path: root/manifests/vhost
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'manifests/vhost')
15 files changed, 1178 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/manifests/vhost/file.pp b/manifests/vhost/file.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c31420e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manifests/vhost/file.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# htpasswd_file: wether to deploy a passwd for this vhost or not
+# - absent: ignore (default)
+# - nodeploy: htpasswd file isn't deployed by this mechanism
+# - else: try to deploy the file
+# htpasswd_path: where to deploy the passwd file
+# - absent: standardpath (default)
+# - else: path to deploy
+define apache::vhost::file(
+ $ensure = present,
+ $vhost_source = 'absent',
+ $vhost_destination = 'absent',
+ $content = 'absent',
+ $do_includes = false,
+ $htpasswd_file = 'absent',
+ $htpasswd_path = 'absent'
+ $vhosts_dir = $operatingsystem ? {
+ centos => "$apache::centos::config_dir/vhosts.d/",
+ gentoo => "$apache::gentoo::config_dir/vhosts.d/",
+ debian => "$apache::debian::config_dir/vhosts.d/",
+ ubuntu => "$apache::ubuntu::config_dir/vhosts.d/",
+ openbsd => "$apache::openbsd::config_dir/vhosts.d/",
+ default => '/etc/apache2/vhosts.d/',
+ }
+ $real_vhost_destination = $vhost_destination ? {
+ 'absent' => "$vhosts_dir/$name.conf",
+ default => $vhost_destination,
+ }
+ file{"${name}.conf":
+ ensure => $ensure,
+ path => $real_vhost_destination,
+ require => File[vhosts_dir],
+ notify => Service[apache],
+ owner => root, group => 0, mode => 0644;
+ }
+ if $do_includes {
+ include apache::includes
+ }
+ case $content {
+ 'absent': {
+ $real_vhost_source = $vhost_source ? {
+ 'absent' => [
+ "puppet://$server/files/apache/vhosts.d/$fqdn/$name.conf",
+ "puppet://$server/files/apache/vhosts.d/$apache_cluster_node/$name.conf",
+ "puppet://$server/files/apache/vhosts.d/$operatingsystem.$lsbdistcodename/$name.conf",
+ "puppet://$server/files/apache/vhosts.d/$operatingsystem/$name.conf",
+ "puppet://$server/files/apache/vhosts.d/$name.conf",
+ "puppet://$server/apache/vhosts.d/$name.conf",
+ "puppet://$server/apache/vhosts.d/$operatingsystem.$lsbdistcodename/$name.conf",
+ "puppet://$server/apache/vhosts.d/$operatingsystem/$name.conf",
+ "puppet://$server/apache/vhosts.d/$name.conf"
+ ],
+ default => "puppet://$server/$vhost_source",
+ }
+ File["${name}.conf"]{
+ source => $real_vhost_source,
+ }
+ }
+ default: {
+ File["${name}.conf"]{
+ content => $content,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ case $htpasswd_file {
+ 'absent','nodeploy': { info("don't deploy a htpasswd file for ${name") }
+ default: {
+ if $htpasswd_path == 'absent' {
+ $real_htpasswd_path = "/var/www/htpasswds/$name"
+ } else {
+ $real_htpasswd_path = $htpasswd_path
+ }
+ file{$real_htpasswd_path:
+ ensure => $ensure,
+ source => [ "puppet://$server/files/apache/htpasswds/$fqdn/$name",
+ "puppet://$server/files/apache/htpasswds/$apache_cluster_node/$name",
+ "puppet://$server/files/apache/htpasswds/$name" ],
+ owner => root, group => 0, mode => 0644;
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/manifests/vhost/file/documentrootdir.pp b/manifests/vhost/file/documentrootdir.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..425406a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manifests/vhost/file/documentrootdir.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+define apache::vhost::file::documentrootdir(
+ $ensure = directory,
+ $documentroot,
+ $filename,
+ $thedomain,
+ $owner = 'root',
+ $group = '0',
+ $mode = 440
+ file{"$documentroot/$filename":
+ require => Apache::Vhost::Webdir["$thedomain"],
+ owner => $owner, group => $group, mode => $mode;
+ }
+ if $ensure != 'absent' {
+ File["$documentroot/$filename"]{
+ ensure => directory,
+ }
+ } else {
+ File["$documentroot/$filename"]{
+ ensure => $ensure,
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/manifests/vhost/file/documentrootfile.pp b/manifests/vhost/file/documentrootfile.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9daf9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manifests/vhost/file/documentrootfile.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+define apache::vhost::file::documentrootfile(
+ $documentroot,
+ $filename,
+ $thedomain,
+ $owner='root',
+ $group='0',
+ $mode=440
+ file{"$documentroot/$filename":
+ source => [ "puppet://$server/files/apache/vhost_varieties/$fqdn/$thedomain/$filename",
+ "puppet://$server/files/apache/vhost_varieties/$apache_cluster_node/$thedomain/$filename",
+ "puppet://$server/files/apache/vhost_varieties/$operatingsystem.$lsbdistcodename/$thedomain/$filename",
+ "puppet://$server/files/apache/vhost_varieties/$operatingsystem/$thedomain/$filename",
+ "puppet://$server/files/apache/vhost_varieties/$thedomain/$filename",
+ "puppet://$server/apache/vhost_varieties/$thedomain/$filename",
+ "puppet://$server/apache/vhost_varieties/$operatingsystem.$lsbdistcodename/$thedomain/$filename",
+ "puppet://$server/apache/vhost_varieties/$operatingsystem/$thedomain/$filename",
+ "puppet://$server/apache/vhost_varieties/$thedomain/$filename"
+ ],
+ ensure => file,
+ require => Apache::Vhost::Webdir["$thedomain"],
+ owner => $owner, group => $group, mode => $mode;
+ }
diff --git a/manifests/vhost/modperl.pp b/manifests/vhost/modperl.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35e1f93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manifests/vhost/modperl.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# run_mode:
+# - normal: nothing special (*default*)
+# - itk: apache is running with the itk module
+# and run_uid and run_gid are used as vhost users
+# run_uid: the uid the vhost should run as with the itk module
+# run_gid: the gid the vhost should run as with the itk module
+define apache::vhost::modperl(
+ $ensure = present,
+ $domain = 'absent',
+ $domainalias = 'absent',
+ $server_admin = 'absent',
+ $path = 'absent',
+ $owner = root,
+ $group = 0,
+ $documentroot_owner = apache,
+ $documentroot_group = 0,
+ $documentroot_mode = 0640,
+ $run_mode = 'normal',
+ $run_uid = 'absent',
+ $run_gid = 'absent',
+ $allow_override = 'None',
+ $cgi_binpath = 'absent',
+ $do_includes = false,
+ $options = 'absent',
+ $additional_options = 'absent',
+ $default_charset = 'absent',
+ $mod_security = true,
+ $ssl_mode = false,
+ $vhost_mode = 'template',
+ $vhost_source = 'absent',
+ $vhost_destination = 'absent',
+ $htpasswd_file = 'absent',
+ $htpasswd_path = 'absent'
+ # cgi_bin path
+ case $cgi_binpath {
+ 'absent': {
+ $real_path = $path ? {
+ 'absent' => $operatingsystem ? {
+ openbsd => "/var/www/htdocs/${name}",
+ default => "/var/www/vhosts/${name}"
+ },
+ default => "${path}"
+ }
+ $real_cgi_binpath = "${real_path}/cgi-bin"
+ }
+ default: { $real_cgi_binpath = $cgi_binpath }
+ }
+ file{$real_cgi_binpath:
+ ensure => directory,
+ owner => $documentroot_owner,
+ group => $documentroot_group,
+ mode => $documentroot_mode;
+ }
+ # create webdir
+ ::apache::vhost::webdir{$name:
+ ensure => $ensure,
+ path => $path,
+ owner => $owner,
+ group => $group,
+ run_mode => $run_mode,
+ documentroot_owner => $documentroot_owner,
+ documentroot_group => $documentroot_group,
+ documentroot_mode => $documentroot_mode,
+ }
+ # create vhost configuration file
+ ::apache::vhost{$name:
+ ensure => $ensure,
+ path => $path,
+ template_mode => 'perl',
+ vhost_mode => $vhost_mode,
+ vhost_source => $vhost_source,
+ vhost_destination => $vhost_destination,
+ domain => $domain,
+ domainalias => $domainalias,
+ server_admin => $server_admin,
+ run_mode => $run_mode,
+ run_uid => $run_uid,
+ run_gid => $run_gid,
+ allow_override => $allow_override,
+ do_includes => $do_includes,
+ options => $options,
+ additional_options => $additional_options,
+ default_charset => $default_charset,
+ cgi_binpath => $real_cgi_binpath,
+ ssl_mode => $ssl_mode,
+ htpasswd_file => $htpasswd_file,
+ htpasswd_path => $htpasswd_path,
+ mod_security => $mod_security,
+ }
diff --git a/manifests/vhost/php/drupal.pp b/manifests/vhost/php/drupal.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea0d031
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manifests/vhost/php/drupal.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# run_mode:
+# - normal: nothing special (*default*)
+# - itk: apache is running with the itk module
+# and run_uid and run_gid are used as vhost users
+# run_uid: the uid the vhost should run as with the itk module
+# run_gid: the gid the vhost should run as with the itk module
+define apache::vhost::php::drupal(
+ $ensure = present,
+ $domain = 'absent',
+ $domainalias = 'absent',
+ $server_admin = 'absent',
+ $path = 'absent',
+ $owner = root,
+ $group = 0,
+ $documentroot_owner = apache,
+ $documentroot_group = 0,
+ $documentroot_mode = 0640,
+ $run_mode = 'normal',
+ $run_uid = 'absent',
+ $run_gid = 'absent',
+ $allow_override = 'None',
+ $php_upload_tmp_dir = 'absent',
+ $php_session_save_path = 'absent',
+ $do_includes = false,
+ $options = 'absent',
+ $additional_options = 'absent',
+ $default_charset = 'absent',
+ $mod_security = true,
+ $ssl_mode = false,
+ $vhost_mode = 'template',
+ $vhost_source = 'absent',
+ $vhost_destination = 'absent',
+ $htpasswd_file = 'absent',
+ $htpasswd_path = 'absent',
+ $manage_cron = true
+ $documentroot = $path ? {
+ 'absent' => $operatingsystem ? {
+ openbsd => "/var/www/htdocs/${name}/www",
+ default => "/var/www/vhosts/${name}/www"
+ },
+ default => "${path}/www"
+ }
+ if $manage_cron {
+ file{"/etc/cron.d/drupal_cron_${name}":
+ content => "0 * * * * apache wget -O - -q -t 1 http://${doamin}/cron.php\n",
+ owner => root, group => 0, mode => 0644;
+ }
+ }
+ # create vhost configuration file
+ ::apache::vhost::php::webapp{$name:
+ ensure => $ensure,
+ domain => $domain,
+ domainalias => $domainalias,
+ server_admin => $server_admin,
+ path => $path,
+ template_mode => 'php_drupal',
+ owner => $owner,
+ group => $group,
+ documentroot_owner => $documentroot_owner,
+ documentroot_group => $documentroot_group,
+ documentroot_mode => $documentroot_mode,
+ run_mode => $run_mode,
+ run_uid => $run_uid,
+ run_gid => $run_gid,
+ allow_override => $allow_override,
+ php_upload_tmp_dir => $php_upload_tmp_dir,
+ php_session_save_path => $php_session_save_path,
+ do_includes => $do_includes,
+ options => $options,
+ additional_options => $additional_options,
+ default_charset => $default_charset,
+ mod_security => $mod_security,
+ ssl_mode => $ssl_mode,
+ vhost_mode => $vhost_mode,
+ vhost_source => $vhost_source,
+ vhost_destination => $vhost_destination,
+ htpasswd_file => $htpasswd_file,
+ htpasswd_path => $htpasswd_path,
+ manage_directories => false,
+ manage_config => false,
+ }
diff --git a/manifests/vhost/php/joomla.pp b/manifests/vhost/php/joomla.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1294b52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manifests/vhost/php/joomla.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+rmal: nothing special (*default*)
+# - itk: apache is running with the itk module
+# and run_uid and run_gid are used as vhost users
+# run_uid: the uid the vhost should run as with the itk module
+# run_gid: the gid the vhost should run as with the itk module
+define apache::vhost::php::joomla(
+ $ensure = present,
+ $domain = 'absent',
+ $domainalias = 'absent',
+ $server_admin = 'absent',
+ $path = 'absent',
+ $owner = root,
+ $group = 0,
+ $documentroot_owner = apache,
+ $documentroot_group = 0,
+ $documentroot_mode = 0640,
+ $run_mode = 'normal',
+ $run_uid = 'absent',
+ $run_gid = 'absent',
+ $allow_override = 'None',
+ $php_upload_tmp_dir = 'absent',
+ $php_session_save_path = 'absent',
+ $do_includes = false,
+ $options = 'absent',
+ $additional_options = 'absent',
+ $default_charset = 'absent',
+ $mod_security = true,
+ $ssl_mode = false,
+ $vhost_mode = 'template',
+ $vhost_source = 'absent',
+ $vhost_destination = 'absent',
+ $htpasswd_file = 'absent',
+ $htpasswd_path = 'absent',
+ $manage_config = true,
+ $config_webwriteable = false,
+ $manage_directories = true
+ include ::apache::joomla
+ $documentroot = $path ? {
+ 'absent' => $operatingsystem ? {
+ openbsd => "/var/www/htdocs/${name}/www",
+ default => "/var/www/vhosts/${name}/www"
+ },
+ default => "${path}/www"
+ }
+ # create vhost configuration file
+ ::apache::vhost::php::webapp{$name:
+ ensure => $ensure,
+ domain => $domain,
+ domainalias => $domainalias,
+ server_admin => $server_admin,
+ path => $path,
+ template_mode => 'php_joomla',
+ owner => $owner,
+ group => $group,
+ documentroot_owner => $documentroot_owner,
+ documentroot_group => $documentroot_group,
+ documentroot_mode => $documentroot_mode,
+ run_mode => $run_mode,
+ run_uid => $run_uid,
+ run_gid => $run_gid,
+ allow_override => $allow_override,
+ php_upload_tmp_dir => $php_upload_tmp_dir,
+ php_session_save_path => $php_session_save_path,
+ do_includes => $do_includes,
+ options => $options,
+ additional_options => $additional_options,
+ default_charset => $default_charset,
+ mod_security => $mod_security,
+ ssl_mode => $ssl_mode,
+ vhost_mode => $vhost_mode,
+ vhost_source => $vhost_source,
+ vhost_destination => $vhost_destination,
+ htpasswd_file => $htpasswd_file,
+ htpasswd_path => $htpasswd_path,
+ manage_directories => $manage_directories,
+ managed_directories => [ "$documentroot/administrator/backups",
+ "$documentroot/administrator/components",
+ "$documentroot/administrator/language",
+ "$documentroot/administrator/modules",
+ "$documentroot/administrator/templates",
+ "$documentroot/components",
+ "$documentroot/images",
+ "$documentroot/language",
+ "$documentroot/media",
+ "$documentroot/modules",
+ "$documentroot/plugins",
+ "$documentroot/templates",
+ "$documentroot/cache",
+ "$documentroot/administrator/cache" ],
+ manage_config => $manage_config,
+ config_webwriteable => $config_webwriteable,
+ config_file => 'configuration.php',
+ }
diff --git a/manifests/vhost/php/simplemachine.pp b/manifests/vhost/php/simplemachine.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c50a6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manifests/vhost/php/simplemachine.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# run_mode:
+# - normal: nothing special (*default*)
+# - itk: apache is running with the itk module
+# and run_uid and run_gid are used as vhost users
+# run_uid: the uid the vhost should run as with the itk module
+# run_gid: the gid the vhost should run as with the itk module
+define apache::vhost::php::simplemachine(
+ $ensure = present,
+ $domain = 'absent',
+ $domainalias = 'absent',
+ $server_admin = 'absent',
+ $path = 'absent',
+ $owner = root,
+ $group = 0,
+ $documentroot_owner = apache,
+ $documentroot_group = 0,
+ $documentroot_mode = 0640,
+ $run_mode = 'normal',
+ $run_uid = 'absent',
+ $run_gid = 'absent',
+ $allow_override = 'None',
+ $php_upload_tmp_dir = 'absent',
+ $php_session_save_path = 'absent',
+ $do_includes = false,
+ $options = 'absent',
+ $additional_options = 'absent',
+ $default_charset = 'absent',
+ $mod_security = true,
+ $ssl_mode = false,
+ $vhost_mode = 'template',
+ $vhost_source = 'absent',
+ $vhost_destination = 'absent',
+ $htpasswd_file = 'absent',
+ $htpasswd_path = 'absent',
+ $manage_config = true,
+ $config_webwriteable = false,
+ $manage_directories = true
+ $documentroot = $path ? {
+ 'absent' => $operatingsystem ? {
+ openbsd => "/var/www/htdocs/${name}/www",
+ default => "/var/www/vhosts/${name}/www"
+ },
+ default => "${path}/www"
+ }
+ # create vhost configuration file
+ ::apache::vhost::php::webapp{$name:
+ ensure => $ensure,
+ domain => $domain,
+ domainalias => $domainalias,
+ server_admin => $server_admin,
+ path => $path,
+ template_mode => 'php_simplemachine',
+ owner => $owner,
+ group => $group,
+ documentroot_owner => $documentroot_owner,
+ documentroot_group => $documentroot_group,
+ documentroot_mode => $documentroot_mode,
+ run_mode => $run_mode,
+ run_uid => $run_uid,
+ run_gid => $run_gid,
+ allow_override => $allow_override,
+ php_upload_tmp_dir => $php_upload_tmp_dir,
+ php_session_save_path => $php_session_save_path,
+ do_includes => $do_includes,
+ options => $options,
+ additional_options => $additional_options,
+ default_charset => $default_charset,
+ mod_security => $mod_security,
+ ssl_mode => $ssl_mode,
+ vhost_mode => $vhost_mode,
+ vhost_source => $vhost_source,
+ vhost_destination => $vhost_destination,
+ htpasswd_file => $htpasswd_file,
+ htpasswd_path => $htpasswd_path,
+ manage_directories => $manage_directories,
+ managed_directories => [
+ "$documentroot/attachments",
+ "$documentroot/Packages",
+ "$documentroot/Themes",
+ "$documentroot/agreement.txt",
+ "$documentroot/Packages/installed.list",
+ "$documentroot/avatars" ],
+ manage_config => $manage_config,
+ config_webwriteable => $config_webwriteable,
+ config_file => 'Settings.php',
+ }
diff --git a/manifests/vhost/php/standard.pp b/manifests/vhost/php/standard.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e5873f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manifests/vhost/php/standard.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# run_mode:
+# - normal: nothing special (*default*)
+# - itk: apache is running with the itk module
+# and run_uid and run_gid are used as vhost users
+# run_uid: the uid the vhost should run as with the itk module
+# run_gid: the gid the vhost should run as with the itk module
+define apache::vhost::php::standard(
+ $ensure = present,
+ $domain = 'absent',
+ $domainalias = 'absent',
+ $server_admin = 'absent',
+ $path = 'absent',
+ $template_mode = 'php',
+ $owner = root,
+ $group = apache,
+ $documentroot_owner = apache,
+ $documentroot_group = 0,
+ $documentroot_mode = 0640,
+ $run_mode = 'normal',
+ $run_uid = 'absent',
+ $run_gid = 'absent',
+ $allow_override = 'None',
+ $php_upload_tmp_dir = 'absent',
+ $php_session_save_path = 'absent',
+ $do_includes = false,
+ $options = 'absent',
+ $additional_options = 'absent',
+ $default_charset = 'absent',
+ $mod_security = true,
+ $ssl_mode = false,
+ $vhost_mode = 'template',
+ $vhost_source = 'absent',
+ $vhost_destination = 'absent',
+ $htpasswd_file = 'absent',
+ $htpasswd_path = 'absent'
+ ::apache::vhost::phpdirs{"${name}":
+ ensure => $ensure,
+ php_upload_tmp_dir => $php_upload_tmp_dir,
+ php_session_save_path => $php_session_save_path,
+ documentroot_owner => $documentroot_owner,
+ documentroot_group => $documentroot_group,
+ documentroot_mode => $documentroot_mode,
+ run_mode => $run_mode,
+ run_uid => $run_uid,
+ }
+ # create webdir
+ ::apache::vhost::webdir{$name:
+ ensure => $ensure,
+ path => $path,
+ owner => $owner,
+ group => $group,
+ run_mode => $run_mode,
+ documentroot_owner => $documentroot_owner,
+ documentroot_group => $documentroot_group,
+ documentroot_mode => $documentroot_mode,
+ }
+ # create vhost configuration file
+ ::apache::vhost{$name:
+ ensure => $ensure,
+ path => $path,
+ template_mode => $template_mode,
+ vhost_mode => $vhost_mode,
+ vhost_source => $vhost_source,
+ vhost_destination => $vhost_destination,
+ domain => $domain,
+ domainalias => $domainalias,
+ server_admin => $server_admin,
+ run_mode => $run_mode,
+ run_uid => $run_uid,
+ run_gid => $run_gid,
+ allow_override => $allow_override,
+ do_includes => $do_includes,
+ options => $options,
+ additional_options => $additional_options,
+ default_charset => $default_charset,
+ php_upload_tmp_dir => $php_upload_tmp_dir,
+ php_session_save_path => $php_session_save_path,
+ ssl_mode => $ssl_mode,
+ htpasswd_file => $htpasswd_file,
+ htpasswd_path => $htpasswd_path,
+ mod_security => $mod_security,
+ }
diff --git a/manifests/vhost/php/webapp.pp b/manifests/vhost/php/webapp.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04fd29c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manifests/vhost/php/webapp.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# run_mode:
+# - normal: nothing special (*default*)
+# - itk: apache is running with the itk module
+# and run_uid and run_gid are used as vhost users
+# run_uid: the uid the vhost should run as with the itk module
+# run_gid: the gid the vhost should run as with the itk module
+define apache::vhost::php::webapp(
+ $ensure = present,
+ $domain = 'absent',
+ $domainalias = 'absent',
+ $server_admin = 'absent',
+ $path = 'absent',
+ $template_mode,
+ $owner = root,
+ $group = 0,
+ $documentroot_owner = apache,
+ $documentroot_group = 0,
+ $documentroot_mode = 0640,
+ $run_mode = 'normal',
+ $run_uid = 'absent',
+ $run_gid = 'absent',
+ $allow_override = 'None',
+ $php_upload_tmp_dir = 'absent',
+ $php_session_save_path = 'absent',
+ $do_includes = false,
+ $options = 'absent',
+ $additional_options = 'absent',
+ $default_charset = 'absent',
+ $mod_security = true,
+ $ssl_mode = false,
+ $vhost_mode = 'template',
+ $vhost_source = 'absent',
+ $vhost_destination = 'absent',
+ $htpasswd_file = 'absent',
+ $htpasswd_path = 'absent',
+ $manage_config = true,
+ $config_file = 'absent',
+ $config_webwriteable = false,
+ $manage_directories = true,
+ $managed_directories
+ if ($ensure != 'absent') {
+ if $manage_directories {
+ ::apache::file::rw{ $managed_directories :
+ owner => $documentroot_owner,
+ group => $documentroot_group,
+ }
+ }
+ if $manage_config {
+ if $config_file == 'absent' { fail("No config file defined for ${name} on ${fqdn}, if you'd like to manage the config, you have to add one!") }
+ ::apache::vhost::file::documentrootfile{"configurationfile_${name}":
+ documentroot => $documentroot,
+ filename => $config_file,
+ thedomain => $name,
+ owner => $documentroot_owner,
+ group => $documentroot_group,
+ }
+ if $config_webwriteable {
+ Apache::Vhost::File::Documentrootfile["configurationfile_${name}"]{
+ mode => 0660,
+ }
+ } else {
+ Apache::Vhost::File::Documentrootfile["configurationfile_${name}"]{
+ mode => 0440,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # create vhost configuration file
+ ::apache::vhost::php::standard{$name:
+ ensure => $ensure,
+ domain => $domain,
+ domainalias => $domainalias,
+ server_admin => $server_admin,
+ path => $path,
+ template_mode => $template_mode,
+ owner => $owner,
+ group => $group,
+ documentroot_owner => $documentroot_owner,
+ documentroot_group => $documentroot_group,
+ documentroot_mode => $documentroot_mode,
+ run_mode => $run_mode,
+ run_uid => $run_uid,
+ run_gid => $run_gid,
+ allow_override => $allow_override,
+ php_upload_tmp_dir => $php_upload_tmp_dir,
+ php_session_save_path => $php_session_save_path,
+ do_includes => $do_includes,
+ options => $options,
+ additional_options => $additional_options,
+ default_charset => $default_charset,
+ mod_security => $mod_security,
+ ssl_mode => $ssl_mode,
+ vhost_mode => $vhost_mode,
+ vhost_source => $vhost_source,
+ vhost_destination => $vhost_destination,
+ htpasswd_file => $htpasswd_file,
+ htpasswd_path => $htpasswd_path,
+ }
diff --git a/manifests/vhost/php/wordpress.pp b/manifests/vhost/php/wordpress.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09d38e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manifests/vhost/php/wordpress.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# run_mode:
+# - normal: nothing special (*default*)
+# - itk: apache is running with the itk module
+# and run_uid and run_gid are used as vhost users
+# run_uid: the uid the vhost should run as with the itk module
+# run_gid: the gid the vhost should run as with the itk module
+define apache::vhost::php::wordpress(
+ $ensure = present,
+ $domain = 'absent',
+ $domainalias = 'absent',
+ $server_admin = 'absent',
+ $path = 'absent',
+ $owner = root,
+ $group = 0,
+ $documentroot_owner = apache,
+ $documentroot_group = 0,
+ $documentroot_mode = 0640,
+ $run_mode = 'normal',
+ $run_uid = 'absent',
+ $run_gid = 'absent',
+ $allow_override = 'FileInfo',
+ $php_upload_tmp_dir = 'absent',
+ $php_session_save_path = 'absent',
+ $do_includes = false,
+ $options = 'absent',
+ $additional_options = 'absent',
+ $default_charset = 'absent',
+ $mod_security = true,
+ $ssl_mode = false,
+ $vhost_mode = 'template',
+ $vhost_source = 'absent',
+ $vhost_destination = 'absent',
+ $htpasswd_file = 'absent',
+ $htpasswd_path = 'absent',
+ $manage_config = true,
+ $config_webwriteable = false,
+ $manage_directories = true
+ $documentroot = $path ? {
+ 'absent' => $operatingsystem ? {
+ openbsd => "/var/www/htdocs/${name}/www",
+ default => "/var/www/vhosts/${name}/www"
+ },
+ default => "${path}/www"
+ }
+ # create vhost configuration file
+ ::apache::vhost::php::webapp{$name:
+ ensure => $ensure,
+ domain => $domain,
+ domainalias => $domainalias,
+ server_admin => $server_admin,
+ path => $path,
+ template_mode => 'php_wordpress',
+ owner => $owner,
+ group => $group,
+ documentroot_owner => $documentroot_owner,
+ documentroot_group => $documentroot_group,
+ documentroot_mode => $documentroot_mode,
+ run_mode => $run_mode,
+ run_uid => $run_uid,
+ run_gid => $run_gid,
+ allow_override => $allow_override,
+ php_upload_tmp_dir => $php_upload_tmp_dir,
+ php_session_save_path => $php_session_save_path,
+ do_includes => $do_includes,
+ options => $options,
+ additional_options => $additional_options,
+ default_charset => $default_charset,
+ mod_security => $mod_security,
+ ssl_mode => $ssl_mode,
+ vhost_mode => $vhost_mode,
+ vhost_source => $vhost_source,
+ vhost_destination => $vhost_destination,
+ htpasswd_file => $htpasswd_file,
+ htpasswd_path => $htpasswd_path,
+ manage_directories => $manage_directories,
+ managed_directories => "$documentroot/wp-content",
+ manage_config => $manage_config,
+ config_webwriteable => $config_webwriteable,
+ config_file => 'wp-config.php',
+ }
diff --git a/manifests/vhost/phpdirs.pp b/manifests/vhost/phpdirs.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24413d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manifests/vhost/phpdirs.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+define apache::vhost::phpdirs(
+ $ensure = present,
+ $php_upload_tmp_dir = 'absent',
+ $php_session_save_path = 'absent',
+ $documentroot_owner = apache,
+ $documentroot_group = 0,
+ $documentroot_mode = 0750,
+ $run_mode = 'normal',
+ $run_uid = 'absent'
+ # php upload_tmp_dir
+ case $php_upload_tmp_dir {
+ 'absent': {
+ include apache::defaultphpdirs
+ $real_php_upload_tmp_dir = "/var/www/upload_tmp_dir/$name"
+ }
+ default: { $real_php_upload_tmp_dir = $php_upload_tmp_dir }
+ }
+ # php session_save_path
+ case $php_session_save_path {
+ 'absent': {
+ include apache::defaultphpdirs
+ $real_php_session_save_path = "/var/www/session.save_path/$name"
+ }
+ default: { $real_php_session_save_path = $php_session_save_path }
+ }
+ case $ensure {
+ absent: {
+ file{[$real_php_upload_tmp_dir, $real_php_session_save_path ]:
+ ensure => absent,
+ purge => true,
+ force => true,
+ recurse => true,
+ }
+ }
+ default: {
+ file{[$real_php_upload_tmp_dir, $real_php_session_save_path ]:
+ ensure => directory,
+ owner => $run_mode ? {
+ 'itk' => $run_uid,
+ default => $documentroot_owner
+ },
+ group => $documentroot_group, mode => $documentroot_mode;
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/manifests/vhost/static.pp b/manifests/vhost/static.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c8d313
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manifests/vhost/static.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# vhost_mode: which option is chosen to deploy the vhost
+# - template: generate it from a template (default)
+# - file: deploy a vhost file (apache::vhost::file will be called directly)
+define apache::vhost::static(
+ $ensure = present,
+ $domain = 'absent',
+ $domainalias = 'absent',
+ $server_admin = 'absent',
+ $path = 'absent',
+ $owner = root,
+ $group = 0,
+ $documentroot_owner = apache,
+ $documentroot_group = 0,
+ $documentroot_mode = 0640,
+ $allow_override = 'None',
+ $do_includes = false,
+ $options = 'absent',
+ $additional_options = 'absent',
+ $default_charset = 'absent',
+ $ssl_mode = false,
+ $vhost_mode = 'template',
+ $vhost_source = 'absent',
+ $vhost_destination = 'absent',
+ $htpasswd_file = 'absent',
+ $htpasswd_path = 'absent'
+ # create webdir
+ ::apache::vhost::webdir{$name:
+ ensure => $ensure,
+ path => $path,
+ owner => $owner,
+ group => $group,
+ run_mode => 'normal',
+ documentroot_owner => $documentroot_owner,
+ documentroot_group => $documentroot_group,
+ documentroot_mode => $documentroot_mode,
+ }
+ # create vhost configuration file
+ ::apache::vhost{$name:
+ ensure => $ensure,
+ path => $path,
+ template_mode => 'static',
+ vhost_mode => $vhost_mode,
+ vhost_source => $vhost_source,
+ vhost_destination => $vhost_destination,
+ domain => $domain,
+ domainalias => $domainalias,
+ server_admin => $server_admin,
+ allow_override => $allow_override,
+ do_includes => $do_includes,
+ options => $options,
+ additional_options => $additional_options,
+ default_charset => $default_charset,
+ ssl_mode => $ssl_mode,
+ htpasswd_file => $htpasswd_file,
+ htpasswd_path => $htpasswd_path,
+ mod_security => false,
+ }
diff --git a/manifests/vhost/template.pp b/manifests/vhost/template.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07429a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manifests/vhost/template.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+# template_mode:
+# - php: for a default php application
+# - static: for a static application (default)
+# - perl: for a mod_perl application
+# - php_joomla: for a joomla application
+# domainalias:
+# - absent: no domainalias is set (*default*)
+# - www: domainalias is set to www.$domain
+# - else: domainalias is set to that
+# ssl_mode: wether this vhost supports ssl or not
+# - false: don't enable ssl for this vhost (default)
+# - true: enable ssl for this vhost
+# - force: enable ssl and redirect non-ssl to ssl
+define apache::vhost::template(
+ $ensure = present,
+ $path = 'absent',
+ $path_is_webdir = false,
+ $domain = 'absent',
+ $domainalias = 'absent',
+ $server_admin = 'absent',
+ $allow_override = 'None',
+ $php_upload_tmp_dir = 'absent',
+ $php_session_save_path = 'absent',
+ $cgi_binpath = 'absent',
+ $do_includes = false,
+ $options = 'absent',
+ $additional_options = 'absent',
+ $default_charset = 'absent',
+ $run_mode = 'normal',
+ $run_uid = 'absent',
+ $run_gid = 'absent',
+ $template_mode = 'static',
+ $ssl_mode = false,
+ $mod_security = true,
+ $htpasswd_file = 'absent',
+ $htpasswd_path = 'absent',
+ $ldap_auth = false,
+ $ldap_user = 'any'
+ $real_path = $path ? {
+ 'absent' => $operatingsystem ? {
+ openbsd => "/var/www/htdocs/$name",
+ default => "/var/www/vhosts/$name"
+ },
+ default => $path
+ }
+ if $path_is_webdir {
+ $documentroot = "$real_path"
+ } else {
+ $documentroot = "$real_path/www"
+ }
+ $logdir = "$real_path/logs"
+ $servername = $domain ? {
+ 'absent' => $name,
+ default => $domain
+ }
+ $serveralias = $domainalias ? {
+ 'absent' => '',
+ 'www' => "www.${servername}",
+ default => $domainalias
+ }
+ if $htpasswd_path == 'absent' {
+ $real_htpasswd_path = "/var/www/htpasswds/$name"
+ } else {
+ $real_htpasswd_path = $htpasswd_path
+ }
+ case $run_mode {
+ 'itk': {
+ case $run_uid {
+ 'absent': { fail("you have to define run_uid for $name on $fqdn") }
+ }
+ case $run_gid {
+ 'absent': { fail("you have to define run_gid for $name on $fqdn") }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # set default dirs for templates
+ # php upload_tmp_dir
+ case $php_upload_tmp_dir {
+ 'absent': {
+ $real_php_upload_tmp_dir = "/var/www/upload_tmp_dir/$name"
+ }
+ default: { $real_php_upload_tmp_dir = $php_upload_tmp_dir }
+ }
+ # php session_save_path
+ case $php_session_save_path {
+ 'absent': {
+ $real_php_session_save_path = "/var/www/session.save_path/$name"
+ }
+ default: { $real_php_session_save_path = $php_session_save_path }
+ }
+ apache::vhost::file{$name:
+ ensure => $ensure,
+ content => template("apache/vhosts/$template_mode/$operatingsystem.erb"),
+ do_includes => $do_includes,
+ htpasswd_file => $htpasswd_file,
+ htpasswd_path => $htpasswd_path,
+ }
diff --git a/manifests/vhost/webdav.pp b/manifests/vhost/webdav.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6eaa7cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manifests/vhost/webdav.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# Webdav vhost: to manage webdav accessible targets
+# run_mode:
+# - normal: nothing special (*default*)
+# - itk: apache is running with the itk module
+# and run_uid and run_gid are used as vhost users
+# run_uid: the uid the vhost should run as with the itk module
+# run_gid: the gid the vhost should run as with the itk module
+define apache::vhost::webdav(
+ $ensure = present,
+ $domain = 'absent',
+ $domainalias = 'absent',
+ $server_admin = 'absent',
+ $path = 'absent',
+ $owner = root,
+ $group = 0,
+ $manage_webdir = true,
+ $path_is_webdir = false,
+ $documentroot_owner = apache,
+ $documentroot_group = 0,
+ $documentroot_mode = 0640,
+ $run_mode = 'normal',
+ $run_uid = 'absent',
+ $run_gid = 'absent',
+ $options = 'absent',
+ $additional_options = 'absent',
+ $default_charset = 'absent',
+ $mod_security = false,
+ $ssl_mode = false,
+ $vhost_mode = 'template',
+ $vhost_source = 'absent',
+ $vhost_destination = 'absent',
+ $htpasswd_file = 'absent',
+ $htpasswd_path = 'absent',
+ $ldap_auth = false,
+ $ldap_user = 'any'
+ if $manage_webdir {
+ # create webdir
+ ::apache::vhost::webdir{$name:
+ ensure => $ensure,
+ path => $path,
+ owner => $owner,
+ group => $group,
+ run_mode => $run_mode,
+ documentroot_owner => $documentroot_owner,
+ documentroot_group => $documentroot_group,
+ documentroot_mode => $documentroot_mode,
+ }
+ }
+ # create vhost configuration file
+ ::apache::vhost{$name:
+ ensure => $ensure,
+ path => $path,
+ path_is_webdir => $path_is_webdir,
+ template_mode => 'webdav',
+ vhost_mode => $vhost_mode,
+ vhost_source => $vhost_source,
+ vhost_destination => $vhost_destination,
+ domain => $domain,
+ domainalias => $domainalias,
+ server_admin => $server_admin,
+ run_mode => $run_mode,
+ run_uid => $run_uid,
+ options => $options,
+ additional_options => $additional_options,
+ default_charset => $default_charset,
+ ssl_mode => $ssl_mode,
+ htpasswd_file => $htpasswd_file,
+ htpasswd_path => $htpasswd_path,
+ ldap_auth => $ldap_auth,
+ ldap_user => $ldap_user,
+ mod_security => $mod_security,
+ }
diff --git a/manifests/vhost/webdir.pp b/manifests/vhost/webdir.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3b53f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manifests/vhost/webdir.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# create webdir
+define apache::vhost::webdir(
+ $ensure = present,
+ $path = 'absent',
+ $owner = root,
+ $group = apache,
+ $mode = 0640,
+ $run_mode = 'normal',
+ $documentroot_owner = root,
+ $documentroot_group = apache,
+ $documentroot_mode = 0640,
+ $documentroot_recurse = false
+ $real_path = $path ? {
+ 'absent' => $operatingsystem ? {
+ openbsd => "/var/www/htdocs/${name}",
+ default => "/var/www/vhosts/${name}"
+ },
+ default => "${path}"
+ }
+ if ($run_mode == 'itk') and ($mode == '0640'){
+ $real_mode = 0644
+ } else {
+ $real_mode = $mode
+ }
+ $documentroot = "${real_path}/www"
+ $logdir = "${real_path}/logs"
+ if $owner == 'apache' {
+ if $apache_default_user == '' {
+ $real_owner = $operatingsystem ? {
+ openbsd => 'www',
+ default => $owner
+ }
+ } else {
+ $real_owner = $apache_default_user
+ }
+ } else {
+ $real_owner = $owner
+ }
+ if $group == 'apache' {
+ if $apache_default_group == '' {
+ $real_group = $operatingsystem ? {
+ openbsd => 'www',
+ default => $group
+ }
+ } else {
+ $real_group = $apache_default_group
+ }
+ } else {
+ $real_group = $group
+ }
+ if $documentroot_owner == 'apache' {
+ if $apache_default_user == '' {
+ $real_documentroot_owner = $operatingsystem ? {
+ openbsd => 'www',
+ default => $documentroot_owner
+ }
+ } else {
+ $real_documentroot_owner = $apache_default_user
+ }
+ } else {
+ $real_documentroot_owner = $documentroot_owner
+ }
+ if $documentroot_group == 'apache' {
+ if $apache_default_group == '' {
+ $real_documentroot_group = $operatingsystem ? {
+ openbsd => 'www',
+ default => $documentroot_group
+ }
+ } else {
+ $real_documentroot_group = $apache_default_group
+ }
+ } else {
+ $real_documentroot_group = $documentroot_group
+ }
+ case $ensure {
+ absent: {
+ file{[ "$real_path", "$documentroot", "$logdir" ]:
+ ensure => absent,
+ purge => true,
+ recurse => true,
+ force => true,
+ }
+ }
+ default: {
+ file{"$real_path":
+ ensure => directory,
+ owner => $real_owner, group => $real_group, mode => $real_mode;
+ }
+ file{"$documentroot":
+ ensure => directory,
+ recurse => $documentroot_recurse,
+ owner => $real_documentroot_owner, group => $real_documentroot_group, mode => $documentroot_mode;
+ }
+ file{"$logdir":
+ ensure => directory,
+ owner => $real_documentroot_owner, group => $real_documentroot_group, mode => 770;
+ }
+ }
+ }