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authorBruno Wagner <>2016-08-26 15:58:40 -0300
committerThais Siqueira <>2016-08-26 15:58:40 -0300
commit6fe3b52af612062927b5d14a69f8f66d2e33635e (patch)
parentd107dd9fa0f5d837adb952fb8cb3f8b3b0b9804c (diff)
Normalized the output of the patch
We had different outputs for inlineCallbacks and traditional callbacks and the output was kinda confusing. We normalized the output to <time> <type>: function <name> (<file>:<line>) in thread <thread_id> We also changed the earlier type from deferred to callback (because that is what's being measured) so now we have two possible types: callback and inlineCallbacks
1 files changed, 19 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/service/test/reactor/defer.patch b/service/test/reactor/defer.patch
index 06f49706..d53fe919 100644
--- a/service/test/reactor/defer.patch
+++ b/service/test/reactor/defer.patch
@@ -1,18 +1,20 @@
> from datetime import datetime
> class Clock():
-> def __init__(self, label):
+> def __init__(self, label, callback_type, thread_id):
> self.start =
> self.label = label
+> self.thread_id = thread_id
+> self.callback_type = callback_type
-> def stop(self, callback_type):
+> def stop(self):
> end =
> total = (end - self.start).total_seconds()
> if total > 0.1:
-> print('EXECUTING {}: {} {:.5f}'.format(callback_type, self.label, total))
+> print('{:.4f} {}: function {} in thread {}'.format(total, self.callback_type, self.label, self.thread_id))
> import threading
@@ -28,26 +30,26 @@
> return False
> f = inspect.getsourcefile(i)
> ln = inspect.getsourcelines(i)[1]
-> return "%s (%s:%d)" % (str(i), f, ln)
+> return "%s (%s:%d)" % (i.__name__, f, ln)
< current.result = callback(current.result, *args, **kw)
> currentItem = identifyItem(callback)
> currentThreadId = threading.current_thread().ident
> if currentItem:
-> clock = Clock("%s in thread %d" % (currentItem, currentThreadId))
+> clock = Clock(currentItem, 'callback', currentThreadId)
> try:
> current.result = callback(current.result, *args, **kw)
> finally:
> if currentItem:
-> clock.stop('deferred')
+> clock.stop()
-> currentThreadId = threading.current_thread().ident
-> c = Clock("%s in thread %d" % (str(g.gi_code), currentThreadId))
-> c.stop('inlineCallback')
-> c.stop('inlineCallback')
+> currentThreadId = threading.current_thread().ident
+> label = "%s (%s:%d)" % (g.__name__, g.gi_code.co_filename, g.gi_code.co_firstlineno)
+> c = Clock(label, 'inlineCallback', currentThreadId)
+> c.stop()
+> c.stop()