path: root/pages/linux/
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Diffstat (limited to 'pages/linux/')
1 files changed, 54 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pages/linux/ b/pages/linux/
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+- @title = 'Install Bitmask on Linux'
+## Install as packages
+This is the recommended method of installing Bitmask.
+### Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander)
+<%= render({:partial => 'via_packages'}, {:distro => 'saucy'}) %>
+### Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail)
+<%= render({:partial => 'via_packages'}, {:distro => 'raring'}) %>
+### Debian 7.0 (Wheezy)
+<%= render({:partial => 'via_packages'}, {:distro => 'wheezy'}) %>
+### Debian 8.0 (Jessie)
+<%= render({:partial => 'via_packages'}, {:distro => 'jessie'}) %>
+## Install stand-alone bundle
+Alternately, you can run Bitmask from a stand alone bundle. This is useful if want to run Bitmask from a thumb drive. The bundle should work on most recent Linux distributions that are derived from Debian (e.g. Ubuntu, Mint, etc).
+There are several disadvantages to the stand-alone bundle:
+* Installing via the bundle takes up more space.
+* The Bitmask app will be less well integrated with the desktop environment.
+* Running from the bundle is slower to start than via packages.
+How do you tell if you running a 32 bit or 64 bit kernel? Run the following command:
+ uname -m
+If the result is:
+* `x86_64`, you have **64 bit**
+* `ia64`, you have **64 bit**
+* `i686`, you have **32 bit**
+* `i386`, you have **32 bit**
+### 32 bit kernel
+<%= render({:partial => 'common/download_button'}, {:link => '/client/linux/Bitmask-linux32-latest.tar.bz2', :text => 'Download 32 bit'}) %>
+### 64 bit kernel
+<%= render({:partial => 'common/download_button'}, {:link => '/client/linux/Bitmask-linux64-latest.tar.bz2', :text => 'Download 64 bit'}) %>
+### Other options
+If you want to install an old version of Bitmask, you can [browse all releases.](/client/linux/)