path: root/py-fake-service/features/step_definitions/mail_view.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'py-fake-service/features/step_definitions/mail_view.rb')
1 files changed, 67 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/py-fake-service/features/step_definitions/mail_view.rb b/py-fake-service/features/step_definitions/mail_view.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..19ca5736
--- /dev/null
+++ b/py-fake-service/features/step_definitions/mail_view.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+A_MAIL = /[^\s@]+@[^\s@]+\.[^\s@]+/
+Then(/^I see the mail has a cc and a bcc recipient$/) do
+ within('.msg-header') do
+ first('.cc').text.should =~ A_MAIL
+ first('.bcc').text.should =~ A_MAIL
+ end
+Then(/^that email has the '(.*)' tag$/) do |tag|
+ within('#mail-view') do |e|
+ all('.tagsArea .tag').map(&:text).map(&:downcase).to_a.should include(tag)
+ end
+When(/I add the tag '(.*)' to that mail/) do |tag|
+ page.execute_script("$('#new-tag-button').click();")
+ page.execute_script("$('#new-tag-input').val('#{tag}');")
+ find('#new-tag-input').native.send_keys [:return]
+And(/^I reply to it$/) do
+ click_button('Reply')
+ click_button('Send')
+Then(/^I choose to forward this mail$/) do
+ click_button('Forward')
+Then(/^I forward this mail$/) do
+ click_button('Send')
+Then(/^I remove all tags$/) do
+ within('.tagsArea') do
+ all('.tag').each do |tag|
+ end
+ end
+Then(/^I choose to trash$/) do
+ click_button('Trash message')
+When(/^I try to delete the first mail$/) do
+ step 'I open the first mail in the mail list'
+ within('#mail-view') do
+ page.driver.find_css('#view-more-actions')[0].click
+ page.driver.execute_script("$('#delete-button-top').click();")
+ end
+ find('#user-alerts').text.should == 'Your message was moved to trash!'
+Then(/^I see that the subject reads '(.*)'$/) do |expected_subject|
+ find('#mail-view .subject').text.should == expected_subject
+Then(/^I see that the body reads '(.*)'$/) do |expected_body|
+ find('#mail-view .bodyArea').text.should == expected_body
+Then(/^I see if the mail has html content/) do
+ find('#mail-view .bodyArea').should have_css('h2[style*=\'color: #3f4944\']', :text => "cborim")