path: root/py-fake-service
diff options
authorDuda Dornelles <>2014-08-20 14:59:46 -0300
committerDuda Dornelles <>2014-08-21 10:50:11 -0300
commit44e1ff7a6ce3329f747cb6a52c91bc47a0c8c93c (patch)
treefd7162b4e61286c3f8a4dd31a2cbb1006bd4b64e /py-fake-service
parentd63d4b489af735651cee9d50357aa84106a19cd2 (diff)
removing fake service
Diffstat (limited to 'py-fake-service')
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 207 deletions
diff --git a/py-fake-service/features/step_definitions/compose.rb b/py-fake-service/features/step_definitions/compose.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e92d16f6..00000000
--- a/py-fake-service/features/step_definitions/compose.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-Given /^I compose a message with$/ do |table|
- find('#compose-mails-trigger').click
- data = table.hashes.first
- fill_in('Subject', with: data['subject'])
- fill_in('Body', with: data['body'])
-Given /^for the '(.*)' field I type '(.*)' and chose the first contact that shows$/ do |recipients_field, to_type|
- recipients_field.downcase!
- within("#recipients-#{recipients_field}-area") do
- find('.tt-input').native.send_keys(to_type)
- sleep 1
- first('.tt-dropdown-menu div div').click
- end
-Given /^I save the draft$/ do
- click_button("Save Draft")
-When /^I open the saved draft and send it$/ do
- step "I select the tag 'drafts'"
- step "I open the first mail in the mail list"
- page.should_not have_css("#send-button[disabled]")
- click_button('Send')
- find('#user-alerts').should have_content("Your message was sent!")
diff --git a/py-fake-service/features/step_definitions/mail_list.rb b/py-fake-service/features/step_definitions/mail_list.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d41a62a0..00000000
--- a/py-fake-service/features/step_definitions/mail_list.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-When(/^I open the first mail in the '(.*)'$/) do |tag|
- page.execute_script("window.scrollBy(0, -200)")
- step "I select the tag '#{tag}'"
- step 'I open the first mail in the mail list'
-When(/^I open the first mail in the mail list$/) do
- within('#mail-list') do
- mail_link = first('a')
- @current_mail_id = mail_link.native.attribute('href').scan(/\/(\d+)$/).flatten.first
- begin
- rescue # in Chrome, the 'a' in mail_list is not clickable because it's hidden inside the 'li'
- mail_link_parent_li = mail_link.find(:xpath, '../..')
- end
- end
-When(/I see that mail under the '(.*)' tag/) do |tag|
- step "I select the tag '#{tag}'"
- check_current_mail_is_visible
-And(/^I open the mail I previously tagged$/) do
- open_current_mail
-When(/^I open that mail$/) do
- open_current_mail
-Then(/^I see the mail I sent$/) do
- check_current_mail_is_visible
-Then(/^the deleted mail is there$/) do
- check_current_mail_is_visible
-def open_current_mail
- within('#mail-list') do
- begin
- first("#mail-#{@current_mail_id} a").click
- rescue # in Chrome, the 'a' in mail_list is not clickable because it's hidden inside the 'li'
- first("#mail-#{@current_mail_id}").click
- end
- end
-def check_current_mail_is_visible
- within('#mail-list') do
- have_selector?("#mail-#{@current_mail_id}").should be_true
- end
diff --git a/py-fake-service/features/step_definitions/mail_view.rb b/py-fake-service/features/step_definitions/mail_view.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 19ca5736..00000000
--- a/py-fake-service/features/step_definitions/mail_view.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-A_MAIL = /[^\s@]+@[^\s@]+\.[^\s@]+/
-Then(/^I see the mail has a cc and a bcc recipient$/) do
- within('.msg-header') do
- first('.cc').text.should =~ A_MAIL
- first('.bcc').text.should =~ A_MAIL
- end
-Then(/^that email has the '(.*)' tag$/) do |tag|
- within('#mail-view') do |e|
- all('.tagsArea .tag').map(&:text).map(&:downcase).to_a.should include(tag)
- end
-When(/I add the tag '(.*)' to that mail/) do |tag|
- page.execute_script("$('#new-tag-button').click();")
- page.execute_script("$('#new-tag-input').val('#{tag}');")
- find('#new-tag-input').native.send_keys [:return]
-And(/^I reply to it$/) do
- click_button('Reply')
- click_button('Send')
-Then(/^I choose to forward this mail$/) do
- click_button('Forward')
-Then(/^I forward this mail$/) do
- click_button('Send')
-Then(/^I remove all tags$/) do
- within('.tagsArea') do
- all('.tag').each do |tag|
- end
- end
-Then(/^I choose to trash$/) do
- click_button('Trash message')
-When(/^I try to delete the first mail$/) do
- step 'I open the first mail in the mail list'
- within('#mail-view') do
- page.driver.find_css('#view-more-actions')[0].click
- page.driver.execute_script("$('#delete-button-top').click();")
- end
- find('#user-alerts').text.should == 'Your message was moved to trash!'
-Then(/^I see that the subject reads '(.*)'$/) do |expected_subject|
- find('#mail-view .subject').text.should == expected_subject
-Then(/^I see that the body reads '(.*)'$/) do |expected_body|
- find('#mail-view .bodyArea').text.should == expected_body
-Then(/^I see if the mail has html content/) do
- find('#mail-view .bodyArea').should have_css('h2[style*=\'color: #3f4944\']', :text => "cborim")
diff --git a/py-fake-service/features/step_definitions/search.rb b/py-fake-service/features/step_definitions/search.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index de89759c..00000000
--- a/py-fake-service/features/step_definitions/search.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-When(/^I search for a mail with the words "(.*)"$/) do |search_term|
- search_field = find('#search-trigger input[type="search"]').native
- search_field.send_keys(search_term)
- search_field.send_keys(:return)
-Then(/^I see one or more mails in the search results$/) do
- within('#mail-list') do
- all('li').length.should >= 1
- end
diff --git a/py-fake-service/features/step_definitions/tag_list.rb b/py-fake-service/features/step_definitions/tag_list.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 678f5ce9..00000000
--- a/py-fake-service/features/step_definitions/tag_list.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-When(/^I select the tag '(.*)'$/) do |tag|
- wait_for_user_alert_to_disapear # in Chrome, the 'flash message is on top of the toggle
- first('.left-off-canvas-toggle').click
- page.execute_script("window.scrollBy(0, -200)")
- within('#tag-list') { find('li', text: /#{tag}/i).click }
-def wait_for_user_alert_to_disapear
- begin
- while find('#user-alerts')
- sleep 0.1
- end
- rescue #if it couldn't find it, go ahead
- end
diff --git a/py-fake-service/features/support/env.rb b/py-fake-service/features/support/env.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2386da9b..00000000
--- a/py-fake-service/features/support/env.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-require 'capybara'
-require 'capybara-screenshot'
-require 'capybara-screenshot/cucumber'
-RACK_PORT = ENV['RACK_PORT'] || '4567'
-HOST = "http://localhost:#{RACK_PORT}"
-Capybara.register_driver :selenium_chrome do |app|
-, :browser => :firefox)
-Capybara::Screenshot.register_driver(:selenium_chrome) do |driver, path|
- driver.browser.save_screenshot(path)
-driver = ENV['CUCUMBER_DRIVER'] ? ENV['CUCUMBER_DRIVER'].to_sym : :selenium_chrome
-Capybara.configure do |config|
- config.run_server = false
- config.default_driver = driver
- config.app_host = HOST
-include Capybara::DSL
-Before do
- #{ }`curl -d '' #{HOST}/control/mailset/mediumtagged/load`
- sleep 3
- visit '/?lang=en'
- page.driver.browser.manage.window.maximize