You can search for “Bitmask” in the Google Play store or use this link:
Alternately, you can download the Bitmask app directly from this website. You will need to enabled the option Settings > Security > Unknown Sources on your device for this method to work.
You can install Bitmask Beta next to the stable release on the same device.
We are currently integrating Bitmask to the official F-Droid repository and it will be available there soon!
F-Droid is an alternative app store for open-source and privacy-aware Android apps.
You can get Bitmask Beta from IzzySoft’s F-Droid repository.
If you want to install an old version of Bitmask, you can browse all releases.
If you want to see the latest features and bug fixes and would like to contribute to Bitmask by testing the app, you can join Google’s Beta-Channel for Bitmask. The pre-releases can be found here.
If you find any bugs you can file a ticket on our GitLab platform. You can either create an account on or simply login with your or account to create new tickets.
Finally you can also download the latest build artifact from our CI. This version is not signed and therefore you can not verify the integrity and security of that app! This is only an option for curious testers and it’s not ment for regular use.