diff options
2 files changed, 30 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/manifests/client.pp b/manifests/client.pp
index c59369b..9524edf 100644
--- a/manifests/client.pp
+++ b/manifests/client.pp
@@ -38,13 +38,27 @@ define munin::register()
-define munin::register_snmp()
+# snmp_testplugin: the plugin we use to test if it's set
+define munin::register_snmp(
+ $snmpd_testplugin = 'load'
- @@file { "munin_snmp_${name}": path => "${NODESDIR}/${name}",
- ensure => present,
- content => template("munin/snmpclient.erb"),
- tag => 'munin',
- }
+ $munin_port_real = $munin_port ? { '' => 4949, default => $munin_port }
+ $munin_host_real = $munin_host ? {
+ '' => '*',
+ 'fqdn' => '*',
+ default => $munin_host
+ }
+ exec{"register_snmp_munin_for_${name}":
+ command => "munin-node-configure-snmp ${name} | sh",
+ unless => "test -e /etc/munin/plugins/snmp_${name}_${snmpd_testplugin}",
+ }
+ @@file { "munin_snmp_${name}": path => "${NODESDIR}/${name}",
+ ensure => present,
+ content => template("munin/snmpclient.erb"),
+ require => Exec["register_snmp_munin_for_${name}"],
+ tag => 'munin',
+ }
class munin::client::base {
diff --git a/templates/snmpclient.erb b/templates/snmpclient.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44ecc6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/snmpclient.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ # Downcase all information
+ dom = domain.downcase
+ host = hostname.downcase
+ fhost = name.downcase
+### This syntax can be extended, it might get better ...
+#<%= dom %> snmp -> <%= fhost %>
+[<%= fhost %>] # snmp box
+ address <%= munin_host_real %>