path: root/jobs
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-10-16gitlab: prefix log with timestamp and gitlabAzul
2017-10-16feat: only check builds where enabled and not archivedAzul
2017-10-16minor: increase frequency of gitlab runsAzul
2017-10-16refactor: GitlabStats to collect stats from gitlabAzul
2017-10-16nagios: only check every minuteAzul
2017-10-16nagios: better error reporting, less noiseAzul
2017-10-16feat: only alert for failing master buildsAzul
2017-10-16cleanup: jenkins - we don't use anymoreAzul
2017-10-16minor: run for all environmentsAzul
2017-10-16Add NagiosVarac
2017-10-16Gitlab Build Status works nowvarac
2017-10-16[wip] gitlab-buildsvarac
2017-10-16Gitlab merge reqsvarac
2017-10-16added and mail.bmvarac
2017-10-16initial commit, import from pixelated_dashboardvarac