path: root/engines
diff options
authorAzul <>2014-07-17 11:54:51 +0200
committerAzul <>2014-07-17 11:54:51 +0200
commitd19e748ab10c0f119a84a0d7c9a1560e246b7505 (patch)
tree36ffdcf28753650c26f70cf25b501e54f98afe8b /engines
parente8a3df62d14c8dd775811f4af885cf7e76d5d3f6 (diff)
make sure i18n key can be found (cascade)
Also reformated long haml lines some. You can add a linebreak after a comma.
Diffstat (limited to 'engines')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/engines/support/app/views/tickets/_new_comment_form.html.haml b/engines/support/app/views/tickets/_new_comment_form.html.haml
index 711421d..f285b8b 100644
--- a/engines/support/app/views/tickets/_new_comment_form.html.haml
+++ b/engines/support/app/views/tickets/_new_comment_form.html.haml
@@ -4,10 +4,17 @@
= simple_form_for @ticket, :html => {:class => 'slim'} do |f|
= hidden_ticket_fields
= f.simple_fields_for :comments, @comment, :wrapper => :none, :html => {:class => 'slim'} do |c|
- = c.input :body, :label => false, :as => :text, :input_html => {:class => "full-width", :rows=> 5}
+ = c.input :body, :label => false, :as => :text,
+ :input_html => {:class => "full-width", :rows=> 5}
- if admin?
- = c.input :private, :as => :boolean, :label => false, :inline_label => true
- = f.button :loading, t(".post_reply"), class: 'btn-primary', value: 'post_reply'
+ = c.input :private,
+ :as => :boolean,
+ :label => false,
+ :inline_label => true
+ = f.button :loading, t(".post_reply", cascade: true),
+ class: 'btn-primary',
+ value: 'post_reply'
- if logged_in? && @ticket.is_open
- = f.button :loading, t(".reply_and_close"), value: 'reply_and_close'
+ = f.button :loading, t(".reply_and_close", cascade: true),
+ value: 'reply_and_close'
= btn t(".cancel"), auto_tickets_path