diff options
4 files changed, 146 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index e68c117..4d9ca39 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -187,3 +187,29 @@ Known problems
designed to allow query of a user database via proxy in order to
provide network perspective.
+Twitter Timeline on Main View
+This is a feature to include a twitter feed that displays most recent tweets
+of a (determined) twitter account (accessed via Twitter API).
+If you chose to use it, the feature gets included in `home/index` of
+LEAP web app (as part of the main view).
+* Create Twitter Application on
+ * Visit and log in with the twitter account you want to use
+ * Make sure you have a mobile phone number registered with your account to be able to proceed
+ * Choose the option to `Create New App`
+ * Fill in Application Details and Developer Agreement and `Create your Twitter application`
+ * Choose the section "Keys and Access Tokens" to get your consumer key and consumer secret
+ * Optional: Go to section "Permissions" and change the "Access" from `Read and Write` (by default) to `Read only`
+ * Have your consumer key and secret by hand for one of the next steps
+* Activate the feature within your local LEAP Web Application
+ * If not already existing create a secrets-file in /config with the name secrets.yml (`/config/secrets.yml`)
+ * Secrets-file should contain the following, make sure its in YAML: {"development"=> {"twitter"=>{"enabled"=>false, "twitter_handle"=>"", "bearer_token"=>"", "twitter_picture"=>nil}}, "test"=>{"twitter"=>{"enabled"=>false, "twitter_handle"=>"", "bearer_token"=>"", "twitter_picture"=>nil}}}
+ * To have your bearer token created, run script in terminal being in the file of leap_web: `script/generate_bearer_token`
+ * To have the script run properly you have to add before running: `--key your_consumerkey --secret your_consumersecret`
+ * Add also `--projectroot your_projectroot --twitterhandle your_twitterhandle` as well to not have manually put the data in your secrets-file
+ * The full command looks like this: `script/generate_bearer_token --key your_consumerkey --secret your_consumersecret --projectroot your_projectroot --twitterhandle your_twitterhandle`
+ * If you didn't give all your information to the script, had a typo or want to change anything else, please do so by finding the secrets-file at `/config/secrets.yml`
+ * Make sure that the correct twitterhandle and bearer-token is included
diff --git a/app/helpers/twitter_helper.rb b/app/helpers/twitter_helper.rb
index 1081c05..a5e7ae4 100644
--- a/app/helpers/twitter_helper.rb
+++ b/app/helpers/twitter_helper.rb
@@ -15,11 +15,43 @@ module TwitterHelper
+ def twitter_user_info
+ $twitter_user_info ||= []
+ end
def twitter_name
- twitter_client.user(twitter_handle).name
+ if twitter_user_info[0] == nil
+ update_twitter_info
+ else
+ if > twitter_user_info[0] + 15.minutes
+ update_twitter_info
+ end
+ end
+ twitter_user_info[1]
+ end
+ def update_twitter_info
+ twitter_user_info[0] =
+ twitter_user_info[1] = twitter_client.user(twitter_handle).name
+ end
+ def twitter_tweets
+ $twitter_tweets ||= []
+ end
+ def twitter_timeline
+ if twitter_tweets[0] == nil
+ update_twitter_timeline
+ else
+ if > twitter_tweets[0] + 15.minutes
+ update_twitter_timeline
+ end
+ end
+ twitter_tweets[1]
- def tweets
- twitter_client.user_timeline(twitter_handle).select{ |tweet| tweet.text.start_with?('RT','@')==false}.take(3)
+ def update_twitter_timeline
+ twitter_tweets[0] =
+ twitter_tweets[1] = twitter_client.user_timeline(twitter_handle).select{ |tweet| tweet.text.start_with?('RT','@')==false}.take(3)
diff --git a/app/views/twitter/_index.html.erb b/app/views/twitter/_index.html.erb
index 2d17aad..ac10aa4 100644
--- a/app/views/twitter/_index.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/twitter/_index.html.erb
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
<div class="twitter_list">
- <% tweets.each do |e| %>
+ <% twitter_timeline.each do |e| %>
<div class="tweet">
<div class="tweet_text"><%= " #{e.text}" %>
diff --git a/script/generate_bearer_token b/script/generate_bearer_token
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7091a8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/generate_bearer_token
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require "net/http"
+require "uri"
+require "json"
+require "base64"
+require "optparse"
+require "yaml"
+options = {}
+option_parser = do |opts|
+ opts.banner = "Create your bearer_token for twitter by including following two [options], feel free to have your secrets-file created/filled giving the other information as well:"
+ opts.on("--key KEY", "consumer_key of your twitter application") do |key|
+ options[:conkey] = key
+ end
+ opts.on("--secret SECRET", "consumer_secret of your twitter application") do |secret|
+ options[:consec] = secret
+ end
+ opts.on("--projectroot DIR", "directory where leapweb is") do |projectroot|
+ options[:projectroot] = projectroot
+ end
+ opts.on("--twitterhandle TWI", "twitterhandle without @ which will be passed into secrets-file") do |twitterhandle|
+ options[:twitterhandle] = twitterhandle
+ end
+if options[:conkey].nil? || options[:consec].nil? then
+ puts option_parser
+ exit
+ consumer_key = options[:conkey]
+ consumer_secret = options[:consec]
+uri = URI("")
+data = "grant_type=client_credentials"
+cre = Base64.strict_encode64("#{consumer_key}:#{consumer_secret}")
+authorization_headers = { "Authorization" => "Basic #{cre}"}
+Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port, use_ssl: true) do |http|
+ response = http.request_post(uri, data, authorization_headers)
+ token_hash = JSON.parse(response.body)
+ $bearer_token = token_hash["access_token"]
+if options[:projectroot].nil? then
+ puts "You didn't tell us the directory to have your secrets-file created or being filled. Feel free to copy/paste your bearer_token:"
+ puts $bearer_token
+ if File.exist?("#{options[:projectroot]}/leap_web/config/secrets.yml")
+ secrets = YAML.load_file("#{options[:projectroot]}/leap_web/config/secrets.yml")
+ else
+ puts "Please make sure that you created a secrets-file as described in the documentation or have given the correct directory. No secrets-file could be found."
+ exit
+ # secrets_content = {"twitter"=>{"enabled"=>false, "twitter_handle"=>"", "bearer_token"=>"", "twitter_picture"=>nil}}
+ # secrets = {"development"=> secrets_content, "test"=>secrets_content}
+ # secrets = {"development"=> {"twitter"=>{"enabled"=>false, "twitter_handle"=>"", "bearer_token"=>"", "twitter_picture"=>nil}}, "test"=>{"twitter"=>{"enabled"=>false, "twitter_handle"=>"", "bearer_token"=>"", "twitter_picture"=>nil}}}
+ #"#{options[:projectroot]}/leap_web/config/secrets.yml", "w")
+ end
+ if options[:twitterhandle].nil? then
+ if secrets["development"]["twitter"]["twitter_handle"] == "" then
+ puts "You didn't put your twitter-handle neither in the secrets-file nor passed it as a flag. Don't forget that you can't use the twitter-feature without your twitter-handle."
+ end
+ else
+ secrets["development"]["twitter"]["twitter_handle"] = options[:twitterhandle]
+ secrets["test"]["twitter"]["twitter_handle"] = options[:twitterhandle]
+ end
+ secrets["development"]["twitter"]["bearer_token"] = $bearer_token
+ secrets["test"]["twitter"]["bearer_token"] = $bearer_token
+"#{options[:projectroot]}/leap_web/config/secrets.yml", "r+") do |file|
+ file.write(secrets.to_yaml)
+ end