path: root/web-ui/app/templates/mails
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-02-23Reformat sent email list item templaterafael lisboa
2015-02-23Add pencil icon to draftsrafael lisboa
2015-02-19#239 Removing function that dynamically sets a margin-top to the full email v...Gabriel Albo
2014-11-18#30 - Fixing paperclip icon placementGabriel Albo
2014-11-17Card #30 - shows attachment icon on mails listPatrick Maia
2014-11-12Card #30 - fixes bug that was preventing attachment downloadPatrick Maia
2014-11-12Removing the attachments icon for nowGabriel Albo
2014-11-12Fixing functional test failure on 'trash/delete this message' step. Adding at...Gabriel Albo
2014-11-12Changing 'trash it' buttons to 'delete it' so language is consistent througho...Gabriel Albo
2014-11-10removes useless code from full_view.hbs templatePatrick Maia
2014-11-10Adding a verification for the number of attachmentsGabriel Albo
2014-11-10adds styling to attachment area.Gabriel Albo
2014-11-03Card #30 - shows attachment information on mail visualizationPatrick Maia and Victor Shyba
2014-10-28Fixing open div tagDuda Dornelles
2014-10-28Rearranging tags position inside the mail listGabriel Albo
2014-10-01#53 - does not show modal on when all tags are removed. Now its allowed to do...Patrick Maia
2014-08-08adds signatureStatus, encryptionStatus, tags feature togglesPatrick Maia
2014-07-31Add web-ui based on previous codeOla Bini