path: root/src/couchdb/couch_view_group.erl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/couchdb/couch_view_group.erl')
1 files changed, 39 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/src/couchdb/couch_view_group.erl b/src/couchdb/couch_view_group.erl
index f3d48d1d..86e41b89 100644
--- a/src/couchdb/couch_view_group.erl
+++ b/src/couchdb/couch_view_group.erl
@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ open_temp_group(DbName, Language, DesignOptions, MapSrc, RedSrc) ->
reduce_funs= if RedSrc==[] -> []; true -> [{<<"_temp">>, RedSrc}] end,
- {ok, Db, set_view_sig(#group{name = <<"_temp">>, db=Db, views=[View],
+ {ok, Db, set_view_sig(#group{name = <<"_temp">>,lib={[]}, db=Db, views=[View],
def_lang=Language, design_options=DesignOptions})};
Error ->
@@ -454,9 +454,26 @@ open_temp_group(DbName, Language, DesignOptions, MapSrc, RedSrc) ->
+ lib={[]},
design_options=DesignOptions}=G) ->
- G#group{sig=couch_util:md5(term_to_binary({Views, Language, DesignOptions}))}.
+ G#group{sig=couch_util:md5(term_to_binary({Views, Language, DesignOptions}))};
+ views=Views,
+ lib=Lib,
+ def_lang=Language,
+ design_options=DesignOptions}=G) ->
+ G#group{sig=couch_util:md5(term_to_binary({Views, Language, DesignOptions, sort_lib(Lib)}))}.
+sort_lib({Lib}) ->
+ sort_lib(Lib, []).
+sort_lib([], LAcc) ->
+ lists:keysort(1, LAcc);
+sort_lib([{LName, {LObj}}|Rest], LAcc) ->
+ LSorted = sort_lib(LObj, []), % descend into nested object
+ sort_lib(Rest, [{LName, LSorted}|LAcc]);
+sort_lib([{LName, LCode}|Rest], LAcc) ->
+ sort_lib(Rest, [{LName, LCode}|LAcc]).
open_db_group(DbName, GroupId) ->
case couch_db:open_int(DbName, []) of
@@ -505,33 +522,36 @@ design_doc_to_view_group(#doc{id=Id,body={Fields}}) ->
Language = ?getv(<<"language">>, Fields, <<"javascript">>),
{DesignOptions} = ?getv(<<"options">>, Fields, {[]}),
{RawViews} = ?getv(<<"views">>, Fields, {[]}),
+ Lib = ?getv(<<"lib">>, RawViews, {[]}),
% add the views to a dictionary object, with the map source as the key
DictBySrc =
fun({Name, {MRFuns}}, DictBySrcAcc) ->
- MapSrc = ?getv(<<"map">>, MRFuns),
- RedSrc = ?getv(<<"reduce">>, MRFuns, null),
- {ViewOptions} = ?getv(<<"options">>, MRFuns, {[]}),
- View =
- case dict:find({MapSrc, ViewOptions}, DictBySrcAcc) of
- {ok, View0} -> View0;
- error -> #view{def=MapSrc, options=ViewOptions} % create new view object
- end,
- View2 =
- if RedSrc == null ->
- View#view{map_names=[Name|View#view.map_names]};
- true ->
- View#view{reduce_funs=[{Name,RedSrc}|View#view.reduce_funs]}
- end,
- dict:store({MapSrc, ViewOptions}, View2, DictBySrcAcc)
+ case ?getv(<<"map">>, MRFuns) of
+ undefined -> DictBySrcAcc;
+ MapSrc ->
+ RedSrc = ?getv(<<"reduce">>, MRFuns, null),
+ {ViewOptions} = ?getv(<<"options">>, MRFuns, {[]}),
+ View =
+ case dict:find({MapSrc, ViewOptions}, DictBySrcAcc) of
+ {ok, View0} -> View0;
+ error -> #view{def=MapSrc, options=ViewOptions} % create new view object
+ end,
+ View2 =
+ if RedSrc == null ->
+ View#view{map_names=[Name|View#view.map_names]};
+ true ->
+ View#view{reduce_funs=[{Name,RedSrc}|View#view.reduce_funs]}
+ end,
+ dict:store({MapSrc, ViewOptions}, View2, DictBySrcAcc)
+ end
end, dict:new(), RawViews),
% number the views
{Views, _N} = lists:mapfoldl(
fun({_Src, View}, N) ->
end, 0, lists:sort(dict:to_list(DictBySrc))),
- set_view_sig(#group{name=Id, views=Views, def_lang=Language, design_options=DesignOptions}).
+ set_view_sig(#group{name=Id, lib=Lib, views=Views, def_lang=Language, design_options=DesignOptions}).
reset_group(#group{views=Views}=Group) ->
Views2 = [View#view{btree=nil} || View <- Views],