inoticoming'],
- File['/etc/default/reprepro'],
- File['/etc/init.d/reprepro'],
- File["$basedir/incoming"] ],
- }
-# TODO: setup needeed lines in apache site config file
diff --git a/manifests/repository.pp b/manifests/repository.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7914048
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manifests/repository.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+define reprepro::repository (
+ $uploaders,
+ $user = 'reprepro',
+ $group = 'reprepro',
+ $basedir = '/srv/reprepro',
+ $origin = $::domain,
+ $architectures = [ 'amd64', 'i386', 'source' ],
+ $basedir_mode = '0771',
+ $incoming_mode = '1777',
+ $manage_distributions_conf = true,
+ $manage_incoming_conf = true,
+ $handle_incoming_with_cron = false,
+ $handle_incoming_with_inotify = false
+) {
+ include reprepro
+ if !defined(User[$user]) {
+ user { $user:
+ ensure => "present",
+ home => "$basedir",
+ gid => $group,
+ password => "*",
+ comment => "reprepro sandbox",
+ require => Group[$group],
+ }
+ }
+ if !defined(Group[$group]) {
+ group { $group:
+ ensure => present,
+ }
+ }
+ File {
+ owner => $user,
+ group => $group,
+ }
+ file { "$basedir":
+ ensure => directory,
+ mode => $basedir_mode,
+ }
+ file { "$basedir/conf":
+ ensure => directory,
+ mode => '0770',
+ }
+ file { "$basedir/db":
+ ensure => directory,
+ mode => '0770',
+ }
+ file { "$basedir/dists":
+ ensure => directory,
+ mode => '0775',
+ }
+ file { "$basedir/pool":
+ ensure => directory,
+ mode => '0775',
+ }
+ file { "$basedir/incoming":
+ ensure => directory,
+ mode => $incoming_mode,
+ }
+ file { "$basedir/logs":
+ ensure => directory,
+ mode => '0775',
+ }
+ file { "$basedir/tmp":
+ ensure => directory,
+ mode => '0775',
+ }
+ file { "$basedir/conf/uploaders":
+ mode => '0640', owner => root,
+ content => template("reprepro/uploaders.erb"),
+ }
+ file { "$basedir/index.html":
+ mode => '0664', owner => root,
+ content => template("reprepro/index.html.erb"),
+ }
+ file { "$basedir/.gnupg":
+ ensure => directory,
+ mode => '0700',
+ }
+ file { "$basedir/.gnupg/secring.gpg":
+ ensure => present,
+ mode => '0600',
+ }
+ exec { "/usr/local/bin/reprepro-export-key '$basedir'":
+ creates => "$basedir/key.asc",
+ user => $user,
+ subscribe => File["$basedir/.gnupg/secring.gpg"],
+ require => File["/usr/local/bin/reprepro-export-key"],
+ }
+ file { "$basedir/conf/distributions":
+ ensure => present,
+ }
+ if $manage_distributions_conf {
+ File["$basedir/conf/distributions"] {
+ owner => root,
+ mode => '0664',
+ content => template("reprepro/distributions.erb"),
+ }
+ exec { "reprepro -b $basedir createsymlinks":
+ refreshonly => true,
+ subscribe => File["$basedir/conf/distributions"],
+ user => $user,
+ path => "/usr/bin:/bin",
+ }
+ exec { "reprepro -b $basedir export":
+ refreshonly => true,
+ user => $user,
+ subscribe => File["$basedir/conf/distributions"],
+ path => "/usr/bin:/bin",
+ }
+ }
+ file { "$basedir/conf/incoming":
+ ensure => present,
+ }
+ if $manage_incoming_conf {
+ File["$basedir/conf/incoming"] {
+ mode => '0664',
+ owner => root,
+ source => "puppet:///modules/reprepro/incoming"
+ }
+ }
+ # Handling of incoming with cron
+ $cron_presence = $handle_incoming_with_cron ? {
+ true => present,
+ default => absent,
+ }
+ cron { "reprepro-$name":
+ ensure => $cron_presence,
+ command => "/usr/bin/reprepro --silent -b $basedir processincoming incoming",
+ user => $user,
+ minute => '*/5',
+ require => [ Package['reprepro'], File["$basedir/conf/distributions"],
+ File["$basedir/incoming"], ],
+ }
+ # Handling of incoming with inoticoming
+ $inoticoming_presence = $handle_incoming_with_inotify ? {
+ true => present,
+ default => absent,
+ }
+ $inoticoming_enabled = $handle_incoming_with_inotify ? {
+ true => true,
+ default => false,
+ }
+ if !defined(Package['inoticoming']) {
+ package { 'inoticoming':
+ ensure => $inoticoming_presence,
+ }
+ }
+ file { '/etc/init.d/reprepro':
+ ensure => $inoticoming_presence,
+ owner => root,
+ group => root,
+ mode => '0755',
+ source => "puppet:///modules/reprepro/inoticoming.init",
+ }
+ file { '/etc/default/reprepro':
+ ensure => $inoticoming_presence,
+ owner => root, group => root, mode => '0755',
+ content => template('reprepro/inoticoming.default.erb'),
+ }
+ service { 'reprepro':
+ ensure => $inoticoming_enabled,
+ enable => $inoticoming_enabled,
+ pattern => 'inoticoming.*reprepro.*processincoming',
+ require => [ Package['inoticoming'],
+ File['/etc/default/reprepro'],
+ File['/etc/init.d/reprepro'],
+ File["$basedir/incoming"] ],
+ }
+# TODO: setup needeed lines in apache site config file
diff --git a/templates/distributions.erb b/templates/distributions.erb
index 350d4da..0e98142 100644
--- a/templates/distributions.erb
+++ b/templates/distributions.erb
@@ -2,44 +2,28 @@
Origin: <%= @origin %>
Label: <%= @origin %>
-Suite: oldstable
-Pull: stable
-Codename: lenny
-Version: 5.0
-Architectures: <%= @architectures.join(' ') %>
-Components: main non-free contrib
-Description: <%= @origin %> specific (or backported) packages
-SignWith: <%= signwith %>
-Uploaders: uploaders
-Origin: <%= @origin %>
-Label: <%= @origin %>
Suite: stable
Pull: testing
-Codename: squeeze
-Version: 6.0
+Codename: stable
Architectures: <%= @architectures.join(' ') %>
Components: main non-free contrib
-Description: <%= @origin %> specific (or backported) packages
-SignWith: <%= signwith %>
Uploaders: uploaders
Origin: <%= @origin %>
Label: <%= @origin %>
Suite: testing
-Codename: wheezy
+Pull: unstable
+Codename: testing
Architectures: <%= @architectures.join(' ') %>
Components: main non-free contrib
-Description: <%= @origin %> specific (or backported) packages
-SignWith: <%= signwith %>
+SignWith: yes
Uploaders: uploaders
Origin: <%= @origin %>
Label: <%= @origin %>
Suite: unstable
-Codename: sid
+Codename: unstable
Architectures: <%= @architectures.join(' ') %>
Components: main non-free contrib
-Description: <%= @origin %> specific (or backported) packages
-SignWith: <%= signwith %>
+SignWith: yes
Uploaders: uploaders
diff --git a/templates/inoticoming.default.erb b/templates/inoticoming.default.erb
index a298a16..dd4d55d 100644
--- a/templates/inoticoming.default.erb
+++ b/templates/inoticoming.default.erb
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# for an explanation of options and actions, see inoticoming(1)
# user to run inoticoming as
+USER=<%= @user %>
# log to some file instead of syslog
# required if you want to use --stdout-to-log or --stderr-to-log in actions
diff --git a/templates/ b/templates/
deleted file mode 100644
index bbc195c..0000000
--- a/templates/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-# This file is managed by Puppet. Do not edit, any changes will be overwritten!
-set -e
-KEY="$(gpg --homedir '<%= @basedir %>/.gnupg' --with-colon --list-secret-keys | cut -d : -f 5 | head -n 1)"
-if [ -n "$KEY" ]; then
- TEMPFILE=$(mktemp --tmpdir='<%= @basedir %>')
- trap "rm -f '$TEMPFILE'" EXIT
- DESTFILE='<%= @basedir %>/key.asc'
- gpg --homedir '<%= @basedir %>/.gnupg' --export --armor "$KEY" > "$TEMPFILE"
- chown reprepro:reprepro "$DESTFILE"
- chmod 0664 "$DESTFILE"