diff options
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 250 deletions
diff --git a/files/logrotate.aug b/files/logrotate.aug
deleted file mode 100644
index 6663cde..0000000
--- a/files/logrotate.aug
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-(* Logrotate module for Augeas *)
-(* Author: Raphael Pinson <> *)
-(* Patches from: *)
-(* Sean Millichamp <> *)
-(* *)
-(* Supported : *)
-(* - defaults *)
-(* - rules *)
-(* - (pre|post)rotate entries *)
-(* *)
-(* Todo : *)
-(* *)
-module Logrotate =
- autoload xfm
- let sep_spc = Util.del_ws_spc
- let sep_val = del /[ \t]*=[ \t]*|[ \t]+/ " "
- let eol = Util.del_str "\n"
- let num = /[0-9]+/
- let word = /[^,#= \n\t{}]+/
- let size = num . /[kMG]?/
- (* define comments and empty lines *)
- let comment (indent:string) = [ label "#comment" . del /[ \t]*/ indent . del /#[ \t]*/ "# " . store /([^ \t\n][^\n]*)?/ . eol ]
- let empty = [ del /[ \t]*\n/ "\n" ]
- (* Useful functions *)
- let list_item = [ sep_spc . key /[^\/+,# \n\t{}]+/ ]
- let select_to_eol (kw:string) (select:regexp) (indent:string) = [ del /[ \t]*/ indent . label kw . store select . eol ]
- let value_to_eol (kw:string) (value:regexp) (indent:string ) = [ del /[ \t]*/ indent . key kw . sep_val . store value . eol ]
- let flag_to_eol (kw:string) (indent:string) = [ del /[ \t]*/ indent . key kw . eol ]
- let list_to_eol (kw:string) (indent:string) = [ del /[ \t]*/ indent . key kw . list_item+ . eol ]
- (* Defaults *)
- let create (indent:string ) = [ del /[ \t]*/ indent . key "create" .
- ( sep_spc . [ label "mode" . store num ] . sep_spc .
- [ label "owner" . store word ] . sep_spc .
- [ label "group" . store word ])?
- . eol ]
- let tabooext (indent:string) = [ del /[ \t]*/ indent . key "tabooext" . ( sep_spc . store /\+/ )? . list_item+ . eol ]
- let attrs (indent:string) = select_to_eol "schedule" /(daily|weekly|monthly|yearly)/ indent
- | value_to_eol "rotate" num indent
- | create indent
- | flag_to_eol "nocreate" indent
- | value_to_eol "include" word indent
- | select_to_eol "missingok" /(no)?missingok/ indent
- | select_to_eol "compress" /(no)?compress/ indent
- | select_to_eol "delaycompress" /(no)?delaycompress/ indent
- | select_to_eol "ifempty" /(not)?ifempty/ indent
- | select_to_eol "sharedscripts" /(no)?sharedscripts/ indent
- | value_to_eol "size" size indent
- | tabooext indent
- | value_to_eol "olddir" word indent
- | flag_to_eol "noolddir" indent
- | value_to_eol "mail" word indent
- | flag_to_eol "mailfirst" indent
- | flag_to_eol "maillast" indent
- | flag_to_eol "nomail" indent
- | value_to_eol "errors" word indent
- | value_to_eol "extension" word indent
- | select_to_eol "dateext" /(no)?dateext/ indent
- | value_to_eol "compresscmd" word indent
- | value_to_eol "uncompresscmd" word indent
- | value_to_eol "compressext" word indent
- | list_to_eol "compressoptions" indent
- | select_to_eol "copy" /(no)?copy/ indent
- | select_to_eol "copytruncate" /(no)?copytruncate/ indent
- | value_to_eol "maxage" num indent
- | value_to_eol "minsize" size indent
- | select_to_eol "shred" /(no)?shred/ indent
- | value_to_eol "shredcycles" num indent
- | value_to_eol "start" num indent
- (* Define hooks *)
- let hook_lines =
- let line_re = /.*/ - /[ \t]*endscript[ \t]*/ in
- store ( line_re . ("\n" . line_re)* )? . del "\n" "\n"
- let hooks =
- let hook_names = /(pre|post)rotate|(first|last)action/ in
- [ del /[ \t]*/ "\t" . key hook_names . eol .
- hook_lines .
- del /[ \t]*endscript\n/ "\tendscript\n" ]
- (* Define rule *)
- let body = del /\{[ \t]*\n/ "{\n"
- . ( comment "\t" | attrs "\t" | hooks | empty )*
- . del /[ \t]*\}[ \t]*\n/ "}\n"
- let rule =
- [ label "rule" .
- [ label "file" . store word ] .
- [ del /[ \t]+/ " " . label "file" . store word ]* .
- del /[ \t\n]*/ " " . body ]
- let lns = ( comment "" | empty | attrs "" | rule )*
- let filter = incl "/etc/logrotate.d/*"
- . incl "/etc/logrotate.conf"
- . Util.stdexcl
- let xfm = transform lns filter
diff --git a/files/php.aug b/files/php.aug
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d44363..0000000
--- a/files/php.aug
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-(* PHP module for Augeas *)
-(* Author: Raphael Pinson <> *)
-(* *)
-module PHP =
- autoload xfm
- * INI File settings
- *************************************************************************)
-let comment = IniFile.comment IniFile.comment_re IniFile.comment_default
-let sep = IniFile.sep IniFile.sep_re IniFile.sep_default
-let empty = IniFile.empty
- *
- * We have to remove the keyword "section" from possible entry keywords
- * otherwise it would lead to an ambiguity with the "section" label
- * since PHP allows entries outside of sections.
- *************************************************************************)
-let entry = IniFile.entry IniFile.entry_re sep comment
- *
- * We use IniFile.title_label because there can be entries
- * outside of sections whose labels would conflict with section names
- *************************************************************************)
-let title = IniFile.title ( IniFile.record_re - ".anon" )
-let record = IniFile.record title entry
-let record_anon = [ label ".anon" . ( entry | empty )+ ]
- * There can be entries before any section
- * IniFile.entry includes comment management, so we just pass entry to lns
- *************************************************************************)
-let lns = record_anon? . record*
-let filter = (incl "/etc/php*/*/*.ini")
- . (incl "/etc/php.ini")
- . (incl "/etc/php.d/*.ini")
- . Util.stdexcl
-let xfm = transform lns filter
diff --git a/files/vsftpd.aug b/files/vsftpd.aug
deleted file mode 100644
index f95bdd0..0000000
--- a/files/vsftpd.aug
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-(* Parse vsftpd.conf *)
-module Vsftpd =
- autoload xfm
-(* The code in parseconf.c does not seem to allow for trailing whitespace *)
-(* in the config file *)
-let eol = Util.del_str "\n"
-let empty = Util.empty
-let comment = Util.comment
-let bool_option_re = /anonymous_enable|local_enable|pasv_enable|port_enable|chroot_local_user|write_enable|anon_upload_enable|anon_mkdir_write_enable|anon_other_write_enable|chown_uploads|connect_from_port_20|xferlog_enable|dirmessage_enable|anon_world_readable_only|async_abor_enable|ascii_upload_enable|ascii_download_enable|one_process_model|xferlog_std_format|pasv_promiscuous|deny_email_enable|chroot_list_enable|setproctitle_enable|text_userdb_names|ls_recurse_enable|log_ftp_protocol|guest_enable|userlist_enable|userlist_deny|use_localtime|check_shell|hide_ids|listen|port_promiscuous|passwd_chroot_enable|no_anon_password|tcp_wrappers|use_sendfile|force_dot_files|listen_ipv6|dual_log_enable|syslog_enable|background|virtual_use_local_privs|session_support|download_enable|dirlist_enable|chmod_enable|secure_email_list_enable|run_as_launching_user|no_log_lock|ssl_enable|allow_anon_ssl|force_local_logins_ssl|force_local_data_ssl|ssl_sslv2|ssl_sslv3|ssl_tlsv1|tilde_user_enable|force_anon_logins_ssl|force_anon_data_ssl|mdtm_write|lock_upload_files|pasv_addr_resolve|debug_ssl|require_cert|validate_cert/
-let uint_option_re = /accept_timeout|connect_timeout|local_umask|anon_umask|ftp_data_port|idle_session_timeout|data_connection_timeout|pasv_min_port|pasv_max_port|anon_max_rate|local_max_rate|listen_port|max_clients|file_open_mode|max_per_ip|trans_chunk_size|delay_failed_login|delay_successful_login|max_login_fails|chown_upload_mode/
-let str_option_re = /secure_chroot_dir|ftp_username|chown_username|xferlog_file|vsftpd_log_file|message_file|nopriv_user|ftpd_banner|banned_email_file|chroot_list_file|pam_service_name|guest_username|userlist_file|anon_root|local_root|banner_file|pasv_address|listen_address|user_config_dir|listen_address6|cmds_allowed|hide_file|deny_file|user_sub_token|email_password_file|rsa_cert_file|dsa_cert_file|ssl_ciphers|rsa_private_key_file|dsa_private_key_file|ca_certs_file/
-let bool_value_re = /[yY][eE][sS]|[tT][rR][uU][eE]|1|[nN][oO]|[fF][aA][lL][sS][eE]|0/
-let option (k:regexp) (v:regexp) = [ key k . Util.del_str "=" . store v . eol ]
-let bool_option = option bool_option_re bool_value_re
-let str_option = option str_option_re /[^\n]+/
-let uint_option = option uint_option_re /[0-9]+/
-let lns = (bool_option|str_option|uint_option|comment|empty)*
-let filter = (incl "/etc/vsftpd.conf") . (incl "/etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf")
-let xfm = transform lns filter
diff --git a/files/yum.aug b/files/yum.aug
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d32bc0..0000000
--- a/files/yum.aug
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-(* Parsing yum's config files *)
-module Yum =
- autoload xfm
- let eol = Util.del_str "\n"
- let key_re = /[^#;:= \t\n[\/]+/ - "baseurl"
- let eq = del /[ \t]*[:=][ \t]*/ "="
- let secname = /[^]\/]+/
- let value = /[^ \t\n][^\n]*/
- (* We really need to allow comments starting with REM and rem but that *)
- (* leads to ambiguities with keys 'rem=' and 'REM=' The regular expression *)
- (* to do that cleanly is somewhat annoying to craft by hand; we'd need to *)
- (* define KEY_RE as /[A-Za-z0-9]+/ - "REM" - "rem" *)
- let comment = [ del /([;#].*)?[ \t]*\n/ "\n" ]
- let list_sep = del /[ \t]*(,[ \t]*|\n[ \t]+)/ "\n\t"
- let list_value = store /[^ \t\n,]+/
- let kv_list(s:string) =
- [ key s . eq . list_value ] .
- [ list_sep . label s . list_value ]* . eol
- let kv = [ key key_re . eq . store value . eol ]
- let sechead = Util.del_str "[" . key secname . Util.del_str "]"
- . del /[ \t]*[;#]?.*/ ""
- . eol
- let entry = comment | kv
- (* A section is a section head, followed by any number of key value *)
- (* entries, with comments and blank lines freely interspersed. The *)
- (* continuation lines allowed for baseurl entries make this a little *)
- (* more interesting: there can be at most one baseurl entry in each *)
- (* section (more precisely, yum will only obey one of them, but we act *)
- (* as if yum would actually barf) *)
- let section = [ sechead . (entry* | entry* . (kv_list "baseurl") . entry*)]
- let lns = (comment) * . (section) *
- let filter = (incl "/etc/yum.conf")
- . (incl "/etc/yum.repos.d/*")
- . (incl "/etc/yum/pluginconf.d/*")
- . Util.stdexcl
- let xfm = transform lns filter
-(* Local Variables: *)
-(* mode: caml *)
-(* End: *)