path: root/scripts/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-01-30Install sshfs for vagrant-sshfs, version: 1.2.7HEADmastervarac
2016-12-06Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/KwadroNaut/develop'kwadronaut
2016-11-05Configure locales, add more needed packagesvarac
2016-11-05First working lxc buildvarac
2016-02-09added bash-completionvarac
2016-02-05sync packages with what we had with veeweekwadronaut
2016-02-05remove openssl as requirement, use chpasswd for rootkwadronaut
2016-01-18install openssl to set root pwvarac
2016-01-18install build essential and kernel headers only for vboxvarac
2016-01-18fixed locales, hostname, one partitionvarac
2016-01-18added, use only one core for atlas buildsvarac