path: root/test/unit/quick_start_test.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/unit/quick_start_test.rb')
1 files changed, 127 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/unit/quick_start_test.rb b/test/unit/quick_start_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d26f9c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/quick_start_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+require_relative 'test_helper'
+# Runs all the commands in
+Minitest.after_run {
+ FileUtils.rm_r(QuickStartTest::TMP_PROVIDER)
+class QuickStartTest < Minitest::Test
+ # very reasonable to have ordered tests in this case, actually
+ i_suck_and_my_tests_are_order_dependent!
+ TMP_PROVIDER = Dir.mktmpdir("test_leap_provider_")
+ #
+ # use minimal bit sizes for our test.
+ #
+ "domain": "",
+ "name": {
+ "en": "Example"
+ },
+ "description": {
+ "en": "Example"
+ },
+ "languages": ["en"],
+ "default_language": "en",
+ "enrollment_policy": "open",
+ "contacts": {
+ "default": "root@localhost"
+ },
+ "ca": {
+ "bit_size": 1024,
+ "client_certificates": {
+ "bit_size": 1024,
+ "digest": "SHA1",
+ "life_span": "100 years"
+ },
+ "life_span": "100 years",
+ "server_certificates": {
+ "bit_size": 1024,
+ "digest": "SHA1",
+ "life_span": "100 years"
+ }
+ }
+ def provider_path
+ end
+ def test_01_new
+ output = leap_bin! "new --contacts --domain --name Example --platform='#{platform_path}' ."
+ assert_file "Leapfile"
+ assert_file "provider.json"
+ assert_dir "nodes"
+ File.write(File.join(provider_path, 'provider.json'), PROVIDER_JSON)
+ end
+ def test_02_ca
+ leap_bin! "cert ca"
+ assert_dir "files/ca"
+ assert_file "files/ca/ca.crt"
+ assert_file "files/ca/ca.key"
+ end
+ def test_03_csr
+ leap_bin! "cert csr"
+ assert_file "files/cert/"
+ assert_file "files/cert/"
+ assert_file "files/cert/"
+ end
+ def test_04_nodes
+ leap_bin! "node add wildebeest ip_address: services:webapp,couchdb"
+ leap_bin! "node add hippo ip_address: services:static"
+ assert_file "nodes/wildebeest.json"
+ assert_dir "files/nodes/wildebeest"
+ assert_file "files/nodes/wildebeest/wildebeest.crt"
+ assert_file "files/nodes/wildebeest/wildebeest.key"
+ end
+ def test_05_compile
+ user_dir = File.join(provider_path, 'users', 'dummy')
+ user_key = File.join(user_dir, '')
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(user_dir)
+ File.write(user_key, 'ssh-rsa dummydummydummy')
+ leap_bin! "compile"
+ assert_file "hiera/wildebeest.yaml"
+ assert_file "hiera/hippo.yaml"
+ end
+ def test_06_rename
+ leap_bin! "node mv hippo hippopotamus"
+ assert_file "nodes/hippopotamus.json"
+ assert_dir "files/nodes/hippopotamus"
+ assert_file "files/nodes/hippopotamus/hippopotamus.key"
+ end
+ def test_07_rm
+ leap_bin! "node rm hippopotamus"
+ assert_file_missing "nodes/hippopotamus.json"
+ assert_file_missing "files/nodes/hippopotamus/hippopotamus.key"
+ end
+ def assert_file(path)
+ assert File.exist?(File.join(provider_path, path)), "The file `#{path}` should exist in #{provider_path}. Actual: \n#{provider_files}"
+ end
+ def assert_file_missing(path)
+ assert !File.exist?(File.join(provider_path, path)), "The file `#{path}` should NOT exist in #{provider_path}."
+ end
+ def assert_dir(path)
+ assert Dir.exist?(File.join(provider_path, path)), "The directory `#{path}` should exist in #{provider_path}. Actual: \n#{provider_files}"
+ end
+ def provider_files
+ `cd #{provider_path} && find .`
+ end