diff options
authorErik Dalén <>2012-03-14 18:02:43 +0100
committerErik Dalén <>2012-04-24 16:53:20 +0200
commit800bec11aeacd64dac18935c6b6074ea6be14be9 (patch)
parentb4a80d46557bdededfa8ca3d17c605efcfd8334c (diff)
Style guideline fixes
Comply better with puppet community style guidelines. Change-Id: Ie1782d266539b1a8f9890b2ade77280011aa22aa
3 files changed, 125 insertions, 129 deletions
diff --git a/manifests/fragment.pp b/manifests/fragment.pp
index 97c0d9c..943bf67 100644
--- a/manifests/fragment.pp
+++ b/manifests/fragment.pp
@@ -13,39 +13,37 @@
# - group Owner of the file
# - backup Controls the filebucketing behavior of the final file and
# see File type reference for its use. Defaults to 'puppet'
-define concat::fragment($target, $content='', $source='', $order=10, $ensure = "present", $mode = 0644, $owner = $::id, $group = $concat::setup::root_group, $backup = "puppet") {
- $safe_name = regsubst($name, '/', '_', 'G')
- $safe_target_name = regsubst($target, '/', '_', 'G')
- $concatdir = $concat::setup::concatdir
- $fragdir = "${concatdir}/${safe_target_name}"
+define concat::fragment($target, $content='', $source='', $order=10, $ensure = 'present', $mode = '0644', $owner = $::id, $group = $concat::setup::root_group, $backup = 'puppet') {
+ $safe_name = regsubst($name, '/', '_', 'G')
+ $safe_target_name = regsubst($target, '/', '_', 'G')
+ $concatdir = $concat::setup::concatdir
+ $fragdir = "${concatdir}/${safe_target_name}"
- # if content is passed, use that, else if source is passed use that
- # if neither passed, but $ensure is in symlink form, make a symlink
- case $content {
- "": {
- case $source {
- "": {
- case $ensure {
- "", "absent", "present", "file", "directory": {
- crit("No content, source or symlink specified")
- }
- }
- }
- default: { File{ source => $source } }
- }
+ # if content is passed, use that, else if source is passed use that
+ # if neither passed, but $ensure is in symlink form, make a symlink
+ case $content {
+ '': {
+ case $source {
+ '': {
+ case $ensure {
+ '', 'absent', 'present', 'file', 'directory': {
+ crit('No content, source or symlink specified')
- default: { File{ content => $content } }
+ }
+ }
+ default: { File{ source => $source } }
+ }
+ default: { File{ content => $content } }
+ }
- file{"${fragdir}/fragments/${order}_${safe_name}":
- mode => $mode,
- owner => $owner,
- group => $group,
- ensure => $ensure,
- backup => $backup,
- alias => "concat_fragment_${name}",
- notify => Exec["concat_${target}"]
- }
+ file{"${fragdir}/fragments/${order}_${safe_name}":
+ ensure => $ensure,
+ mode => $mode,
+ owner => $owner,
+ group => $group,
+ backup => $backup,
+ alias => "concat_fragment_${name}",
+ notify => Exec["concat_${target}"]
+ }
-# vi:tabstop=4:expandtab:ai
diff --git a/manifests/init.pp b/manifests/init.pp
index 1e6aee0..48aeec3 100644
--- a/manifests/init.pp
+++ b/manifests/init.pp
@@ -87,88 +87,88 @@
# - The exec can notified using Exec["concat_/path/to/file"] or Exec["concat_/path/to/directory"]
# - The final file can be referened as File["/path/to/file"] or File["concat_/path/to/file"]
-define concat($mode = 0644, $owner = $::id, $group = $concat::setup::root_group, $warn = "false", $force = "false", $backup = "puppet", $gnu = undef, $order="alpha") {
- $safe_name = regsubst($name, '/', '_', 'G')
- $concatdir = $concat::setup::concatdir
- $version = $concat::setup::majorversion
- $fragdir = "${concatdir}/${safe_name}"
- $concat_name = "fragments.concat.out"
- $default_warn_message = '# This file is managed by Puppet. DO NOT EDIT.'
+define concat($mode = '0644', $owner = $::id, $group = $concat::setup::root_group, $warn = false, $force = false, $backup = 'puppet', $gnu = undef, $order='alpha') {
+ $safe_name = regsubst($name, '/', '_', 'G')
+ $concatdir = $concat::setup::concatdir
+ $version = $concat::setup::majorversion
+ $fragdir = "${concatdir}/${safe_name}"
+ $concat_name = 'fragments.concat.out'
+ $default_warn_message = '# This file is managed by Puppet. DO NOT EDIT.'
- case $warn {
- 'true',true,yes,on: { $warnmsg = "$default_warn_message" }
- 'false',false,no,off: { $warnmsg = "" }
- default: { $warnmsg = "$warn" }
- }
+ case $warn {
+ 'true',true,yes,on: { $warnmsg = $default_warn_message }
+ 'false',false,no,off: { $warnmsg = '' }
+ default: { $warnmsg = $warn }
+ }
- $warnmsg_escaped = regsubst($warnmsg, "'", "'\\\\''", 'G')
- $warnflag = $warnmsg_escaped ? {
- '' => '',
- default => "-w '$warnmsg_escaped'"
- }
+ $warnmsg_escaped = regsubst($warnmsg, "'", "'\\\\''", 'G')
+ $warnflag = $warnmsg_escaped ? {
+ '' => '',
+ default => "-w '${warnmsg_escaped}'"
+ }
- case $force {
- 'true',true,yes,on: { $forceflag = "-f" }
- 'false',false,no,off: { $forceflag = "" }
- default: { fail("Improper 'force' value given to concat: $force") }
- }
+ case $force {
+ 'true',true,yes,on: { $forceflag = '-f' }
+ 'false',false,no,off: { $forceflag = '' }
+ default: { fail("Improper 'force' value given to concat: ${force}") }
+ }
- case $order {
- numeric: { $orderflag = "-n" }
- alpha: { $orderflag = "" }
- default: { fail("Improper 'order' value given to concat: $order") }
- }
+ case $order {
+ numeric: { $orderflag = '-n' }
+ alpha: { $orderflag = '' }
+ default: { fail("Improper 'order' value given to concat: ${order}") }
+ }
- File{
- owner => $::id,
- group => $group,
- mode => $mode,
- backup => $backup
- }
+ File{
+ owner => $::id,
+ group => $group,
+ mode => $mode,
+ backup => $backup
+ }
- file{$fragdir:
- ensure => directory;
+ file{$fragdir:
+ ensure => directory;
- "${fragdir}/fragments":
- ensure => directory,
- recurse => true,
- purge => true,
- force => true,
- ignore => [".svn", ".git", ".gitignore"],
- source => $version ? {
- 24 => "puppet:///concat/null",
- default => undef,
- },
- notify => Exec["concat_${name}"];
+ "${fragdir}/fragments":
+ ensure => directory,
+ recurse => true,
+ purge => true,
+ force => true,
+ ignore => ['.svn', '.git', '.gitignore'],
+ source => $version ? {
+ 24 => 'puppet:///concat/null',
+ default => undef,
+ },
+ notify => Exec["concat_${name}"];
- "${fragdir}/fragments.concat":
- ensure => present;
+ "${fragdir}/fragments.concat":
+ ensure => present;
- "${fragdir}/${concat_name}":
- ensure => present;
+ "${fragdir}/${concat_name}":
+ ensure => present;
- $name:
- source => "${fragdir}/${concat_name}",
- owner => $owner,
- group => $group,
- checksum => md5,
- mode => $mode,
- ensure => present,
- alias => "concat_${name}";
- }
+ $name:
+ ensure => present,
+ source => "${fragdir}/${concat_name}",
+ owner => $owner,
+ group => $group,
+ checksum => md5,
+ mode => $mode,
+ alias => "concat_${name}";
+ }
- exec{"concat_${name}":
- notify => File[$name],
- subscribe => File[$fragdir],
- alias => "concat_${fragdir}",
- require => [ File[$fragdir], File["${fragdir}/fragments"], File["${fragdir}/fragments.concat"] ],
- unless => "${concat::setup::concatdir}/bin/ -o ${fragdir}/${concat_name} -d ${fragdir} -t ${warnflag} ${forceflag} ${orderflag}",
- command => "${concat::setup::concatdir}/bin/ -o ${fragdir}/${concat_name} -d ${fragdir} ${warnflag} ${forceflag} ${orderflag}",
- }
- if $::id == 'root' {
- Exec["concat_${name}"]{
- user => root,
- group => $group,
- }
+ exec{"concat_${name}":
+ notify => File[$name],
+ subscribe => File[$fragdir],
+ alias => "concat_${fragdir}",
+ require => [ File[$fragdir], File["${fragdir}/fragments"], File["${fragdir}/fragments.concat"] ],
+ unless => "${concat::setup::concatdir}/bin/ -o ${fragdir}/${concat_name} -d ${fragdir} -t ${warnflag} ${forceflag} ${orderflag}",
+ command => "${concat::setup::concatdir}/bin/ -o ${fragdir}/${concat_name} -d ${fragdir} ${warnflag} ${forceflag} ${orderflag}",
+ }
+ if $::id == 'root' {
+ Exec["concat_${name}"]{
+ user => root,
+ group => $group,
+ }
diff --git a/manifests/setup.pp b/manifests/setup.pp
index 584f58a..ce3f7ea 100644
--- a/manifests/setup.pp
+++ b/manifests/setup.pp
@@ -13,33 +13,31 @@
# It also copies out the file to ${concatdir}/bin
class concat::setup {
- $id = $::id
- $root_group = $id ? {
- root => 0,
- default => $id
- }
- $concatdir = $::concat_basedir
- $majorversion = regsubst($::puppetversion, '^[0-9]+[.]([0-9]+)[.][0-9]+$', '\1')
+ $id = $::id
+ $root_group = $id ? {
+ root => 0,
+ default => $id
+ }
+ $concatdir = $::concat_basedir
+ $majorversion = regsubst($::puppetversion, '^[0-9]+[.]([0-9]+)[.][0-9]+$', '\1')
- file{"${concatdir}/bin/":
- owner => $id,
- group => $root_group,
- mode => 755,
- source => $majorversion ? {
- 24 => "puppet:///concat/",
- default => "puppet:///modules/concat/"
- };
+ file{"${concatdir}/bin/":
+ owner => $id,
+ group => $root_group,
+ mode => '0755',
+ source => $majorversion ? {
+ 24 => 'puppet:///concat/',
+ default => 'puppet:///modules/concat/'
+ };
- [ $concatdir, "${concatdir}/bin" ]:
- ensure => directory,
- owner => $id,
- group => $root_group,
- mode => '0750';
+ [ $concatdir, "${concatdir}/bin" ]:
+ ensure => directory,
+ owner => $id,
+ group => $root_group,
+ mode => '0750';
- ## Old versions of this module used a different path.
- '/usr/local/bin/':
- ensure => absent;
- }
+ ## Old versions of this module used a different path.
+ '/usr/local/bin/':
+ ensure => absent;
+ }
-# vi:tabstop=4:expandtab:ai