diff options
2 files changed, 101 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/files/munin/puppet_ b/files/munin/puppet_
index ed488be..279f5ab 100644
--- a/files/munin/puppet_
+++ b/files/munin/puppet_
@@ -2,100 +2,107 @@
# returns the mem usage of a given process
def plist(psname)
- counter = 0
- %x{ps h -o rss,size,vsize,pcpu -u puppet}.each do |ps|
- rss,size,vsize,cpu = ps.split
- counter += 1
- puts "puppetmasterd_#{counter}.value #{rss}"
- end
- return
+ counter = 0
+ %x{ps h -o rss,size,vsize,pcpu -u puppet}.each do |ps|
+ rss,size,vsize,cpu = ps.split
+ counter += 1
+ puts "puppetmasterd_#{counter}.value #{rss}"
+ end
+ return
# reports how many clients compiled in the last 5 minutes
# repotrs how many unique clients compiled since the begining of the day
# report the average compilation time for all clients in the last 5 minutes.
-def phaselog
- logfile = ENV['puppet_logfile'] || '/var/log/daemon.log'
- count,avg,day_count_unique,day_count = 0 ,0 ,0, 0
- t =
+def phaselog(logfile)
+ count,avg,day_count_unique,day_count = 0 ,0 ,0, 0
+ t =
today = t.strftime("^%b ") + " ?" +
- hour = today + t.strftime(" %H:")
- m = t.min.to_i
- last5m = ""
- 6.times do |i|
- last5m += hour
- last5m += "0" if (m-i) < 10
- last5m += (m-i).to_s
- last5m += "|" unless i==5
- end
- hosts =
- regexp = ".* for (.*) in (.*) seconds"
+ hour = today + t.strftime(" %H:")
+ m = t.min.to_i
+ last5m = ""
+ 6.times do |i|
+ last5m += hour
+ last5m += "0" if (m-i) < 10
+ last5m += (m-i).to_s
+ last5m += "|" unless i==5
+ end
+ hosts =
+ regexp = ".* for (.*) in (.*) seconds"
-{today}/).grep(/Compiled configuration|Compiled catalog/).each do |line|
- case line
- when /#{last5m}/ then
- if line =~ /#{regexp}/
- avg += $2.to_f
- count += 1
- unless hosts.include?($1)
- hosts << $1
- end
- end
- when /#{regexp}/ then
- day_count += 1
- unless hosts.include?($1)
- hosts << $1
- day_count_unique += 1
- end
- end
- end
- puts "avg_compile.value #{(avg / count).to_s[0..3]}" unless count == 0
- puts "last5m_count.value #{count}"
- puts "last24h_unique_count.value #{day_count_unique}"
+{today}/).grep(/Compiled configuration|Compiled catalog/).each do |line|
+ case line
+ when /#{last5m}/ then
+ if line =~ /#{regexp}/
+ avg += $2.to_f
+ count += 1
+ unless hosts.include?($1)
+ hosts << $1
+ end
+ end
+ when /#{regexp}/ then
+ day_count += 1
+ unless hosts.include?($1)
+ hosts << $1
+ day_count_unique += 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ puts "avg_compile.value #{(avg / count).to_s[0..3]}" unless count == 0
+ puts "last5m_count.value #{count}"
+ puts "last24h_unique_count.value #{day_count_unique}"
+sys_file = '/etc/default/puppetmaster'
+sys_file = '/etc/sysconfig/puppetmaster' if !File.exists?(sys_file) && File.exists?('/etc/sysconfig/puppetmaster')
+logfile = ENV['puppet_logfile'] || '/var/log/daemon.log'
+facts_dir = ENV['facts_dir'] || '/var/lib/puppet/yaml/facts/'
case ARGV[0]
- when 'config'
- case $0
- when /puppetmaster_memory/
- puts "graph_title puppetmaster memory usage"
- puts "graph_vlabel memory"
- # find out how many mongrel process we have - if any
-'/etc/default/puppetmaster') do |line|
- @pm_process = line.grep(/PUPPETMASTERS/).to_s.split('=')[1].to_i
- end
- if @pm_process > 0
- @pm_process.times do |i|
- puts "puppetmasterd_#{i+1}.label puppetmasterd #{i+1}"
- end
- else
- puts "puppetmaster.label puppetmasterd"
- end
- when /puppet_clients/
- puts "graph_title puppet clients usage"
- puts "graph_vlabel clients"
- puts "known_clients.label Known Clients"
- puts "avg_compile.label Average configuration compile"
- puts "last5m_count.label Clients in the last 5 minutes"
- puts "last24h_unique_count.label unique clients in the last 24 hours"
- end
- puts "graph_category puppet"
- exit 0
- when 'autoconf'
- case $0
- when /puppet_mem/,/puppet_clients/
- puts "yes"
- else
- puts "no"
- exit 0
- end
- else
- plist("'ruby /usr/sbin/puppetmasterd'") if $0 =~ /puppet_mem$/
- if $0 =~ /puppet_clients$/
- puts "known_clients.value #{Dir.entries('/var/lib/puppet/yaml/facts/').size-2}"
- phaselog
- end
+ when 'config'
+ case $0
+ when /puppetmaster_memory/
+ puts "graph_title puppetmaster memory usage"
+ puts "graph_vlabel memory"
+ # find out how many mongrel process we have - if any
+ do |line|
+ @pm_process = line.grep(/(PUPPETMASTERS|PUPPETMASTER_PORTS)/).to_s.split('=')[1].to_i
+ end
+ if @pm_process > 0
+ @pm_process.times do |i|
+ puts "puppetmasterd_#{i+1}.label puppetmasterd #{i+1}"
+ end
+ else
+ puts "puppetmaster.label puppetmasterd"
+ end
+ when /puppet_clients/
+ puts "graph_title puppet clients usage"
+ puts "graph_vlabel clients"
+ puts "known_clients.label Known Clients"
+ puts "avg_compile.label Average configuration compile"
+ puts "last5m_count.label Clients in the last 5 minutes"
+ puts "last24h_unique_count.label unique clients in the last 24 hours"
+ end
+ puts "graph_category puppet"
+ exit 0
+ when 'autoconf'
+ case $0
+ when /puppet_mem/,/puppet_clients/
+ if File.exists?(sys_file) && File.exists?(logfile) &&
+ puts "yes"
+ else
+ puts "no"
+ end
+ else
+ puts "no"
+ exit 0
+ end
+ else
+ plist("'ruby /usr/sbin/puppetmasterd'") if $0 =~ /puppet_mem$/
+ if $0 =~ /puppet_clients$/
+ puts "known_clients.value #{Dir.entries(facts_dir).size-2}"
+ phaselog(logfile)
+ end
diff --git a/manifests/master/munin.pp b/manifests/master/munin.pp
index b455240..ca6fddc 100644
--- a/manifests/master/munin.pp
+++ b/manifests/master/munin.pp
@@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
+# deploy puppet munin plugin
class puppet::master::munin {
- munin::plugin::deploy {
- [ 'puppetmaster_memory', 'puppet_clients' ]:
- source => "puppet/munin/puppet_",
- config => "user root
-env.puppet_logfile /var/log/puppet/puppetmaster.log"
+ munin::plugin::deploy{'puppet_':
+ ensure => absent,
+ source => 'puppet/munin/puppet_';
+ }
+ munin::plugin{
+ ['puppet_clients','puppet_mem']:
+ ensure => 'puppet_',
+ require => Munin::Plugin::Deploy['puppet_'],
+ config => 'user root';