path: root/puppet/modules/openvpn/manifests/server.pp
diff options
authorvarac <>2016-06-09 17:33:12 +0200
committervarac <>2016-06-14 12:05:18 +0200
commitc3352b11643881c0af33dde2838b91ac88e40476 (patch)
treec8349c904a27bae730f28b02ee1ce2ca25ebd4c5 /puppet/modules/openvpn/manifests/server.pp
parentdf16f0bae5f12aae680ea8dcdec0befd27e66e2d (diff)
git subrepo clone puppet/modules/openvpn
subrepo: subdir: "puppet/modules/openvpn" merged: "26d4edc" upstream: origin: "" branch: "master" commit: "26d4edc" git-subrepo: version: "0.3.0" origin: "" commit: "cb2995b"
Diffstat (limited to 'puppet/modules/openvpn/manifests/server.pp')
1 files changed, 233 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/puppet/modules/openvpn/manifests/server.pp b/puppet/modules/openvpn/manifests/server.pp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..649048c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/puppet/modules/openvpn/manifests/server.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+# == Define: openvpn::server
+# This define creates the openvpn server instance and ssl certificates
+# === Parameters
+# [*country*]
+# String. Country to be used for the SSL certificate
+# [*province*]
+# String. Province to be used for the SSL certificate
+# [*city*]
+# String. City to be used for the SSL certificate
+# [*organization*]
+# String. Organization to be used for the SSL certificate
+# [*email*]
+# String. Email address to be used for the SSL certificate
+# [*compression*]
+# String. Which compression algorithim to use
+# Default: comp-lzo
+# Options: comp-lzo or '' (disable compression)
+# [*dev*]
+# String. Device method
+# Default: tun
+# Options: tun (routed connections), tap (bridged connections)
+# [*user*]
+# String. Group to drop privileges to after startup
+# Default: nobody
+# [*group*]
+# String. User to drop privileges to after startup
+# Default: depends on your $::osfamily
+# [*ipp*]
+# Boolean. Persist ifconfig information to a file to retain client IP
+# addresses between sessions
+# Default: false
+# [*local*]
+# String. Interface for openvpn to bind to.
+# Default: $::ipaddress_eth0
+# Options: An IP address or '' to bind to all ip addresses
+# [*logfile*]
+# String. Logfile for this openvpn server
+# Default: false
+# Options: false (syslog) or log file name
+# [*port*]
+# Integer. The port the openvpn server service is running on
+# Default: 1194
+# [*proto*]
+# String. What IP protocol is being used.
+# Default: tcp
+# Options: tcp or udp
+# [*status_log*]
+# String. Logfile for periodic dumps of the vpn service status
+# Default: "${name}/openvpn-status.log"
+# [*server*]
+# String. Network to assign client addresses out of
+# Default: None. Required in tun mode, not in tap mode
+# [*push*]
+# Array. Options to push out to the client. This can include routes, DNS
+# servers, DNS search domains, and many other options.
+# Default: []
+# === Examples
+# openvpn::client {
+# 'my_user':
+# server => 'contractors',
+# remote_host => ''
+# }
+# * Removal:
+# Manual process right now, todo for the future
+# === Authors
+# * Raffael Schmid <>
+# * John Kinsella <>
+# * Justin Lambert <>
+# === License
+# Copyright 2013 Raffael Schmid, <>
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+define openvpn::server(
+ $country,
+ $province,
+ $city,
+ $organization,
+ $email,
+ $compression = 'comp-lzo',
+ $dev = 'tun0',
+ $user = 'nobody',
+ $group = false,
+ $ipp = false,
+ $ip_pool = [],
+ $local = $::ipaddress_eth0,
+ $logfile = false,
+ $port = '1194',
+ $proto = 'tcp',
+ $status_log = "${name}/openvpn-status.log",
+ $server = '',
+ $push = []
+) {
+ include openvpn
+ Class['openvpn::install'] ->
+ Openvpn::Server[$name] ~>
+ Class['openvpn::service']
+ $tls_server = $proto ? {
+ /tcp/ => true,
+ default => false
+ }
+ $group_to_set = $group ? {
+ false => $openvpn::params::group,
+ default => $group
+ }
+ file {
+ ["/etc/openvpn/${name}", "/etc/openvpn/${name}/client-configs", "/etc/openvpn/${name}/download-configs" ]:
+ ensure => directory;
+ }
+ exec {
+ "copy easy-rsa to openvpn config folder ${name}":
+ command => "/bin/cp -r ${openvpn::params::easyrsa_source} /etc/openvpn/${name}/easy-rsa",
+ creates => "/etc/openvpn/${name}/easy-rsa",
+ notify => Exec["fix_easyrsa_file_permissions_${name}"],
+ require => File["/etc/openvpn/${name}"];
+ }
+ exec {
+ "fix_easyrsa_file_permissions_${name}":
+ refreshonly => true,
+ command => "/bin/chmod 755 /etc/openvpn/${name}/easy-rsa/*";
+ }
+ file {
+ "/etc/openvpn/${name}/easy-rsa/vars":
+ ensure => present,
+ content => template('openvpn/vars.erb'),
+ require => Exec["copy easy-rsa to openvpn config folder ${name}"];
+ }
+ file {
+ "/etc/openvpn/${name}/easy-rsa/openssl.cnf":
+ require => Exec["copy easy-rsa to openvpn config folder ${name}"];
+ }
+ if $openvpn::params::link_openssl_cnf == true {
+ File["/etc/openvpn/${name}/easy-rsa/openssl.cnf"] {
+ ensure => link,
+ target => "/etc/openvpn/${name}/easy-rsa/openssl-1.0.0.cnf"
+ }
+ }
+ exec {
+ "generate dh param ${name}":
+ command => '. ./vars && ./clean-all && ./build-dh',
+ cwd => "/etc/openvpn/${name}/easy-rsa",
+ creates => "/etc/openvpn/${name}/easy-rsa/keys/dh1024.pem",
+ provider => 'shell',
+ require => File["/etc/openvpn/${name}/easy-rsa/vars"];
+ "initca ${name}":
+ command => '. ./vars && ./pkitool --initca',
+ cwd => "/etc/openvpn/${name}/easy-rsa",
+ creates => "/etc/openvpn/${name}/easy-rsa/keys/ca.key",
+ provider => 'shell',
+ require => [ Exec["generate dh param ${name}"], File["/etc/openvpn/${name}/easy-rsa/openssl.cnf"] ];
+ "generate server cert ${name}":
+ command => '. ./vars && ./pkitool --server server',
+ cwd => "/etc/openvpn/${name}/easy-rsa",
+ creates => "/etc/openvpn/${name}/easy-rsa/keys/server.key",
+ provider => 'shell',
+ require => Exec["initca ${name}"];
+ }
+ file {
+ "/etc/openvpn/${name}/keys":
+ ensure => link,
+ target => "/etc/openvpn/${name}/easy-rsa/keys",
+ require => Exec["copy easy-rsa to openvpn config folder ${name}"];
+ }
+ if $::osfamily == 'Debian' {
+ concat::fragment {
+ "openvpn.default.autostart.${name}":
+ content => "AUTOSTART=\"\$AUTOSTART ${name}\"\n",
+ target => '/etc/default/openvpn',
+ order => 10;
+ }
+ }
+ file {
+ "/etc/openvpn/${name}.conf":
+ owner => root,
+ group => root,
+ mode => '0444',
+ content => template('openvpn/server.erb');
+ }