diff options
authormh <mh@d66ca3ae-40d7-4aa7-90d4-87d79ca94279>2008-07-08 18:41:55 +0000
committermh <mh@d66ca3ae-40d7-4aa7-90d4-87d79ca94279>2008-07-08 18:41:55 +0000
commit9da545785dca34eb9e76321bf3a2396521e3ac45 (patch)
parent12f797a7968d5adc27de20c6651a56594fb4fa36 (diff)
merged with davids and removed a case statement, which made no sense
git-svn-id: https://svn/ipuppet/trunk/modules/munin@1778 d66ca3ae-40d7-4aa7-90d4-87d79ca94279
2 files changed, 12 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/files/modules_dir/.ignore b/files/modules_dir/.ignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/modules_dir/.ignore
diff --git a/manifests/plugin.pp b/manifests/plugin.pp
index 76d12a0..2c64482 100644
--- a/manifests/plugin.pp
+++ b/manifests/plugin.pp
@@ -134,35 +134,18 @@ define munin::plugin::deploy ($source = '', $ensure = 'present', $config = '') {
### clases for plugins
class munin::plugins::base {
- case $operatingsystem {
- centos: {
- file {
- [ "/etc/munin/plugins", "/etc/munin/plugin-conf.d" ]:
- source => "puppet://$server/munin/empty",
- ensure => directory, checksum => mtime,
- recurse => true, purge => true, force => true,
- mode => 0755, owner => root, group => 0;
- "/etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node":
- ensure => present,
- mode => 0644, owner => root, group => 0;
- }
- }
- default: {
- file {
- [ "/etc/munin/plugins", "/etc/munin/plugin-conf.d" ]:
- source => "puppet://$server/munin/empty",
- ensure => directory, checksum => mtime,
- recurse => true, purge => true, force => true,
- mode => 0755, owner => root, group => 0,
- notify => Service['munin-node'];
- "/etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node":
- ensure => present,
- mode => 0644, owner => root, group => 0,
- notify => Service['munin-node'],
- before => Package['munin-node'];
- }
- }
+ file {
+ [ "/etc/munin/plugins", "/etc/munin/plugin-conf.d" ]:
+ source => "puppet://$server/common/empty",
+ ensure => directory, checksum => mtime,
+ recurse => true, purge => true, force => true,
+ mode => 0755, owner => root, group => 0,
+ notify => Service['munin-node'];
+ "/etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/munin-node":
+ ensure => present,
+ mode => 0644, owner => root, group => 0,
+ notify => Service['munin-node'],
+ before => Package['munin-node'];
case $kernel {
linux: {