path: root/tests/helpers/srp_helper.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/helpers/srp_helper.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 171 deletions
diff --git a/tests/helpers/srp_helper.rb b/tests/helpers/srp_helper.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b30fa768..00000000
--- a/tests/helpers/srp_helper.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-# Here are some very stripped down helper methods for SRP, useful only for
-# testing the client side.
-require 'digest'
-require 'openssl'
-require 'securerandom'
-require 'base64'
-module SRP
- ##
- ## UTIL
- ##
- module Util
- PRIME_N = <<-EOS.split.join.hex
- BIG_PRIME_N = <<-EOS.split.join.hex # 1024 bits modulus (N)
- GENERATOR = 2 # g
- def hn_xor_hg
- byte_xor_hex(sha256_int(BIG_PRIME_N), sha256_int(GENERATOR))
- end
- # a^n (mod m)
- def modpow(a, n, m = BIG_PRIME_N)
- r = 1
- while true
- r = r * a % m if n[0] == 1
- n >>= 1
- return r if n == 0
- a = a * a % m
- end
- end
- # Hashes the (long) int args
- def sha256_int(*args)
- sha256_hex(*{|a| "%02x" % a})
- end
- # Hashes the hex args
- def sha256_hex(*args)
- h ={|a| a.length.odd? ? "0#{a}" : a }.join('')
- sha256_str([h].pack('H*'))
- end
- def sha256_str(s)
- Digest::SHA2.hexdigest(s)
- end
- def bigrand(bytes)
- OpenSSL::Random.random_bytes(bytes).unpack("H*")[0]
- end
- def multiplier
- @muliplier ||= calculate_multiplier
- end
- protected
- def calculate_multiplier
- sha256_int(BIG_PRIME_N, GENERATOR).hex
- end
- def byte_xor_hex(a, b)
- a = [a].pack('H*')
- b = [b].pack('H*')
- do |a_byte, i|
- (a_byte ^ (b[i].ord || 0)).chr
- end.join
- end
- end
- ##
- ##
- class Session
- include SRP::Util
- attr_accessor :user
- attr_accessor :bb
- def initialize(user, aa=nil)
- @user = user
- @a = bigrand(32).hex
- end
- def m
- @m ||= sha256_hex(n_xor_g_long, login_hash, @user.salt.to_s(16), aa, bb, k)
- end
- def aa
- @aa ||= modpow(GENERATOR, @a).to_s(16) # A = g^a (mod N)
- end
- protected
- # client: K = H( (B - kg^x) ^ (a + ux) )
- def client_secret
- base = bb.hex
- base -= modpow(GENERATOR, @user.private_key) * multiplier
- base = base % BIG_PRIME_N
- modpow(base, @user.private_key * u.hex + @a)
- end
- def k
- @k ||= sha256_int(client_secret)
- end
- def n_xor_g_long
- @n_xor_g_long ||={|b| "%02x" % b.ord}.join
- end
- def login_hash
- @login_hash ||= sha256_str(@user.username)
- end
- def u
- @u ||= sha256_hex(aa, bb)
- end
- end
- ##
- ## Dummy USER
- ##
- class User
- include SRP::Util
- attr_accessor :username, :password, :salt, :verifier, :id, :session_token, :ok, :deleted
- def initialize(username=nil)
- @username = username || "tmp_user_" + SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(10).downcase.gsub(/[_-]/, '')
- @password = "password_" + SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(10)
- @salt = bigrand(4).hex
- @verifier = modpow(GENERATOR, private_key)
- @ok = false
- @deleted = false
- end
- def private_key
- @private_key ||= calculate_private_key
- end
- def to_params
- {
- 'user[login]' => @username,
- 'user[password_verifier]' => @verifier.to_s(16),
- 'user[password_salt]' => @salt.to_s(16)
- }
- end
- private
- def calculate_private_key
- shex = '%x' % [@salt]
- inner = sha256_str([@username, @password].join(':'))
- sha256_hex(shex, inner).hex
- end
- end