path: root/web-ui/public/js/lib/html4-defs.js
diff options
authorZara Gebru <>2016-12-02 15:25:23 +0100
committerZara Gebru <>2016-12-02 15:25:23 +0100
commitb14833fbb56bcd5bff0750c16fd9214009b955be (patch)
treea1ec621dd5f76d756ac59b72a763a34a2c189387 /web-ui/public/js/lib/html4-defs.js
parent688a8b42e8ab7c6d4529b6dda66f40eead07ad02 (diff)
[refactor] move app dir into public dir
Diffstat (limited to 'web-ui/public/js/lib/html4-defs.js')
1 files changed, 640 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/web-ui/public/js/lib/html4-defs.js b/web-ui/public/js/lib/html4-defs.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1ec575da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/web-ui/public/js/lib/html4-defs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,640 @@
+// Copyright Google Inc.
+// Licensed under the Apache Licence Version 2.0
+// Autogenerated at Mon Jul 14 18:51:33 BRT 2014
+// @overrides window
+// @provides html4
+define([], function() {
+var html4 = {};
+html4.atype = {
+ 'NONE': 0,
+ 'URI': 1,
+ 'SCRIPT': 2,
+ 'STYLE': 3,
+ 'HTML': 12,
+ 'ID': 4,
+ 'IDREF': 5,
+ 'IDREFS': 6,
+ 'LOCAL_NAME': 8,
+ 'CLASSES': 9,
+html4[ 'atype' ] = html4.atype;
+html4.ATTRIBS = {
+ '*::class': 9,
+ '*::dir': 0,
+ '*::draggable': 0,
+ '*::hidden': 0,
+ '*::id': 4,
+ '*::inert': 0,
+ '*::itemprop': 0,
+ '*::itemref': 6,
+ '*::itemscope': 0,
+ '*::lang': 0,
+ '*::onblur': 2,
+ '*::onchange': 2,
+ '*::onclick': 2,
+ '*::ondblclick': 2,
+ '*::onerror': 2,
+ '*::onfocus': 2,
+ '*::onkeydown': 2,
+ '*::onkeypress': 2,
+ '*::onkeyup': 2,
+ '*::onload': 2,
+ '*::onmousedown': 2,
+ '*::onmousemove': 2,
+ '*::onmouseout': 2,
+ '*::onmouseover': 2,
+ '*::onmouseup': 2,
+ '*::onreset': 2,
+ '*::onscroll': 2,
+ '*::onselect': 2,
+ '*::onsubmit': 2,
+ '*::ontouchcancel': 2,
+ '*::ontouchend': 2,
+ '*::ontouchenter': 2,
+ '*::ontouchleave': 2,
+ '*::ontouchmove': 2,
+ '*::ontouchstart': 2,
+ '*::onunload': 2,
+ '*::spellcheck': 0,
+ '*::style': 3,
+ '*::tabindex': 0,
+ '*::title': 0,
+ '*::translate': 0,
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+ 'tr::charoff': 0,
+ 'tr::valign': 0,
+ 'track::default': 0,
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+ 'track::srclang': 0,
+ 'ul::compact': 0,
+ 'ul::type': 0,
+ 'video::controls': 0,
+ 'video::height': 0,
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+html4[ 'ATTRIBS' ] = html4.ATTRIBS;
+html4.eflags = {
+ 'EMPTY': 2,
+ 'CDATA': 4,
+ 'RCDATA': 8,
+ 'UNSAFE': 16,
+ 'FOLDABLE': 32,
+ 'SCRIPT': 64,
+ 'STYLE': 128,
+html4[ 'eflags' ] = html4.eflags;
+html4.ELEMENTS = {
+ 'a': 0,
+ 'abbr': 0,
+ 'acronym': 0,
+ 'address': 0,
+ 'applet': 272,
+ 'area': 2,
+ 'article': 0,
+ 'aside': 0,
+ 'audio': 0,
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+ 'basefont': 274,
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+ 'center': 0,
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+ 'col': 2,
+ 'colgroup': 1,
+ 'command': 2,
+ 'data': 0,
+ 'datalist': 0,
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+ 'del': 0,
+ 'details': 0,
+ 'dfn': 0,
+ 'dialog': 272,
+ 'dir': 0,
+ 'div': 0,
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+ 'dt': 1,
+ 'em': 0,
+ 'fieldset': 0,
+ 'figcaption': 0,
+ 'figure': 0,
+ 'font': 0,
+ 'footer': 0,
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+ 'h3': 0,
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+ 'h5': 0,
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+ 'head': 305,
+ 'header': 0,
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+ 'html': 305,
+ 'i': 0,
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+ 'img': 2,
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+ 'keygen': 274,
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+ 'legend': 0,
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+ 'link': 274,
+ 'map': 0,
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+ 'menu': 0,
+ 'meta': 274,
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+ 'optgroup': 0,
+ 'option': 1,
+ 'output': 0,
+ 'p': 1,
+ 'param': 274,
+ 'pre': 0,
+ 'progress': 0,
+ 'q': 0,
+ 's': 0,
+ 'samp': 0,
+ 'script': 84,
+ 'section': 0,
+ 'select': 0,
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+ 'td': 1,
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+ 'title': 280,
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+ 'track': 2,
+ 'tt': 0,
+ 'u': 0,
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+ 'var': 0,
+ 'video': 0,
+ 'wbr': 2
+html4[ 'ELEMENTS' ] = html4.ELEMENTS;
+ 'a': 'HTMLAnchorElement',
+ 'abbr': 'HTMLElement',
+ 'acronym': 'HTMLElement',
+ 'address': 'HTMLElement',
+ 'applet': 'HTMLAppletElement',
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+ 'data': 'HTMLElement',
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+ 'del': 'HTMLModElement',
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+ 'dialog': 'HTMLDialogElement',
+ 'dir': 'HTMLDirectoryElement',
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+ 'h5': 'HTMLHeadingElement',
+ 'h6': 'HTMLHeadingElement',
+ 'head': 'HTMLHeadElement',
+ 'header': 'HTMLElement',
+ 'hgroup': 'HTMLElement',
+ 'hr': 'HTMLHRElement',
+ 'html': 'HTMLHtmlElement',
+ 'i': 'HTMLElement',
+ 'iframe': 'HTMLIFrameElement',
+ 'img': 'HTMLImageElement',
+ 'input': 'HTMLInputElement',
+ 'ins': 'HTMLModElement',
+ 'isindex': 'HTMLUnknownElement',
+ 'kbd': 'HTMLElement',
+ 'keygen': 'HTMLKeygenElement',
+ 'label': 'HTMLLabelElement',
+ 'legend': 'HTMLLegendElement',
+ 'li': 'HTMLLIElement',
+ 'link': 'HTMLLinkElement',
+ 'map': 'HTMLMapElement',
+ 'mark': 'HTMLElement',
+ 'menu': 'HTMLMenuElement',
+ 'meta': 'HTMLMetaElement',
+ 'meter': 'HTMLMeterElement',
+ 'nav': 'HTMLElement',
+ 'nobr': 'HTMLElement',
+ 'noembed': 'HTMLElement',
+ 'noframes': 'HTMLElement',
+ 'noscript': 'HTMLElement',
+ 'object': 'HTMLObjectElement',
+ 'ol': 'HTMLOListElement',
+ 'optgroup': 'HTMLOptGroupElement',
+ 'option': 'HTMLOptionElement',
+ 'output': 'HTMLOutputElement',
+ 'p': 'HTMLParagraphElement',
+ 'param': 'HTMLParamElement',
+ 'pre': 'HTMLPreElement',
+ 'progress': 'HTMLProgressElement',
+ 'q': 'HTMLQuoteElement',
+ 's': 'HTMLElement',
+ 'samp': 'HTMLElement',
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+ 'section': 'HTMLElement',
+ 'select': 'HTMLSelectElement',
+ 'small': 'HTMLElement',
+ 'source': 'HTMLSourceElement',
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+ 'strike': 'HTMLElement',
+ 'strong': 'HTMLElement',
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+ 'sub': 'HTMLElement',
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+ 'sup': 'HTMLElement',
+ 'table': 'HTMLTableElement',
+ 'tbody': 'HTMLTableSectionElement',
+ 'td': 'HTMLTableDataCellElement',
+ 'textarea': 'HTMLTextAreaElement',
+ 'tfoot': 'HTMLTableSectionElement',
+ 'th': 'HTMLTableHeaderCellElement',
+ 'thead': 'HTMLTableSectionElement',
+ 'time': 'HTMLTimeElement',
+ 'title': 'HTMLTitleElement',
+ 'tr': 'HTMLTableRowElement',
+ 'track': 'HTMLTrackElement',
+ 'tt': 'HTMLElement',
+ 'u': 'HTMLElement',
+ 'ul': 'HTMLUListElement',
+ 'var': 'HTMLElement',
+ 'video': 'HTMLVideoElement',
+ 'wbr': 'HTMLElement'
+html4.ueffects = {
+ 'NOT_LOADED': 0,
+html4[ 'ueffects' ] = html4.ueffects;
+html4.URIEFFECTS = {
+ 'a::href': 2,
+ 'area::href': 2,
+ 'audio::src': 1,
+ 'blockquote::cite': 0,
+ 'command::icon': 1,
+ 'del::cite': 0,
+ 'form::action': 2,
+ 'img::src': 1,
+ 'input::src': 1,
+ 'ins::cite': 0,
+ 'q::cite': 0,
+ 'video::poster': 1,
+ 'video::src': 1
+html4[ 'URIEFFECTS' ] = html4.URIEFFECTS;
+html4.ltypes = {
+ 'DATA': 0
+html4[ 'ltypes' ] = html4.ltypes;
+html4.LOADERTYPES = {
+ 'a::href': 2,
+ 'area::href': 2,
+ 'audio::src': 2,
+ 'blockquote::cite': 2,
+ 'command::icon': 1,
+ 'del::cite': 2,
+ 'form::action': 2,
+ 'img::src': 1,
+ 'input::src': 1,
+ 'ins::cite': 2,
+ 'q::cite': 2,
+ 'video::poster': 1,
+ 'video::src': 2
+html4[ 'LOADERTYPES' ] = html4.LOADERTYPES;
+return html4