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diff --git a/README b/README
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--- a/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,593 +0,0 @@
-This module manages apt on Debian.
-It keeps dpkg's and apt's databases as well as the keyrings for securing
-package download current.
- is added.
-/etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/preferences are managed. More
-recent Debian releases are pinned to very low values by default to
-prevent accidental upgrades.
-Ubuntu support is lagging behind but not absent either.
-! Upgrade Notice !
- * The `disable_update` parameter has been removed. The main apt class
- defaults to *not* run an `apt-get update` on every run anyway so this
- parameter seems useless.
- You can include the `apt::update` class if you want it to be run every time.
- * The `apt::upgrade_package` now doesn't automatically call an Exec['apt_updated']
- anymore, so you would need to include `apt::update` now by hand.
- * The apt::codename parameter has been removed. In its place, the
- debian_codename fact may be overridden via an environment variable. This
- will affect all other debian_* facts, and achieve the same result.
- FACTER_debian_codename=jessie puppet agent -t
- * If you were using custom 50unattended-upgrades.${::lsbdistcodename} in your
- site_apt, these are no longer supported. You should migrate to passing
- $blacklisted_packages to the apt::unattended_upgrades class.
- * the apt class has been moved to a paramterized class. if you were including
- this class before, after passing some variables, you will need to move to
- instantiating the class with those variables instead. For example, if you
- had the following in your manifests:
- $apt_debian_url = 'http://localhost:9999/debian/'
- $apt_use_next_release = true
- include apt
- you will need to remove the variables, and the include and instead do
- the following:
- class { 'apt': debian_url => 'http://localhost:9999/debian/', use_next_release => true }
- previously, you could manually set $lsbdistcodename which would enable forced
- upgrades, but because this is a top-level facter variable, and newer puppet
- versions do not let you assign variables to other namespaces, this is no
- longer possible. However, there is a way to obtain this functionality, and
- that is to pass the 'codename' parameter to the apt class, which will change
- the sources.list and preferences files to be the codename you set, allowing
- you to trigger upgrades:
- include apt::dist_upgrade
- class { 'apt': codename => 'wheezy', notify => Exec['apt_dist-upgrade'] }
- * the apticron class has been moved to a parameterized class. if you were
- including this class before, you will need to move to instantiating the
- class instead. For example, if you had the following in your manifests:
- $apticron_email = ''
- $apticron_notifynew = '1'
- ... any $apticron_* variables
- include apticron
- you will need to remove the variables, and the include and instead do the
- following:
- class { 'apt::apticron': email => '', notifynew => '1' }
- * the apt::listchanges class has been moved to a paramterized class. if you
- were including this class before, after passing some variables, you will need
- to move to instantiating the class with those variables instead. For example,
- if you had the following in your manifests:
- $apt_listchanges_email = ''
- ... any $apt_listchanges_* variables
- include apt::listchanges
- you will need to remove the variables, and the include and instead do the
- following:
- class { 'apt::listchanges': email => '' }
- * the apt::proxy_client class has been moved to a paramterized class. if you
- were including this class before, after passing some variables, you will need
- to move to instantiating the class with those variables instead. For example,
- if you had the following in your manifests:
- $apt_proxy = 'http://proxy.domain'
- $apt_proxy_port = 666
- include apt::proxy_client
- you will need to remove the variables, and the include and instead do the
- following:
- class { 'apt::proxy_client': proxy => 'http://proxy.domain', port => '666' }
-This module needs:
-- the lsb-release package should be installed on the server prior to running
- puppet. otherwise, all of the $::lsb* facts will be empty during runs.
-- the common module:
-By default, on normal hosts, this module sets the configuration option
-DSelect::Clean to 'auto'. On virtual servers, the value is set by default to
-'pre-auto', because virtual servers are usually more space-bound and have better
-recovery mechanisms via the host:
-From apt.conf(5), 0.7.2:
- "Cache Clean mode; this value may be one of always, prompt, auto,
- pre-auto and never. always and prompt will remove all packages
- from the cache after upgrading, prompt (the default) does so
- conditionally. auto removes only those packages which are no
- longer downloadable (replaced with a new version for
- instance). pre-auto performs this action before downloading new
- packages."
-To change the default setting for DSelect::Clean, you can create a file named
-"03clean" or "03clean_vserver" in your site_apt module's files directory. You
-can also define this for a specific host by creating a file in a subdirectory of
-the site_apt modules' files directory that is named the same as the
-host. (example: site_apt/files/, or
-The apt class sets up most of the documented functionality. To use functionality
-that is not enabled by default, you must set one of the following parameters.
-Example usage:
- class { 'apt': use_next_release => true, debian_url => 'http://localhost:9999/debian/' }
-Class parameters:
-* use_lts
- If this variable is set to true the CODENAME-lts sources (such as
- squeeze-lts) are added.
- By default this is false for backward compatibility with older
- versions of this module.
-* use_volatile
- If this variable is set to true the CODENAME-updates sources (such as
- squeeze-updates) are added.
- By default this is false for backward compatibility with older
- versions of this module.
-* include_src
- If this variable is set to true a deb-src source is added for every
- added binary archive source.
- By default this is false for backward compatibility with older
- versions of this module.
-* use_next_release
- If this variable is set to true the sources for the next Debian
- release are added. The default pinning configuration pins it to very
- low values.
- By default this is false for backward compatibility with older
- versions of this module.
-* debian_url, security_url, backports_url, volatile_url
- These variables allow to override the default APT mirrors respectively
- used for the standard Debian archives, the Debian security archive,
- the Debian official backports and the Debian Volatile archive.
-* ubuntu_url
- These variables allows to override the default APT mirror used for all
- standard Ubuntu archives (including updates, security, backports).
-* repos
- If this variable is set the default repositories list ("main contrib non-free")
- is overriden.
-* custom_preferences
- For historical reasons (Debian Lenny's version of APT did not support the use
- of the preferences.d directory for putting fragments of 'preferences'), this
- module will manage a default generic apt/preferences file with more
- recent releases pinned to very low values so that any package
- installation will not accidentally pull in packages from those suites
- unless you explicitly specify the version number. This file will be
- complemented with all of the preferences_snippet calls (see below).
- If the default preferences template doesn't suit your needs, you can create a
- template located in your site_apt module, and set custom_preferences with the
- content (eg. custom_preferences => template('site_apt/preferences') )
- Setting this variable to false before including this class will force the
- apt/preferences file to be absent:
- class { 'apt': custom_preferences => false }
-* custom_sources_list
- By default this module will use a basic apt/sources.list template with
- a generic Debian mirror. If you need to set more specific sources,
- e.g. changing the sections included in the source, etc. you can set
- this variable to the content that you desire to use instead.
- For example, setting this variable will pull in the
- templates/site_apt/sources.list file:
- class { 'apt': custom_sources_list => template('site_apt/sources.list') }
-* custom_key_dir
- If you have different apt-key files that you want to get added to your
- apt keyring, you can set this variable to a path in your fileserver
- where individual key files can be placed. If this is set and keys
- exist there, this module will 'apt-key add' each key.
- The debian-archive-keyring package is installed and kept current up to the
- latest revision (this includes the backports archive keyring).
-When you instantiate this class, apticron will be installed, with the following
-defaults, which you are free to change:
- $ensure_version = 'installed',
- $config = "apt/${::operatingsystem}/apticron_${::lsbdistcodename}.erb",
- $email = 'root',
- $diff_only = '1',
- $listchanges_profile = 'apticron',
- $system = false,
- $ipaddressnum = false,
- $ipaddresses = false,
- $notifyholds = '0',
- $notifynew = '0',
- $customsubject = ''
-Example usage:
- class { 'apt::apticron': email => '', notifynew => '1' }
-This class sets up cron-apt so that it downloads upgradable packages, does not
-actually do any upgrade and emails when the output changes.
-cron-apt defaults to run at 4 AM. You may want to set the
-$apt_cron_hours variable before you include the class: its value will
-be passed as the "hours" parameter of a cronjob. Example:
- # Run cron-apt every three hours
- $apt_cron_hours = '*/3'
-Note that the default 4 AM cronjob won't be disabled.
-This class sets up cron-apt so that it dist-upgrades the system and
-emails when upgrades are performed.
-See apt::cron::download above if you need to run cron-apt more often
-than once a day.
-This class provides the Exec['apt_dist-upgrade'] resource that
-dist-upgrade's the system.
-This exec is set as refreshonly so including this class does not
-trigger any action per-se: other resources may notify it, other
-classes may inherit from this one and add to its subscription list
-using the plusignment ('+>') operator. A real-world example can be
-seen in the apt::dist_upgrade::initiator source.
-This class automatically dist-upgrade's the system when an initiator
-file's content changes. The initiator file is copied from the first
-available source amongst the following ones, in decreasing priority
-- puppet:///modules/site_apt/${::fqdn}/upgrade_initiator
-- puppet:///modules/site_apt/upgrade_initiator
-- puppet:///modules/apt/upgrade_initiator
-This is useful when one does not want to setup a fully automated
-upgrade process but still needs a way to manually trigger full
-upgrades of any number of systems at scheduled times.
-Beware: a dist-upgrade is triggered the first time Puppet runs after
-this class has been included. This is actually the single reason why
-this class is not enabled by default.
-When this class is included the APT indexes are updated on every
-Puppet run due to the author's lack of Puppet wizardry.
-This class, when included, installs dselect and switches it to expert mode to
-suppress superfluous help screens.
-This class, when instantiated, installs apt-listchanges and configures it using
-the following parameterized variables, which can be changed:
- version = 'present'
- config = "apt/${::operatingsystem}/listchanges_${::lsbrelease}.erb"
- frontend = 'pager'
- email = 'root'
- confirm = 0
- saveseen = '/var/lib/apt/listchanges.db'
- which = 'both'
- Example usage:
- class { 'apt::listchanges': email => '' }
-This class adds the right configuration to apt to make it fetch packages via a
-proxy. The class parameters apt_proxy and apt_proxy_port need to be set:
-You can set the 'proxy' class parameter variable to the URL of the proxy that
-will be used. By default, the proxy will be queried on port 3142, but you can
-change the port number by setting the 'port' class parameter.
- class { 'apt::proxy_client': proxy => 'http://proxy.domain', port => '666' }
-This class installs a daily cronjob that checks if a package upgrade
-requires the system to be rebooted; if so, cron sends a notification
-email to root.
-If this class is included, it will install the package 'unattended-upgrades'
-and configure it to daily upgrade the system.
-The class has the following parameters that you can use to change the contents
-of the configuration file. The values shown here are the default values:
- * $config_content = undef
- * $config_template = 'apt/50unattended-upgrades.erb'
- * $mailonlyonerror = true
- * $mail_recipient = 'root'
- * $blacklisted_packages = []
-Note that using $config_content actually specifies all of the configuration
-contents and thus makes the other parameters useless.
- class { 'apt::unattended_upgrades':
- config_template => 'site_apt/50unattended-upgrades.jessie',
- blacklisted_packages => [
- 'libc6', 'libc6-dev', 'libc6-i686', 'mysql-server', 'redmine', 'nodejs',
- 'bird'
- ],
- }
-Creates a file in the apt/apt.conf.d directory to easily add configuration
-components. One can use either the 'source' meta-parameter to specify a list of
-static files to include from the puppet fileserver or the 'content'
-meta-parameter to define content inline or with the help of a template.
- apt::apt_conf { '80download-only':
- source => 'puppet:///modules/site_apt/80download-only',
- }
-A way to add pinning information to files in /etc/apt/preferences.d/
- apt::preferences_snippet {
- 'irssi-plugin-otr':
- release => 'squeeze-backports',
- priority => 999;
- }
- apt::preferences_snippet {
- 'unstable_fallback':
- package => '*',
- release => 'unstable',
- priority => 1;
- }
- apt::preferences_snippet {
- 'ttdnsd':
- pin => 'origin',
- priority => 999;
- }
-The names of the resources will be used as the names of the files in the
-preferences.d directory, so you should ensure that resource names follow the
-prescribed naming scheme.
-From apt_preferences(5):
- Note that the files in the /etc/apt/preferences.d directory are parsed in
- alphanumeric ascending order and need to obey the following naming
- convention: The files have no or "pref" as filename extension and which
- only contain alphanumeric, hyphen (-), underscore (_) and period (.)
- characters - otherwise they will be silently ignored.
-This simplifies installation of packages for which you wish to preseed the
-answers to debconf. For example, if you wish to provide a preseed file for the
-locales package, you would place the locales.seed file in
-'site_apt/templates/${::lsbdistcodename}/locales.seeds' and then include the
-following in your manifest:
- apt::preseeded_package { locales: }
-You can also specify the content of the seed via the content parameter,
-for example:
- apt::preseeded_package { 'apticron':
- content => 'apticron apticron/notification string',
- }
-Creates a file in the apt/sources.list.d directory to easily add additional apt
-sources. One can use either the 'source' meta-parameter to specify a list of
-static files to include from the puppet fileserver or the 'content'
-meta-parameter to define content inline or with the help of a template. Ending
-the resource name in '.list' is optional: it will be automatically added to the
-file name if not present in the resource name.
- apt::sources_list { 'company_internals':
- source => [ "puppet:///modules/site_apt/${::fqdn}/company_internals.list",
- 'puppet:///modules/site_apt/company_internals.list' ],
- }
-Deploys a secure apt OpenPGP key. This usually accompanies the
-sources.list snippets above for third party repositories. For example,
-you would do:
- apt::key { 'neurodebian.gpg':
- ensure => present,
- source => 'puppet:///modules/site_apt/neurodebian.gpg',
- }
-This deploys the key in the `/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d` directory, which
-is assumed by secure apt to be binary OpenPGP keys and *not*
-"ascii-armored" or "plain text" OpenPGP key material. For the latter,
-use `apt::key::plain`.
-The `.gpg` extension is compulsory for `apt` to pickup the key properly.
-Deploys a secure apt OpenPGP key. This usually accompanies the
-sources.list snippets above for third party repositories. For example,
-you would do:
- apt::key::plain { 'neurodebian.asc':
- source => 'puppet:///modules/site_apt/neurodebian.asc',
- }
-This deploys the key in the `${apt_base_dir}/keys` directory (as
-opposed to `$custom_key_dir` which deploys it in `keys.d`). The reason
-this exists on top of `$custom_key_dir` is to allow a more
-decentralised distribution of those keys, without having all modules
-throw their keys in the same directory in the manifests.
-Note that this model does *not* currently allow keys to be removed!
-Use `apt::key` instead for a more practical, revokable approach, but
-that needs binary keys.
-This simplifies upgrades for DSA security announcements or point-releases. This
-will ensure that the named package is upgraded to the version specified, only if
-the package is installed, otherwise nothing happens. If the specified version
-is 'latest' (the default), then the package is ensured to be upgraded to the
-latest package revision when it becomes available.
-For example, the following upgrades the perl package to version 5.8.8-7etch1
-(if it is installed), it also upgrades the syslog-ng and perl-modules packages
-to their latest (also, only if they are installed):
-upgrade_package { 'perl':
- version => '5.8.8-7etch1';
- 'syslog-ng':
- version => latest;
- 'perl-modules':
-Use this resource to depend on or add to a completed apt configuration
-After this point the APT indexes are up-to-date.
-This resource is set to `refreshonly => true` so it is not run on
-every puppetrun. To run this every time, you can include the `apt::update`
-This resource is usually used like this to ensure current packages are
-installed by Package resources:
- include apt::update
- Package { require => Exec['apt_updated'] }
-Note that nodes can be updated once a day by using
- APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists "1";
-in i.e. /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/80_apt_update_daily.
-To run pupept rspec tests:
- bundle install --path vendor/bundle
- bundle exec rake spec
-Using different facter/puppet versions:
- FACTER_GEM_VERSION=1.6.10 PUPPET_GEM_VERSION=2.7.23 bundle install --path vendor/bundle
- bundle exec rake spec
-This puppet module is licensed under the GPL version 3 or later. Redistribution
-and modification is encouraged.
-The GPL version 3 license text can be found in the "LICENSE" file accompanying
-this puppet module, or at the following URL: