diff options
authorvarac <>2016-03-08 19:24:17 +0000
committervarac <>2016-03-08 19:24:17 +0000
commit6d6e701651341ee58832527b54793c4cb9282d88 (patch)
parent9fc6136f665de3a9df41c9b68d2c899b8323b069 (diff)
Fix dkim key msg
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/leap-platform-test b/leap-platform-test
index 1748253..3f14786 100755
--- a/leap-platform-test
+++ b/leap-platform-test
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ deploy() {
# we need to deploy with verbose level 2, and filter out unwanted stuff
# until puppet errors show up in verbose level 0 +1 (#1750)
- FILTER_CLI=' - \[.*\] Changed /etc/hostname to| - \[.*\] Changed hostname to|= read|= loading|= no change| - executing| = executing| = applying| = ran git| = checking| = synching| = skipping file_path| - cd .*; rsync -| - hiera| = created hiera/| = updated hiera/| = updated secrets.json| - cd /root/| - rolling backexecuting| - files/|\[bin,tests,puppet\] ->|] Hostname updated.| = Updating submodule puppet/modules|Warning: Permanently added.*to the list of known hosts.| = leap command v| = leap platform v| - \[.*\] ok| - \[.*\] STARTING APPLY| - \[.*\] APPLY COMPLETE|net.ssh.authentication.agent.*could not connect to ssh-agent|Deploying | - mx/, mx/dkim.key -> rewdevmx1:/srv/leap/files'
+ FILTER_CLI=' - \[.*\] Changed /etc/hostname to| - \[.*\] Changed hostname to|= read|= loading|= no change| - executing| = executing| = applying| = ran git| = checking| = synching| = skipping file_path| - cd .*; rsync -| - hiera| = created hiera/| = updated hiera/| = updated secrets.json| - cd /root/| - rolling backexecuting| - files/|\[bin,tests,puppet\] ->|] Hostname updated.| = Updating submodule puppet/modules|Warning: Permanently added.*to the list of known hosts.| = leap command v| = leap platform v| - \[.*\] ok| - \[.*\] STARTING APPLY| - \[.*\] APPLY COMPLETE|net.ssh.authentication.agent.*could not connect to ssh-agent|Deploying | - mx/, mx/dkim.key -> .*/srv/leap/files'
FILTER_PUPPET="] notice: |] No change to hostname|] Puppet apply complete \(changes made\).|] warning: Dynamic lookup|] warning: Scope\(Class|Skipping because of failed dependencies|warning: You cannot collect without storeconfigs being set|warning: Not collecting exported resources without storeconfigs|warning: default \`to_a' will be obsolete|Warning: Found multiple default providers for vcsrepo"