path: root/manifests/client/debian.pp
diff options
authorMicah Anderson <>2009-12-22 19:59:02 -0500
committerMicah Anderson <>2009-12-22 19:59:02 -0500
commit511afffde2c5375fd685133f6c697c3ffeaaed8b (patch)
tree3a146a55acb4712777ff5bc8c1ca4ac0e8df6c71 /manifests/client/debian.pp
parentebfde169e0ef4fc749cd6804e707103fab7dbf78 (diff)
indentation fixups, using the emacs/vim modes for standardization
Diffstat (limited to 'manifests/client/debian.pp')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/manifests/client/debian.pp b/manifests/client/debian.pp
index 7b8b5a7..0bc0414 100644
--- a/manifests/client/debian.pp
+++ b/manifests/client/debian.pp
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
class munin::client::debian inherits munin::client::package {
- # the plugin will need that
- package { "iproute": ensure => installed }
- Service["munin-node"]{
- # sarge's munin-node init script has no status
- hasstatus => $lsbdistcodename ? { sarge => false, default => true }
- }
- File["/etc/munin/munin-node.conf"]{
- content => template("munin/munin-node.conf.$operatingsystem.$lsbdistcodename"),
- }
- include munin::plugins::debian
+ # the plugin will need that
+ package { "iproute": ensure => installed }
+ Service["munin-node"]{
+ # sarge's munin-node init script has no status
+ hasstatus => $lsbdistcodename ? { sarge => false, default => true }
+ }
+ File["/etc/munin/munin-node.conf"]{
+ content => template("munin/munin-node.conf.$operatingsystem.$lsbdistcodename"),
+ }
+ include munin::plugins::debian