path: root/lib/leap_cli/config/manager.rb
diff options
authorelijah <>2016-06-29 16:55:06 -0700
committerelijah <>2016-07-01 14:48:42 -0700
commit5780f5dcc024d4f140fe8f6e8dc3f7c4e905a8ec (patch)
treed68e366f74129f0fcad06fc415f9ab0e65ead50f /lib/leap_cli/config/manager.rb
parente03bfce9db2a213527beb16a4f4dd1f13d96be6e (diff)
leap cli: move everything we can from leap_cli to leap_platform
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/leap_cli/config/manager.rb')
1 files changed, 422 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/leap_cli/config/manager.rb b/lib/leap_cli/config/manager.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aea1d322
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/leap_cli/config/manager.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+require 'json/pure'
+if $ruby_version < [1,9]
+ require 'iconv'
+module LeapCli
+ module Config
+ #
+ # A class to manage all the objects in all the configuration files.
+ #
+ class Manager
+ def initialize
+ @environments = {} # hash of `Environment` objects, keyed by name.
+ Config::Object.send(:include, LeapCli::Macro)
+ end
+ ##
+ ##
+ #
+ # returns the Hash of the contents of facts.json
+ #
+ def facts
+ @facts ||= begin
+ content = Util.read_file(:facts)
+ if !content || content.empty?
+ content = "{}"
+ end
+ JSON.parse(content)
+ rescue SyntaxError, JSON::ParserError => exc
+ Util::bail! "Could not parse facts.json -- #{exc}"
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # returns an Array of all the environments defined for this provider.
+ # the returned array includes nil (for the default environment)
+ #
+ def environment_names
+ @environment_names ||= begin
+ [nil] + (env.tags.field('environment') + env.nodes.field('environment')).compact.uniq
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Returns the appropriate environment variable
+ #
+ def env(env=nil)
+ @environments[env || 'default']
+ end
+ #
+ # The default accessors
+ #
+ # For these defaults, use 'default' environment, or whatever
+ # environment is pinned.
+ #
+ # I think it might be an error that these are ever used
+ # and I would like to get rid of them.
+ #
+ def services; env(default_environment).services; end
+ def tags; env(default_environment).tags; end
+ def partials; env(default_environment).partials; end
+ def provider; env(default_environment).provider; end
+ def common; env(default_environment).common; end
+ def secrets; env(default_environment).secrets; end
+ def nodes; env(default_environment).nodes; end
+ def template(*args)
+ self.env.template(*args)
+ end
+ def default_environment
+ LeapCli.leapfile.environment
+ end
+ ##
+ ##
+ def add_environment(args)
+ if args[:inherit]
+ parent = @environments[args.delete(:inherit)]
+ else
+ parent = nil
+ end
+ @environments[args[:name]] =
+ self,
+ args.delete(:name),
+ args.delete(:dir),
+ parent,
+ args
+ )
+ end
+ #
+ # load .json configuration files
+ #
+ def load(options = {})
+ @provider_dir = Path.provider
+ # load base
+ add_environment(name: '_base_', dir: Path.provider_base)
+ # load provider
+ Util::assert_files_exist!(Path.named_path(:provider_config, @provider_dir))
+ add_environment(name: 'default', dir: @provider_dir,
+ inherit: '_base_', no_dots: true)
+ # create a special '_all_' environment, used for tracking
+ # the union of all the environments
+ add_environment(name: '_all_', inherit: 'default')
+ # load environments
+ environment_names.each do |ename|
+ if ename
+ LeapCli.log 3, :loading, '%s environment...' % ename
+ add_environment(name: ename, dir: @provider_dir,
+ inherit: 'default', scope: ename)
+ end
+ end
+ # apply inheritance
+ env.nodes.each do |name, node|
+ Util::assert! name =~ /^[0-9a-z-]+$/, "Illegal character(s) used in node name '#{name}'"
+ env.nodes[name] = apply_inheritance(node)
+ end
+ # do some node-list post-processing
+ cleanup_node_lists(options)
+ # apply control files
+ env.nodes.each do |name, node|
+ control_files(node).each do |file|
+ begin
+ node.eval_file file
+ rescue ConfigError => exc
+ if options[:continue_on_error]
+ exc.log
+ else
+ raise exc
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # save compiled hiera .yaml files
+ #
+ # if a node_list is specified, only update those .yaml files.
+ # otherwise, update all files, destroying files that are no longer used.
+ #
+ def export_nodes(node_list=nil)
+ updated_hiera = []
+ updated_files = []
+ existing_hiera = nil
+ existing_files = nil
+ unless node_list
+ node_list = env.nodes
+ existing_hiera = Dir.glob(Path.named_path([:hiera, '*'], @provider_dir))
+ existing_files = Dir.glob(Path.named_path([:node_files_dir, '*'], @provider_dir))
+ end
+ node_list.each_node do |node|
+ filepath = Path.named_path([:node_files_dir,], @provider_dir)
+ hierapath = Path.named_path([:hiera,], @provider_dir)
+ Util::write_file!(hierapath, node.dump_yaml)
+ updated_files << filepath
+ updated_hiera << hierapath
+ end
+ if @disabled_nodes
+ # make disabled nodes appear as if they are still active
+ @disabled_nodes.each_node do |node|
+ updated_files << Path.named_path([:node_files_dir,], @provider_dir)
+ updated_hiera << Path.named_path([:hiera,], @provider_dir)
+ end
+ end
+ # remove files that are no longer needed
+ if existing_hiera
+ (existing_hiera - updated_hiera).each do |filepath|
+ Util::remove_file!(filepath)
+ end
+ end
+ if existing_files
+ (existing_files - updated_files).each do |filepath|
+ Util::remove_directory!(filepath)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def export_secrets(clean_unused_secrets = false)
+ if env.secrets.any?
+ Util.write_file!([:secrets_config, @provider_dir], env.secrets.dump_json(clean_unused_secrets) + "\n")
+ end
+ end
+ ##
+ ##
+ #
+ # returns a node list consisting only of nodes that satisfy the filter criteria.
+ #
+ # filter: condition [condition] [condition] [+condition]
+ # condition: [node_name | service_name | tag_name | environment_name]
+ #
+ # if conditions is prefixed with +, then it works like an AND. Otherwise, it works like an OR.
+ #
+ # args:
+ # filter -- array of filter terms, one per item
+ #
+ # options:
+ # :local -- if :local is false and the filter is empty, then local nodes are excluded.
+ # :nopin -- if true, ignore environment pinning
+ #
+ def filter(filters=nil, options={})
+, options, self).nodes()
+ end
+ #
+ # same as filter(), but exits if there is no matching nodes
+ #
+ def filter!(filters, options={})
+ node_list = filter(filters, options)
+ Util::assert! node_list.any?, "Could not match any nodes from '#{filters.join ' '}'"
+ return node_list
+ end
+ #
+ # returns a single Config::Object that corresponds to a Node.
+ #
+ def node(name)
+ if name =~ /\./
+ # probably got a fqdn, since periods are not allowed in node names.
+ # so, take the part before the first period as the node name
+ name = name.split('.').first
+ end
+ env.nodes[name]
+ end
+ #
+ # returns a single node that is disabled
+ #
+ def disabled_node(name)
+ @disabled_nodes[name]
+ end
+ #
+ # yields each node, in sorted order
+ #
+ def each_node(&block)
+ env.nodes.each_node(&block)
+ end
+ def reload_node!(node)
+ env.nodes[] = apply_inheritance!(node)
+ end
+ ##
+ ##
+ class ConnectionList < Array
+ def add(data={})
+ self << {
+ "from" => data[:from],
+ "to" => data[:to],
+ "port" => data[:port]
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ def connections
+ @connections ||=
+ end
+ ##
+ ##
+ private
+ #
+ # makes a node inherit options from appropriate the common, service, and tag json files.
+ #
+ def apply_inheritance(node, throw_exceptions=false)
+ new_node =
+ node_env = guess_node_env(node)
+ new_node.set_environment(node_env, new_node)
+ # inherit from common
+ new_node.deep_merge!(node_env.common)
+ # inherit from services
+ if node['services']
+ node['services'].to_a.each do |node_service|
+ service =[node_service]
+ if service.nil?
+ msg = 'in node "%s": the service "%s" does not exist.' % [node['name'], node_service]
+ LeapCli.log 0, :error, msg
+ raise, "error " + msg) if throw_exceptions
+ else
+ new_node.deep_merge!(service)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # inherit from tags
+ if node.vagrant?
+ node['tags'] = (node['tags'] || []).to_a + ['local']
+ end
+ if node['tags']
+ node['tags'].to_a.each do |node_tag|
+ tag = node_env.tags[node_tag]
+ if tag.nil?
+ msg = 'in node "%s": the tag "%s" does not exist.' % [node['name'], node_tag]
+ log 0, :error, msg
+ raise, "error " + msg) if throw_exceptions
+ else
+ new_node.deep_merge!(tag)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # inherit from node
+ new_node.deep_merge!(node)
+ return new_node
+ end
+ def apply_inheritance!(node)
+ apply_inheritance(node, true)
+ end
+ #
+ # Guess the environment of the node from the tag names.
+ #
+ # Technically, this is wrong: a tag that sets the environment might not be
+ # named the same as the environment. This code assumes that it is.
+ #
+ # Unfortunately, it is a chicken and egg problem. We need to know the nodes
+ # likely environment in order to apply the inheritance that will actually
+ # determine the node's properties.
+ #
+ def guess_node_env(node)
+ if node.vagrant?
+ return self.env("local")
+ else
+ environment = self.env(default_environment)
+ if node['tags']
+ node['tags'].to_a.each do |tag|
+ if self.environment_names.include?(tag)
+ environment = self.env(tag)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return environment
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # does some final clean at the end of loading nodes.
+ # this includes removing disabled nodes, and populating
+ # the services[x].node_list and tags[x].node_list
+ #
+ def cleanup_node_lists(options)
+ @disabled_nodes =
+ env.nodes.each do |name, node|
+ if node.enabled || options[:include_disabled]
+ if node['services']
+ node['services'].to_a.each do |node_service|
+ env(node.environment).services[node_service].node_list.add(, node)
+ env('_all_').services[node_service].node_list.add(, node)
+ end
+ end
+ if node['tags']
+ node['tags'].to_a.each do |node_tag|
+ env(node.environment).tags[node_tag].node_list.add(, node)
+ env('_all_').tags[node_tag].node_list.add(, node)
+ end
+ end
+ elsif !options[:include_disabled]
+ LeapCli.log 2, :skipping, "disabled node #{name}."
+ env.nodes.delete(name)
+ @disabled_nodes[name] = node
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # returns a list of 'control' files for this node.
+ # a control file is like a service or a tag JSON file, but it contains
+ # raw ruby code that gets evaluated in the context of the node.
+ # Yes, this entirely breaks our functional programming model
+ # for JSON generation.
+ #
+ def control_files(node)
+ files = []
+ [Path.provider_base, @provider_dir].each do |provider_dir|
+ [['services', :service_config], ['tags', :tag_config]].each do |attribute, path_sym|
+ node[attribute].each do |attr_value|
+ path = Path.named_path([path_sym, "#{attr_value}.rb"], provider_dir).sub(/\.json$/,'')
+ if File.exist?(path)
+ files << path
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return files
+ end
+ end
+ end