path: root/files/master/lastruncheck
diff options
authormh <>2010-11-29 23:23:10 +0100
committermh <>2010-11-29 23:23:10 +0100
commit5e24e0e85d354300078f0b10b80cbc44a0f76f10 (patch)
tree970a16e4a3b2510603a141b27557823d34a12f23 /files/master/lastruncheck
parentbec32391d6678a9f52f71658d98a2700ddd31f60 (diff)
replace puppetlast with much more improved version
Diffstat (limited to 'files/master/lastruncheck')
1 files changed, 220 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/files/master/lastruncheck b/files/master/lastruncheck
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e31601
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/master/lastruncheck
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require 'puppet/application'
+module Puppet::Lastcheck
+ module Puppet::Lastcheck::Tests
+ def self.included(klass)
+ klass.extend ClassMethods
+ end
+ def self.tests
+ @tests ||= {}
+ end
+ module ClassMethods
+ def add_test(name, options={})
+ include Puppet::Lastcheck::Tests.const_get(name.to_s.split('_').collect{|s| s.capitalize }.join(''))
+ Puppet::Lastcheck::Tests.tests[name] = options
+ attr_accessor "ignore_#{name}".to_sym
+ option("--ignore-#{name.to_s.gsub(/_/,'-')}") do
+ self.send("ignore_#{name}=", true)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ module Util
+ def facts_hosts
+ return @facts_hosts if @facts_hosts
+ require 'puppet/indirector/facts/yaml'
+ @facts_hosts ="*").collect do |node|
+ { :hostname =>, :expired => node.expired?, :timestamp => node.values[:_timestamp], :expiration => node.expiration }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ module Puppet::Lastcheck::Reports
+ def self.included(klass)
+ klass.extend ClassMethods
+ end
+ def ordered_reports
+ @ordered_reports ||= Puppet::Lastcheck::Reports.reports.keys.sort{|a,b| Puppet::Lastcheck::Reports.reports[a][:priority] <=> Puppet::Lastcheck::Reports.reports[b][:priority] }
+ end
+ def self.reports
+ @reports ||= {}
+ end
+ module ClassMethods
+ def add_report(name, options={})
+ include Puppet::Lastcheck::Reports.const_get(name.to_s.split('_').collect{|s| s.capitalize }.join(''))
+ Puppet::Lastcheck::Reports.reports[name] = options
+ Puppet::Lastcheck::Reports.reports[name][:priority] ||= 100
+ attr_accessor "report_to_#{name}".to_sym
+ option("--report-to-#{name.to_s.gsub(/_/,'-')}") do
+ self.send("report_to_#{name}=", true)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+module Puppet::Lastcheck::Tests::NoFacts
+ def analyze_no_facts
+ signed_hosts.each{|host| add_failed_host(host,"No facts available") unless facts_hosts.any?{|fhost| fhost[:hostname] == host } }
+ end
+ def setup_no_facts
+ Puppet::SSL::Host.ca_location = :only
+ end
+ private
+ def signed_hosts
+ ca.list
+ end
+ def ca
+ @ca ||=
+ end
+module Puppet::Lastcheck::Tests::ExpiredFacts
+ include Puppet::Lastcheck::Tests::Util
+ def analyze_expired_facts
+ facts_hosts.each{|host| add_failed_host(host[:hostname],"Expired at #{host[:expiration]}") if host[:expired] }
+ end
+module Puppet::Lastcheck::Tests::TimedOutFacts
+ include Puppet::Lastcheck::Tests::Util
+ def analyze_timed_out_facts
+ require 'time'
+ facts_hosts.each{|host| add_failed_host(host[:hostname], "Last facts save at #{host[:timestamp]}") if Time.parse(host[:timestamp]) < ( - @timeout) }
+ end
+ def setup_timed_out_facts
+ if @timeout
+ ignore_expired_facts ||= true
+ end
+ end
+module Puppet::Lastcheck::Tests::Storedconfigs
+ def analyze_storedconfigs
+ storedconfigs_hosts.each do |host|
+ if !facts_hosts.any?{|fact_host| fact_host[:hostname] == }
+ add_failed_host(, "In storedconfigs but no facts available!")
+ elsif host.updated_at < ( - @timeout)
+ add_failed_host(, "Last update in storedconfigs at #{host.updated_at}")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def storedconfigs_hosts
+ return @storedconfigs_hosts if @storedconfigs_hosts
+ Puppet::Rails.connect
+ @storedconfigs_hosts = Puppet::Rails::Host.all
+ end
+module Puppet::Lastcheck::Reports::Console
+ def deliver_report_to_console(failing_hosts)
+ unless failing_hosts.empty?
+ puts 'The following hosts are out of date:'
+ puts '------------------------------------'
+ host_length = 0
+ failing_hosts.keys.each{|host| host_length = host.length if host.length > host_length }
+ failing_hosts.keys.each{ |host| puts "#{pretty_puts(host,host_length)} - Reason: #{failing_hosts[host][:reason]}" }
+ 1
+ else
+ 0
+ end
+ end
+module Puppet::Lastcheck::Reports::Nagios
+ def deliver_report_to_nagios(failing_hosts)
+ unless failing_hosts.empty?
+ puts "PUPPETLAST CRITICAL: #{failing_hosts.size} outdated hosts: #{failing_hosts.keys.join(',')}"
+ 2
+ else
+ puts "PUPPETLAST OK: No outdated hosts"
+ 0
+ end
+ end
+# = Synopsis
+# Verifiying your puppet runs. Check different places to verify
+# whether your clients actually still runs successfully.
+# Also checks for left overs of legacy hosts.
+# = Usage
+# puppet lastcheck [-h|--help]
+class Puppet::Application::Lastcheck < Puppet::Application
+ should_parse_config
+ run_mode :master
+ include Puppet::Lastcheck::Tests
+ add_test :no_facts
+ add_test :expired_facts, :ignore_by_default => true
+ add_test :timed_out_facts
+ add_test :storedconfigs
+ include Puppet::Lastcheck::Reports
+ add_report :console, :priority => 50
+ add_report :nagios
+ option("--timeout TIMEOUT") do |v|
+ @timeout = v.to_i
+ end
+ option("--ignore-hosts HOSTS") do |v|
+ @ignore_hosts = v.split(',')
+ end
+ def main
+ Puppet::Lastcheck::Tests.tests.keys.each do |test|
+ self.send("analyze_#{test}") unless self.send("ignore_#{test}")
+ end
+ exitcode = 0
+ ordered_reports.each do |report|
+ if self.send("report_to_#{report}")
+ tmpexitcode = self.send("deliver_report_to_#{report}",@failing_hosts)
+ exitcode = tmpexitcode unless exitcode > 0
+ end
+ end
+ exit(exitcode)
+ end
+ def setup
+ exit(Puppet.settings.print_configs ? 0 : 1) if Puppet.settings.print_configs?
+ Puppet::Util::Log.newdestination :console
+ Puppet::Node::Facts.terminus_class = :yaml
+ Puppet::Lastcheck::Tests.tests.keys.each do |test|
+ self.send("ignore_#{test}=", Puppet::Lastcheck::Tests.tests[test][:ignore_by_default]||false) unless self.send("ignore_#{test}")
+ self.send("setup_#{test}") if self.respond_to?("setup_#{test}") and !self.send("ignore_#{test}")
+ end
+ report = nil
+ report_activated = false
+ ordered_reports.each do |report|
+ report_activated ||= self.send("report_to_#{report}")
+ end
+ self.report_to_console = true unless report_activated
+ @ignore_hosts = [] unless @ignore_hosts
+ @failing_hosts = {}
+ unless @timeout
+ @timeout = Puppet[:runinterval]
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def add_failed_host(hostname,reason)
+ @failing_hosts[hostname] = { :reason => reason } unless (@failing_hosts[hostname] || @ignore_hosts.include?(hostname))
+ end
+ def pretty_puts(str,length)
+ sprintf("%0-#{length}s",str)
+ end