path: root/dashboards/dashboard.erb
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2017-10-17Improve looks of benchmarks widget.drebs
2017-10-17Add benchmark status to dashboard.drebs
A "benchmarks" widget is added, together with a update job. The job queries the website and shows current benchmarking status and outliers. It's a simple start for something that can get more complex depending on identified needs.
2017-09-13Add user.leap.seVarac
2017-09-13Restructure dashboard layotVarac
2017-09-13Rename Nagios to Nagios InfrastructureVarac
2017-07-18style: highlight failing projects rather than timestampAzul
2017-07-17cleanup: jenkins - we don't use anymoreAzul
2017-07-17Add NagiosVarac
2016-09-30[wip] gitlab-buildsvarac
2016-08-27Gitlab merge reqsvarac
2016-07-13added and mail.bmvarac
2016-07-13initial commit, import from pixelated_dashboardvarac