path: root/manifests/defines.pp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'manifests/defines.pp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 90 deletions
diff --git a/manifests/defines.pp b/manifests/defines.pp
deleted file mode 100644
index d32f948..0000000
--- a/manifests/defines.pp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-# domain: the domain under which this repo will be avaiable
-# projectroot: where the git repos are listened
-# projects_list: which repos to export
-define git::web::repo(
- $projectroot,
- $projects_list,
- $sitename='absent'
- include git::web
- $gitweb_url = $name
- case $gitweb_sitename {
- 'absent': { $gitweb_sitename = "${name} git repository" }
- default: { $gitweb_sitename = $sitename }
- }
- $gitweb_config = "/etc/gitweb.d/${name}.conf"
- file{"${gitweb_config}":
- content => template("git/web/config")
- }
- case $gitweb_webserver {
- 'lighttpd': {
- git::web::repo::lighttpd{$name:
- gitweb_url => $gitweb_url,
- projectroot => $projectroot,
- projects_list => $projects_list,
- gitweb_config => $gitweb_config,
- }
- }
- default: { fail("no supported \$gitweb_webserver defined on ${fqdn}, so can't do git::web::repo: ${name}") }
- }
-define git::web::repo::lighttpd(
- $gitweb_url,
- $projectroot,
- $projects_list,
- $gitweb_config
- include git::web::lighttpd
- file{"/etc/lighttpd/gitweb.d/${name}.conf":
- content => template("git/web/lighttpd"),
- notify => Service['lighttpd'],
- owner => root, group => 0, mode => 0644;
- }
- line{"add_include_of_gitwebrepo_${name}":
- line => "include \"gitweb.d/${name}.conf\"",
- file => "/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd-gitweb.conf",
- require => File['/etc/lighttpd/lighttpd-gitweb.conf'],
- notify => Service['lighttpd'],
- }
-define git::clone(
- $ensure = present,
- $git_repo,
- $projectroot,
- $cloneddir_user='root',
- $cloneddir_group='0',
- $cloneddir_restrict_mode=true
- case $ensure {
- absent: {
- exec{"rm -rf $projectroot":
- onlyif => "test -d $projectroot",
- }
- }
- default: {
- include git
- exec {"git-clone_${name}":
- command => "git-clone --no-hardlinks ${git_repo} ${projectroot}",
- creates => "${projectroot}/.git",
- user => root,
- require => Package['git'],
- notify => Exec["git-clone-chown_${name}"],
- }
- exec {"git-clone-chown_${name}":
- command => "chown -R ${cloneddir_user}:${cloneddir_group} ${projectroot}",
- refreshonly => true
- }
- if $cloneddir_restrict_mode {
- exec {"git-clone-chmod_${name}":
- command => "chmod -R o-rwx ${projectroot}",
- refreshonly => true,
- subscribe => Exec["git-clone_${name}"],
- }
- }
- }
- }